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2017-02-11 00:22:19 UTC

I keep getting messaged by an Italian fascist

2017-02-11 00:22:25 UTC

Or, some sort of russian bot

2017-02-11 00:34:49 UTC
2017-02-11 00:42:09 UTC

2017-02-11 00:53:42 UTC

we should coordinate with vol

2017-02-11 00:58:13 UTC

how is VOL?

2017-02-11 01:27:01 UTC
2017-02-11 01:29:23 UTC

Holy shit

2017-02-11 01:30:00 UTC

It's Jewish number bullshit, meaningless except outside their mysticism and cosmology.

2017-02-11 01:30:06 UTC

Also, I think I still need to be vetted?

2017-02-11 01:30:42 UTC

I wasn't aware we needed to be vetted I just had someone from the french resistance chat send me an inv

2017-02-11 01:31:06 UTC

I came here from VoL, I haven't been vetted and hear people talk about it.

2017-02-11 01:35:30 UTC

Anyone have any news of that supposed general strike on the 17th?

2017-02-11 01:50:14 UTC

"Antifa in a nutshell
The state is bad, smash the state
And keep smashing it
While they provide welfare so we don't have to work
It's like they've got their own version of the NAP
But instead of propery rights, it's offending people. Naturually, the ones coming up with this notion are the most broken, emotionally fragile people in the world
Their entire philosophy and political identity can be entirely deconstructed and dismantled with a dictionary and enyclopedia, but this somehow galvanizes them"

2017-02-11 01:50:32 UTC

They don't think the state is bad

2017-02-11 01:50:39 UTC

They just want to own the state themselves

2017-02-11 01:50:46 UTC

and implement their own ideas on it etc.

2017-02-11 01:50:46 UTC


2017-02-11 01:51:06 UTC

Antifa is split between AnComs who want to destroy the state, but have no idea what to do after.
And Stalinists, and well yeah.

2017-02-11 01:52:35 UTC

And the NAP is autism the ethical rule.
It's "YOU VIOLATED MY PERSONAL SPACE! REEEE!" as a fundamental ethical law.

Except it's ordered, it follows principles, it's self aware and self controlling autism.
Antifa, the far left counts emotional issues as assault, they are pure, uncontrolled unadulterated autism with no self awareness.

2017-02-11 01:52:43 UTC

Lemme pull up some screenshots from a convo I just had with an antifa

2017-02-11 01:52:50 UTC


2017-02-11 01:52:58 UTC

2017-02-11 01:53:12 UTC

2017-02-11 01:53:21 UTC

nigga I ain't reading that

2017-02-11 01:53:33 UTC

the tl;dr = The usual rhetoric

2017-02-11 01:53:36 UTC

it really isn't that much tbh

2017-02-11 01:53:51 UTC

You're right.
And even during and after the french revolution the right had victories.

2017-02-11 01:54:07 UTC

The right wing forces brought down the soviet union. The right wing prevailed in unifying germany and Italy.

2017-02-11 01:54:21 UTC

"It's good for healing your brain"
jesus I knew it wasn't a joke how up their own asses with the faith healings by another name were but christ

2017-02-11 01:54:29 UTC

The left has been constantly gaining ground, but they are not "Always on the right side of history"... Well they weren't until 1946.

2017-02-11 01:55:03 UTC

And even then, it would be "liberal left" not the "Socialist left" which has a spotty history at best.

2017-02-11 01:55:53 UTC

@esgee You really should learn vehicles so you can react more quickly and plan an attack

2017-02-11 01:56:26 UTC

2017-02-11 01:56:30 UTC

2017-02-11 01:56:40 UTC

I'll occasionally drop some screenshots of the chat

2017-02-11 01:57:01 UTC


2017-02-11 01:57:13 UTC

The socialists are getting louder, the nationalists are getting stronger.

2017-02-11 01:58:04 UTC

I would be all for a sensible, and coherent reform of the left.
Drop the Orwellian and authoritarian stuff, fall back to defending the working class, drop the identity politics and I'd have no issues really.

2017-02-11 01:58:40 UTC

I'd support them over the republicans at least but I'd still have issues on some little things

2017-02-11 01:59:37 UTC

Better than the Neo-Cons definitely.
Man, I just don't wanna be paying for my replacements as my nation fades away into a degenerate mess owned by china.
Just wanna a decent place to raise my kids.

2017-02-11 02:01:12 UTC


2017-02-11 02:01:40 UTC

> skip to 7:35

2017-02-11 02:01:44 UTC

watch from there

2017-02-11 02:04:20 UTC

Antifa, International Finance, Multiculturalism, Mass Immigration, The promotion of sexual degeneracy and promiscuity, feminism, Black Lives Matter

2017-02-11 02:05:09 UTC

It's all intertwined.
I live in Straya, basically just need to get some nationalist up and going, kick out the chinese and stop the immigrants really.

