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2018-01-22 20:10:11 UTC

As you said its a terrible mass filled with heretics and heresu

2018-01-22 20:14:30 UTC

That's the trouble with the idea that only Catholics will be saved, for me. The modern Catholic Church is in rebelion against God in favor of the World. If we agree that the authority of the Pope and high clergy of the modern Catholic church is not valid becuase they effectivly created a new religion with Vactican II, then wouldn't that mean that you'd have to break away from the Catholic Church to some extent to truely follow the true Catholic faith?

2018-01-22 20:14:49 UTC


2018-01-22 20:15:02 UTC

breaking away will send you to hell

2018-01-22 20:15:15 UTC

The SSPX view the Pope as legitimate

2018-01-22 20:15:34 UTC

And they are in partial communion and will be in FULL communion soon

2018-01-22 20:16:04 UTC

We just need to understand that right now The Mother Church is going through a HARD time

2018-01-22 20:16:20 UTC

But I trust in Christ King that in time these problems will be solved

2018-01-22 20:16:27 UTC

And progress is being made

2018-01-22 20:16:40 UTC

Allmost every NEW seminarians are Traditionalists

2018-01-22 20:16:51 UTC

The next wave of Priests will fix the Church IMO

2018-01-22 20:23:02 UTC

IDK man, you may be right. I don't see how the modernist popes can be legit, but you're obviously more knowlegable on this topic than me, I'll concede that.

2018-01-22 20:23:15 UTC

I'll pray on it, and I'll definitely go back to the SSPX mass.

2018-01-22 20:27:15 UTC

@Simon Sasquatch Study history and you will learn that we have Had MUCH WORSE popes than what we have now

2018-01-22 20:27:28 UTC

For example we had a Pope who had a daughter and impregnated her

2018-01-22 20:27:32 UTC


2018-01-22 20:28:32 UTC

So just keep going to the SSPX mass and even if you come to reject the Modern Popes do not Blaspheme

2018-01-22 20:29:26 UTC

I'll look into it

2018-01-22 20:29:32 UTC

@Deleted User Thanks for the insight

2018-01-22 20:29:57 UTC


2018-01-22 20:31:46 UTC


2018-01-22 23:20:39 UTC

Novus ordo are the only parishes near me, I'd have to drive almost 2 hours for latin mass. Unfortunately that's not possible rn

2018-01-22 23:21:20 UTC

But the deacons are very nice to me at the church i go to, they just got a new priest

2018-01-22 23:35:04 UTC

Make sure he doesn't pull a Father Michael and isn't raping babies or shit like that. Keep that Novus Ordo shit in check.

2018-01-23 16:20:54 UTC

Terry Marino Matthew 18:15-17New International Version (NIV)
Dealing With Sin in the Church
15 โ€œIf your brother or sister[a] sins,[b] go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that โ€˜every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.โ€™[c] 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

2018-01-23 16:21:15 UTC

Powerful response to the cast the stone stuff

2018-01-23 16:21:56 UTC

Hey fella, be careful with that interpretation...

2018-01-24 22:35:20 UTC

How do you guys feel about this?

2018-01-24 23:20:54 UTC

Makes me want to put him on his knees at the precipice of a large deep ravine or cavern, and put a bullet through his knees and elbows and push him in.

2018-01-24 23:20:58 UTC

Kike bastard.

2018-01-25 01:55:54 UTC

Pray for breadpill fellas

2018-01-25 02:37:20 UTC


2018-01-25 03:00:18 UTC


2018-01-25 04:37:59 UTC


2018-01-26 14:14:34 UTC

Sheen was very woke

2018-01-26 14:15:22 UTC

My priest recommended him to me. Strange to think he was on a main television network at one point

2018-01-26 16:00:04 UTC

2018-01-27 01:25:03 UTC

post something to boost my faith

2018-01-27 01:25:34 UTC

@๐ŸŽญ๐ŸŽต Nick is arguing for Faith on Warski rn, that may help

2018-01-27 01:25:51 UTC

im watching it

2018-01-27 01:26:58 UTC

I don't agree with everything he says, but Fair Use has really helped me through hard times.

