Message from @Zeiger
Discord ID: 226126854820593664
create a vast wave of publicity, is third, by using "child panic"
then revealing it was all a hoax, for lulz
kek smiles on us
the smarter journalists understood this
they didn't fall for the bait
that's why we're aiming for local newspapers first
a big setup is orchestrated to fool the smarter ones. every step is planned
good luck, let me know if you need anything else
if this suceeds, every 10-25 year old will instantly think "the alt-right is where the fun stuff is happening"
"i wanna be part of that"
it'll be the new hippy revolution
well, this op is a part of that campaign
is it still mostly just you at this point working on it?
me and andrew. of course, plenty of stormers are probably distributing the flyers in real life too by now, as they reported. but I don't expect that to have a major, immediate impact
so they actually hand them out, craz
you never need a big team of people for big operations
fidel castro said: i did the revolution with 82 people. if i had to start over again, i'd do it with 10-15 instead
yeah i understand
and i agree
Hey guys
btw, why didn't you come to either the operation or the meeting, with malfunctioning goy?
Yeah I'm sorry man I've been going through some stuff and I also broke my phone and was off discord for the time it took to get my new phone shipped. Anyways, I'm back now full swing. How did the operation go?
whats going on guys?
bored af lol
Yeah that happens lol
lmao, its boring waiting for the 4th reich to arrive
It should be announced Nov 9 and take effect in January hopefully
haha! Yes thats the day it all begins
Then we can only hope it makes it way up here
hahah!, wat does ein mean in german