
Discord ID: 574290286340079626

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2019-06-02 02:55:46 UTC

Use your tears for lubrication

2019-06-02 02:56:01 UTC


2019-06-02 02:56:07 UTC

2019-06-02 02:56:12 UTC

Jerkin it

2019-06-02 02:56:37 UTC

I found this picture

2019-06-02 02:56:46 UTC

Thought it might cheer you guys up

2019-06-02 03:00:21 UTC

Just jerked off today

2019-06-02 03:00:29 UTC

And yesterday

2019-06-02 03:00:39 UTC

And the day before, and so on

2019-06-02 03:01:04 UTC

I jerked off 70 times today

2019-06-02 03:01:18 UTC

Only died twice the cocaine kept me going though

2019-06-02 03:01:26 UTC


2019-06-02 03:01:54 UTC

Jk just cleaned my garage all day

2019-06-02 03:02:01 UTC

Getting ready to set up my gym

2019-06-02 03:02:26 UTC

Got the bench and bar just waiting on squat rack and weights

2019-06-02 03:04:36 UTC

Wish I could do that

2019-06-02 03:17:29 UTC

I wish I had a garage

2019-06-02 03:21:26 UTC

Go get it son just gotta make connections and work hard

2019-06-02 03:21:35 UTC

PMC gang shit

2019-06-02 03:35:00 UTC

Not now

2019-06-02 03:35:14 UTC

Gathering money to go back to USA

2019-06-02 03:35:21 UTC

And enlist

2019-06-02 21:34:03 UTC

fuck me i'm drinking and listening to this shit

2019-06-02 21:36:55 UTC

well i think girl i like is turning me down bc how i look and i fell like shit

2019-06-02 21:37:25 UTC

Do you Have a watch?

2019-06-02 21:37:38 UTC

I do

2019-06-02 21:37:49 UTC

it's 23:37 here

2019-06-02 21:38:05 UTC

Next time you see here, whip out your dick over your watch and ask her what time it is

2019-06-02 21:38:09 UTC

Shit always works

2019-06-02 21:38:31 UTC

(Side note, sorry bud)

2019-06-02 21:39:05 UTC

Shit happends

2019-06-02 21:39:26 UTC

But your response made me laugh so thanks

2019-06-02 21:39:53 UTC


2019-06-02 21:40:21 UTC

and fuck i bought really bad beer

2019-06-02 21:40:42 UTC

i ttastes like shit

2019-06-04 19:48:12 UTC

Guys i want to fucking die

2019-06-04 19:48:31 UTC

I'm having really bad Day

2019-06-04 19:48:56 UTC

What happened?

2019-06-04 19:59:04 UTC

What's up man

2019-06-04 20:00:00 UTC

Girl i love is with guy who send her nudes to porn sides

2019-06-04 20:00:31 UTC

And is fuxking trash

2019-06-04 20:03:05 UTC

And she still Doesn't brak up with him

2019-06-04 20:03:18 UTC

And she my put me in friendzone

2019-06-04 20:03:24 UTC

For fuck sake

2019-06-04 20:03:34 UTC

I don't know what do to

2019-06-04 20:04:42 UTC

First thing you need to is stop talking to her anyway possible

2019-06-04 20:05:06 UTC

I know It's hard as feck, but ya need to do it

2019-06-04 20:05:34 UTC

Taking off the trash

2019-06-04 20:06:30 UTC

It will surely hurt, but believe me, It will pass

2019-06-04 20:07:43 UTC

Have the guts to say "Fuck you, fuck him, fuck everything related to you and get fucked in every way possible"

2019-06-04 20:08:35 UTC

Remember, the most important person to you is yourself

2019-06-04 20:10:17 UTC


2019-06-04 20:10:19 UTC


2019-06-04 20:10:28 UTC

And she is moving out

2019-06-04 20:10:28 UTC

I was there and it's not worth it

2019-06-04 20:10:40 UTC

Fucking great

2019-06-04 20:11:00 UTC

Let her go man

2019-06-04 20:13:33 UTC

Take all the negative emotion and put it towards making something positive happen

2019-06-04 20:13:53 UTC

Hit that gym my man ๐Ÿ’ช

2019-06-04 20:14:19 UTC

Or grab a buncha goons and take over a small country

2019-06-04 20:15:27 UTC

Either or

2019-06-04 20:24:34 UTC

Use that hate and work out

2019-06-04 20:24:45 UTC

And/or do a fight

2019-06-04 21:50:43 UTC

I vote take over a country

2019-06-06 03:00:12 UTC

How's the feeling of not getting any support of anyone about you following your own dream?

2019-06-06 03:01:11 UTC

Been there

2019-06-06 03:01:20 UTC

Like, when you don't know anyone who has the same idea as yours, and you feeel pathetic all the way through?

2019-06-06 03:01:31 UTC

It's a bitch but. You gotta chase your dreams for you. Not for anyone else

2019-06-06 03:01:56 UTC

And knowing when you get through there, you'll loose your own life?

2019-06-06 03:02:19 UTC


2019-06-06 03:02:41 UTC

Gosh, think I'll freak out

2019-06-06 03:02:45 UTC


2019-06-06 03:14:59 UTC

Forget about it

2019-06-06 03:15:52 UTC

Now you got me concerned mate

2019-06-06 03:19:58 UTC

No need

2019-06-06 03:21:34 UTC


2019-06-06 07:29:08 UTC

I want to talk about something but it's really hard

2019-06-06 07:29:26 UTC

But you guys seem to have my back, and I know I got yours

2019-06-06 07:29:45 UTC

Things aren't all great between Emma and I

2019-06-06 07:30:02 UTC

She and I found out about the baby after we went through a terrible breakup

2019-06-06 07:30:25 UTC

She did something that really betrayed my trust in her and I did something that betrayed hers

2019-06-06 07:30:33 UTC

I hate myself for it, to the core

2019-06-06 07:30:46 UTC

Most nights I cry myself to sleep because of how bad I feel

2019-06-06 07:31:00 UTC

I'm ready to forgive her and get things back on track

2019-06-06 07:31:08 UTC

Shes having a hard time doing the same

2019-06-06 07:31:17 UTC

Things have been really, really awkward

2019-06-06 07:31:44 UTC

Whenever we talk about the baby, we feel good and things seem great but when we try to talk about us, it's not so much

2019-06-06 07:32:01 UTC

I want to reignite that spark in her; that passion she had for me

2019-06-06 07:32:23 UTC

I want to get her to come to the decision that this is worthwhile and that we can work past all our shit

2019-06-06 07:32:38 UTC

She's trying to figure out how I can do that, but she just doesn't know

2019-06-06 07:32:53 UTC

Each day that we don't is torture though

2019-06-06 07:33:06 UTC

I'm getting frustrated and not coping well

2019-06-06 07:33:15 UTC

I don't know what I can do

2019-06-06 07:33:31 UTC

I could use the support of my brothers right now

2019-06-06 07:34:07 UTC

Fuck me

2019-06-06 07:34:30 UTC

I'm to be honest right now

2019-06-06 07:35:29 UTC

This sound really bad

2019-06-06 07:35:37 UTC

It is

2019-06-06 07:36:45 UTC

I hate myself every day for what I did; she and I function in what you might refer to as an alternative relationship structure. We had some ground rules and I broke them when she broke my trust... and in turn, i broke her trust...

2019-06-06 07:36:58 UTC

She's constantly thinking about how she can get past things

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