2018-01-27 01:50:55 UTC

@๐ŸŽญ๐ŸŽต Here's one of his best episodes, it was deleted from youtube, but I made an archive of it:

2018-01-27 01:51:09 UTC

HH brother

2018-01-27 01:51:47 UTC


2018-01-27 01:58:23 UTC

real jealous of people with undying faith

2018-01-27 01:59:25 UTC

@๐ŸŽญ๐ŸŽต We're praying for you buddy ๐Ÿ™

2018-01-27 01:59:52 UTC

Today I did a quick prayer and something horrible happened less than a minute later

2018-01-27 01:59:57 UTC

it was a HARSH NEG

2018-01-27 02:00:04 UTC


2018-01-27 02:00:05 UTC

Ive had believe but I never had believe in prayer

2018-01-27 02:00:06 UTC

what happen

2018-01-27 02:00:10 UTC

I dont want to share

2018-01-27 02:00:19 UTC


2018-01-27 02:00:20 UTC

but pretty significant

2018-01-27 02:00:29 UTC

big mood

2018-01-27 02:01:14 UTC

I hope I go to confession and of course I will go to mass

2018-01-27 02:23:47 UTC

@๐ŸŽญ๐ŸŽต Pray. No matter what happens, no matter how little you perceive happens around you. Pray. You will receive something, some how.

2018-01-27 02:23:54 UTC

It is not entirely fulfilling sometimes.

2018-01-27 02:26:47 UTC

I left my home that I'd lived in for the first ten years of my life, left my friends, left the lot that I grew up on, left my small house that my large family stayed in. I was ten years old, and I prayed and prayed and prayed. And at the same time nothing appeared to be happening and so I was somewhat down, and for so long, up until maybe 1-2 years ago, I was still terribly depressed but then things started changing for the better. It takes time, and it sounds dumb, but there is nothing more important to finding God again than that. Good luck.

2018-01-27 03:08:29 UTC

which one

2018-01-27 03:09:42 UTC

@Joe the boomer The first one looks slightly cooler

2018-01-27 03:09:48 UTC

i know right

2018-01-27 03:10:03 UTC

ill put it on a bit of paracord when i get it

2018-01-27 03:11:48 UTC


2018-01-27 03:11:52 UTC

I need to get one

2018-01-27 03:12:06 UTC

just ordered let me get mine first and ill let you know

2018-01-27 03:12:20 UTC

maybe send pics as well

2018-01-27 03:12:28 UTC

thanks bro

2018-01-27 03:12:30 UTC

wonder if it will get along with my thors hammer

2018-01-27 03:13:44 UTC

First one.

2018-01-27 03:14:06 UTC

I need a full on like crucifix.

2018-01-27 03:14:15 UTC

Like one with Christ physically one it.

2018-01-27 03:14:20 UTC

To have around my neck.

2018-01-27 03:14:28 UTC

Or maybe a Celtic cross.

2018-01-27 03:39:27 UTC

pray for them i will tonight

2018-01-27 03:42:56 UTC


2018-01-27 04:09:01 UTC

I never undersood wearing the gaudy catholic jewerly

2018-01-27 04:09:07 UTC

someone give it a quick rundown

2018-01-27 04:11:44 UTC

Don't wear anything gaudy,

2018-01-27 04:11:47 UTC

simply wear something

2018-01-27 04:11:51 UTC

*under your clothes*

2018-01-27 04:11:57 UTC

that represents your faith properly.

2018-01-27 04:12:32 UTC


2018-01-27 04:13:01 UTC

Because it represents your inseparability from your God.

2018-01-27 04:13:16 UTC

It is another small gift to honor God.

2018-01-27 04:13:57 UTC

In modern Christian societies, we do not make very many aesthetic choices involving our God,

2018-01-27 04:14:17 UTC

this is simply a way of doing a small amount for God's sake.

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