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2019-09-15 05:32:27 UTC


2019-09-15 05:32:41 UTC

Thats for a lot of reasons, but yeah genetics and epigenetics play into it

2019-09-15 05:32:53 UTC

Most "Racist" nationalists are only called racists because the facts back up the claims.

2019-09-15 05:33:09 UTC

Itโ€™s also a cultural thing and the absence of the basic family unit

2019-09-15 05:33:17 UTC

In the black community

2019-09-15 05:33:33 UTC

Tbh... and not to be a dick. If you're gonna rock Azov colors you should know the actual meaning of Nationalism.

2019-09-15 05:33:38 UTC

Like its somehow racist to state that theres differences in the bone structure between caucasioids, mongoloids, and negroids

2019-09-15 05:33:43 UTC

you mean, in the lower class - which happens to be mostly black

2019-09-15 05:33:50 UTC


2019-09-15 05:33:59 UTC

I knew it was extreme pride in ones nation

2019-09-15 05:34:10 UTC

Its not even really that extreme

2019-09-15 05:34:22 UTC

American Nationalism is "America first"

2019-09-15 05:34:23 UTC

But I mean I was just rocking azov for the memes

2019-09-15 05:34:51 UTC

Ig if believing that your nation deserves to come above others is extreme than yeah... it is.

2019-09-15 05:35:16 UTC

Ah shit I was gonna order Moseleys books and forgot. Balls.

2019-09-15 05:35:17 UTC

To others standards Iโ€™m seen as extreme

2019-09-15 05:35:19 UTC

I dont think so, but then again I'm an extremist I guess

2019-09-15 05:35:25 UTC


2019-09-15 05:35:45 UTC

There is a 90% chance my views are more extreme than others here.

2019-09-15 05:35:52 UTC

Prob so

2019-09-15 05:36:00 UTC

And I'm fine with that

2019-09-15 05:36:06 UTC

With all the ethno.nationalism, I dont dount it

2019-09-15 05:36:22 UTC

Hey man. The West is best.

2019-09-15 05:36:27 UTC

for a reason.

2019-09-15 05:36:32 UTC

Not in disagreement

2019-09-15 05:37:36 UTC

Europeans and those of European descent formed the modern world, gave us incredible works of art and have the capability to drive us into the future. Plus we're the only ones that seem to gice a damn about the planet we're on. Who wouldn't want to protect that?

2019-09-15 05:37:42 UTC

I hate to say "diversity is our strength" but someone needs to do the grunt work and shit. You shpuld rise to the level of your potential, ceritan peoples rise higher tjan others

2019-09-15 05:38:13 UTC

Diversity ain't strength imo.

2019-09-15 05:38:16 UTC

Whoo boy is the mead still rollin with me

2019-09-15 05:38:21 UTC

Diversity is divisive

2019-09-15 05:38:33 UTC

Nah you're good. I'm whiskey tipsy atm.

2019-09-15 05:38:42 UTC

Well. Whiskey plastered. Fuck.

2019-09-15 05:38:46 UTC


2019-09-15 05:39:09 UTC

Ay at least yall got sauce tbh. . .

2019-09-15 05:39:26 UTC

I say a moderate degree. Go to far diversity, theres seperation. Too far homogenous, and you make an echo chamber

2019-09-15 05:39:48 UTC

Iโ€™m pretty traditional I believe that God is the center and the family unit should be the building blocks of a nation. I believe that the constitution is a great document and should be followed extremely strictly. I believe that our nation is the best in the world and support her basic principles and not the government. I think the current government needs to be re aligned with what the basic American idea is. Thatโ€™s a quick rundown on a few of what I believe.

2019-09-15 05:40:30 UTC

So a moderate conservitive whos a constitutionalist

2019-09-15 05:40:40 UTC

Yea I guess so

2019-09-15 05:40:56 UTC

But you can have diverse thought in mono-ethnic groups. It is indeed possible. Look to Japan for example. Highly ethnocentric xenophobic nation which had scholars and philosophers that rivaled warriors and generals.

2019-09-15 05:41:03 UTC

Ima be honest, political views are a sliding spectrum

2019-09-15 05:41:17 UTC

How so

2019-09-15 05:41:41 UTC

Oh boy, I get to use that useless poly sci degree

2019-09-15 05:42:12 UTC

My views have changed in the past few years a great bit

2019-09-15 05:42:34 UTC

I support legalization of weed

2019-09-15 05:42:53 UTC

I donโ€™t support deportation

2019-09-15 05:43:12 UTC

I think we need to fix the system instead of building a wall

2019-09-15 05:43:28 UTC

Thatโ€™s not the only system that needs work

2019-09-15 05:43:38 UTC

Our justice system needs a fix

2019-09-15 05:43:47 UTC

We're summing up beliefs?

Mine are as follows.

The individual is a unit in a mighty cog of a machine. Without the individual the machine does not work. The government is there to protect said machine from other machines, yet the cog must be allowed to grow and develop and operate without interference. So too must politics be. The governments duty is to protect it's people from threats of war and economic strife, while allowing the individual to live largely unimpeded in day to day life. Civil liberties are among the highest order of importance, and must also be protected. The State exists to serve the people, but the people must maintain the state with care that the machine does not become out of control.

2019-09-15 05:44:02 UTC

Holy shit I'm fucked up does that make sense????

