Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 629887563028627466

2019-10-05 03:32:51 UTC  

Oh. I guess I need to go into trade. The US does not really do it. By which I mean we are also the least globally connected economy on the planet. Imports make about 12% of USGDP and 2/3rds of that are N. America. The global trade network was never an integral part of the US economy. It was a bribe by us to get allies in the cold war. This being outside of the problems with attempting to establish a different exchange currency (of which there are several)

2019-10-05 03:33:56 UTC  

Like I said. We do things in a very weird way.

2019-10-05 03:34:41 UTC  

If the dollar looses its international stance you can no longer sustain that empire of yours Wallstreet built for you.

2019-10-05 03:35:00 UTC  

And then you are left basically in autarky.

2019-10-05 03:35:39 UTC  

Which will mean you will no longer be the first worldpower, too.

2019-10-05 03:35:45 UTC  

See above. It's not built on what they trade in most of the world. Not exactly Autarky but if one were to want autarky this would be the place to do it.

2019-10-05 03:38:20 UTC  

By any means TRY becoming an autarky, see what will happen in the most capitalistically oriented country in the world when you are forced on that path.

2019-10-05 03:39:05 UTC  

I don't even think the term 'Empire' is accurate as Empire extracted wealth from their overseas holdings. I think American Hegemony is a better term. Not that I am in favor of eaither.

2019-10-05 03:39:21 UTC  

I mean the prices of a ton of stuff would go up and you couldn't get the most lucrative contracts anywhere in the world any more.

2019-10-05 03:39:39 UTC  

You would also have to let go of those damn cheap Chinese goods, too.

2019-10-05 03:40:40 UTC  

Then, you would be forced to pay more for imports and prop up your industry again, well, that's exactly what trump wants, isn't it?

2019-10-05 03:40:41 UTC  

Scroll up. Goods not in the US, Mexico, or Canada only account for about 4% of our GDP. I do agree prices would go up. It's just that that would not matter much here.

2019-10-05 03:41:30 UTC  

But if prices go up you will loose wealth and living standard wouldn't you?

2019-10-05 03:41:51 UTC  

And your dirt poor will become, well, truly Third world poor.

2019-10-05 03:42:19 UTC  

Also there won't be that much money for social benefits or defense as there were before.

2019-10-05 03:43:14 UTC  

You will experience a fall in many key parameters for your wellbeing and some of the things you derive so pride of

2019-10-05 03:43:58 UTC  

Not by much. And again that is only in a scenario where the rest of the planet tries to crash our economy out of spite. It might actually be good for our poor as we would be forced to re-shore 4% of our supply chain.

2019-10-05 03:44:18 UTC  

like the great US army, your ability to travel on cheap fuel long distances, the house in the subs you so much dream of, the family barbeques at the pool, should I continue?

2019-10-05 03:45:05 UTC  

WE make cheap fuel here. I think at this point only SA has a lower full-cycle breakdown cost.

2019-10-05 03:46:23 UTC  

One of our big industrial pushes at this point is brining LNG terminals online so we can *export* cheap fuel.

2019-10-05 03:48:17 UTC  

Which, I mean is good for Hungary and the intermarium in general as after asia they are a target market for our energy *exports*. It was quite the topic at the last 3seas...

2019-10-05 03:51:18 UTC  

Which is to say I am not gloating over our position. Like I said we got here by doing some really retarded shit. Just off the top of my head we also love drugs and shooting each other more than most places. Just that it gives us a capacity to do things other nations can't.

2019-10-05 03:56:30 UTC  

The Russian gas is still far cheaper.

2019-10-05 03:57:51 UTC  

If you knew the situation here you would know our own nationalists hate your LNG because they think it is an attempt by Washington to extract money from our own economies and destroy the Russians in the long term.

2019-10-05 04:00:22 UTC  

So, it's not something I agree is a more valuable alternative and your current oil glut is still driven by technologies that utilize more expensive fuel sources than crude petrolium, so it's not as energy efficient as it was.

2019-10-05 04:00:50 UTC  

I believe the future is hydrogen derived from nuclear power but that's a whole different story.

2019-10-05 04:02:01 UTC  

My point is that is you loose the petrodollar you will take a dip in living standards, too, and furthermore your government won't be able to sustain your social and military budgets as they are today.

2019-10-05 04:02:37 UTC  

So you will be forced to choose what to loose in order to cope with the new horizons.

2019-10-05 04:03:48 UTC  

Well. I am not sure the Russians have a long term. You have to understand in the Permian they have *negative pricing* on gas so really we just sell wherever we can. The intermarrium effort is more to provide a hedge against the Russians using gas prices to push their neighbors around. Which quite honestly they do fairly often. The Germans are really retarded to ignore this but I don't really care because it is only Germany.

And again nothing that happens outside of this hemisphere **can** have a significant effect on our economy.

2019-10-05 04:03:53 UTC  

Actually I'm almost sure the ultimate choice will be loosing your all powerful military or making the Americans pay for keeping the superpower status by extra taxation and cuts in the social security net.

2019-10-05 04:05:15 UTC  

And, for the third time, I don't think this makes us good or wonderful. It just means that we have a capacity to act in ways other nations cannot.

2019-10-05 04:05:29 UTC  

The KGB does it out of spite for some **small** countries.

2019-10-05 04:05:50 UTC  

They will never do it for a large client lie Germany or France or Italy.

2019-10-05 04:06:01 UTC  

It will cost them too much profits.

2019-10-05 04:06:02 UTC  

Small how? Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe.....

2019-10-05 04:06:17 UTC  

This is why the Deutsch think they are safe now.

2019-10-05 04:06:38 UTC  

Yes but Ukraine is also one of the poorest.

2019-10-05 04:07:03 UTC  

They don't loose as much when doing it as they would if they hit Germany.

2019-10-05 04:08:10 UTC  

Plus, Germany is the heart of the EU and the KGB knows they will have problems with the entire block if they do it.

2019-10-05 04:08:45 UTC  

This is why they are reluctant to make something so pushy. The business is just too good.

2019-10-05 04:09:21 UTC  

Sure sure. But consider as long as you have pipeline to an LNG terminal there is a limited capacity for Russia to do anything at all on that front. And there's going to be a lot of it (again mostly sold to Asia) because I think the Arabs and Persians finally figured out we do not care if they murder each other.