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2019-10-05 03:41:51 UTC

And your dirt poor will become, well, truly Third world poor.

2019-10-05 03:42:19 UTC

Also there won't be that much money for social benefits or defense as there were before.

2019-10-05 03:43:14 UTC

You will experience a fall in many key parameters for your wellbeing and some of the things you derive so pride of

2019-10-05 03:43:58 UTC

Not by much. And again that is only in a scenario where the rest of the planet tries to crash our economy out of spite. It might actually be good for our poor as we would be forced to re-shore 4% of our supply chain.

2019-10-05 03:44:18 UTC

like the great US army, your ability to travel on cheap fuel long distances, the house in the subs you so much dream of, the family barbeques at the pool, should I continue?

2019-10-05 03:45:05 UTC

WE make cheap fuel here. I think at this point only SA has a lower full-cycle breakdown cost.

2019-10-05 03:46:23 UTC

One of our big industrial pushes at this point is brining LNG terminals online so we can *export* cheap fuel.

2019-10-05 03:48:17 UTC

Which, I mean is good for Hungary and the intermarium in general as after asia they are a target market for our energy *exports*. It was quite the topic at the last 3seas...

2019-10-05 03:51:18 UTC

Which is to say I am not gloating over our position. Like I said we got here by doing some really retarded shit. Just off the top of my head we also love drugs and shooting each other more than most places. Just that it gives us a capacity to do things other nations can't.

2019-10-05 03:56:30 UTC

The Russian gas is still far cheaper.

2019-10-05 03:57:51 UTC

If you knew the situation here you would know our own nationalists hate your LNG because they think it is an attempt by Washington to extract money from our own economies and destroy the Russians in the long term.

2019-10-05 04:00:22 UTC

So, it's not something I agree is a more valuable alternative and your current oil glut is still driven by technologies that utilize more expensive fuel sources than crude petrolium, so it's not as energy efficient as it was.

2019-10-05 04:00:50 UTC

I believe the future is hydrogen derived from nuclear power but that's a whole different story.

2019-10-05 04:02:01 UTC

My point is that is you loose the petrodollar you will take a dip in living standards, too, and furthermore your government won't be able to sustain your social and military budgets as they are today.

2019-10-05 04:02:37 UTC

So you will be forced to choose what to loose in order to cope with the new horizons.

2019-10-05 04:03:48 UTC

Well. I am not sure the Russians have a long term. You have to understand in the Permian they have *negative pricing* on gas so really we just sell wherever we can. The intermarrium effort is more to provide a hedge against the Russians using gas prices to push their neighbors around. Which quite honestly they do fairly often. The Germans are really retarded to ignore this but I don't really care because it is only Germany.

And again nothing that happens outside of this hemisphere **can** have a significant effect on our economy.

2019-10-05 04:03:53 UTC

Actually I'm almost sure the ultimate choice will be loosing your all powerful military or making the Americans pay for keeping the superpower status by extra taxation and cuts in the social security net.

2019-10-05 04:05:15 UTC

And, for the third time, I don't think this makes us good or wonderful. It just means that we have a capacity to act in ways other nations cannot.

2019-10-05 04:05:29 UTC

The KGB does it out of spite for some **small** countries.

2019-10-05 04:05:50 UTC

They will never do it for a large client lie Germany or France or Italy.

2019-10-05 04:06:01 UTC

It will cost them too much profits.

2019-10-05 04:06:02 UTC

Small how? Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe.....

2019-10-05 04:06:17 UTC

This is why the Deutsch think they are safe now.

2019-10-05 04:06:38 UTC

Yes but Ukraine is also one of the poorest.

2019-10-05 04:07:03 UTC

They don't loose as much when doing it as they would if they hit Germany.

2019-10-05 04:08:10 UTC

Plus, Germany is the heart of the EU and the KGB knows they will have problems with the entire block if they do it.

2019-10-05 04:08:45 UTC

This is why they are reluctant to make something so pushy. The business is just too good.

2019-10-05 04:09:21 UTC

Sure sure. But consider as long as you have pipeline to an LNG terminal there is a limited capacity for Russia to do anything at all on that front. And there's going to be a lot of it (again mostly sold to Asia) because I think the Arabs and Persians finally figured out we do not care if they murder each other.

2019-10-05 04:10:30 UTC

But in the long term Russian gas is better than the American LNG for Europe.

2019-10-05 04:11:13 UTC

This is why we actually want more pipelines so the next time Ukraine and Russia have a divorce we don't get in the middle.

