
Discord ID: 228754920050786315

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2017-04-25 11:21:37 UTC

Especially outside, it looks like Silent Hill

2017-04-25 11:21:51 UTC

I am done work. I am happy

2017-04-25 11:22:03 UTC

Well one of the guys on Metacritic was complaining about the fact that you run and hide and that there is no combat

2017-04-25 11:22:07 UTC

Sounds like an idiot

2017-04-25 11:22:13 UTC

That's what Outlast 1 was .-.

Holy shit

2017-04-25 11:22:58 UTC

"There is no gun waa waa"

This person is absolutely retarded, I'm glad to know they're people more retarded then me

I mean I thought I was retarded but holy shit

2017-04-25 11:25:07 UTC

This guy seems more sane

2017-04-25 11:25:09 UTC

You still cannot defend yourself even during situations that would have anyone go berserk in a desperate attempt to save their life. Neither can you dodge attacks nor use your environment to slow down/hit your pursuers whereas the level design has quite a number of things that could allow such features. I'm not speaking about killing enemies or feeling powerful at all, I'm just tackling this willingly pared down gameplay which proves to be more frustrating than really frightening. Seriously, someone's attacking you but you can't even retaliate using your fists or a chair when inside a house to survive? If not a permanent ingame feature, the least they could do was to include defense animations as part of scripted events, where you slap an enemy's face so as to gain time to go and hide for instance which would have otherwise been impossible if the enemy had not been stunned beforehand for a little while. Imagine the chase possibilities it could have brought... What bores the satanist out of me is that they had the means to do it yet they chose not to. Some people will clearly say "no you're dumb, you're not supposed to defend yourself in Outlast blablablahhh" and I'll tell those that when a second installment is being set up, it is logically expected to bring on further improvements which here is clearly not the case. "

2017-04-25 11:25:25 UTC

(Not his whole review)


2017-04-25 11:27:40 UTC

I think he means like use the enviroment, like you can close doors and shit to slow down people in the original game

2017-04-25 11:27:49 UTC

and I think he would've wished you could use more shit to do that

2017-04-25 11:27:57 UTC

like a shelf

2017-04-25 11:27:59 UTC

or something

2017-04-25 11:28:21 UTC

Yea, that would've been nice

2017-04-25 11:28:46 UTC

Like generally more gameplay to the game

2017-04-25 11:28:53 UTC

like really Outlast is a bit of a walking sim

2017-04-25 11:28:59 UTC

in some sense

2017-04-25 11:29:08 UTC

Only time you can use fists is in a scripted event

2017-04-25 11:29:30 UTC


2017-04-25 11:29:53 UTC

I'm thinking of a game but I don't remember which where you could knock shit over to stop your enemies

2017-04-25 11:29:57 UTC

Oh right

2017-04-25 11:30:02 UTC

Dead by daylight

2017-04-25 11:30:04 UTC

I think

2017-04-25 11:30:09 UTC

Like that 4v1 game

2017-04-25 11:30:34 UTC

And while I love how horror games are adding back weapons, I won't say OL2 is bad as it doesn't have that

2017-04-25 11:30:43 UTC


2017-04-25 11:31:00 UTC

Honestly it has some very good psychological parts

2017-04-25 11:31:23 UTC


2017-04-25 11:32:12 UTC

Which I really liked

2017-04-25 11:33:02 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:03 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:04 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:10 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:12 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:17 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:28 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:29 UTC


2017-04-25 11:33:47 UTC

I don't even know if I'll buy it yet tbf

2017-04-25 11:33:52 UTC

but still, if I do

2017-04-25 11:33:59 UTC

wouldn't want the good parts to be spoiled

2017-04-25 11:34:19 UTC

I asked the chat what was better, RE7 or OL2 3 times

2017-04-25 11:34:42 UTC

1 at the beginning, 2nd middle, and 3rd middle

2017-04-25 11:34:47 UTC


2017-04-25 11:35:17 UTC

I love when. Websites charge you for stuff you stopped subscribing

2017-04-25 11:36:03 UTC

At the beginning, people were saying OL2, middle, more people began saying RE7, and then on the 3rd time more people were saying RE7, one person even said "RE7 is way ahead of OL2"

