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2018-09-11 19:48:35 UTC

Anyone go search from @MaxKolbe and idiotic

2018-09-11 19:49:00 UTC

"@CipherDown Reading the Bible in a shallow idiotic manner like that doesn't win you any points with Christians who are as smart as you or smarter, sorry."

2018-09-11 19:49:20 UTC

Lying about messages I can search and quote verbatim shm fam

2018-09-11 19:49:27 UTC

That's becuase he read it like an idiot. An insulting, demeaning idiot. He deserve the insult, he was being an asshole.

2018-09-11 19:49:37 UTC

He should apologize for being such a rude, dishonest asshole quoting the Bible so mangled that way.

2018-09-11 19:49:56 UTC

>reading "you'll get stoned to death for wearing the wrong materials" when that's what scripture says is idiotic

2018-09-11 19:49:57 UTC

You're criticising the word of God?

2018-09-11 19:50:20 UTC

Fairly sure blasphemy's a big one, Max

2018-09-11 19:50:22 UTC

You're hilarious and don't even seem to know the theistic counterargument

2018-09-11 19:50:26 UTC

Now @Vigil who GROSSLY distored and lied about the Bible, keeps lying. You are a really nasty man, CIpher.

2018-09-11 19:50:36 UTC

I am directly quoting scripture

2018-09-11 19:50:54 UTC

Old Testament demands barbaric shit. This isn't debatable.

2018-09-11 19:51:04 UTC

If we want to have productive conversation in here, we should drop the past conversation right now, and start a new, with a focus on questioning ideas, and not people. Atheism and Christianity, not Atheists and Christians.

2018-09-11 19:51:04 UTC

Bible story where a prophet directly commands two bears to kill 42 children for calling him "bald"

2018-09-11 19:51:28 UTC

What is debatable is the relevance of the laws of the Tribe of Israel in relation to modern Christian faith

2018-09-11 19:51:34 UTC

If God exists he shall smite charlatans wearing his cloth around their tongues, Max

2018-09-11 19:51:44 UTC

Owing at least in part to the New Testament

2018-09-11 19:51:47 UTC

And may charlatans like you burn as the archangels smite thee

2018-09-11 19:52:00 UTC

or don't

2018-09-11 19:52:13 UTC

For the Lord is righteous and has no room for hypocrites who use his word of love to sin

2018-09-11 19:52:26 UTC

Yknow, if we're all going crazy zealot.

2018-09-11 19:53:04 UTC

the old testament is more history than law or demands if i remember

2018-09-11 19:53:37 UTC

But yes, I agree entirely with Beemann

2018-09-11 19:53:50 UTC

Jesus himself said "Sabbath was made for man; man was not made for the Sabbath"

2018-09-11 19:54:13 UTC

Jesus directly opposed old testament law which was Jewish and not Christian as Christ was not alive

2018-09-11 19:54:30 UTC

OK, well, obvciously I'm outnumbered by some Atheist Ideologues who will not retract anything even when it's proven they lied, who will criticize ME for bad behavior but will not criticize therir fellows, and who act EXACTLY like the fatherless manbabies with ego issues that Science has proven is what MOST atheists are.

2018-09-11 19:55:06 UTC

I am speaking from the perspective of God and I'm not buying the damn book, you demagogue. How dare you assume the Holy Book of your own faith is not enough to hear the word of God?

2018-09-11 19:55:07 UTC

Have a good one, boys, and let me know if ANY of you wilL EVER back up ANY of your claims, or EVER apologize for any of your own-multiple misstatements. I gotta go get my kid. We'll be going to Holy Hour at CHurch, praying the rosary and reading the Bible together. Maybe I"llb e back later. Cheers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-09-11 19:55:37 UTC

guess not then

2018-09-11 19:55:53 UTC

@Vigil Now the ex-Christian who lied blatantly about the Bible claims to speak for God. And still can't admit to being wrong. Yes, this is very typical:

2018-09-11 19:55:55 UTC


2018-09-11 19:56:10 UTC

I do not speak for God, but you pray to Paul Vitz

2018-09-11 19:56:20 UTC

... Wait, guys, I think I know what's up

2018-09-11 19:56:28 UTC

MaxKolbe is Paul Vitz plugging his own book

2018-09-11 19:56:44 UTC

>comes into conversation
>adhoms all over everything
>why are you guys so rude? typical atheists

2018-09-11 19:57:50 UTC

He claims he used to be an atheist himself. It's not surprising then that his view of atheists is so like himself.

