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2017-07-26 02:31:21 UTC

If you look at the taxes in the Midwest the people pay more in Taxes and the government owes them so much. So the idea of the midwest benefiting from "Federal benefits" is entirely false.

2017-07-26 02:32:01 UTC

And yet they have the nerve to call us a bunch of fly over states where everything is dull and useless.

2017-07-26 02:33:24 UTC

THey want you to think that way and they also want the east and west coast to do the same, because if they found out how important the Midwest is to the US and the rest of the world they would be chimping out or they would be begging the midwest not to leave.

2017-07-26 02:34:19 UTC

But I guess Liberals think Hollywood is more accurate then your average joe who works and lives in the midwest.

2017-07-26 02:40:21 UTC

So you got to ask yourself. Gee if we have all of this money and we work to make a high fucking GDP why are we living in shit holes?

2017-07-26 02:40:37 UTC

Answer: Taxes and regulation.

2017-07-26 02:40:55 UTC

So I will try to draw up a fucked up system ok?

2017-07-26 02:41:40 UTC

So you mr whitey work hard to make a check in the high hopes you can have a nice home to go to and provide food on the table for your wife a kids. Fantastic.

2017-07-26 02:42:01 UTC

But wait you got to pay for your state and federal taxes.

2017-07-26 02:42:25 UTC

So you make less and also you got to pay for your car and health insurance as well.

2017-07-26 02:43:46 UTC

So what happens there? Does the boss give you a raise? Fuck no! He will do what the fed tell him and hire an illegal immigrant or hire from H1B. Gee he gets paid less and you whitey must still be settling good right>

2017-07-26 02:44:12 UTC

Wrong again. Because the H1B1 applicant and illegal can keep everything they worked for.

2017-07-26 02:44:39 UTC

Excluded from taxes, get free health care and free houseing along with food stamps.

2017-07-26 02:46:06 UTC

So women and bleeding heart liberals scream "What about the Children?!" well there is a good part too. The children of the immigrants get free fucking school unches and also get to go to (((Diversity))) programs for after school and college then after that (((Diversity ))) work programs.

2017-07-26 02:47:22 UTC

Meanwhile whitey has his kids pay for college and has no jobs because they keep denying them. Want to come work in the factory with your dad? WHELP too bad because we got paco who cant speak a fucking lick of english to replace you and your family for a couple of dollars cheaper.

2017-07-26 02:47:36 UTC

So that is why the midwest is not doing good.

2017-07-26 02:47:49 UTC

Sorry for the long rant, but hey it is the truth.

2017-07-26 02:48:43 UTC

That was a good rant. If only people would stop taking so much shit from (((them)))

2017-07-26 02:49:10 UTC

I thought of putting this on my show.

2017-07-26 02:49:35 UTC

You should, man

2017-07-26 02:53:15 UTC

Speaking of shows; does Generation Zyklon have an upload schedule?

2017-07-26 03:02:51 UTC

Oh some heroes of the Midwest. Harison ford and the Wright Brothers.

2017-07-26 03:03:03 UTC

Wen u deliver and a fucking nigger orders 3 minutes before close. Who wants to put bets on whether or not he tips

2017-07-26 03:03:10 UTC


2017-07-26 03:03:21 UTC

The Wright Brothers who created the first airplane.

2017-07-26 03:03:47 UTC

They where just bycicle salesmen. And never went to college.

2017-07-26 03:04:13 UTC

Didn't need fucking liberal arts or gender studies degrees.

2017-07-26 03:07:22 UTC

@JackAnderson88 feelsbadman. Wish Bdubs delivered

2017-07-26 03:18:37 UTC

He tipped and he was a dad.... *unironic imagine my shock... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

2017-07-26 03:36:10 UTC

2017-07-26 03:47:24 UTC

Auf commented on the pol thread

2017-07-26 04:06:14 UTC

saying he is not shilling

2017-07-26 12:28:22 UTC

Can I get some ideas for site domain names? I want to go cheap but memorable.

2017-07-26 12:29:42 UTC

Also Rhalitra I loved your rant. You should put that shit in a screenshot or a document and save it to be published.

2017-07-26 12:44:07 UTC

@midwestreich honestly I just like if we could get it

2017-07-26 12:44:15 UTC

Oh no that's the site already lol

2017-07-26 14:29:54 UTC

I've only paid for current site access, I haven't bought a domain yet so it can be used still.

2017-07-26 14:31:29 UTC

2017-07-26 14:31:46 UTC

Prepare for faggot tears

2017-07-26 14:50:58 UTC

This is a white pill.

2017-07-26 14:54:27 UTC

It is

2017-07-26 14:54:46 UTC

Even larping storm fags like duke are happy

2017-07-26 17:00:42 UTC

That's not all.

2017-07-26 17:07:46 UTC

Victory for the reich.

2017-07-26 17:11:58 UTC

Hope they hire white workers instead of spics who speak shit English.

2017-07-26 17:12:14 UTC

They better.

2017-07-26 17:19:38 UTC

I just heard the most retarded idea ever.

2017-07-26 17:19:54 UTC

Some one said hand gen z kids pamphlets about the JQs with free cheap fidget spinners.