2017-04-25 11:36:09 UTC

Like j stopped subbing to this site two months ago and I've been charged 10 bucks the past two months

2017-04-25 11:36:19 UTC


2017-04-25 11:36:56 UTC

But on the 3rd time, people were saying how BS and Cryptic the game was at times

2017-04-25 11:37:04 UTC

@Lord Poppy I had that problem with Hulu, I hate Hulu ๐Ÿ™„

2017-04-25 11:37:31 UTC

(I don't mind being cryptic though)

2017-04-25 11:37:43 UTC

I'm calling them today and if they refuse then I'm calling paypal

2017-04-25 11:38:43 UTC

But seriously, the graphics in the game look fucking beautiful

2017-04-25 11:39:59 UTC

But the funny part

2017-04-25 11:40:30 UTC

It has some pretty noticeable similarities to RE4

2017-04-25 11:40:44 UTC

I'll go to gamestop today, check how much it costs possibly buy it, won't buy it digital since I know I'll get bored of it after 1 or 2 playthroughs

2017-04-25 11:40:49 UTC

@aiden my mom's maaar

2017-04-25 11:40:53 UTC


2017-04-25 11:40:58 UTC


2017-04-25 11:42:21 UTC

I actually went and played RE7 during the Livestream, I finally beat Mutated Margurite on madhouse

2017-04-25 11:42:35 UTC

That was a huge challenge

2017-04-25 11:42:36 UTC

If not Outlast i'll buy some Carolina Reapers ๐Ÿ˜›

2017-04-25 11:42:57 UTC

Margurite, that was spider bitch right?

2017-04-25 11:43:03 UTC


2017-04-25 11:43:24 UTC

Because the cat she wants as her cat runs to the door when I get home
Follows me to my room then lays on my back

2017-04-25 11:43:25 UTC

I wonder what will make my heart pump and sweat the most, Carolina Reapers or Outlast?

2017-04-25 11:43:34 UTC

(The noises she makes are fucking terrifying)

2017-04-25 11:43:43 UTC
2017-04-25 11:44:13 UTC

Good thing she's only 7 pounds cause the other cat lays on my front and he's like 11 pounds and I can't breath.

2017-04-25 11:44:36 UTC


2017-04-25 11:45:16 UTC

Isn't that Bill Nye show on Netflix now?

2017-04-25 11:45:30 UTC

Bill Nye the science guy

2017-04-25 11:45:34 UTC


2017-04-25 11:45:44 UTC

The most epic theme song ever

2017-04-25 11:45:50 UTC

Is the show good?

2017-04-25 11:45:58 UTC

It was my childhood

2017-04-25 11:46:09 UTC

Nah I mean the new Bill Nye Netflix show

2017-04-25 11:46:25 UTC

Bill Nye saves the world

2017-04-25 11:46:36 UTC

Oh I dunno

2017-04-25 11:46:43 UTC

Looking at it right now

2017-04-25 11:46:49 UTC

I was talking about this

2017-04-25 11:46:58 UTC


2017-04-25 11:46:59 UTC


2017-04-25 11:48:01 UTC


2017-04-25 11:48:07 UTC

That was my shit

2017-04-25 11:48:42 UTC

When did it run?

2017-04-25 11:49:19 UTC


2017-04-25 11:49:44 UTC

I think it started in, like, 93

2017-04-25 11:50:02 UTC

Right.. I'm 17 so that might be why it's so bad .-.

2017-04-25 11:50:12 UTC

Besides this one is better

2017-04-25 11:50:18 UTC


2017-04-25 11:50:43 UTC

I was about 5 or 6 when it ended but Disney did reruns so, it was great. We had the best cartoons

2017-04-25 11:51:19 UTC

Idk, there are some pretty good cartoons today too

2017-04-25 11:51:41 UTC

Maybe like. Two or three. Maybe four. But two of them ended. So, two

2017-04-25 11:51:57 UTC

Well maybe not litteraly today but Adventure time was good

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