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2019-03-16 02:56:56 UTC

I slept 8:30 to 11:30

2019-03-16 02:57:14 UTC

And itโ€™s almost 22:00 now

2019-03-16 02:57:17 UTC

@Drifter your happiness is in your mind

2019-03-16 02:57:24 UTC

what happiness

2019-03-16 02:57:26 UTC

How do u live off that

2019-03-16 02:57:32 UTC


2019-03-16 02:57:34 UTC

I need 8 hours

2019-03-16 02:57:40 UTC

I vary

2019-03-16 02:57:49 UTC

I have days where I run in three

2019-03-16 02:57:51 UTC

Very unhealthy

2019-03-16 02:57:55 UTC

I have days when I run on ten

2019-03-16 02:58:07 UTC

>>voicekick @Josif

2019-03-16 02:58:08 UTC

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully voicekicked **Giovanni**#0880

2019-03-16 02:58:11 UTC


2019-03-16 02:58:22 UTC

<@546971018573381652> you need to join Voice chat

2019-03-16 02:58:26 UTC

So u live off an unhealthy sleeping

2019-03-16 02:58:36 UTC

i get usually 4-8 hours a night

2019-03-16 02:58:36 UTC

Very unhealthy sleeping

2019-03-16 02:58:40 UTC


2019-03-16 02:58:41 UTC

im surprised im not dead

2019-03-16 02:58:53 UTC

I usually also take two hours of staring at the ceiling in order to fall asleep

2019-03-16 02:59:06 UTC


2019-03-16 02:59:06 UTC

Thatโ€™s why I feel weird that Iโ€™m actually sleepy rn

2019-03-16 02:59:20 UTC

@Drifter you want at least 6 hours of sleep #TheySay

2019-03-16 02:59:32 UTC

Close your eyes and get comfy

2019-03-16 02:59:39 UTC

<@546971018573381652> !!!!!!;!;

2019-03-16 02:59:51 UTC


2019-03-16 03:00:14 UTC

Round and flat?

No one truly denies Australia. That's a horrible and ludicrous meme.

I understand the cause of the meme, but still stupid.

It's a jab at the way we dislike logical fallacies

2019-03-16 03:01:19 UTC

Australia is just a small island off the coast of New Zealand, change my mind.

2019-03-16 03:01:45 UTC


They say if we haven't been there or can photograph the entire continent, then it must be fake. Or some stupid shit like that.

2019-03-16 03:01:47 UTC

I canโ€™t coz u right

2019-03-16 03:01:58 UTC

Like if someone actually believes Australia doesn't exist, what would you guys say about them?

2019-03-16 03:02:14 UTC

i say they're right

2019-03-16 03:02:17 UTC

Wanna hear my prayer @The Gwench

2019-03-16 03:02:23 UTC


2019-03-16 03:02:31 UTC

I mean read

2019-03-16 03:03:16 UTC

You live on a small island off the coast of New Zealand? Howโ€™s that like <@546971018573381652>

2019-03-16 03:03:37 UTC

No my prayer

2019-03-16 03:03:59 UTC


2019-03-16 03:04:12 UTC

kinda off-topic

2019-03-16 03:04:13 UTC

but uh

2019-03-16 03:04:19 UTC


2019-03-16 03:04:21 UTC

a teacher at my school got arrested for having child porn

2019-03-16 03:04:28 UTC

Why not my prayer

2019-03-16 03:04:30 UTC

Thatโ€™s pretty bad

2019-03-16 03:04:34 UTC


2019-03-16 03:04:35 UTC


2019-03-16 03:04:36 UTC
2019-03-16 03:04:40 UTC


2019-03-16 03:04:45 UTC

*Really bad.*

2019-03-16 03:04:57 UTC

and apparently he was a really good teacher as well

2019-03-16 03:05:03 UTC


2019-03-16 03:05:11 UTC

Thats fuxked up

2019-03-16 03:05:12 UTC

@The Gwench what about my prayer

2019-03-16 03:05:19 UTC


2019-03-16 03:05:46 UTC

My prayer:(

2019-03-16 03:06:05 UTC

This prayer
Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread, โ€ฆand forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. Rโ€™amen.

2019-03-16 03:06:32 UTC


2019-03-16 03:06:58 UTC


2019-03-16 03:07:13 UTC

Yes it is

2019-03-16 03:07:25 UTC

It is, actually, lol

2019-03-16 03:07:47 UTC

Itโ€™s a meme religion meant to mock organized religions

2019-03-16 03:07:58 UTC

Itโ€™s great

2019-03-16 03:08:19 UTC

As a memer is basically my religion

2019-03-16 03:08:28 UTC


2019-03-16 03:08:44 UTC

Smart 10 year old

2019-03-16 03:08:52 UTC

Had a sense of humour

2019-03-16 03:08:52 UTC

Oi fuckers im a pastafarian

Use that for religious exemptions

2019-03-16 03:09:25 UTC

Alright, <@!546971018573381652> has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.

2019-03-16 03:09:31 UTC

You canโ€™t associate humour with age like that

That would look glorious on an application

2019-03-16 03:09:48 UTC


2019-03-16 03:10:12 UTC

Luke 6:27

2019-03-16 03:10:12 UTC

**Luke 6:27 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**

Love for Enemies

<27> "But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, ```

2019-03-16 03:10:22 UTC

I like how Agent Smith saw John Howard day the F word and is just like, โ€œCool, bruh.โ€

I wanna troll some agencies so bad with that religion ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†

2019-03-16 03:10:38 UTC


Ooooh, the temptation is SO REAL!!!

2019-03-16 03:10:43 UTC

Meanwhile when Agent Smith sees me use the F word,

2019-03-16 03:10:49 UTC

Coz itโ€™s a common word

2019-03-16 03:10:49 UTC

He goes the hell off on me

2019-03-16 03:10:50 UTC


2019-03-16 03:10:57 UTC


2019-03-16 03:11:03 UTC


2019-03-16 03:11:03 UTC


2019-03-16 03:11:40 UTC

*Whatโ€™s a Derro?*

2019-03-16 03:11:44 UTC


2019-03-16 03:11:49 UTC


2019-03-16 03:12:12 UTC

How are you flatties?

2019-03-16 03:12:19 UTC
2019-03-16 03:12:45 UTC


2019-03-16 03:12:48 UTC

Hello ^^

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