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2018-06-07 11:46:40 UTC

I like that, keep sterilizing the bottom 5% percent.... Even me when I become that last 5%.

2018-06-07 11:46:53 UTC

If you eliminate the 70 iq people, the 80 iq are the new bottom 5%

2018-06-07 11:46:55 UTC

I mean random people who kill people you know the people who are sent to prison for killing people.

2018-06-07 11:47:01 UTC

I thought you wanted to avoid the inbreeding problem

2018-06-07 11:47:29 UTC

Random people who kill people is still subjective. The definition of murder is if it justified.

2018-06-07 11:47:47 UTC

5% isn't a large part of the population so why would that case inbreeding?

2018-06-07 11:48:08 UTC

You are removing 5% of the gene pool.... Constantly

2018-06-07 11:48:43 UTC

What happens when all the 80 I people are gone? 90 becomes the new 80

2018-06-07 11:48:44 UTC

Yes only 5% of millions of people.

2018-06-07 11:48:49 UTC

Besides criminals can be genius too, look at al Capone

2018-06-07 11:49:16 UTC

Most violent criminals aren't very smart.

2018-06-07 11:49:41 UTC

if I remove 5% of 100 I'm left with 95.... So I take away 5% from them.... Now I have 91. And so on, and so on.

2018-06-07 11:49:49 UTC

I dunno, stalin and hitler weren't stupid

2018-06-07 11:49:55 UTC

I'm talking about millions of people @Grenade123

2018-06-07 11:50:00 UTC

If someone kills a jew, is it murder

2018-06-07 11:50:15 UTC

Yes killing anyone is murder.

2018-06-07 11:50:20 UTC

No, you are talking about STARTING with millions

2018-06-07 11:50:43 UTC

Oh, so it's just killing then? So we just get rid of the attack and the victim when the victim fights back

2018-06-07 11:50:54 UTC

Great leap forward though

2018-06-07 11:51:01 UTC

Oh wait...

2018-06-07 11:51:06 UTC

You think I wouldn't encrage the best people to have lots of kids @Grenade123.

2018-06-07 11:51:34 UTC

Best people tend to not want many kids

2018-06-07 11:51:48 UTC

That is why we need to encrage them to.

2018-06-07 11:51:52 UTC

They rather do brst in their field

2018-06-07 11:52:34 UTC

The high IQ men can be the best in their field and the women can be good mothers.

2018-06-07 11:53:23 UTC

Yes but people prefer similarly interested people, not all geniuses want a homely woman but a fellow genius

2018-06-07 11:54:04 UTC

Homogeny anf all that

2018-06-07 11:55:09 UTC

Yes IQ people do like other high IQ people and most women do want to be at home raising kids.

2018-06-07 11:55:59 UTC

And what about those that dont?

2018-06-07 11:57:24 UTC

Yes some won't that is why I would provid incentives for most of them to. You think that just because a few wouldn't doesn't mean most people wouldn't want to.

2018-06-07 11:57:25 UTC

i have slept while you faggots are still arguing

2018-06-07 11:57:39 UTC

We had a break.

2018-06-07 11:57:54 UTC

I just dont see how its different from now

2018-06-07 11:58:11 UTC

you shouldent need a break, aussie you started this 12 hours ago exactly

2018-06-07 11:58:26 UTC

Smart people that want kids can have kids

2018-06-07 11:58:26 UTC

The difference is that we don't have a eugenics programe at the moment.

2018-06-07 11:58:48 UTC

You just wanna add cleanup for the bottom row

2018-06-07 11:59:08 UTC

you know aussie jews arnt foreign right?

2018-06-07 11:59:12 UTC

The problem is that they have less kids then simpler people do.

2018-06-07 11:59:38 UTC

Yes they are mate, they are a foeign race.

2018-06-07 11:59:49 UTC

they have been in europe for 2000 years

2018-06-07 11:59:55 UTC

Sounds oppressive to me, for the greater good, you cant exist, socialists do that

2018-06-07 12:00:27 UTC

So have the gypsies that doesn't mean the gypsies or jews are white.

2018-06-07 12:00:50 UTC

Gypsies dont adapt, they can f off

2018-06-07 12:01:07 UTC

they are white

2018-06-07 12:01:12 UTC

I want to prevent simpler people from having lots of kids to improve the people in my country.

2018-06-07 12:01:14 UTC

theyve nativized

2018-06-07 12:01:46 UTC

But thats exactly what made simple people today

2018-06-07 12:01:47 UTC

they are 1500 years more european than 80% of americans are american

2018-06-07 12:02:09 UTC

Whites are a race you know that right @Arch-Fiend. Race isn't an ideology or civics it's biology.

2018-06-07 12:02:10 UTC

1500 years more european than you are australian

2018-06-07 12:02:22 UTC

Smart people and strong ones made society flourish so its strong enough to keep simple people alive, if it wasn't theyd die

2018-06-07 12:02:36 UTC

Strong men and good times cycle

2018-06-07 12:02:41 UTC

Australian is a nationality not a race.

