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2017-03-08 02:19:00 UTC

everything else?

2017-03-08 02:19:07 UTC


2017-03-08 02:19:08 UTC


2017-03-08 02:19:09 UTC


2017-03-08 02:19:28 UTC

Ehh, I don't support my enemies, period. That includes sarcuck

2017-03-08 02:19:34 UTC

If a good alternative to Sargon arose I would champion them, but as it stands he's an acceptable mediocrity.

2017-03-08 02:19:35 UTC

Sargon focuses just on the issues he sees with the left wing and then occasionally remembers he is supposed to hate Nazis, while Kraut is the kind of person who says "communists are bad and Islam is horible but Nazis are worse and the far right is all bad"

2017-03-08 02:19:59 UTC

heh, so basically a cuckservative

2017-03-08 02:20:07 UTC

Except he's openly liberal

2017-03-08 02:20:16 UTC

No, Kraut is "alt left", similar to lefty pol.
Sargon is a "classical liberal".

2017-03-08 02:20:35 UTC

And he is really good at presenting logical and factual arguments

2017-03-08 02:20:43 UTC

hes a lolbertarian leftie basically

2017-03-08 02:20:50 UTC

is sargon anti islam

2017-03-08 02:20:54 UTC


2017-03-08 02:21:04 UTC

so like

2017-03-08 02:21:06 UTC

a centrist

2017-03-08 02:21:10 UTC


2017-03-08 02:21:13 UTC

He's changed my opinion (on things not related to left right politics) several times in ways other members of the "community" could never.

2017-03-08 02:21:14 UTC

Sargon isn't good at making points though.
His shtick is making fun of everyone.

2017-03-08 02:21:18 UTC

that makes him a good target. Considering that the "alt-kike" doesn't even exist there is no reason to worry about the ((("alt-left")))

2017-03-08 02:21:31 UTC

is the alt lleft even a thing

2017-03-08 02:21:32 UTC

sargon is disgustingly bad in debates

2017-03-08 02:21:34 UTC

The alt left are forming themselves into something.

2017-03-08 02:21:41 UTC

Sargon can't argue for shit

2017-03-08 02:21:48 UTC

>implying that isn't soros funding them

2017-03-08 02:21:48 UTC

antifa is alt left i thought

2017-03-08 02:21:51 UTC


2017-03-08 02:21:56 UTC

Sargon's voice annoys me

2017-03-08 02:22:09 UTC

Even with people who are his friends and agree with him. He just doesn't know how to debate.

2017-03-08 02:22:16 UTC

"How are politics even real" Leftypol and Kraut have all pledged themselves to the "Alt left".
A leftwing movement with Civic nationalism and removing identity politics in favour of class warfare.

2017-03-08 02:22:16 UTC


2017-03-08 02:22:18 UTC

@Chancellor would you like to debate on voice?

2017-03-08 02:22:27 UTC

Man, I'd have to get my phone and shit.

2017-03-08 02:22:45 UTC

well, I'm ready to defend my position if you are as well

2017-03-08 02:23:06 UTC

Alright. give me a second.

2017-03-08 02:23:15 UTC

IS your position essentially that we should not support anyone in any way who disagrees with out politics? @gabe_brouse

2017-03-08 02:23:32 UTC

Kind of ironic that alt-right is a more extreme compared to mainstream conservativism yet alt-left is more moderate than mainstream leftism

2017-03-08 02:23:33 UTC

literally watch (((ben shapiro))) if you wanna learn how to debate

2017-03-08 02:23:46 UTC

@๐Ÿ…ฑarD join the debate channel and I'll explain my position

2017-03-08 02:23:51 UTC

Also I can't participate but I want to listen in on this debate.

2017-03-08 02:23:52 UTC


2017-03-08 02:24:02 UTC

I'll listen too.

2017-03-08 02:24:19 UTC

i will listen when i get home

2017-03-08 02:24:29 UTC

He's also pro-welfare I believe

2017-03-08 02:25:12 UTC

2017-03-08 02:25:32 UTC


2017-03-08 02:25:43 UTC

I'm in the game @DeusVolt

2017-03-08 02:26:36 UTC

>not wanting catboypussi

2017-03-08 02:26:47 UTC

void pls

2017-03-08 02:26:53 UTC

What's your username @DeusVolt

2017-03-08 02:26:54 UTC

Beserk ur name?

