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2019-09-17 04:16:27 UTC


2019-09-17 04:16:30 UTC

It already is

2019-09-17 04:41:03 UTC


2019-09-17 04:44:10 UTC

I hope its chill to put that I'm looking to do commissions in the marketplace. I couldnt think of a better spot for something like that.

2019-09-17 05:01:53 UTC

awh shieeet im green now

2019-09-17 05:01:54 UTC


2019-09-17 05:02:02 UTC


2019-09-17 05:16:34 UTC

Promotions yeet

2019-09-17 05:17:17 UTC

how u do bud

2019-09-17 05:17:30 UTC

@thedarkness05 are you around tomorrow :0?

2019-09-17 05:19:28 UTC

For the most yeah. I might catch an hour or so nap before I go running. And I have my Starfinder game at 6:30

2019-09-17 05:19:40 UTC


2019-09-17 05:25:24 UTC

2019-09-17 06:04:23 UTC


2019-09-17 06:04:29 UTC

Shame the new fed

2019-09-17 06:06:15 UTC


2019-09-17 06:06:40 UTC


2019-09-17 06:34:47 UTC

Where to buy wife? Russian or vietnamese

2019-09-17 06:34:51 UTC

And why?

2019-09-17 06:35:06 UTC

The dark net

2019-09-17 06:35:26 UTC

What about my nets?

2019-09-17 06:35:35 UTC

They work fine for women

2019-09-17 06:35:49 UTC

VPN and Tor you fucking casual

2019-09-17 06:35:53 UTC


2019-09-17 06:37:19 UTC

@queefburgler dont listen to him. My nets are the best, special goon discount just for you. Although if your trying to get a slavic girl you need to lure hee in with Adidas and sunflower seeds

2019-09-17 06:37:56 UTC

Must have shitbox grandma car with hardbass

2019-09-17 06:38:16 UTC

My name is boris, and today, i show you how to slav

2019-09-17 06:38:35 UTC

You got it blin

2019-09-17 06:38:50 UTC


2019-09-17 06:42:04 UTC

Yo did you all see Iran seized another tanker?

2019-09-17 06:43:11 UTC

Doesnโ€™t matter. If anything it will help us out. We export more oil than anyone

2019-09-17 06:43:45 UTC

Are they releasing the crews or holding them

2019-09-17 06:45:13 UTC

@Foxhound What nation this time? They got Japs and Brits so far, right?

2019-09-17 06:49:01 UTC

I think either Fillipino or Saudi. Can't quite tell from these articles.

2019-09-17 06:49:29 UTC

Correction, UK flagged it seems. Supposedly "Smuggling petrol"

2019-09-17 06:50:01 UTC

Yeah - they ""CoNtRoL tHe StRaIt""

2019-09-17 07:07:45 UTC

2019-09-17 09:35:22 UTC

2019-09-17 10:49:41 UTC

Skippin on those clouds

2019-09-17 12:57:39 UTC

2019-09-17 12:58:24 UTC


2019-09-17 12:58:25 UTC

Damn, they picking fights with err body

2019-09-17 12:58:39 UTC

There is a lotta confusion here

2019-09-17 12:58:47 UTC

North Korean poachers

2019-09-17 12:58:54 UTC


2019-09-17 12:59:02 UTC

In the Sea of Japan

2019-09-17 13:00:20 UTC

Russia vs true korea when?

2019-09-17 13:21:38 UTC

@One Shot Paddy Russians have a naval presence because of Siberia

2019-09-17 13:26:16 UTC


2019-09-17 13:28:13 UTC

Plus they operate in the pacific because of us

2019-09-17 14:15:50 UTC

2019-09-17 15:11:51 UTC

2019-09-17 15:30:44 UTC

2019-09-17 15:42:04 UTC

2019-09-17 15:47:35 UTC

^ me high af on patriot sand and the devil's lettuce rocking my od greens during the bug glue

2019-09-17 16:03:41 UTC

Any body wanna commission ya boi for some artwork ?

2019-09-17 16:05:36 UTC

gut one]

2019-09-17 16:07:38 UTC

do you think that big igloo will happen when ๐Ÿ…ฑ eto wins becuse of commies ?

