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2019-10-23 03:19:21 UTC

its become a step above neo conservativsm basically

2019-10-23 03:19:54 UTC

I haven't heard anything of atomwaffen in a few years, what happened to them

2019-10-23 03:20:02 UTC

gone underground mainly

2019-10-23 03:20:07 UTC

they are still active though

2019-10-23 03:20:11 UTC


2019-10-23 03:20:11 UTC

Fbi beaned them

2019-10-23 03:20:13 UTC

got a few contacts with them

2019-10-23 03:20:26 UTC

theyve gotten rid of the satanic/islamist elements

2019-10-23 03:20:33 UTC

at least in some cells

2019-10-23 03:20:46 UTC

Bruh there were some cringe attomwaffen groups i read about

2019-10-23 03:20:47 UTC

no the feds didnt get them

2019-10-23 03:21:06 UTC

they got destroyed because they compromised on islam and satanism

2019-10-23 03:21:25 UTC

which corrupted their core values

2019-10-23 03:21:30 UTC

and degraded them

2019-10-23 03:21:42 UTC

which is EXACTLY why zero tolerance is a thing

2019-10-23 03:22:24 UTC

Compromise to allow them into your group and compromising to work together are two separate things

2019-10-23 03:22:36 UTC

which AWD did both

2019-10-23 03:23:03 UTC

Which is why they collapsed so donโ€™t do what they did and only compromise to work together towards a common goal

2019-10-23 03:23:03 UTC

allowed them to infiltrate and influence Devon, a AWD member and he killed two of his brothers in arms

2019-10-23 03:23:09 UTC

because they did not accept islam

2019-10-23 03:23:20 UTC

because they kept to their values

2019-10-23 03:23:23 UTC

and did not compromise

2019-10-23 03:23:25 UTC


2019-10-23 03:23:31 UTC

is why zero tolerance is a thing

2019-10-23 03:23:37 UTC

because to do so otherwise

2019-10-23 03:23:40 UTC

is to bring death

2019-10-23 03:23:44 UTC

and destruction

2019-10-23 03:23:46 UTC


2019-10-23 03:24:02 UTC

Again enjoy obscurity

2019-10-23 03:24:11 UTC

like i said, i will not work with those who have a different worldview

2019-10-23 03:24:22 UTC

@AlexTheLad217 being underground is the point

2019-10-23 03:24:42 UTC

a revolutionary group does not parade around and go public about themselves

2019-10-23 03:25:09 UTC

like i said

2019-10-23 03:25:13 UTC

we are not a mass movement

2019-10-23 03:25:20 UTC

we do not care what lemmings think

2019-10-23 03:26:15 UTC

you call yourself a reactionary and yet you so far have done nothing to convince me you are not a system pig, totally supportive of the current world and all of its unnnaturalness

2019-10-23 03:30:21 UTC

All Iโ€™ve advised is that an underground movement will never, ever, achieve any degree of meaningful success in enacting reactionary or revolutionary change.

2019-10-23 03:30:49 UTC

It's possible

2019-10-23 03:30:52 UTC

Just need

2019-10-23 03:30:54 UTC

By the very nature of being underground you lack the capability to continually exert force to change the current system

2019-10-23 03:30:55 UTC


2019-10-23 03:31:56 UTC

Guess the viet cong just lacked the ability to fight

2019-10-23 03:32:07 UTC

Sporadic bombings and attacks have no long term affect vs the institutional power of the status quo

2019-10-23 03:32:45 UTC

The viet cong had a physical nation to support them and join into once they defeated the south vietnamese

2019-10-23 03:32:46 UTC

The status quo will never change, the goal is to bring the nation into a revolutionary state in order to gain power and take control

2019-10-23 03:33:26 UTC

You will need to go from an underground state to a traditional organization if you hope to keep the power you gain