2019-09-15 05:44:08 UTC

Views can be fluid. But as for a sliding scale. So lets say tou have left and right at the extremes, everyone falls into the middle of those poles somewhere. If you wanna get more indepth you ad libertarian vs authoritarian and boom, political.compasa

2019-09-15 05:44:32 UTC

*chuckles in authoritarian right*

2019-09-15 05:45:04 UTC

Aight bet imma see where I fall

2019-09-15 05:45:35 UTC

Yes yes we know with all the nazi larp. Ima scream "taxation is theft" and play that stereotype

2019-09-15 05:46:01 UTC

For fucked up, Autocorrect has your back Watch - but yeah I copy.

2019-09-15 05:46:42 UTC

But, I hate to say it, taxes are necessary to maintain the social contract. Govts should be as small as possible to aceive that end

2019-09-15 05:47:07 UTC

I just think the state should officiate and observe internal functions and organize foreign diplomacy.

Anything else, as long as you're an adult, and not treading on anyone else, should be as regulated as loosely as possible.

But I fall pretty close to Ancap - and yall hate our retarded idea (and I don't fully blame you)

2019-09-15 05:47:28 UTC

@thedarkness05 How did America survive to 1913 with no income tax?

2019-09-15 05:47:54 UTC

Property tax?

2019-09-15 05:47:58 UTC

I'm going to bed. Night gents.

2019-09-15 05:48:12 UTC

The fed govt didnt hace such egregious and gross.overeach

2019-09-15 05:48:13 UTC


2019-09-15 05:48:23 UTC

Also, truth.

2019-09-15 05:48:40 UTC

Idk - I'm pretty hard *Tax is Theft* but I'm open minded (see above)

2019-09-15 05:49:24 UTC

FDR really fucked the pig on that end. But yeah, if there is no State at all there's anarchy. Anarchy givea way to violent tribalism. We're betyer than that

2019-09-15 05:50:55 UTC

@INNYGMATYK same here. I beleive the private sector and charity efforts are far more efficient than any govt system. And they can be held accountable. However there is the danger of corporatism, see all major tech companies

2019-09-15 05:51:14 UTC

Man, libertarianism is a weird place

2019-09-15 05:53:19 UTC

Yeah - but if there's no Intellectual Property Law, anyone can make your product and better quicker for cheaper

If there's no monopoly you can pull the lever on through government, you have no Crony-Capitalist Corpratocracy (sp)

Again - I think you're right - I'm sure I'm naive and there must be SOME ""Presence of Authority"", but, government and groups of people sure seem good at fucking it up (as we do).

2019-09-15 05:53:53 UTC


2019-09-15 05:54:11 UTC

2019-09-15 05:54:19 UTC

Hereโ€™s what I got

2019-09-15 05:54:21 UTC

Not bad

2019-09-15 05:54:25 UTC

Hey @INNYGMATYK Id love to continue this, but I gotra be up for work in 4 hours. Wanna go for round 2 tomorrow?

2019-09-15 05:54:46 UTC

Alright, moderate right. Not a bad place to be

2019-09-15 05:54:54 UTC

@thedarkness05 For sure. I might be AWOL. But ping me and if I'm around, we'll get at it.

Rest easy, my guy ๐Ÿ™Œ

2019-09-15 05:55:19 UTC

Night ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ

2019-09-15 06:10:40 UTC

Hereโ€™s my other one

2019-09-15 06:10:40 UTC

2019-09-15 06:15:36 UTC


2019-09-15 06:29:12 UTC

2019-09-15 09:15:16 UTC

Brother talked to me about our DNA ancestry tests

2019-09-15 09:15:22 UTC

Turns out I'm fucking Rhodesian

2019-09-15 09:15:25 UTC


2019-09-15 12:22:50 UTC

Shit looks like i missed some fun stuff

2019-09-15 12:23:23 UTC

you know it. Talking politics is always a good time

2019-09-15 12:23:47 UTC

Fucking hell

2019-09-15 12:24:00 UTC

I'm going to be here next time

2019-09-15 12:24:20 UTC

Just mention me next time

2019-09-15 12:25:07 UTC

Aight, I am supposed to continue it with @INNYGMATYK at some point in the future

Why are POLITICS such a volatile subject with (((certain))) people?

Also, I would love to have this patche

2019-09-15 14:26:48 UTC

@ะฝะฐัะธะปัŒัั‚ะฒะตะฝะฝะพะต ัƒะฑะธะนัั‚ะฒะพ because they cant formulate an argument beyond "muh feelings" , ad hominem attacks, logical fallacies, and yelling louder to show how right they are

@thedarkness05 And this is from actual experience, my family is literally FULL of the stereotypical lefties.

They also think that the south west was stolen from Mexico

2019-09-15 14:29:58 UTC

Yeah, they all seem to be that way. Although I do run into the one rare one that will actually hear me out, which is refreshing. And they can call it stolen. I call it conquest and purchasing

Well remember, Texas was legally it's own country that WON it's independent and WILLINGLY joined the u.s.

Grandma also still gets butthurt about the Alamo DESPITE BEING HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD

2019-09-15 14:32:10 UTC

But if we're talking stolen land, would they shame the Saracens that occupied Spain for hundreds of years? Or will they condem the Spanish for islamaphobia?

2019-09-15 14:33:05 UTC

Although as a side note, I do love both of the North and South styles of Gold Damascening weapons

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