2018-06-07 12:03:28 UTC

nigga if you live in one place long enough you become a race due to isolated natural selection

2018-06-07 12:03:44 UTC

Yes simple people keep society back I don't want to kill them I just want to prevent them from having kids to improve society.

2018-06-07 12:04:04 UTC

europe shaped the jewish population, it created who they are today

2018-06-07 12:04:12 UTC

Yes I know how biology works.

2018-06-07 12:04:14 UTC

That only applies to natural elimonation arch

2018-06-07 12:04:24 UTC

they have more in common with europeans than they do with arabians

2018-06-07 12:04:52 UTC

or iranians

2018-06-07 12:05:03 UTC

@Arch-Fiend No the jews did because they became what they are through selected breeding.

2018-06-07 12:05:13 UTC

If everyone survives no genes are cut from the pool

2018-06-07 12:05:15 UTC

selected breeding IN EUROPE

2018-06-07 12:05:58 UTC

@Arch-Fiend That depends on which jewish ethnic group yo are looking at.

2018-06-07 12:05:58 UTC

actually theres always genes being cut from the pool

2018-06-07 12:07:02 UTC

@Dr.Wol As I said I just want to stop people with bad genes from having kids to stop those bad genes from continuing to exist.

2018-06-07 12:07:28 UTC

But we dont know which genes cause that, smart people might carry the same genes

2018-06-07 12:07:40 UTC

the jewish people had to survive everything europeans did while they lived in the same region, this had an effect on their selective traits. not only that but they also started from a small population pool some estimate to be as low as 400 people. they were also shaped by the political culture of europe and the selective traits nessicary to fit into the nitches that came up around them as they coexisted with other european races

2018-06-07 12:07:58 UTC

Yes I know we don't know all the genes that is why we get people to take IQ tests.

2018-06-07 12:08:47 UTC

Id say forget eugenics and fund genetic engineering, just edit the bad genes away

2018-06-07 12:09:23 UTC

there arnt really that many objectively bad genes

2018-06-07 12:09:27 UTC

Edit away age, cancer, als

2018-06-07 12:09:50 UTC

What about the "evil" gene? ๐Ÿค”

2018-06-07 12:09:55 UTC

We don't know if it has any negative effects yet. I'm waiting for JF to publish his book on the subjet to see if it dose have negaive effects.

2018-06-07 12:10:06 UTC

i dont beleive in the evil gene

2018-06-07 12:10:33 UTC

But how do you explain Walt Disney?

2018-06-07 12:10:41 UTC

He had the evil gene

2018-06-07 12:11:15 UTC

It's not that they are "evil" it's more the they make people do bad things or disadvantage the people with those genes.

2018-06-07 12:11:53 UTC

Evil is a point of view, Trump is seen as evil

2018-06-07 12:11:58 UTC

As is Hillary

2018-06-07 12:12:14 UTC

Elon musk is Hitler too after all

2018-06-07 12:12:22 UTC

most genes people consiter bad are either things that cause people to be born so ineffecent that they are basicly unable to survive without constant support by other people, which those people dont breed very much though ill admit they do slightly more now than they did in the past. or other genes where people have survival traits which come at a cost/benefit usually shortening their lives but protecting them from something, like that of sicklecell

2018-06-07 12:13:03 UTC

If you think Schizophrenia is evil then there is a gene which courses it.

2018-06-07 12:13:23 UTC

there are several genes that cause it you goon

2018-06-07 12:13:40 UTC

I think schizophrenia is an illness not evil

2018-06-07 12:13:45 UTC

schizophrenia is also unfortunately tied many times to creativity

2018-06-07 12:14:04 UTC

So is weed

2018-06-07 12:14:10 UTC


2018-06-07 12:14:57 UTC

i also dont actually think autism is a bad thing

2018-06-07 12:15:05 UTC

nor the dreaded "adhd"

2018-06-07 12:15:15 UTC

Autism is too ill defined these days

2018-06-07 12:15:32 UTC

@Arch-Fiend Lets say what you said about the worse people having less kids then better people is true why should we take the chance of leting people with bad genes have kids?

2018-06-07 12:16:24 UTC

The weird cant communicate with people etc is bad, a very smart person that hates social things and obsesses about the best way to evolve spiders snt bad

2018-06-07 12:16:56 UTC

aussie the problem of the worst people having kids isint because theres no eugenics, the number of people that group of people is breeding with is insignifigant to the population even at this current point of time. im talking about SEVERLY deformed humans who can barely make it to the age of 40

2018-06-07 12:17:03 UTC

@Arch-Fiend I agree with you that Autism is a bad thing it prevents people from understanding people and on a large enough social issues.

2018-06-07 12:17:04 UTC

Cuz "bad" isnt defined enough, to you being jewish is a bad gene

2018-06-07 12:17:25 UTC

i said i dont think autism is a bad thing

2018-06-07 12:17:56 UTC

@Dr.Wol I never said that stop starwmaning me.

2018-06-07 12:18:06 UTC

i dont think people need to be monolithic psychologically

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