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2018-12-27 12:25:03 UTC

But so far it looks good what Trump tries to do. The only thing I really don't like is the foreign aid. That should also be drastically reduced.

2018-12-27 12:25:29 UTC

And the only exception I'd make for Immigration would be natural desasters but that only temporary, for like 6Months, maybe 12.

2018-12-27 12:25:32 UTC

yeah like having even more shut ins because they cant compete with the speciali picked abd trained ones

2018-12-27 12:26:00 UTC


2018-12-27 12:26:03 UTC

The Problem is what created the Shut-Ins. That needs to be solved. Wich isn't easy....

2018-12-27 12:27:59 UTC

Then again, the School system is garbage. We need to invent something new.
And sadly I think there is no other way than to segregate males and females and teach them differently...

2018-12-27 12:28:37 UTC

dont think so :/ it would just create bigger problems in tretment

2018-12-27 12:28:44 UTC


2018-12-27 12:29:24 UTC

In Germany, a couple of years ago we had a case where a teacher tied the hands of a boy behind his back to "level the plainfield". So it can't get much worse than now.

2018-12-27 12:29:42 UTC

Well, it is hard to tell what it would do, we haven't had a culture that treats males as valuable except as consumers.

2018-12-27 12:29:46 UTC

not in a long time.

2018-12-27 12:30:11 UTC

True, even 120 years ago it wasn't the case.

2018-12-27 12:30:15 UTC

it was mostly female centric.

2018-12-27 12:30:16 UTC

you know like when you have separated comunities and radical views just ecalate inside of them to the point when you have communist uprising backyard

2018-12-27 12:30:27 UTC

Women get told "You can do anything you want to reach for the stars!"

2018-12-27 12:30:49 UTC

Men get told "Sit down, Shut up and do your fucking work"

2018-12-27 12:30:51 UTC

Yes and that's wrong. Woman should be told that they want to have children and get married.

2018-12-27 12:31:09 UTC


2018-12-27 12:31:14 UTC

I wouldn't say that.

2018-12-27 12:31:16 UTC

or rather: don't fight biology, try to live with it and make the best of it.

2018-12-27 12:31:39 UTC

everyone tries to fight what they dont understand ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-12-27 12:32:36 UTC

I'm with Joe Rogan on that....

2018-12-27 12:34:31 UTC

everyone should be supported on their choices nothing should be said like โ€œYou have to do this and that.โ€ ever again they have to understand that what they do will affect them and their lives a.k.a. learn to be responsible

2018-12-27 12:35:04 UTC

well, some things, if you're like 10 or younger, maybe n ot

2018-12-27 12:35:30 UTC

becouse if you tell them specificaly what to do you are removing their responsibility

2018-12-27 12:35:59 UTC

and yeah cus they cant be yet responsible for their actions

2018-12-27 12:39:00 UTC

but in my country from 15 years of age you have to start becoming responsible becouse at the age of 18 you are fully responsible for your own action a do what you do because you chose to do it at least that is how it should be :/ but sadly it isnt and people dont want responsibility not even a slight glipse of responsibility and just listen to orders

2018-12-27 12:39:05 UTC

Yeah, but don't play with the sexuality....

2018-12-27 12:41:15 UTC

when i heard what the LGBTQ are doing to the kids i was aฤพost crying cus they just strait up changed their hormones and their body becouse of agenda ... and they ruined their chances of having kids

2018-12-27 12:41:44 UTC

thats totally child abuse and noone gives a damn

2018-12-27 12:41:49 UTC

Yes, exactly. And that will lead to hate against the LGBTQP-Whatever

2018-12-27 12:42:07 UTC

P as for pedophiles?

2018-12-27 12:42:23 UTC

cus they already infiltrated the sceene

2018-12-27 12:42:23 UTC


2018-12-27 12:42:36 UTC

you should say LGB

2018-12-27 12:42:37 UTC

they are already there

2018-12-27 12:42:42 UTC

coz even the T doesn't fit there

2018-12-27 12:43:28 UTC

not even Q cus that is just G with gliters and makeup

2018-12-27 12:45:00 UTC

ups i meant drag sorry got it mixed up cus there is just too much and they still find ways to create more stupid things

2018-12-27 12:45:41 UTC

doesn't matter, they just gone too far.

2018-12-27 12:45:53 UTC

and the backlash, together wit the Islamization will be enormous

2018-12-27 12:46:29 UTC

When the kids that got "converted" right now in school or whatever are going to sue whoever they think is responsible.

