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2019-11-01 15:18:35 UTC

Imagine changing name for Halloween instead of just getting dick

2019-11-01 15:18:39 UTC

I'm mean giving

2019-11-01 15:18:42 UTC

Giving dick

2019-11-01 15:19:48 UTC

so controversial

2019-11-01 15:20:09 UTC

@BabaBooey what does controversial mean

2019-11-01 15:20:12 UTC

@UnScottable actually looks like Sargon did a video on them as well.

2019-11-01 15:20:53 UTC

I don't give dick, I take pussy

2019-11-01 15:21:07 UTC

To the face

2019-11-01 15:21:11 UTC

Until I can't breathe

2019-11-01 15:22:06 UTC

yea i need to check it out

2019-11-01 15:22:41 UTC

He laid out a fair assessment of them since the question and complaint they are posing is pretty legitimate.

2019-11-01 15:22:56 UTC

@Kaiser Pepsi Man stop stop, you can only get me so hard

2019-11-01 15:23:35 UTC

The guy who denies chinese crimes against humanity is angry that a guy questions how many people were killed in a genocide

2019-11-01 15:24:04 UTC

That their is an ethnic American identity centered around universal principles. And that we have to be vigilant because even though our ideas are universal. Doesnโ€™t mean those that say they want to be one of us actually adopt said ideals. In which case why are we supporting the means that will eventually destroy us?

2019-11-01 15:24:17 UTC

@Ethreen42 that's an actual fucking bruh moment

2019-11-01 15:24:24 UTC

yea obviously hes not denying it happened

2019-11-01 15:24:42 UTC

baba is a retarded commie though so what do we expect

2019-11-01 15:25:01 UTC

yeah its not as if they just used the furnaces to kill

2019-11-01 15:25:16 UTC

right guys

2019-11-01 15:25:36 UTC

@Ethreen42 or heโ€™d just frame the communists starving and treating their own as as shit is. โ€œJust mismanagement but the intention was good ok guys?โ€

2019-11-01 15:25:48 UTC


2019-11-01 15:25:48 UTC


2019-11-01 15:26:02 UTC

I mean

2019-11-01 15:26:03 UTC


2019-11-01 15:26:08 UTC

if the intent is to kill some commies

2019-11-01 15:26:13 UTC

the intent was good

2019-11-01 15:26:16 UTC

nah because it wasnt real communism @ubermensch

2019-11-01 15:26:18 UTC


2019-11-01 15:26:47 UTC

you guys have never seen the communist utopia ID usher in <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-11-01 15:27:16 UTC

I'd set up a communist utopia in uranus

2019-11-01 15:27:18 UTC

Ye funny enough communists have done a greater service against other communists considering how many of their own they starved. Pretty ironic.

2019-11-01 15:27:24 UTC


2019-11-01 15:27:59 UTC

@Tea Pope depends on how feminine you are ๐Ÿ˜‰

2019-11-01 15:27:59 UTC

Tbh in my experience with communist zoomers most are just poor unskilled twinks in need of a good dicking and a lesson about life skills

2019-11-01 15:28:00 UTC

Sargon entirely misrepresented Groypers and dishonestly kvetched on American Identity as usual

2019-11-01 15:28:42 UTC

He said those in line were against "Identity Politics", whereas on the contrary, they were asserting their White European and Christian identity

2019-11-01 15:29:38 UTC

Identity Politics bad <:npc:502497359419408384>

2019-11-01 15:30:01 UTC

Atomized Individualism good<:npc:502497359419408384>

2019-11-01 15:30:04 UTC

That's the most perverted word to come out of modern politics

2019-11-01 15:30:52 UTC

"Denounce your heritage, culture, race and nationality (i.e, your identity) and become a part of the globohomo order"

2019-11-01 15:31:14 UTC

the gdp will thank you for it

2019-11-01 15:31:17 UTC


2019-11-01 15:31:24 UTC

2019-11-01 15:31:25 UTC

Literally this meme

2019-11-01 15:32:00 UTC

@Monstrous Moonshine Sadly your not gonna put that genie back into the bottle. I hate itโ€™s employment but itโ€™s obviously resonating with people. Especially when it comes to actually having a place to call yours. Hence why you get a more specific element like the gryopers.

