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2018-06-01 03:20:33 UTC

Capitalism corrupts democracy

2018-06-01 03:20:34 UTC

@Shell Shock Because people are lulled into being uninformed and become complacent in voting; eventually those with the resources will sway the public to vote for anything they desire; it is a kleptocracy

2018-06-01 03:20:40 UTC

because of profit

2018-06-01 03:20:52 UTC

@Shell Shock Democracy is worthless when the majority are dogs

2018-06-01 03:20:52 UTC

Democracy is already inherently corrupt

2018-06-01 03:20:52 UTC

Democracy splits the nation.

2018-06-01 03:20:56 UTC

And weakens it.

2018-06-01 03:21:00 UTC

and every communist nation to ever exist is corrupt

2018-06-01 03:21:43 UTC

It is logical for there to be a strong leader for national stability.

2018-06-01 03:21:59 UTC

How are the majority dogs? Idk why someone would want to be under a dictatorship and be brainwashed

2018-06-01 03:22:17 UTC

@Shell Shock that is how literally every democracy on Earth is today

2018-06-01 03:22:20 UTC

this very moment

2018-06-01 03:22:56 UTC

**Being proud of your nation and your people isn't brainwashing.**

2018-06-01 03:23:46 UTC

Weak governments have been shown to cause damage to the civilian population.

2018-06-01 03:24:01 UTC

How is Democrazy a dictatorship? Democrazy can't be a dictatorship no one is in power for ever. I can't believe someone is that brain washed to be against Democrazy that's just anti American

2018-06-01 03:24:12 UTC


2018-06-01 03:24:46 UTC
2018-06-01 03:24:56 UTC

Yes lad

2018-06-01 03:25:00 UTC

@Shell Shock But America isnโ€™t a democracy?

2018-06-01 03:25:09 UTC

@Shell Shock It does not matter who the individual leader is when they all act the same

2018-06-01 03:25:14 UTC

Itโ€™s a constitutional republic my dude.

2018-06-01 03:25:15 UTC

Your right it's a republic

2018-06-01 03:25:38 UTC

Even then thereโ€™s only two choices for a leader, and theyโ€™re generally the same with slight variation in policy.

2018-06-01 03:25:56 UTC

We vote like a Democrazy people are represented by representatives

2018-06-01 03:25:57 UTC

America was founded where only white, landowning males could vote anyway.

2018-06-01 03:26:15 UTC

Yes and that changed

2018-06-01 03:26:31 UTC

Itโ€™s more of an oligarchic democracy now. And even then, the candidates can only reach that high because of lobbyists or private funds from themselves.

2018-06-01 03:26:42 UTC


2018-06-01 03:26:51 UTC

@Shell Shock Yeah and it took several decades, almost 100 years to change that.

2018-06-01 03:27:11 UTC

Ik and that is really sad

2018-06-01 03:27:35 UTC

No it's not.

2018-06-01 03:27:43 UTC

It's sad that it changed.

2018-06-01 03:27:47 UTC

It is sad actually.

2018-06-01 03:27:53 UTC

Sad that it changed.

2018-06-01 03:30:52 UTC

Shell Shock, have you ever thought that it is *YOU* who is brainwashed into the cult of equality?

2018-06-01 03:30:58 UTC

Well I should be off to bed I feel like we forget politics is just politics. We should not avoid others because of political beliefs and should not take politics to seriously. Being to involved in politics is no fun and you will not enjoy life. Anyways take care and good night everyone

2018-06-01 03:31:12 UTC

Good night.

2018-06-01 03:31:17 UTC


2018-06-01 03:33:10 UTC

@Meta @ajsbeast Here is a pertinent read

2018-06-01 03:45:40 UTC

being proud of your nation isn't bad its patriotism

2018-06-01 03:49:01 UTC

Your hourly reminder that if you vote for the fascist party, the trains will run on time!!!

2018-06-01 03:49:06 UTC

but Fascists take it further by oppressing minorities, women, and censoring all things so your are brainwashed with Fascist beliefs and have no freedom

2018-06-01 03:49:33 UTC

Fascism was obviously so liked with Italy that Mussolini was assassinated by his own people

2018-06-01 03:49:40 UTC

@DeadRavagerGames fascists enforce natural law so that people can embrace their natural desires in a healthy way

2018-06-01 03:49:52 UTC

this leads to social unity and greater individual fulfillment

2018-06-01 03:50:01 UTC

debasing oneself as the communists and capitalists push

2018-06-01 03:50:03 UTC


2018-06-01 03:50:07 UTC

only leaves a spiritual emptiness

2018-06-01 03:51:12 UTC

then you should teach your people to learn and not be so backwards and live how our tribal ancestors did

2018-06-01 03:52:37 UTC

Living till 20
Starving to death
Poor hygiene
Tribal life sounds great!