2019-10-05 04:11:54 UTC

And what will be even best would be having a pipeline directly to Persia, so we have access to theirs as well.

2019-10-05 04:12:28 UTC

But there is this little state called Syria in the way and it is hard to go around it.

2019-10-05 04:12:45 UTC

Actually this is why Putin wnts it so much.

2019-10-05 04:13:19 UTC

It has nothing to do with your ISIS or the many problems you caused the region on behalf of the jews.

2019-10-05 04:14:18 UTC

The real reason is that if we have a pipeline directly to the Near east through Syria and then Greece and Italy it will undermine a great venue of the Russian economy.

2019-10-05 04:14:29 UTC

I'd say near-term. The 'cost' of gas here is transport cost we make the molecules accidentally as a by-product of fracking. Most of the price in LNG is paying for the L NG terminal.

2019-10-05 04:14:31 UTC

One of the last ones they have.

2019-10-05 04:15:11 UTC

It still cost more than the Russian or the Persian one @Jym

2019-10-05 04:15:23 UTC

They just dig holes in the ground.

2019-10-05 04:16:31 UTC

So right now Putin does his best to keep Turkey and Syria in line so the EU has no access to a direct pipeline to the Near east and we are stuck with theirs.

2019-10-05 04:16:40 UTC


For the moment. I'd remind you that our domestic oil cost is lower than much of the ME. And it's not like we are the sort of people to invent and entirely new energy method on the fly because someone thought there might be a profit margin......

2019-10-05 04:16:45 UTC

This is what Syria mean for Putin.

2019-10-05 04:17:13 UTC

I'd also say Syria meant more than that.

2019-10-05 04:17:43 UTC

I tell you what the KGB has in the region.

2019-10-05 04:17:58 UTC

Ultimately it means different things for different people.

2019-10-05 04:18:14 UTC

I guess the Jews are the ones most invested in the war.

2019-10-05 04:18:37 UTC

Far more than you or the Russians.

2019-10-05 04:18:53 UTC

It's their damned neighbor, right?

2019-10-05 04:19:50 UTC

The absolute lowest lifting costs on the planet is SA. SA and Iran have been fighting a proxy war for a while and SA has (correctly) decided that if they can dump oil on the market they can price the Persians out of much of it. This also undercuts Russian oil. So a beachhead and the capacity to destabalize routes even further in that region has some value to Russia.

2019-10-05 04:22:18 UTC

Again, in so many ways, we don't give a fuck. Because the real loser in that sort of fight is China. The world's largest *importer* of oil at the far east tip of the supply chain........

2019-10-05 04:24:04 UTC

Yeah, I know.

2019-10-05 04:24:26 UTC

In the long term the most screwed are the Asians, not just China.

2019-10-05 04:25:39 UTC

In terms of resources they are scarce, while in terms of population they are the largest ones.

2019-10-05 04:26:14 UTC

I kind of get why the CCP acts in so dominant and cruel manner in HK then.

2019-10-05 04:26:43 UTC

Well, it depends. Like I said most of our export is going to Asia now. The new LNG terminal in LA sent it's first shipment through Panama to Asia. We might maybe forget to send anything to China. Purely an oversight I am sure......

2019-10-05 04:27:09 UTC

They really don't want to loose one of their biggest economic hubs when the state of the world is such that they might soon need it.

2019-10-05 04:28:10 UTC

Currently Russia is supplying China with gas and i believe they already surpassed the EU as the biggest client there.

2019-10-05 04:28:54 UTC

So it's a good business for the Russians but unfortunately for them their petroleum industry just can't keep up with the demand.

2019-10-05 04:29:28 UTC

Like 10 years ago Putin actually wanted to make the growing Chinese dependent only on Russian energy

2019-10-05 04:30:00 UTC

Or even close. China imports a lot of the, and this is a technical term they use in the military, "magic go-juice that makes ships tanks and planes work"

2019-10-05 04:30:15 UTC

but then his geologists told him thee was just no way Russia can extract so much oil in the long term, so he had to give up.

2019-10-05 04:31:16 UTC

It would have been a great deal for Russia, thou.

2019-10-05 04:33:13 UTC

By the way do you know about the Estonia's tar sands?

2019-10-05 04:35:03 UTC

Sure I mean that was where I was going. Again we do weird (often stupid) things but it means we can do weird (often stupid) things other places cannot. I mean Alberta also has tar-sands extraction but the lifting costs are higher than shale. Shale now I mean when we started it was 90 it's half that now.

