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2016-09-15 22:37:04 UTC

just curious were you guys born in mtl?

2016-09-15 22:37:14 UTC

i was

2016-09-15 22:37:27 UTC

so youve seen it change over the years as i have, i assume

2016-09-15 22:37:46 UTC


2016-09-15 22:37:56 UTC

it truly amazes me how much its changed

2016-09-15 22:38:09 UTC

when i was a kid we could go around wherever we wanted

2016-09-15 22:38:18 UTC

our parents weren't worried about our safety

2016-09-15 22:38:42 UTC

ya tthats true, but demographically as well. there are SO many more non-whites now

2016-09-15 22:38:46 UTC

now i doubt parents allow their 5 year olds to walk around the neihgbourhood without supervision

2016-09-15 22:38:57 UTC

yeah, well that's linked

2016-09-15 22:39:59 UTC

ya true, in my graduating class we were about 200 kids and we had maybe 20 blacks and 10 asians. I went back to highschool this past summer and i saw the new graduating class, mostly blacks and asians

2016-09-15 22:40:12 UTC

to my**

2016-09-15 23:17:33 UTC

I'm mad careful with my aryan princess. Gonna raise her right that's for sure

2016-09-15 23:18:15 UTC

btw guys, i made a new banner for DS

2016-09-15 23:18:20 UTC

go check out the site

2016-09-15 23:18:26 UTC

I preferred it when there was only pure-Aline quƩbƩcois supremacy

2016-09-15 23:18:36 UTC

Pure-laine *

2016-09-15 23:19:03 UTC


2016-09-15 23:19:22 UTC


2016-09-15 23:19:49 UTC

I like manga hitler

2016-09-15 23:20:10 UTC

Cuddly and approachable

2016-09-15 23:22:36 UTC

Mad skillz zeiger

2016-09-15 23:26:26 UTC

thank you

2016-09-15 23:27:09 UTC

also, hitler winks every few seconds

but i shy away from nazi fetishism even though i think the world would be a better place had they won

that said i'm visiting the nazi headquarters in Muniich and Nuremburg

2016-09-15 23:30:01 UTC

the pokemon banner is part of the campaign to troll the media

2016-09-15 23:30:11 UTC

phase 2 of the operation will begin soon

i saw some obscure outlets post stuff about it already

2016-09-15 23:30:33 UTC

i mean... don't you think the banner is funny?

i like the dichotomy, hitler + pokemon

2016-09-15 23:31:34 UTC

no one sane could say "those guys are evil nazis" - it'll just look like a joke. but die hard liberals will be like "nazis are trying to brainwash kids into loving hitler!!!"

2016-09-15 23:31:59 UTC

yeah, that's the beauty

2016-09-15 23:33:12 UTC

not yet, lol

2016-09-15 23:33:37 UTC

a bunch of articles have appeared

2016-09-15 23:33:47 UTC

that's already more than i would have expected

2016-09-15 23:33:55 UTC

they got word not to cover this

2016-09-15 23:34:10 UTC

that's why phase 2 was a necessity from the start

wait but how did they already get word of this

2016-09-15 23:34:33 UTC

they read it on DS i guess

2016-09-15 23:34:51 UTC

the first article was like "yeah, some guys are already doing this, you should join in"

2016-09-15 23:34:59 UTC

we said this was already in operation

2016-09-15 23:35:09 UTC

and that we aren't at the origin of things

2016-09-15 23:36:18 UTC

lol, one article even quotes anglin

2016-09-15 23:36:19 UTC

ā€œThe Daily Stormer was designed to appeal to teenagers, but I have long thought that we needed to get pre-teens involved in the movement,ā€ Anglin wrote. ā€œAt that age, you can really brainwash someone easily. Anyone who accepts Nazism at the age of 10 or 11 is going to be a Nazi for life. And it isnā€™t hard. Itā€™s just a matter of pulling them in. And what better way to do it than with Pokemon fliers at the Pokemon Go gym???ā€

2016-09-15 23:36:46 UTC

he said many times to journalists that he's trying to brainwash children, but until now they've been smart enough not to print it

2016-09-15 23:37:14 UTC

now some lower level idiots are printing it straight from the website

this is broadly to discredit the media and desensatize the public to the alt right

2016-09-15 23:37:23 UTC

they don't understand, haha

2016-09-15 23:37:41 UTC

there's different reasons, yeah

2016-09-15 23:37:57 UTC

make the media look like fools is one

2016-09-15 23:38:15 UTC

make the alt-right look funny and genius-tier master minds is another

2016-09-15 23:38:42 UTC

create a vast wave of publicity, is third, by using "child panic"

2016-09-15 23:38:51 UTC

then revealing it was all a hoax, for lulz

2016-09-15 23:39:09 UTC

the smarter journalists understood this

2016-09-15 23:39:18 UTC

they didn't fall for the bait

2016-09-15 23:39:34 UTC

that's why we're aiming for local newspapers first

2016-09-15 23:40:24 UTC

a big setup is orchestrated to fool the smarter ones. every step is planned

good luck, let me know if you need anything else

2016-09-15 23:40:45 UTC


2016-09-15 23:41:44 UTC

if this suceeds, every 10-25 year old will instantly think "the alt-right is where the fun stuff is happening"

2016-09-15 23:41:58 UTC

"i wanna be part of that"

2016-09-15 23:42:44 UTC

it'll be the new hippy revolution

2016-09-15 23:43:07 UTC

well, this op is a part of that campaign

is it still mostly just you at this point working on it?

2016-09-15 23:45:49 UTC

me and andrew. of course, plenty of stormers are probably distributing the flyers in real life too by now, as they reported. but I don't expect that to have a major, immediate impact

2016-09-15 23:46:19 UTC

you never need a big team of people for big operations

2016-09-15 23:47:01 UTC

fidel castro said: i did the revolution with 82 people. if i had to start over again, i'd do it with 10-15 instead

2016-09-15 23:47:23 UTC

quality people over quantity wins everytime

2016-09-16 00:48:56 UTC

Hey guys

2016-09-16 00:49:45 UTC


2016-09-16 00:50:05 UTC

btw, why didn't you come to either the operation or the meeting, with malfunctioning goy?

2016-09-16 00:50:07 UTC


2016-09-16 00:53:13 UTC

Yeah I'm sorry man I've been going through some stuff and I also broke my phone and was off discord for the time it took to get my new phone shipped. Anyways, I'm back now full swing. How did the operation go?

2016-09-16 04:24:55 UTC

whats going on guys?

2016-09-16 04:26:21 UTC


2016-09-16 04:27:45 UTC

bored af lol

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