2018-06-01 03:52:49 UTC

we are advancing as a society and should also advance with our beliefs instead of being tribals

2018-06-01 03:53:25 UTC

Tribal life sounds more like communism to me

2018-06-01 03:53:56 UTC

Nah see in tribal life, you hunt a deer, you use the deer yourself and share if you feel like it.

2018-06-01 03:54:02 UTC

In communism you have to share it.

2018-06-01 03:54:03 UTC

@DeadRavagerGames jokes on you because it is human nature to create technology

2018-06-01 03:54:17 UTC

so instead of hitting our heads against the wall and not letting certain people live because of race or stopping people from working because they women we should work as a community

2018-06-01 03:55:29 UTC

It is better for races to be separate because then they can determine their own futures for themselves

2018-06-01 03:55:41 UTC

it would be racist to say that a race can't determine its own future

2018-06-01 03:56:45 UTC

it is racist for not letting an ideology even have a future like Fascists believe in killing them

2018-06-01 03:57:15 UTC

they believe their race and nation is the only one

2018-06-01 03:57:42 UTC

there are simple and better ways to approach corruption instead of killing jews

2018-06-01 03:57:58 UTC

like removing the corruption of capitalism that causes that corruption

2018-06-01 03:58:08 UTC

the racial purity isn't necessary

2018-06-01 03:59:29 UTC

No, we believe that other races and nations can exist. We just believe that they should perhaps be separate so that they may flourish and survive through their own people

2018-06-01 04:01:41 UTC

the thing is thats what we all are just people, we should be able to work together work as a collective, race or gender or whatever should not matter, everyone is the same and should be able to contribute to a great society no matter what you are

2018-06-01 04:02:52 UTC

But thatโ€™s been shown to only lead to destruction and chaos. The West is falling apart as we speak and then seams are coming loose due to this. It may work for a decade or two, but it will always come back to haunt you

2018-06-01 04:04:55 UTC

and why is it falling apart? corruption, capitalism has run its course just like feudalism and there will be greater ideologies to advance as a society, but do these backward teachings have a place in this advancing society, fuck no we should ditch these old concepts of racism and move forward as a society, as we are strong if we unite and work together as a community

2018-06-01 04:06:03 UTC

@DeadRavagerGames the jews were the bourgeoisie

2018-06-01 04:06:07 UTC

it was ethical to kill them

2018-06-01 04:06:36 UTC


2018-06-01 04:06:53 UTC

It is not capitalism that is driving it apart, it is the incompatibility of the people that is leading to the unrest. It is not the people against the upper class that is ripping society apart, but the people against their fellow man

2018-06-01 04:07:08 UTC

Also, we are all born different thus we should be encouraged to engage in activities that fulfill our genetic differences

2018-06-01 04:07:13 UTC

so we can be fulfilled through work

2018-06-01 04:07:15 UTC

but why are muslims and americans against eachother,

2018-06-01 04:07:19 UTC


2018-06-01 04:07:33 UTC

Their differences in culture and beliefs that are not compatible

2018-06-01 04:07:36 UTC


2018-06-01 04:07:43 UTC

not everything is economics you bugman

2018-06-01 04:07:46 UTC

hating a certain race only gives the enemy a reason to attack your great country

2018-06-01 04:07:57 UTC

muslim is not a race

2018-06-01 04:07:59 UTC

Islam is not a race

2018-06-01 04:08:01 UTC

people are culturally incompatible

2018-06-01 04:08:01 UTC
2018-06-01 04:08:10 UTC

muslim is a disease

2018-06-01 04:08:12 UTC


2018-06-01 04:08:14 UTC

you get what i mean

2018-06-01 04:08:14 UTC

The Muslims rape European women, destroy our cities, and drain the welfare of our countries, why should we not hate them?

2018-06-01 04:08:47 UTC

They are nothing but a pesticide you Our society. Our society that has given them a chance with ferocious consequences

2018-06-01 04:08:59 UTC

hating someone because of different beliefs is backwards and no way to advance

2018-06-01 04:09:08 UTC

@GermanEastAfrica this man is correct

2018-06-01 04:09:21 UTC

@DeadRavagerGames That's literally one of the only valid reasons to hate someone

2018-06-01 04:09:45 UTC

But at some point you just realize that the difference is to great and that the gal can not be bridged. We have tried to bridge the gap and it has ended in ruin

2018-06-01 04:09:46 UTC

no you can dislike someone for many reasons

2018-06-01 04:09:53 UTC

but race or beliefs no

2018-06-01 04:10:00 UTC


2018-06-01 04:10:03 UTC

are one of the few things

2018-06-01 04:10:08 UTC

that found a core reason

2018-06-01 04:10:09 UTC

to hate someone

2018-06-01 04:10:13 UTC

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