2018-09-11 19:57:53 UTC

>don't read Leviticus as brutal you idiot
>doesn't reference God's word on that which he has made clean
Like seriously holy shit

2018-09-11 19:58:03 UTC

Eh, I'm done with Max. He's clearly praying to Paul Vitz and not God

2018-09-11 19:58:27 UTC

This isn't even good apologia

2018-09-11 19:58:43 UTC

โ€œJudge not lest you be judged.โ€ Remember your โ€œsaviorโ€™sโ€ words?

We trust you are praying to your God for forgiveness, as you certainly arenโ€™t living up to the tenets of Christianity. Do you remember the dictum โ€œDo unto others, as you would have them do unto youโ€? Well, is it that you want strangers to send you hateful email out of the blue, as you have done to us?

You are clearly committing a sin by your own standards by this action, and if you donโ€™t get it forgiven, it may be one of the many which bar your entry into the Heaven in which you believe.

Your bigotry and intolerance are exactly the same as that shown by the terrorists who kill those who do not share their beliefs. The free world of rational secular individuals is tired of people like you. You will reap as you have sown.
-The Church Of Satan

2018-09-11 19:58:48 UTC

I feel like it's fairly applicable

2018-09-11 19:59:04 UTC

This is like going to McDonald's and getting a dead bird in a stale bun. My expectations were already low, fucker

2018-09-11 19:59:16 UTC

Thank god for people like Stefan

2018-09-11 19:59:59 UTC

Without loving people like Stefan, my mother, one of my best friends, and so many other honest and well-meaning religious people I would be atheist, because no God would corrupt every worshipper

2018-09-11 20:00:23 UTC
"The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will. Politically aware, Civic-minded Satanists and allies in The Satanic Temple have publicly opposed The Westboro Baptist Church, advocated on behalf of children in public school to abolish corporal punishment, applied for equal representation where religious monuments are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women's reproductive autonomy, exposed fraudulent harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners and claims in mental health care, and applied to hold clubs along side other religious after school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations."

2018-09-11 20:00:27 UTC

But humble, genuine, loving people are evidence that hey, maybe the idea of God's alright, it's just not something I actively experience

2018-09-11 20:00:35 UTC

@Stefan Payne Thank you again, my friend

2018-09-11 20:00:59 UTC

You put my faith back in faith, and although I'm never going to commit to a faith know that I'm happy to be living alongside fellow good people

2018-09-11 20:01:00 UTC


2018-09-11 20:01:08 UTC

The satanic temple is cool, but the church of satan(levayan satanism) is full of edgy hedonist losers

2018-09-11 20:01:20 UTC

My belief, or lack thereof, is not contingent on the perceived moral output of an unprovable being. 0% religious

2018-09-11 20:01:31 UTC

everyone group has the same subset of people to different degrees

2018-09-11 20:01:39 UTC

But I usually get along well with the religious, once those few initial barriers are passed

2018-09-11 20:02:16 UTC

the same type of people that gave the religious a bad name, turned "liberals" and atheists into bad names

2018-09-11 20:02:52 UTC

I usually get along well too because I only bring up my beliefs when directly asked, and by then people tend to have seen enough of me to judge me for who I am rather than how many fathers I may have.

