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2018-01-16 17:23:13 UTC

Again, though you may not agree, Shinjitsu, trying to ascertain with 100% what God's motives are is akin to trying to determine the value of infinity - it's trying to know the un-knowable

2018-01-16 17:23:31 UTC

I'm not saying we can or have to know

2018-01-16 17:23:35 UTC

Hence why when I said that I cannot know because I'm not God, it is completely valid

2018-01-16 17:23:58 UTC

You did though, you posed the problem 'why would God make shit people'

2018-01-16 17:24:08 UTC

I'm saying if you believe in Calvinism you believe that either free will doesn't exist, or that people who are going to be going to heaven can do whatever immoral thin they want and still get in

2018-01-16 17:25:14 UTC

@SGL I agree, God's internal motivations can only be determined as so far as he reveals them to us

2018-01-16 17:25:40 UTC

Not necessarily - both can exist to some extent. The idea being that God had created those predestined to go to heaven to be of a certain character, whereby though they have free will, they will naturally not act in a blatantly immoral way, regardless of outside pressures.

2018-01-16 17:26:24 UTC

No they can't

2018-01-16 17:26:52 UTC

Calvinism believes that a soul is destined for heaven or hell determined at or prior to birth

2018-01-16 17:27:17 UTC

Yes but how does that dispute what I just said?

2018-01-16 17:28:12 UTC

meaning you either believe
1: Free will does not exist and this person will not be immoral.
2: It does not matter if this person is immoral in life, free will can exist, but they will do whatever they want and still get in.

2018-01-16 17:28:40 UTC

What you will try to do now is say that it's number 1 but the character traits of the individual are the ones that determine how they act but you can't do this

2018-01-16 17:30:03 UTC

As I just said - those predestined to go to Heaven will be of a certain character, that despite the fact that they have a relative level of autonomy and freedom, they will choose to follow a more moral/righteous path. Having free will does not inherently mean that you will do whatever the fuck you want without a sense of morality.

2018-01-16 17:30:32 UTC

It means that you can though

2018-01-16 17:30:47 UTC

and if you can there is no way to say that this person is predestined for heaven or hell

2018-01-16 17:31:02 UTC

unless the person's actions don't matter

2018-01-16 17:31:09 UTC

If that's true why do people feel regret/sadness for killing others?

2018-01-16 17:31:14 UTC

You misunderstand

2018-01-16 17:31:16 UTC

These are non-arguments

2018-01-16 17:32:01 UTC

Im saying that, since God is all-knowing, those predestined to go to heaven will be those who would act in accordance to His will regardless of whether they go to Heaven or Hell

2018-01-16 17:32:20 UTC

You can't say that and still have free will

2018-01-16 17:32:24 UTC

I.e. they have freedom, but choose to use said freedom to follow His doctrines

2018-01-16 17:32:29 UTC

Of course you can

2018-01-16 17:32:40 UTC

because it is determined *prior to their actions* whether or not they go to heaven

2018-01-16 17:32:59 UTC

As I said - the idea is that God is omniscient

2018-01-16 17:33:13 UTC

This is just logically false

2018-01-16 17:33:16 UTC

He knows what their actions will be prior to them carrying them out

2018-01-16 17:33:20 UTC

you can not give free will while remaining omniscient

2018-01-16 17:33:41 UTC

Of course you can. The idea isn't that God is forcing people to act a certain way

2018-01-16 17:33:49 UTC

Because if it is known what you will do, then it is predetermined what you will do, and you have no agency

2018-01-16 17:33:59 UTC

no you are just flat out wrong here there isn't even an argument to make.

2018-01-16 17:34:06 UTC

The idea is that God knows how people will act anyway

2018-01-16 17:34:25 UTC

You are still the agent carrying out said actions

2018-01-16 17:34:28 UTC

No that's wrong. This is accepted by wrong by every philosopher even religious ones

2018-01-16 17:34:40 UTC

*You* are the one making the choices, not God

2018-01-16 17:34:57 UTC

No it doesn't matter. If he **knows** what actions you will tkae prior to you making them. Then there is **no** way to say you could have chosen otherwise.

2018-01-16 17:35:18 UTC

This is not up for debate, this is widely accepted as problem by people you probably agree with

2018-01-16 17:35:49 UTC

In this scenario free will is an illusion

2018-01-16 17:36:10 UTC

It's why Calvinism (specifically predestination) is wrong and where these disagreements come from

2018-01-16 17:36:35 UTC

Of course there is. If God is all knowing - as described in the Bible, then He will know all possible actions you could take throughout your life - I.e. there is still a level of personal input necessary. God doesn't force people to do anything - he merely observes.