2019-10-23 03:33:26 UTC


2019-10-23 03:33:50 UTC

exactly that crab, im seeking a total end to the current america

2019-10-23 03:34:12 UTC


2019-10-23 03:34:19 UTC

and making a totally new and organic entity to come from its ashes

2019-10-23 03:34:24 UTC

liek a phoenix

2019-10-23 03:34:42 UTC

@Deleted User absolutely this

2019-10-23 03:34:44 UTC

Literally going to destroy the white race with that lmao

2019-10-23 03:34:50 UTC


2019-10-23 03:34:52 UTC


2019-10-23 03:34:58 UTC

Bruh moment

2019-10-23 03:35:04 UTC

do you know what will destroy us further?

2019-10-23 03:35:05 UTC

Many whites would be destroyed

2019-10-23 03:35:08 UTC


2019-10-23 03:35:26 UTC

supporting a state that imports millions of non whites and actively condems whites

2019-10-23 03:35:32 UTC


2019-10-23 03:35:36 UTC

Destroy the system that whites exist in so it can be exploited by the rest of the world in its weakened state

2019-10-23 03:35:36 UTC


2019-10-23 03:35:40 UTC


2019-10-23 03:35:44 UTC

Exist for now

2019-10-23 03:35:48 UTC

replaced in a decade

2019-10-23 03:35:54 UTC

your implying that the entire world isnt dependent on us

2019-10-23 03:36:02 UTC


2019-10-23 03:36:03 UTC

As if the rest of the world would stand by

2019-10-23 03:36:07 UTC

break one link of the chain and the rest will follow suit

2019-10-23 03:36:22 UTC

And let you people build up your ethno state

2019-10-23 03:36:26 UTC

@AlexTheLad217 as if they have the ability to intervene

2019-10-23 03:36:40 UTC

without american dollars europe is unable to do anything

2019-10-23 03:36:47 UTC

neither are the vast majority of nations

2019-10-23 03:36:53 UTC

If youโ€™re destroying the system yeah theyโ€™ll have the capability/we wonโ€™t have the power to deny them

2019-10-23 03:36:55 UTC

except maybe china or russia

2019-10-23 03:37:09 UTC

Literally uneducated

2019-10-23 03:37:15 UTC

In the state of the world

2019-10-23 03:37:50 UTC

Let alone we cannot even stop migrants from latin america how would we stop them during a collapse

2019-10-23 03:37:50 UTC

american money literally finances the entire European military forces

2019-10-23 03:37:59 UTC

Factually incorrect

2019-10-23 03:38:06 UTC


2019-10-23 03:38:30 UTC

Iโ€™m not arguing with someone who says shit like america is the only reason nato can exist

2019-10-23 03:38:59 UTC

To deny the military potential of europe is first grade level of knowledge of the current world

2019-10-23 03:39:20 UTC

european nations fund their own nations somewhat

2019-10-23 03:39:34 UTC

but the vast majoirty of their defense is with our money

2019-10-23 03:39:42 UTC

over 75% at least

2019-10-23 03:39:45 UTC

in some cases

2019-10-23 03:40:15 UTC

Because they havenโ€™t had to for 30 years now and weโ€™ve seen massive increases in spending over the past five years as soon as a possible threat emerges in russia

2019-10-23 03:40:29 UTC

Thatโ€™s all I will say for tonight

2019-10-23 03:40:37 UTC

Gn Iโ€™m tired

2019-10-23 03:40:52 UTC

Gn lad

2019-10-23 03:41:41 UTC

norway increased their budget from 6 billion to almost 8 billion

2019-10-23 03:42:10 UTC

thats hardly a difference when we spend over 700 billion on our military

2019-10-23 03:42:29 UTC


2019-10-23 03:42:37 UTC

And most tax goes to military

2019-10-23 03:42:54 UTC

2019-10-23 03:43:13 UTC

imagine if 600 billion were to stop being funnled into NATO

2019-10-23 03:43:45 UTC

it would complely stop the militarys of NATO that didnt already fund their own militarys like Turkey does

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