2018-09-11 20:02:55 UTC

People of faith are generally good. I oppose demagogues who bastardise the holy books to fulfil their own bigotry

2018-09-11 20:03:16 UTC

See I'm just inquisitive, so people like that until/unless I ask the "wrong" question

2018-09-11 20:03:26 UTC

And I'm willing to put forth the thought process

2018-09-11 20:03:48 UTC

I've had some lengthy discussions with a Protestant and an Orthodox Christian in another discord

2018-09-11 20:04:36 UTC

Which is where I pulled the Heathen Catholics thing from. You wanna hear some fucking trash being talked, ask a devout Orthodox Christian about the Pope and Saints

2018-09-11 20:05:10 UTC

Literally if religious people follow the tenets of their own religions and stop being assholes to other people, they're cool with me. It's just people ignore scripture. Like, Islamic terrorists ignore that Muhammad literally forbade attacking Christians

2018-09-11 20:05:12 UTC

Muhammad's Promise to the Monks of St. Catherine's Monastery Until the End of Days :

"This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them.

Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them.

No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries. No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims' houses.

Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God's covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate.

No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray. Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants.

No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world)."

2018-09-11 20:05:12 UTC

When you can focus on the ideas, and ignore the people, you can have productive discussions

2018-09-11 20:05:44 UTC

That depends severely on the fundamental tenets

2018-09-11 20:06:03 UTC

Religious reform happens for a reason, divine word or no

2018-09-11 20:06:19 UTC

Yes, but generally most religions fundamentally base themselves in order, justice and benevolence for your fellow man

2018-09-11 20:06:28 UTC

Most major ones at least

2018-09-11 20:07:00 UTC

Eh, I don't know about that either. It's situational

2018-09-11 20:08:16 UTC

You look at the text and shit's fucked

2018-09-11 20:08:25 UTC

At one or more points

2018-09-11 20:08:50 UTC

Oh definitely a lot of laws are archaic but it's more about how those laws are written

2018-09-11 20:09:25 UTC

Part of the aim of theological philosophy is to understand why the laws are what they are, and therefore to interpret the will of God and act accordingly

2018-09-11 20:15:09 UTC

Would've been nice of God to actually tell us what he meant. Or to give us an updated version for the 21st century with a guide explaining it all objectively.

2018-09-11 20:15:56 UTC

if you don't take the texts as literal, then you can use historical context to try and figure out the goal of what was written

2018-09-11 20:25:08 UTC

You say most religions.

2018-09-11 20:25:26 UTC

Can you name any that aren't rooted from Judaism?

2018-09-11 20:27:02 UTC
2018-09-11 20:28:06 UTC


2018-09-11 20:28:18 UTC

Buddhism and Hinduism mainly

2018-09-11 20:28:23 UTC


2018-09-11 20:28:31 UTC


2018-09-11 20:28:48 UTC


2018-09-11 20:28:48 UTC

Buddhism is less a religion and more a philosophy

2018-09-11 20:29:30 UTC

and besides, isn't about betterment of society - more about self-satisfaction

2018-09-11 20:30:10 UTC

Hinduism is more about accepting your lot in life, no matter how untouchable you are.

2018-09-11 20:30:40 UTC

Paganism is about the most self-servicing - and ill-defined - religion I can think of.

2018-09-11 20:32:05 UTC

Part of the problem is that people who are Christian, for instance, view something like Buddhism through a Christian lens. I've seen Christians freak out about buddha statues like they were idol-worship.

2018-09-11 20:32:25 UTC

Not at all what's going on there.

2018-09-11 20:32:44 UTC

Make Iran Zoroastrian Again

2018-09-11 20:33:05 UTC

I'll be honest, I don't know shit from zoroastronism.

2018-09-11 20:34:32 UTC

Zoroastrianism is the Ultima Underworld of religions. You don't know it, but your [Modern Western Religion] had a big Zarathustra shaped hardon

2018-09-11 20:35:07 UTC

Is basically my understanding of it

2018-09-11 20:36:13 UTC

Anyway, the key component linking any of these things, and only *remotely* making Buddhism a religion, is the supernatural element - Usually an afterlife.

2018-09-11 20:36:14 UTC

Buddhism is absolutely a religion. It has gods and afterlives.

2018-09-11 20:36:46 UTC

Buddhism is a philosophy most traditionally layered atop Hinduism.

2018-09-11 20:38:40 UTC

Buddhist pillars don't require the supernatural, though.

2018-09-11 20:38:57 UTC

well... Aside from Nirvana and reincarnation...

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