Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 629894703005040670

2019-10-05 04:06:01 UTC  

It will cost them too much profits.

2019-10-05 04:06:02 UTC  

Small how? Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe.....

2019-10-05 04:06:17 UTC  

This is why the Deutsch think they are safe now.

2019-10-05 04:06:38 UTC  

Yes but Ukraine is also one of the poorest.

2019-10-05 04:07:03 UTC  

They don't loose as much when doing it as they would if they hit Germany.

2019-10-05 04:08:10 UTC  

Plus, Germany is the heart of the EU and the KGB knows they will have problems with the entire block if they do it.

2019-10-05 04:08:45 UTC  

This is why they are reluctant to make something so pushy. The business is just too good.

2019-10-05 04:09:21 UTC  

Sure sure. But consider as long as you have pipeline to an LNG terminal there is a limited capacity for Russia to do anything at all on that front. And there's going to be a lot of it (again mostly sold to Asia) because I think the Arabs and Persians finally figured out we do not care if they murder each other.

2019-10-05 04:10:30 UTC  

But in the long term Russian gas is better than the American LNG for Europe.

2019-10-05 04:11:13 UTC  

This is why we actually want more pipelines so the next time Ukraine and Russia have a divorce we don't get in the middle.

2019-10-05 04:11:54 UTC  

And what will be even best would be having a pipeline directly to Persia, so we have access to theirs as well.

2019-10-05 04:12:28 UTC  

But there is this little state called Syria in the way and it is hard to go around it.

2019-10-05 04:12:45 UTC  

Actually this is why Putin wnts it so much.

2019-10-05 04:13:19 UTC  

It has nothing to do with your ISIS or the many problems you caused the region on behalf of the jews.

2019-10-05 04:14:18 UTC  

The real reason is that if we have a pipeline directly to the Near east through Syria and then Greece and Italy it will undermine a great venue of the Russian economy.

2019-10-05 04:14:29 UTC  

I'd say near-term. The 'cost' of gas here is transport cost we make the molecules accidentally as a by-product of fracking. Most of the price in LNG is paying for the L NG terminal.

2019-10-05 04:14:31 UTC  

One of the last ones they have.

2019-10-05 04:15:11 UTC  

It still cost more than the Russian or the Persian one @Jym

2019-10-05 04:15:23 UTC  

They just dig holes in the ground.

2019-10-05 04:16:31 UTC  

So right now Putin does his best to keep Turkey and Syria in line so the EU has no access to a direct pipeline to the Near east and we are stuck with theirs.

2019-10-05 04:16:40 UTC  


For the moment. I'd remind you that our domestic oil cost is lower than much of the ME. And it's not like we are the sort of people to invent and entirely new energy method on the fly because someone thought there might be a profit margin......

2019-10-05 04:16:45 UTC  

This is what Syria mean for Putin.

2019-10-05 04:17:13 UTC  

I'd also say Syria meant more than that.

2019-10-05 04:17:43 UTC  

I tell you what the KGB has in the region.

2019-10-05 04:17:58 UTC  

Ultimately it means different things for different people.

2019-10-05 04:18:14 UTC  

I guess the Jews are the ones most invested in the war.

2019-10-05 04:18:37 UTC  

Far more than you or the Russians.

2019-10-05 04:18:53 UTC  

It's their damned neighbor, right?

2019-10-05 04:19:50 UTC  

The absolute lowest lifting costs on the planet is SA. SA and Iran have been fighting a proxy war for a while and SA has (correctly) decided that if they can dump oil on the market they can price the Persians out of much of it. This also undercuts Russian oil. So a beachhead and the capacity to destabalize routes even further in that region has some value to Russia.

2019-10-05 04:22:18 UTC  

Again, in so many ways, we don't give a fuck. Because the real loser in that sort of fight is China. The world's largest *importer* of oil at the far east tip of the supply chain........

2019-10-05 04:24:04 UTC  

Yeah, I know.

2019-10-05 04:24:26 UTC  

In the long term the most screwed are the Asians, not just China.

2019-10-05 04:25:39 UTC  

In terms of resources they are scarce, while in terms of population they are the largest ones.

2019-10-05 04:26:14 UTC  

I kind of get why the CCP acts in so dominant and cruel manner in HK then.

2019-10-05 04:26:43 UTC  

Well, it depends. Like I said most of our export is going to Asia now. The new LNG terminal in LA sent it's first shipment through Panama to Asia. We might maybe forget to send anything to China. Purely an oversight I am sure......

2019-10-05 04:27:09 UTC  

They really don't want to loose one of their biggest economic hubs when the state of the world is such that they might soon need it.

2019-10-05 04:28:10 UTC  

Currently Russia is supplying China with gas and i believe they already surpassed the EU as the biggest client there.

2019-10-05 04:28:54 UTC  

So it's a good business for the Russians but unfortunately for them their petroleum industry just can't keep up with the demand.

2019-10-05 04:29:28 UTC  

Like 10 years ago Putin actually wanted to make the growing Chinese dependent only on Russian energy

2019-10-05 04:30:00 UTC  

Or even close. China imports a lot of the, and this is a technical term they use in the military, "magic go-juice that makes ships tanks and planes work"

2019-10-05 04:30:15 UTC  

but then his geologists told him thee was just no way Russia can extract so much oil in the long term, so he had to give up.