2017-07-26 18:01:30 UTC

Some good news all. Some of the TRS guys got in contact with us today. Will keep everyone up to date with what develops

2017-07-26 18:17:38 UTC


2017-07-26 18:18:01 UTC

That's exiting @IdentityIndiana

2017-07-26 18:18:29 UTC


2017-07-26 18:18:57 UTC

@Atlas the right stuff

2017-07-26 18:22:45 UTC

@IdentityIndiana That's fucking awesome man. I'd be happy to help with you/them in any capacity I can

2017-07-26 18:24:07 UTC

Great news. The word is starting to spread.

2017-07-26 18:26:07 UTC

Seriously. I knew sectarian nationalism would take hold. The South isn't the only area of the US that deserves their own regional/sectarian nationalism.

2017-07-26 18:26:54 UTC

It helps the Ohio chapter is the ones interested lol

2017-07-26 18:31:09 UTC

The south is cucked beyond belief anyways. When I went to Alabama I thought like I was in Africa. Yet the media always portrays the south to be a hotbed for racism.

2017-07-26 18:33:46 UTC

I drove to Orlando once and passed through Alabama. I felt unsafe the whole way, it was disgusting

2017-07-26 18:38:03 UTC

The south is gone. Witch is sad. I culturally identify more with the south and was all for southern nationalist movement for the longest time. They're just too far gone now.

2017-07-26 18:38:43 UTC

I prefer Midwestern culture but I'm biased

2017-07-26 18:40:05 UTC

Lol I'm on the border, it all blinds together here.

2017-07-26 18:41:40 UTC

I used to believe that we could take back America as a whole but I was only kidding myself. The midwest is pretty much the only part of the country that can be saved. The south is blacked, New England is liberal, Texas and the south west it overflowed with spics and don't even get me started on the west coast.

2017-07-26 18:44:45 UTC

Point I've been making since the beginning man.

2017-07-26 18:45:52 UTC

America is just so cucked that it's just sad

2017-07-26 18:48:08 UTC

We're not even as the same cuck level as Sweden. They at least have a white population of 80 something percent while we had 60% or maybe even 56%. Sure they have more hate speech laws than we do but America is the country spreading this diversity shit globally.

2017-07-26 18:58:35 UTC

2)take away gibs,
3)undesirables leave
4)build Germanica

2017-07-26 19:13:10 UTC

Hey I was about to ask do you need a chapter leader for Wisconsin?

2017-07-26 19:15:39 UTC

Yes we do. Still working on how to set up chapters and how that will function. @Rhalitra-WI

2017-07-26 19:15:55 UTC

If you have any ideas feel free to dm me @Rhalitra-WI

2017-07-26 19:18:44 UTC
2017-07-26 20:42:55 UTC

@Rhalitra-WI I'd be happy to help with the Wisconsin chapter in any way I can

2017-07-26 21:14:21 UTC

Awesome @Atlas

2017-07-26 21:53:39 UTC

Does anyone know if a thread has gone up today?

2017-07-26 21:53:51 UTC

Hold on ill make it

2017-07-26 21:54:57 UTC


2017-07-26 22:23:46 UTC

How about

2017-07-26 23:09:54 UTC

I'm somewhat astounded at how terrible a term midwest really is to describe a nation. or region

2017-07-26 23:12:13 UTC

Better than central north America

2017-07-26 23:13:15 UTC

well were also the heartland

2017-07-26 23:13:38 UTC

I know a term for a nation thats worse

2017-07-26 23:13:40 UTC


2017-07-26 23:15:16 UTC

So I posted this in the thread as an idea for an anthem to send that anon composer. what do yall think
"I was born to the ceaseless plains
with the endless sky above
It was there I learned to wander
it was there I learned to love

Despite where life had taken me
from green, grass to white sea foam
Iโ€™d cried to each wind filled valley
"will I ever find a home"

Days of life would pass into years
distant plains rang out a plea
Over the rivers and valleys
where my home had drank of me

The Midwest had been calling me
as it echoed out in song
"I am the land of your fathers
and here is where you belong"

2017-07-26 23:16:28 UTC

It sounds good

2017-07-26 23:17:20 UTC

We should take which state song in the midwest sounds the best and use it

2017-07-26 23:17:24 UTC

Great last line

2017-07-26 23:17:42 UTC

Wonderful idea, @HoosierShitposter

2017-07-26 23:19:39 UTC

But new lyrics would probably be appreciated for a new nation and direction

2017-07-26 23:21:40 UTC

How do you guys feel about the terms "Yankee" and "Midlander"

2017-07-26 23:21:46 UTC


2017-07-26 23:22:34 UTC

Midlander definitely strikes more of a fantasy with me

2017-07-26 23:23:07 UTC

Midlander is pretty cool

2017-07-26 23:23:18 UTC

Yankee just gives the south fuel and we really arent yaks, more of a east coast thing. Idk I kinda like Midlander

2017-07-26 23:23:44 UTC

@midwestreich I definitely prefer Midlander

2017-07-26 23:26:12 UTC

Alright. How would you feel about centralizing t

2017-07-26 23:30:36 UTC

shit wtf it's gone

2017-07-26 23:31:13 UTC
2017-07-26 23:42:16 UTC


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