2018-12-27 12:46:37 UTC

in a best case scenario

2018-12-27 12:47:18 UTC

yeah but in worse they just go nuts and create genocide

2018-12-27 12:47:23 UTC

or suicide

2018-12-27 12:47:49 UTC

or kill a couple of people with them...

2018-12-27 12:47:50 UTC

depends of how their personality and hatred for them develops

2018-12-27 12:48:19 UTC

well that is somewhat happening but somewhere else

2018-12-27 12:48:25 UTC

Think how you'd feel if someone told you you were a girl and now 20 years later you regret all that shit and realize you ain't even gay.

2018-12-27 12:48:50 UTC


2018-12-27 12:48:58 UTC

that is not a thing I'd wish anyone to be in or think about it.

2018-12-27 12:49:27 UTC

at that point, its really hard to help those people as they can't procreate (probably), maybe they underwent gender reasigment surgery. They are pretty much fucked.

2018-12-27 12:50:30 UTC

So in a best case scenario, they find others like them, make a "self help group" and start an Anti-LGBT movement.

2018-12-27 12:50:36 UTC

yeah it is like LGBTQP (whole alpfabeth soon) just hates humans and humanity as a whole

2018-12-27 12:50:38 UTC

in a worst case scenario, well you get it....

2018-12-27 12:51:04 UTC

That's what Jordan Peterson said about the radical left/enviromentalists, when he was at Rogans

2018-12-27 12:52:13 UTC

yeah the radical left just dont understand how world works

2018-12-27 12:52:26 UTC

its crazy

2018-12-27 12:52:38 UTC

And what really pisses me off is the hypocracy: They tell people in the west to not make babies because enviroment. And then they do all that Africa shit...

2018-12-27 12:53:14 UTC

yeah ... BLM as a racist parade and is supported by everyone ... nice job

2018-12-27 12:53:21 UTC

Too bad I didn't save the discussion I had in a German Forum. I was so savage and owned the "but Africa!!11" people.

2018-12-27 12:53:31 UTC

>no more babies, there's too many humans in the world
>this country needs more ppl, damn whites don't have kids. We need open borders

2018-12-27 12:53:33 UTC

pick one

2018-12-27 12:53:54 UTC

you just need to know: in 1950, the GDP of South Korea was worse than Kenia. Today, well I hope I don't need to tell you that.

2018-12-27 12:54:22 UTC

well what happend in most parts of EU is practicly an invasion ...

2018-12-27 12:54:38 UTC

Yes, it is.

2018-12-27 12:54:49 UTC

and it was endorsed by the politicans in the country.

2018-12-27 12:54:55 UTC

wich is basically treason

2018-12-27 12:54:58 UTC


2018-12-27 12:55:01 UTC


2018-12-27 12:55:16 UTC

the danes seem to have a brain and be a bit anti immigration

2018-12-27 12:55:22 UTC

they do shit like DNA Testing.

2018-12-27 12:56:10 UTC

i am so happy that even thou we have thiefs in the goverment we dont support this globalist ****

2018-12-27 12:56:13 UTC

There's shit like 35 year old person claims to be 15, we believe him.

2018-12-27 12:57:00 UTC

or like what happend at the border with that young girl who died cus the thought she was healthy

2018-12-27 12:57:04 UTC

and then he gets put into clases with 14-15 year old girls

2018-12-27 12:57:14 UTC

because her parents said so

2018-12-27 12:57:19 UTC

No, dad said she was healthy...

2018-12-27 12:57:24 UTC

Sometimes I wonder

2018-12-27 12:57:31 UTC

Are they really fucking on crack

2018-12-27 12:57:43 UTC

the consequence is that the Border Agens will take away your kids and make a full physical and prove that she's healthy.

2018-12-27 12:57:53 UTC

and put the children in a hospital for 24-72h or so

2018-12-27 12:58:19 UTC

And the dad of that child should get electrical chair

2018-12-27 12:58:23 UTC

and in that 24-72hr they wouldnt have a living shiรฉd

2018-12-27 12:58:49 UTC

(their reasoning be like this probs)

2018-12-27 12:59:08 UTC

yeah but it shows you can only mock the hard left and insult them.

2018-12-27 12:59:35 UTC

Just disturb them legally

2018-12-27 12:59:44 UTC

I got this feminist fired

2018-12-27 12:59:50 UTC

Using political correctness

2018-12-27 12:59:58 UTC

Nothing beats using leftist inventions against them

2018-12-27 13:00:02 UTC


2018-12-27 13:00:14 UTC

story time? <:nep:352837238855434240>

2018-12-27 13:00:20 UTC

Nah I will pass

2018-12-27 13:00:25 UTC

Story too long

2018-12-27 13:00:29 UTC

๐Ÿ˜… evil in its true form ๐Ÿ˜„ fight fire with fire ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-12-27 13:00:39 UTC

Yeah I find it weird that people are like

2018-12-27 13:00:51 UTC

"oh my god thats not honorable you cant do that you are just as bad as sjws ree!"