2017-03-08 02:27:00 UTC

2017-03-08 02:27:03 UTC

Anticom :D

2017-03-08 02:27:09 UTC


2017-03-08 02:27:34 UTC

I see you

2017-03-08 02:27:52 UTC

Lowkey adverisement

2017-03-08 02:28:37 UTC

I am become flag bearer

2017-03-08 02:28:59 UTC

I'm salty because we have no pikes

2017-03-08 02:29:17 UTC

Wait what proof do you have of Sargon being a cuck married to a Muslim

2017-03-08 02:29:26 UTC


2017-03-08 02:29:29 UTC


2017-03-08 02:29:38 UTC

>Nnot carrying a flag

2017-03-08 02:30:30 UTC

Tfw no pikes

2017-03-08 02:30:45 UTC

@Chancellor Ask him what proof he has about sargon being a cuck married to a Muslim

2017-03-08 02:30:58 UTC


2017-03-08 02:31:05 UTC

@I'mGoingBerserk mute ur mic pls it echoes

2017-03-08 02:31:42 UTC


2017-03-08 02:31:53 UTC

whos comp echoes

2017-03-08 02:33:27 UTC

ImGoingBerserk, mute your mic

2017-03-08 02:33:29 UTC

@Chancellor @gabe_brouse If Sargon falls honestly I think Harmful Opinions might get more of his followers than Kraut.

2017-03-08 02:33:47 UTC

@I'mGoingBerserk mute your mic, we can hear the background noises

2017-03-08 02:34:09 UTC

"We use their own propaganda against them. We tell the muslims that blacks were the Crusaders. We spark a nigger on sandnigger war and watch them get rid of the problem for us."
My god this is genius

2017-03-08 02:34:21 UTC

quoting /pol/, by the way

2017-03-08 02:34:54 UTC


2017-03-08 02:35:06 UTC


2017-03-08 02:35:10 UTC


2017-03-08 02:36:11 UTC

@Insomnant I disagree, I think having gradual redpills brings more people to our side.

2017-03-08 02:37:59 UTC

But if you have people like sargon getting people willing to think against the PC culture, then normies will be more receptive to standing up against openly anti-white but PC cultures.

2017-03-08 02:40:28 UTC

@Insomnant I used to see myself as a feminist, and it was the gradual redpilling caused by people like sargon that got me to where I am today.

2017-03-08 02:40:49 UTC

Avenge me bereserk

2017-03-08 02:41:43 UTC

@gabe_brouse I think you reach more people who would be on the other side by having moderates on both sides.

2017-03-08 02:42:48 UTC

@๐Ÿ…ฑarD pretty much the same, if I didn't listen to sarcuck at first I wouldn't have stayed on /pol/ to go all the way

2017-03-08 02:43:13 UTC

I'm talking more about people who think we still need feminism but aren't all out lefties.

2017-03-08 02:45:11 UTC

@gabe_brouse I agree we don't need to reach out to the far left, but the moderate left and moderate right who might be more open to defending whites and nationalism if it wasn't for the PC cultures that is ingrained in their heads.

2017-03-08 02:47:08 UTC

My point is that the moderate left won't join us, ever. The moderate right might though. If the guy they have entertaining them is a centrist, the moderate right will stick with him. If they only have a left-wing guy entertaining them they might wind up coming to us

2017-03-08 02:48:07 UTC

I was moderate right and I have been going more and more right. If it came to a right vs left war I would choose the right over left or neutral. And I kindof follow Sargon and other centrist.

2017-03-08 02:48:46 UTC

But the point is that by removing the central option, the choices become 'left' or 'right.' And anyone disgusted by the left, has to go right

2017-03-08 02:49:15 UTC

Many still internally identify as left despite holding right wing opinions due to indoctrination.

2017-03-08 02:49:32 UTC

If we have moderate right wingers, but there are not really any good right wingers who are moderate and create good content.

2017-03-08 02:49:41 UTC

And without understanding wider political spectrums would pick sides against their interests.

2017-03-08 02:50:10 UTC

They just don't do it for me though.

2017-03-08 02:50:12 UTC

I don't know.

2017-03-08 02:50:40 UTC

"In athens the man who refuses to participate in a revolution has all rights removed whether it succeeds or fails"

2017-03-08 02:51:48 UTC

The problem is "far right=worse ideology" is deeply ingrained in most people's minds, even those who agree with the far right more than the far left.

2017-03-08 02:52:15 UTC

So you need moderates to start breaking the anti-right conditioning.

2017-03-08 02:52:29 UTC

I am incapable of offense, Appropriate all you want.

2017-03-08 02:53:11 UTC

0.2 nanoseconds

2017-03-08 02:53:23 UTC

The emu state of internal australia has given emus complete rights.
The will likely pressure california as soon as they can.

2017-03-08 02:53:32 UTC

2017-03-08 02:53:36 UTC

We nuked teh abos a bit.

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