Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 629906504358821900

2019-10-05 04:39:41 UTC  

Those damn greenies are getting really annoying, aren't they?

2019-10-05 04:40:28 UTC  

They chose Greta as a symbol because they are all, at heart, mentally disabled children.

2019-10-05 04:40:33 UTC  

I wonder isn't Greta also part of the plan to boycott oil so "some people" can have their profits instead?

2019-10-05 04:41:27 UTC  

Sure I mean it's fairly obvious they are watermellon green.

2019-10-05 04:42:47 UTC  

I myself advocate for an EU level initiative to protect Estonia from Russia, thou I like the Russian people, have in mind that I myself am of a Slavic origin, and start using these damn tar sands but am falling on deaf ears here.

2019-10-05 04:43:24 UTC  

You can't imagine how cucked the Europeans are, especially, the western ones.

2019-10-05 04:44:05 UTC  

I always thought we were the dumber ones, cause communism, but now it looks like they are way more idiotic than us!

2019-10-05 04:49:46 UTC  

I mean that is more or less what I see as a future for a less-involved US in Europe. Whenever the Brits figure out Brexit we are there for them 5eyes and trade. But most of Europe is a wash. I think we can maybe engage with the intermarrium because you know what communism looks like and why it is a bad idea. It's not pretty. Germany is going to leave a mess when they an hero. Poland maybe can pick up much of the slack there.

2019-10-05 04:52:33 UTC  

I guess the problem is that Brussels are turning into the new international communist party by the day now.

2019-10-05 04:53:42 UTC  

It looks like they will be the champions of social justice in the years to come and they are already forming strong bond with the CCP.

2019-10-05 04:54:18 UTC  

They will probably take over Germany at some point I guess.

2019-10-05 04:54:45 UTC  

Germany is already much of a political corpse anyways.

2019-10-05 04:54:47 UTC  

I do not think they will be a problem for long.

2019-10-05 04:55:12 UTC  

The modern Deutsch are pretty much clueless as to what to do with their country.

2019-10-05 04:55:26 UTC  

The EU, as an entity, was a poorly planned substitute for NATO.

2019-10-05 04:55:49 UTC  

And Brussels really have no country, no nationality of their own.

2019-10-05 04:56:36 UTC  

They will just strive for international power just like the CPUSSR did back in the day.

2019-10-05 04:57:28 UTC  

And I mean I give them credit here. Maastricht was a year after the wall went down. It took us decades to realize we did not need to maintain the cold-war order. Although we were a bit distracted by jihadis.

2019-10-05 04:58:11 UTC  

If we don't manage to break the union I fear they will take over for good and use the muslims as their footsoldiers while trying to push a new tyranny form of islamic internationalism forward.

2019-10-05 05:02:10 UTC  

The Eu has neither the strength nor position to maintain itself. I'll go back to exports here. I talked about the US lets look at Germany. Almost **half** of German GDP is exports. You cannot do that unless you have a trade network interconnected to you. And even then you have to stimulate demand (something like a horrendous NPL stack for Deutschebank) in the rest of that network. But you cannot earn on loans that cannot be repaid.

2019-10-05 05:03:33 UTC  

So you get a sovereign debt crisis instead where the future of your economy is based on the Greek ability to repay bad loans......

2019-10-05 05:03:57 UTC  

Well, the Germans solved that problem very easily-they just bought us off.

2019-10-05 05:04:10 UTC  

That's what they really did actually.

2019-10-05 05:04:25 UTC  

With loans, *in Euro from German banks*

2019-10-05 05:04:38 UTC  

They kind of own everything in my country and use us for cheap labour.

2019-10-05 05:05:07 UTC  

They the French and the Italian and know here we say

2019-10-05 05:05:24 UTC  

If the Deutsch sneeze, we catch a cold.

2019-10-05 05:06:57 UTC  

Ok but this goes back around to exchange currencies (and why it is the dollar) at some point they have to get return on those loans. That return has to be in a currency that can buy goods. Due to the export dynamic many of those goods must come from......... *Germany*

2019-10-05 05:07:59 UTC  

So they can only pay for the debt in goods they produce that they intended to sell to the rest of Europe......

2019-10-05 05:08:16 UTC  

Well, actually there is kind of consensus here among the poorer members of the EU.

2019-10-05 05:08:23 UTC  

We say it like this:

2019-10-05 05:08:40 UTC  

Use our economies and transfer cheaper productions here

2019-10-05 05:08:41 UTC  


2019-10-05 05:08:58 UTC  

Give us social transfers in return!

2019-10-05 05:09:32 UTC  

I mean they use our economy but in turn we demand them money for pensions, social benefits and the lies.

2019-10-05 05:09:54 UTC  

They are basically what generates consumption among the populace.

2019-10-05 05:10:01 UTC  

Can you understand the model?

2019-10-05 05:15:20 UTC  

Yeah I mean that's the problem. They have to issue credit to create demand in your country to buy goods from them. But there is no way for the credit to pay off because it is backed by their goods....

2019-10-05 05:16:15 UTC  

And this is why the Euro **must** be a fiat currency forever and they will offset the credit bubble with inflation.

2019-10-05 05:16:34 UTC  

This what is actually dragging the Eurozone back.

2019-10-05 05:17:04 UTC  

As well as overregulation.