2018-01-16 17:36:44 UTC

No wait

2018-01-16 17:36:56 UTC

*possible actions* is not the same as saying knowing which actions the person will take

2018-01-16 17:37:00 UTC

Thus it's still *your* choices, but God knows what choices you make.

2018-01-16 17:37:10 UTC

Prior to you making them?

2018-01-16 17:37:49 UTC

Just yes or no prior to you making them, does God know what decision you will make? In your opinion

2018-01-16 17:39:02 UTC

If an entity is all knowing it will know everything - possible actions as well as what actions will be taken. God knows that humans have a level of autonomy and as such their actions are of their own volition - God, however, still knows what path the individual will take.

Again, the idea is that God is omniscient, but not necessarily interventionist in the paths of individuals

2018-01-16 17:39:34 UTC

It's akin to being able to go see all possible universes at the same time

2018-01-16 17:39:40 UTC


2018-01-16 17:39:41 UTC

It's not

2018-01-16 17:39:46 UTC

because the soul is predestined to heaven or hell

2018-01-16 17:39:59 UTC

Yes or no, does God know what action you will make before you make it?

2018-01-16 17:40:11 UTC

Predestined by whom? God.

2018-01-16 17:40:15 UTC


2018-01-16 17:40:25 UTC

This is literally the central tenant of Calvinism

2018-01-16 17:40:34 UTC

As I stated earlier - God knows what actions individuals will take, correct?

2018-01-16 17:40:40 UTC

This is what you think

2018-01-16 17:40:55 UTC

Well obviously you don't think so since you don't believe in God

2018-01-16 17:41:12 UTC

Specifically here though, if God knows what action will be taken, free will doesn't exist.

2018-01-16 17:41:44 UTC

And then calvinism is fine and a working theory

2018-01-16 17:41:46 UTC

Except it does because God isn't the one influencing what actions will be taken

2018-01-16 17:41:56 UTC

He doesn't have to bne

2018-01-16 17:42:09 UTC

if the decision is predetermined, then you don't have free will.

2018-01-16 17:42:20 UTC

Again this is something everyone has agreed on for hundred and hundreds of years

2018-01-16 17:43:02 UTC

Appeal to majority eh?

How does 'knowing what one will do' equate to 'one has no free will'

2018-01-16 17:43:17 UTC

The actions taken is still the imperative of the individual

2018-01-16 17:43:24 UTC

God knows what actions will be taken

2018-01-16 17:43:25 UTC

Because if one has free will there is no set decision yet....

2018-01-16 17:43:44 UTC

Yeah it's an appeal to majority when you disregard the most fundamental and obvious logic that exists.

2018-01-16 17:45:07 UTC

Shall we agree to disagree then?

2018-01-16 17:46:32 UTC

Yup because to say a decision is known before it's made with 100% certainty directly implies that it is predetermined, and not decided by free will.

2018-01-16 17:48:02 UTC

I'll concede then that free will is an illusion.

2018-01-16 17:50:33 UTC


2018-01-16 17:53:59 UTC


2018-01-17 05:07:55 UTC

2018-01-17 16:01:19 UTC

fellas I want to find things that will move my soul in here

2018-01-17 16:01:48 UTC

good christian posts mean way more than anything else for shieldbrother status rn

2018-01-17 16:03:07 UTC

2018-01-17 18:00:32 UTC
2018-01-17 18:00:47 UTC

Cash really understood it man

2018-01-17 18:01:13 UTC

Not his own song but the way he sings it is solid

2018-01-17 18:02:22 UTC

Regardless if you're protestant or not, i encourage everyone to pray the rosary

2018-01-17 19:04:28 UTC

I will not post more than three, in case its construed as spam. I have more good christfriend music if anyone wants.

2018-01-17 19:10:29 UTC

if you're into stoner stuff, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Sleep etc then this is for you:

2018-01-17 22:26:51 UTC


2018-01-17 22:32:32 UTC

Sensus Fidelium is a good channel

2018-01-17 23:53:39 UTC

2018-01-17 23:54:08 UTC

Saint Nick

2018-01-18 01:51:23 UTC

Saint Nick

2018-01-18 03:56:35 UTC

2018-01-18 03:57:53 UTC

2018-01-18 03:58:08 UTC

2018-01-18 03:58:15 UTC

2018-01-18 03:58:21 UTC

2018-01-18 03:58:31 UTC

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