2019-09-17 16:14:06 UTC

Good enough excuse for one

2019-09-17 16:14:20 UTC

But I still believe most aren't willing to do jack shit

2019-09-17 16:14:40 UTC

yee thats true

2019-09-17 16:15:04 UTC

there will be few to counter alphabet bois

2019-09-17 16:16:24 UTC

and i will be sitting in europe and crying looking how free people becomed slaves <:pepe:554418817040777290>

2019-09-17 16:50:56 UTC

anyone ever wonder if the boogaloo is gonna be revelation/biblical shit hits the fan ?

2019-09-17 16:51:03 UTC

Ams I gonna get to kill demons ?

2019-09-17 16:51:09 UTC

All the time

2019-09-17 16:51:19 UTC

I'm a pretty serious christian

2019-09-17 16:51:24 UTC

So I do think about that

2019-09-17 16:52:31 UTC

I read a lot of events in relation to the world,you think its going to happen so ?

2019-09-17 16:54:54 UTC

I added War Witch into my screen name for a reason, and I can tell you there is supernatural shit out there. I've seen it, been touched by evil, and can confirm 100% that stuff like that is genuine. As to whether the boog will be biblical, who knows. It could be, but I think even if it was, it would be some evil entity possessing the politicians and creating a situation that leads to the boog

2019-09-17 16:55:50 UTC

I think other than the alien shit I talked about I've experienced what could be called divine intervention

2019-09-17 16:55:58 UTC

To simplify what I'm saying, do I think that we're gonna need double barrel shotguns to blow the heads off of hell barons and cyber demons? Probs not. Do I think that evil entities will possess politicians and make them kick off the boog? Wouldn't surprise me

2019-09-17 16:56:43 UTC

Yeah,it almost seems as if they are broadcasting that they are controlled by entities with all the spirit cooking and children sacrifice and shit

2019-09-17 16:56:58 UTC

That shit is distraction

2019-09-17 16:57:19 UTC

Spirit cooking is just gross performance art, can confirm as an actual practitioner of witchcraft

2019-09-17 16:57:44 UTC

I know,but I know they like to do the double speak,make society accept one thing then back door the other.

2019-09-17 16:58:57 UTC

Child sacrifice wouldn't surprise me, but keep in mind, this is not strictly a christian thing. The way you gotta look at it is that christianity is one interpretation of shit, no different than most other religions. What you call demons, we usually refer to as... well we have various names for it. Point being, just keep an open mind to other interpretations

2019-09-17 16:59:16 UTC

Djinn ?

2019-09-17 17:00:01 UTC

Djinn is one interpretation, sure

2019-09-17 17:01:10 UTC

If it makes it any easier to relate to me I've read a few scrying books about Kryon and the Divine Matrix and etc

2019-09-17 17:01:17 UTC


2019-09-17 17:01:21 UTC

It's hard to explain, but it's like... there are multiple different kinds of entities out there that are not necessarily pure evil, just scary as hell and total assholes. Some are pure evil, some are also, righteous af and give zero fucks what gets in their way

2019-09-17 17:05:01 UTC

What do you define by entities?

2019-09-17 17:05:03 UTC


2019-09-17 17:10:18 UTC

Not necessarily gods. Just beings.

2019-09-17 17:10:24 UTC

Just usually not humans

2019-09-17 17:11:02 UTC

Whats your religion?

2019-09-17 17:11:05 UTC

Im interested

2019-09-17 17:12:04 UTC

Well, technically, I'm a Norse pagan, but I generally acknowledge the existence of all gods and goddesses and pantheons, and I also practice witchcraft

2019-09-17 17:12:59 UTC

The thing with witchcraft is it's sort of like computer programming; there isn't a strict set of rules or dogma, a lot of it comes from within

2019-09-17 17:13:14 UTC

Pagan religions intertwine with each other in the matter of interpretation, as far as I know

2019-09-17 17:13:41 UTC

They can

2019-09-17 17:14:02 UTC

I got called to the office today cause I was selling an airsoft gun on eBay

2019-09-17 17:14:11 UTC

They thought it was real

2019-09-17 17:14:21 UTC
2019-09-17 17:14:46 UTC


2019-09-17 17:16:23 UTC

I miss Airsoft so much

2019-09-17 17:16:27 UTC

Wish I knew more about religions in general

2019-09-17 17:16:28 UTC

Ohio had a big group

2019-09-17 17:16:51 UTC

I dunno if theres even a god, tbh. No offense

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