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2017-02-19 07:22:23 UTC

But being wrong happens to correlate with increasing power

2017-02-19 07:22:43 UTC

The abstract morality of a system matters less than the results it produces

2017-02-19 07:22:44 UTC

@Tee CA Anarchism doesn't mean you have to cut out human interaction

2017-02-19 07:22:55 UTC

consequentialism is cancer

2017-02-19 07:23:19 UTC

o wait my star of david is gone

2017-02-19 07:23:24 UTC

@Post-Mortem Boredom People will join together through. Because two sets of resources is better than 1& so on and so on

2017-02-19 07:23:25 UTC

"a central authority told me it was ok for me to take your pay check because it's for the greater good, and the greater good is for it to fund something you don't want"

2017-02-19 07:23:39 UTC


2017-02-19 07:23:50 UTC

replace it with a central authority that does what you want

2017-02-19 07:24:08 UTC

or you could try to convince people of the merits of the NAP

2017-02-19 07:24:12 UTC

@Roll build robots to delegate and rule over us.

2017-02-19 07:24:14 UTC

that'll prevent them from shooting you

2017-02-19 07:24:15 UTC

@Tee CA stop talking all that logic and rationality! i just hate roads!

2017-02-19 07:24:18 UTC


2017-02-19 07:24:31 UTC


2017-02-19 07:24:35 UTC


2017-02-19 07:24:40 UTC

give me the star instead

2017-02-19 07:24:43 UTC
2017-02-19 07:24:44 UTC

the star

2017-02-19 07:24:45 UTC

I want my swazis back ;-;

2017-02-19 07:24:46 UTC

the star

2017-02-19 07:24:47 UTC

i would like to pay a protection agency voluntarily. government is not voluntary

2017-02-19 07:24:59 UTC

@Benzmiller rotation of power

2017-02-19 07:25:06 UTC

voluntaryism is about as practicable as communism

2017-02-19 07:25:14 UTC

Everyone gets to be king for a day

2017-02-19 07:25:26 UTC

2017-02-19 07:25:27 UTC

@Post-Mortem Boredom debate me you evil nazi

2017-02-19 07:25:33 UTC

Censored by NSA

2017-02-19 07:25:37 UTC

Until someone decides they don't want to give up the power

2017-02-19 07:25:48 UTC

Then boom dictator

2017-02-19 07:26:06 UTC

@Tee CA nuh-uh they'll just give up power because the NAP or something

2017-02-19 07:26:19 UTC

you never refute my point, only give me some bad consequence you think will happen

2017-02-19 07:26:21 UTC

bad argumentation

2017-02-19 07:26:38 UTC
2017-02-19 07:26:49 UTC

Who you talking to?

2017-02-19 07:26:53 UTC

Me, I guess

2017-02-19 07:27:08 UTC

yes, sorry

2017-02-19 07:27:18 UTC

@Post-Mortem Boredom are you going to debate me you evil naytziii or not

2017-02-19 07:27:21 UTC

"My system might induce the collapse of society but it least it's logically consistent!"

2017-02-19 07:27:33 UTC

"At least I can make logical arguments"

2017-02-19 07:27:36 UTC

as you all debate, ive just fired an recreational inter-continental McNukeโ„ข at your house. Prepare for impact.

2017-02-19 07:27:44 UTC

except you have no proof it will. those are the same things people said about slavery

2017-02-19 07:27:56 UTC

do what is right, not what you think will keep propping up soceity

2017-02-19 07:27:57 UTC

@gabe_brouse internet debates are pointless

2017-02-19 07:28:18 UTC

Then why are you arguing

2017-02-19 07:28:18 UTC

i'd rather live in a society with consistency than consequentialism

2017-02-19 07:28:38 UTC

@Benzmiller then you likely won't live in a society at all

2017-02-19 07:28:43 UTC

@gabe_brouse more like shitposting

2017-02-19 07:28:49 UTC

again, not addressing my point

2017-02-19 07:28:54 UTC

that's not the question

2017-02-19 07:29:00 UTC

humans are not consistent creatures

2017-02-19 07:29:02 UTC

the question is if we should try to fix society

2017-02-19 07:29:11 UTC

not "then you don't belong anywhere"

2017-02-19 07:29:35 UTC

if you dismantle the structures of something can it be considered fixed

2017-02-19 07:29:39 UTC

i mean

2017-02-19 07:29:44 UTC

it's not broken anymore

2017-02-19 07:29:49 UTC

because it no longer exists

2017-02-19 07:29:59 UTC

If you don't want to have kids then yeah, why bother with fixing society. If you do, then yeah you better fight to make the world better @Benzmiller

2017-02-19 07:30:19 UTC

Do it for the kids brah

2017-02-19 07:30:21 UTC

@Tee CA no disagreement there

2017-02-19 07:30:30 UTC

Natsoc for the children's future ;)

2017-02-19 07:30:34 UTC

MOVE TO <#279405192884125696>

2017-02-19 07:30:35 UTC

yes, if you remove cancer, the sickness is cured

2017-02-19 07:30:36 UTC


2017-02-19 07:30:44 UTC

@Post-Mortem Boredom join the voice

2017-02-19 07:30:56 UTC

I want my kids to have an Autobahn

2017-02-19 07:31:11 UTC

@gabe_brouse CENSORED BY NSA

2017-02-19 07:31:47 UTC


2017-02-19 07:32:05 UTC

mfw people are rude

2017-02-19 07:32:05 UTC


2017-02-19 07:32:39 UTC

2017-02-19 07:33:04 UTC

2017-02-19 07:33:11 UTC

@Post-Mortem Boredom its a voice channel m9

2017-02-19 07:33:25 UTC

yo my nigga should I get on voice chat

2017-02-19 07:34:08 UTC

2017-02-19 07:34:27 UTC

im about to get banned

2017-02-19 07:34:37 UTC
2017-02-19 07:35:22 UTC

me irl

2017-02-19 07:35:26 UTC

@Post-Mortem Boredom open the tab where you found the memes channel. Scroll down and gointo the voice channel

2017-02-19 07:35:28 UTC

1 sec let me adjust my earbuds

2017-02-19 07:35:53 UTC

2017-02-19 07:35:56 UTC

im going to bed

2017-02-19 07:36:17 UTC

@Post-Mortem Boredom Going to bed goes against the NAP

2017-02-19 07:36:28 UTC


2017-02-19 07:36:30 UTC


2017-02-19 07:36:52 UTC

Down with the NAP full R.E.M sleep @Post-Mortem Boredom

2017-02-19 07:37:00 UTC

2017-02-19 07:37:17 UTC

2017-02-19 07:37:30 UTC

2017-02-19 07:37:35 UTC
2017-02-19 07:37:41 UTC

hehe benis

2017-02-19 07:37:55 UTC

>Step 4): The political poles begin skirmishing- the far right and the far left. The autoradicals and the autoreactionaries go declare war on each other. These are effectively very, very marginal groups, comprising a small portion of the population. Let's say, 100,000 people at the absolute most (0.0003% of the US population). But their engagements, along with the inevitable media coverage, cause the sense of law and order in the US to completely unravel. JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR: The sense of law and order is the only thing holding the US, ultimately.

2017-02-19 07:38:03 UTC

REM sleep?

2017-02-19 07:38:04 UTC

dis shit

2017-02-19 07:38:10 UTC

be blowing ma noggin

2017-02-19 07:38:42 UTC

political compass

2017-02-19 07:38:42 UTC

2017-02-19 07:40:18 UTC

2017-02-19 07:40:23 UTC

188,296 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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