2019-11-01 15:32:36 UTC

Most people seem to think ideas are superior to people. When obviously the people is what constitute the ideas.

2019-11-01 15:33:09 UTC

Wanting to identify with a group is a biological function, it isn't going to be destroyed, ever

2019-11-01 15:33:50 UTC

Other than Charlie Kike and far left anarchists, I have not seen a single person advocating for entirely abolishing Nation states

2019-11-01 15:34:22 UTC

European Fedralists?

2019-11-01 15:34:23 UTC

well the reason why you see charlie kirk spew that idea

2019-11-01 15:34:34 UTC

is that he represents those higher up in the elite class who also hold his views

2019-11-01 15:34:47 UTC

Charlie Kike says that nations are not only an abstract vessel for ideas, but that if you place the constitution on a deserted island, that becomes America

2019-11-01 15:34:57 UTC

This is antithetical to the founding ideals

2019-11-01 15:35:30 UTC

2019-11-01 15:36:45 UTC


2019-11-01 15:36:52 UTC

@Monstrous Moonshine well ya because their overly philosophical in their intangible view of the world. What the gryopers want and seek to maintain is very much tangible. We donโ€™t want to be a fucking meld of something. We want to be our own thing and pass that to torch along.

2019-11-01 15:36:52 UTC

Most of the founders were White nats tbh

2019-11-01 15:36:58 UTC

Hello fellow kids

2019-11-01 15:37:08 UTC

If you quit your job you can save the white race!

2019-11-01 15:37:20 UTC

Work is for the sheeple

2019-11-01 15:37:37 UTC

Also don't buy any products

2019-11-01 15:37:42 UTC

Deep analysis of the motives behind TPUSA's positions based on their donors

2019-11-01 15:37:44 UTC

Real men rely on the state to feed them

2019-11-01 15:38:15 UTC

Nice exaggeration, retard

2019-11-01 15:38:37 UTC

You should debate destiny

2019-11-01 15:38:40 UTC

@livid_scrooge nice dress UwU

2019-11-01 15:38:43 UTC

I've been verbally abused online ๐Ÿ˜”

2019-11-01 15:38:54 UTC

@Andrew Popa 2.0 Remember that Dotty is a trap IRL

2019-11-01 15:39:11 UTC


2019-11-01 15:39:23 UTC


2019-11-01 15:39:27 UTC

and remember that he actually wants to be gangbanged

2019-11-01 15:39:50 UTC

2019-11-01 15:39:52 UTC

@Coolitic Jack of Trades

2019-11-01 15:40:01 UTC

Nice fake screenshot bro

2019-11-01 15:40:07 UTC


2019-11-01 15:40:09 UTC


2019-11-01 15:40:19 UTC

what does this have to do with Jack?

2019-11-01 15:40:28 UTC

1.8 billion dollars annual aid to Egypt: I sleep

2019-11-01 15:40:37 UTC

15k troops in Saudi Arabia: I sleep

2019-11-01 15:40:39 UTC
2019-11-01 15:40:46 UTC

Israel: real shit

2019-11-01 15:40:49 UTC

@Coolitic Jack of Trades has seen what Livid looks like

2019-11-01 15:40:49 UTC

not cool with that either

2019-11-01 15:40:51 UTC


2019-11-01 15:40:53 UTC


2019-11-01 15:40:53 UTC


2019-11-01 15:40:57 UTC

Jack doesn't have anything

2019-11-01 15:41:03 UTC

@Coolitic I'm not 100% sure, but he has

2019-11-01 15:41:07 UTC

@livid_scrooge Yes he does

2019-11-01 15:41:17 UTC

maybe a doxx?

2019-11-01 15:41:17 UTC

Then he's lying to you

2019-11-01 15:41:18 UTC

Maybe if we went to war for Egypt every other year we'd talk about that more lmao

2019-11-01 15:41:18 UTC

@UnScottable that's fine, it's the weird distribution of attention that Andrew is poking fun at

2019-11-01 15:41:19 UTC

Dishing out verbal abuse and having people notice you is how you get woke points.

2019-11-01 15:41:19 UTC


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