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2019-10-18 15:37:50 UTC

Who said that

2019-10-18 15:38:30 UTC

I'm not referring to the stuff he posted

2019-10-18 15:38:57 UTC


2019-10-18 17:13:46 UTC

2019-10-18 17:13:51 UTC

2019-10-18 17:13:57 UTC

2019-10-18 17:14:00 UTC

2019-10-18 17:14:14 UTC

oh god hes bringing out the diagrams

2019-10-18 17:14:22 UTC


2019-10-18 17:14:26 UTC

oh god oh fuck

2019-10-18 17:14:31 UTC

Ironmarch definitely has the best

2019-10-18 17:14:38 UTC


2019-10-18 17:14:45 UTC

iron march is basically

2019-10-18 17:14:51 UTC

"lol we are right cuz nature and shit says so"

2019-10-18 17:14:54 UTC

imagine thinking that IM infographs will work on a liberal tranny

2019-10-18 17:14:59 UTC

Thats fascism @Riley

2019-10-18 17:15:04 UTC


2019-10-18 17:15:04 UTC

The natural order

2019-10-18 17:15:09 UTC

@Deleted User true lmao

2019-10-18 17:15:11 UTC

and that is a fucking horribel way of determining truth

2019-10-18 17:15:16 UTC

you can't just assert your on the side of nature

2019-10-18 17:15:20 UTC


2019-10-18 17:15:21 UTC

then assert that it makes you automatically correct

2019-10-18 17:15:29 UTC

liberalism sure as hell aint following nature

2019-10-18 17:15:35 UTC


2019-10-18 17:15:37 UTC


2019-10-18 17:15:39 UTC

have you ever heard of the "appeal to nature fallacy"

2019-10-18 17:15:42 UTC

nature is truth

2019-10-18 17:15:46 UTC


2019-10-18 17:15:51 UTC

how is nature truth

2019-10-18 17:15:53 UTC

Equality doesn't exist in nature

2019-10-18 17:15:59 UTC

Equality can never exist

2019-10-18 17:16:01 UTC

are humans natural?

2019-10-18 17:16:01 UTC

@Riley Why should we treat the inferior the same as the superior

2019-10-18 17:16:10 UTC

Humans are animals

2019-10-18 17:16:15 UTC

and therefore natural?

2019-10-18 17:16:18 UTC


2019-10-18 17:16:21 UTC


2019-10-18 17:16:24 UTC

so if humans practice equality

2019-10-18 17:16:26 UTC

then is equality natural

2019-10-18 17:16:31 UTC

We are just above every other creature

2019-10-18 17:16:32 UTC


2019-10-18 17:16:36 UTC

how so

2019-10-18 17:16:36 UTC

no omg thats retarded

2019-10-18 17:16:37 UTC

Thats unnatural behavior

2019-10-18 17:16:38 UTC


2019-10-18 17:16:41 UTC

A Lie cooked up by humans

2019-10-18 17:16:42 UTC

how is it unnatural!

2019-10-18 17:16:48 UTC

how do you determine what is and is not natural

2019-10-18 17:16:48 UTC

Because we are not equal

2019-10-18 17:16:49 UTC

Majority of creatures and natural processes are not equal

2019-10-18 17:16:54 UTC

We arent equal, even if we say we are

2019-10-18 17:16:57 UTC

furthermore, how do you know that nature = good

2019-10-18 17:17:09 UTC

Nature was the first thing

2019-10-18 17:17:12 UTC

like I said, that is fallacious

2019-10-18 17:17:13 UTC

The start

2019-10-18 17:17:31 UTC

like fucking spider females will eat the males after mating

2019-10-18 17:17:34 UTC

should we do that too?

2019-10-18 17:17:43 UTC

addie, things derived from humankind are inherently unnatural, therefore inherently untrue

2019-10-18 17:17:44 UTC

Thats one small.part

2019-10-18 17:18:25 UTC

ok maybe we need to take a step back, because I don't think we are on the same page

2019-10-18 17:18:38 UTC

what do you mean by "natural"

2019-10-18 17:18:38 UTC

the first accurate thing you have said

2019-10-18 17:18:49 UTC

Any society built on lies and unnatural beliefs is bound to fail due to human **nature**

2019-10-18 17:19:18 UTC

ah yes we will argue through deconstruction and feigning ignorance? @Riley

2019-10-18 17:19:56 UTC

no, we are defining terms because that is very important

2019-10-18 17:20:05 UTC

>when you need a definition of what is natural

2019-10-18 17:20:07 UTC

if we both disagree on a definition of a term, then we won't get anywhere

2019-10-18 17:20:24 UTC

I had a whole debate on the definition of "truth" with some Christian a while back

2019-10-18 17:20:35 UTC

like even small things like that are important

2019-10-18 17:20:36 UTC


2019-10-18 17:20:39 UTC

Youโ€™re stoopid, we donโ€™t follow just โ€˜natureโ€™ because that coukd entail anything. We derive Truth from natural order. Not naturality in of itself.

2019-10-18 17:20:43 UTC

how do you define "natural"

2019-10-18 17:20:51 UTC

2019-10-18 17:20:52 UTC

we are attempting to deconstruct information so that it is meaningless and i can create my own in its place, dont worrry we understand

2019-10-18 17:20:53 UTC

like that

2019-10-18 17:20:54 UTC

ok whats the "natural order"

2019-10-18 17:21:10 UTC

like that is unbelievably ambiguous

2019-10-18 17:21:20 UTC

Ok fem*id

2019-10-18 17:21:33 UTC


2019-10-18 17:21:38 UTC

it is the hierarchical system of truths that govern our reality

2019-10-18 17:21:41 UTC


2019-10-18 17:21:50 UTC

governs our reality?

2019-10-18 17:21:55 UTC

Humans are the absolute top

2019-10-18 17:21:58 UTC

system of truths?

2019-10-18 17:22:00 UTC


2019-10-18 17:22:05 UTC

Bacterium and Microorganisms are the bottom

2019-10-18 17:22:06 UTC

Theyโ€™re static

2019-10-18 17:22:08 UTC


2019-10-18 17:22:12 UTC

like your defining one ambiguous term with two more ambiguous terms

2019-10-18 17:22:15 UTC

In terms of influence and power

2019-10-18 17:22:24 UTC

Read lighting and the sun

2019-10-18 17:22:25 UTC

Youre just 2 dum my man

2019-10-18 17:22:30 UTC

idk those bacterium really fucked us up in the past

2019-10-18 17:22:44 UTC

Yes but we always come on top

2019-10-18 17:23:02 UTC

do we *always* come on top?

2019-10-18 17:23:12 UTC

i come on top of women

2019-10-18 17:23:16 UTC


2019-10-18 17:23:18 UTC

if you put a man and a tiger in a room together, who will come out alive?

2019-10-18 17:23:26 UTC


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