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2019-03-31 19:46:23 UTC

@ooOOoO0OF I am actually subscribed to his channel I think memeulous is very funny.

2019-03-31 19:46:23 UTC

do you think this is a "debate"

2019-03-31 19:46:33 UTC


2019-03-31 19:46:35 UTC

he is funny

2019-03-31 19:46:36 UTC

the same videos comes up when you type flat earth, no matter what are the other keywords

2019-03-31 19:46:43 UTC

i do not believe the earth is flat

2019-03-31 19:46:58 UTC

i just think its nice to not discriminate, and to listen to both side

2019-03-31 19:46:59 UTC


2019-03-31 19:47:04 UTC

"if the earth is flat why did my wife leave me"-memeulous

2019-03-31 19:47:04 UTC

We donโ€™t hate memeulous, no. I watched some of his videos and laughed too. Heโ€™s simply severely misinformed. As are most people.

2019-03-31 19:47:12 UTC


2019-03-31 19:47:37 UTC


2019-03-31 19:47:43 UTC

"the flip"

2019-03-31 19:47:49 UTC


2019-03-31 19:47:56 UTC

ok ill stop

2019-03-31 19:48:03 UTC


2019-03-31 19:49:51 UTC

why is the earth flat, but not other planets? or do you guys believe all are flat.

2019-03-31 19:50:20 UTC

thats kinda stupid if you think the earth is, but not other planets

2019-03-31 19:50:25 UTC

I came into this server with no expectations and I leave with so much more knowledge than I expected

2019-03-31 19:50:33 UTC

yeah same

2019-03-31 19:50:37 UTC

i came to make fun of,

2019-03-31 19:50:46 UTC

but are learning so manty things

2019-03-31 19:50:50 UTC


2019-03-31 19:50:57 UTC

My friend sent me an invite and I came in to talk and learn

2019-03-31 19:51:01 UTC

it's quite interesting

2019-03-31 19:51:12 UTC


2019-03-31 19:52:06 UTC


@SwmpLvr i was AFK for 10 minutes, ..hey GREAT seeing you brother! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ‘

*idunno if you're Afk, rn, and or watchin GBshow, but HEY ๐Ÿ‘‹ ; ) much love my'man..

2019-03-31 19:52:13 UTC

if the earth is flat,

2019-03-31 19:52:23 UTC

how come solar eclipses take up the whole moon?

2019-03-31 19:52:40 UTC

and not just a thin linr

2019-03-31 19:52:41 UTC


2019-03-31 19:52:42 UTC


2019-03-31 19:52:50 UTC

i see a lot of stuff on that topic

2019-03-31 19:52:52 UTC

I don't think people fully understand what solar eclipses actually are

2019-03-31 19:52:59 UTC

can u explain/

2019-03-31 19:53:04 UTC


2019-03-31 19:53:21 UTC

Do you know how they supposedly work on the globe model? It will be easier to explain if you do

2019-03-31 19:53:31 UTC

sup bitches ๐Ÿ’€

2019-03-31 19:53:41 UTC


hey ChanChan ๐Ÿ‘‹ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2019-03-31 19:54:21 UTC

sup birdy

2019-03-31 19:54:22 UTC

Unmute please

2019-03-31 19:54:39 UTC

Oh my god no they muted my man

2019-03-31 19:55:07 UTC

earth rotation 2016 taken over 4 weeks


2019-03-31 19:55:09 UTC

!mute @abdultรฆrkelsen leaving server to avoid mute

2019-03-31 19:55:09 UTC

abdultรฆrkelsen#2182 (351787654930628628) is now muted for '**leaving server to avoid mute**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>

2019-03-31 19:55:11 UTC

clouds dont move for 4 weeks

2019-03-31 19:55:24 UTC


2019-03-31 19:55:49 UTC

Earth's rotation imaged by DSCOVR EPIC on 29 May 2016, a few weeks before the solstice.

2019-03-31 19:55:52 UTC

May I be unmuted

2019-03-31 19:56:04 UTC

Why arenโ€™t the clouds morphing wildly

2019-03-31 19:56:13 UTC

Over two weeks? They wouldnโ€™t stay static like that

2019-03-31 19:56:15 UTC
2019-03-31 19:56:16 UTC

<:vWarning:390208158699618306> **abdultรฆrkelsen**#2182 is not in a voice channel!

2019-03-31 19:56:25 UTC

They would be billowing like crazy

2019-03-31 19:56:28 UTC

!mute @Bunans

2019-03-31 19:56:29 UTC

Bunans#3485 (271342640342106143) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>

2019-03-31 19:56:34 UTC

Ya know what you OBSERVE

2019-03-31 19:56:38 UTC

Why am I muted

2019-03-31 19:56:48 UTC

unless u wanna say my eyes are wrong

2019-03-31 19:56:49 UTC

Alright, @ooOOoO0OF has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.

2019-03-31 19:57:19 UTC

!mute @Donny

2019-03-31 19:57:20 UTC

BรธrneTelefonen Omar#0856 (378558426697039893) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>

2019-03-31 19:57:29 UTC

Go watch funny thing happened on the way to the moon

2019-03-31 19:57:33 UTC

Alright, @ooOOoO0OF has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.

2019-03-31 19:57:40 UTC

Itโ€™s not a ball, their veil slips on cam

2019-03-31 19:57:50 UTC

So much more land

2019-03-31 19:57:51 UTC

May I be unmuted @Citizen Z

2019-03-31 19:57:52 UTC

And ocean

2019-03-31 19:57:56 UTC

>>voicekick @Donny

2019-03-31 19:57:57 UTC

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully voicekicked **BรธrneTelefonen Omar**#0856

2019-03-31 19:58:15 UTC


2019-03-31 19:58:17 UTC

moonLord's alt acc.#1888 (505184741130240010) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>

2019-03-31 19:58:17 UTC

Itโ€™s just a circle cut out lol

2019-03-31 19:58:32 UTC

It slips and you see EVERYTHING

2019-03-31 19:58:46 UTC

Bart Sibrels doc

2019-03-31 19:58:49 UTC
2019-03-31 19:59:00 UTC

Enough to watch him get socked in the mouth by buzz

2019-03-31 19:59:19 UTC


@Globulous i put him in <#484517419637800970> thats "muted" too
-- i did not Mute you on Vchat

2019-03-31 19:59:38 UTC


2019-03-31 19:59:42 UTC

Oh ok

therefore imma not gonna unmute you rn

2019-03-31 20:00:13 UTC

<:b_:507995503397699585> <:a_:507995510624354305> <:n_:507995520724369431> <:a_:507995510624354305> <:n_:507995520724369431> <:a_:507995510624354305>

2019-03-31 20:01:04 UTC

Alright, @Globulous has been warned for '**Duplicated text**'.

2019-03-31 20:01:19 UTC


2019-03-31 20:01:20 UTC

That effin globe will always be 2D

2019-03-31 20:01:50 UTC

No itโ€™s a circle on a flat space

2019-03-31 20:01:54 UTC

For all you know

2019-03-31 20:01:58 UTC

And thatโ€™s all it ever will be

2019-03-31 20:02:08 UTC

It is MAAM

2019-03-31 20:02:18 UTC

The flat earth society has members all over the globe

2019-03-31 20:02:28 UTC

Not ur joke

2019-03-31 20:02:29 UTC

yeah I got muted this morning ๐Ÿ˜ญ

2019-03-31 20:02:31 UTC

Bad joke 2

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