2019-10-05 04:35:59 UTC

If we didn't had so many green idiots in the EU parliament and such a strong pro-KGB lobby we could use Estonia's tar sands to power up Europe just like you are using Canada's to power the US.

2019-10-05 04:37:02 UTC

This is actually why Russia wants a fight in the Baltic right now.

2019-10-05 04:37:37 UTC

They are not as much concerned about their people or history there.

2019-10-05 04:37:56 UTC

What they care about are those damned tar sands.

2019-10-05 04:38:18 UTC

But or media still doesn't pay much attention to the issue.

2019-10-05 04:38:45 UTC

Due to pressure form the green faggots this time around backed by the KGB I guess.

2019-10-05 04:39:00 UTC

We are not using Alberta really. Keystone XL was an attempt to make transit costs of Alberta crude low enough to be useful here. But there were too many Green Canuks.

2019-10-05 04:39:39 UTC

We're using Permian, Eagleford and Bakken mostly.

2019-10-05 04:39:41 UTC

Those damn greenies are getting really annoying, aren't they?

2019-10-05 04:40:28 UTC

They chose Greta as a symbol because they are all, at heart, mentally disabled children.

2019-10-05 04:40:33 UTC

I wonder isn't Greta also part of the plan to boycott oil so "some people" can have their profits instead?

2019-10-05 04:41:27 UTC

Sure I mean it's fairly obvious they are watermellon green.

2019-10-05 04:42:47 UTC

I myself advocate for an EU level initiative to protect Estonia from Russia, thou I like the Russian people, have in mind that I myself am of a Slavic origin, and start using these damn tar sands but am falling on deaf ears here.

2019-10-05 04:43:24 UTC

You can't imagine how cucked the Europeans are, especially, the western ones.

2019-10-05 04:44:05 UTC

I always thought we were the dumber ones, cause communism, but now it looks like they are way more idiotic than us!

2019-10-05 04:49:46 UTC

I mean that is more or less what I see as a future for a less-involved US in Europe. Whenever the Brits figure out Brexit we are there for them 5eyes and trade. But most of Europe is a wash. I think we can maybe engage with the intermarrium because you know what communism looks like and why it is a bad idea. It's not pretty. Germany is going to leave a mess when they an hero. Poland maybe can pick up much of the slack there.

2019-10-05 04:52:33 UTC

I guess the problem is that Brussels are turning into the new international communist party by the day now.

2019-10-05 04:53:42 UTC

It looks like they will be the champions of social justice in the years to come and they are already forming strong bond with the CCP.

2019-10-05 04:54:18 UTC

They will probably take over Germany at some point I guess.

2019-10-05 04:54:45 UTC

Germany is already much of a political corpse anyways.

2019-10-05 04:54:47 UTC

I do not think they will be a problem for long.

2019-10-05 04:55:12 UTC

The modern Deutsch are pretty much clueless as to what to do with their country.

2019-10-05 04:55:26 UTC

The EU, as an entity, was a poorly planned substitute for NATO.

2019-10-05 04:55:49 UTC

And Brussels really have no country, no nationality of their own.

2019-10-05 04:56:36 UTC

They will just strive for international power just like the CPUSSR did back in the day.

2019-10-05 04:57:28 UTC

And I mean I give them credit here. Maastricht was a year after the wall went down. It took us decades to realize we did not need to maintain the cold-war order. Although we were a bit distracted by jihadis.

2019-10-05 04:58:11 UTC

If we don't manage to break the union I fear they will take over for good and use the muslims as their footsoldiers while trying to push a new tyranny form of islamic internationalism forward.

2019-10-05 05:02:10 UTC

The Eu has neither the strength nor position to maintain itself. I'll go back to exports here. I talked about the US lets look at Germany. Almost **half** of German GDP is exports. You cannot do that unless you have a trade network interconnected to you. And even then you have to stimulate demand (something like a horrendous NPL stack for Deutschebank) in the rest of that network. But you cannot earn on loans that cannot be repaid.

2019-10-05 05:03:33 UTC

So you get a sovereign debt crisis instead where the future of your economy is based on the Greek ability to repay bad loans......

2019-10-05 05:03:57 UTC

Well, the Germans solved that problem very easily-they just bought us off.

2019-10-05 05:04:10 UTC

That's what they really did actually.

2019-10-05 05:04:25 UTC

With loans, *in Euro from German banks*

2019-10-05 05:04:38 UTC

They kind of own everything in my country and use us for cheap labour.

2019-10-05 05:05:07 UTC

They the French and the Italian and know here we say

2019-10-05 05:05:24 UTC

If the Deutsch sneeze, we catch a cold.

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