Also nuke melbourne.

2017-02-11 02:05:46 UTC

These are all just symptoms of a bigger issue

2017-02-11 02:06:26 UTC

Yeah, but even once we deal with said issues we do need to purge the effects.
And addressing the symptoms does help us take down the larger beast, breaks their power and makes them afraid.

2017-02-11 02:12:23 UTC

Hey Hernan

2017-02-11 02:12:29 UTC

Socialsim is when the means of production are owned by the workers

2017-02-11 02:13:07 UTC


2017-02-11 02:13:13 UTC

Look up socialism on wikipedia.

2017-02-11 02:13:23 UTC

Wikipedia are traitors.

2017-02-11 02:13:25 UTC

The state owns the means of production in socialism

2017-02-11 02:13:42 UTC


2017-02-11 02:13:44 UTC

And in Germany all landowners were such with government permission

2017-02-11 02:13:50 UTC

Nazi Germany did not own the means of production

2017-02-11 02:13:55 UTC

The state ends up owning, the workers are meant to own it.

2017-02-11 02:14:07 UTC


2017-02-11 02:14:14 UTC

Socialism the theory is worker ownership, socialism practice is government ownership.

2017-02-11 02:14:25 UTC

Please tell me all about how German means of productionw as privately owned and operated

2017-02-11 02:14:28 UTC

Oh wiat, you can't

2017-02-11 02:14:35 UTC

Because Gestapo

2017-02-11 02:14:51 UTC


2017-02-11 02:14:52 UTC


2017-02-11 02:14:56 UTC

If you want Socialism in the US literally kill yourself

2017-02-11 02:15:04 UTC


2017-02-11 02:15:04 UTC

The Constitution is not to be fucked with

2017-02-11 02:15:14 UTC

Socialism and the US are incompatible

2017-02-11 02:16:01 UTC

And /pol/ memes aside

2017-02-11 02:16:05 UTC

America is an experiment in Liberty.

2017-02-11 02:16:10 UTC

National Soc in Germany was fucking awful

2017-02-11 02:16:33 UTC

I don't understand the revisionism saying it was all sunshine and rainbows

2017-02-11 02:16:42 UTC

The state becomes the distributor and owner of these factories through the fact that nobody will willingly give away their resources to people who are not willing to put the effort in to actually improve their circumstances

2017-02-11 02:16:52 UTC

Sunshine and rainbows? No.
Better than Weimar? Almost definitely.

2017-02-11 02:17:08 UTC

companies as an effect merely become a spouting point of socialist and communist propaganda

2017-02-11 02:17:17 UTC

Fascism/NatSoc were always meant to be transitionary.
An emergency mode for the state that would eventually transition back to a republic.

2017-02-11 02:17:28 UTC

Makes sense

2017-02-11 02:17:29 UTC

I'll come back later, there's a little too much autism, even for us.

2017-02-11 02:17:31 UTC

But seriosuly

2017-02-11 02:17:47 UTC

Germany under Hitler was prison

2017-02-11 02:18:15 UTC

Do as we say, obey, or be punished

2017-02-11 02:18:38 UTC

I don't agree with fascism merely for the fact that it, like communism or any other authoritarian program does not allow for dissent. This by extension could be eventually and incrementally used against the leading population

2017-02-11 02:18:47 UTC

Germany under Hitler was an unpleasant dictatorship.

I'd only accept an authoritarian government as a means to create a more free, and strong libertarian government.

2017-02-11 02:19:05 UTC

Even then, I'd be wary.

2017-02-11 02:19:12 UTC

and effectivly have the tables turned on the leading population, and as a result absolutely destroy it

2017-02-11 02:19:26 UTC

in either rebellion, civil war, etc

2017-02-11 02:19:41 UTC

or if the guns and other rights are taken away in time, subjugation

2017-02-11 02:19:42 UTC

"Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable"

2017-02-11 02:19:49 UTC

But seriously

2017-02-11 02:19:57 UTC

The fucking Hitler hero worship stops in thsi discord now

2017-02-11 02:19:58 UTC

basically that

2017-02-11 02:20:13 UTC

It's not like Hitler wasn't wrong

2017-02-11 02:20:16 UTC

We do need to chill out on Stormie stuff as we gain more power.

2017-02-11 02:20:23 UTC

but his ideals on socialism were in my opinion

2017-02-11 02:20:25 UTC

Of course he wasn't

2017-02-11 02:20:26 UTC

Hitler wasn't wrong, but he wasn't right either.

2017-02-11 02:20:34 UTC

But there is literal Hitler worship

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