2018-12-27 13:01:08 UTC

Like I give a shit

2018-12-27 13:01:35 UTC

I didn't invent those foul rules <:weed:458087543368581133>

2018-12-27 13:01:38 UTC

they made the rules, the rules should be applied to themselves. You are doing them a favor by testing them out

2018-12-27 13:01:49 UTC


2018-12-27 13:02:08 UTC

at this point we don't have a choice and have to fight back in any way we can

2018-12-27 13:02:20 UTC

Well people tolerating them is what got us here

2018-12-27 13:02:31 UTC

Time to tolerate the intolerant is over

2018-12-27 13:03:17 UTC

sjw and activist believe in their imaginary safe space walls that will save them for knives and bullets ๐Ÿ˜… they are like 9thgrader syndrom looks like in politics xD and when they are atacking it is self defense cus they are minority ... damn

2018-12-27 13:03:28 UTC

we have to start treating everyone the way they treat other people

2018-12-27 13:03:58 UTC

We should send them on a progressive trip through Afghanistan

2018-12-27 13:04:10 UTC

to gulag

2018-12-27 13:04:17 UTC

Gulag works too

2018-12-27 13:04:42 UTC

People in Afghanistan aren't that bad, I have been there

2018-12-27 13:04:51 UTC

morocco is enough

2018-12-27 13:04:53 UTC

They got quite a bit of well educated medics there

2018-12-27 13:05:00 UTC

looks like by the news

2018-12-27 13:05:12 UTC

Only the shittiest ones seem to go for Europe

2018-12-27 13:05:13 UTC


2018-12-27 13:05:18 UTC

That's a socialist country

2018-12-27 13:05:21 UTC

and they want socialism

2018-12-27 13:05:29 UTC

or venezuela

2018-12-27 13:05:33 UTC


2018-12-27 13:05:43 UTC

to see the 14 year old prostitutes

2018-12-27 13:06:14 UTC

the problem I have with this culture war is that it is a huge waste of time

2018-12-27 13:06:41 UTC


2018-12-27 13:06:46 UTC

people should stop caring what others do

2018-12-27 13:06:58 UTC

that's like STASI in old east Germany

2018-12-27 13:07:26 UTC

Just learn from the left, got to give them kudos for harassment tactics

2018-12-27 13:07:56 UTC

They are on next level with harassement it would make KKK look like nice people

2018-12-27 13:07:59 UTC

their identity politics works when you want to create Civil War

2018-12-27 13:08:30 UTC

I mean, if you are a journalist, or a writter, etc, and you can profit on it, fine. But otherwise it is just taking you time into nothing productive for your life

2018-12-27 13:08:33 UTC

well yeah but it affects normal people

2018-12-27 13:08:40 UTC

problem is the death spiral of journalism

2018-12-27 13:08:51 UTC

they try to take as much with them as they can

2018-12-27 13:10:11 UTC

well they should just stop or say the truth

2018-12-27 13:10:44 UTC

cus they are just poluting the information sources which is bad

2018-12-27 13:10:59 UTC

and they may be paid to do that

2018-12-27 13:11:09 UTC

Age of being nice is over

2018-12-27 13:11:10 UTC

to create distractiom

2018-12-27 13:11:18 UTC

Now it's about who uses the most vicious tactic wins

2018-12-27 13:11:23 UTC

something big is going on

2018-12-27 13:11:38 UTC

Its like noam Chomsky said: We ain't the violent ones

2018-12-27 13:11:43 UTC

its wierd and creepy

2018-12-27 13:11:46 UTC

because the lefties have nothing to loose

2018-12-27 13:11:50 UTC

the righties do

2018-12-27 13:11:52 UTC

Well, with how extreme the left wing is, sometimes I wonder if there's like this right wing mastermind pushing them

2018-12-27 13:11:57 UTC

To make left wingers do crazy things

2018-12-27 13:11:58 UTC

they have things like Family, Children

2018-12-27 13:12:01 UTC

Makes the normie go right

2018-12-27 13:12:27 UTC

the gloomy dark cloud over the world

2018-12-27 13:13:08 UTC

you mean like Trump pulls a Soros?

2018-12-27 13:13:44 UTC


2018-12-27 13:13:58 UTC

Soros' more after destability

2018-12-27 13:14:02 UTC

He trades shorts like me

2018-12-27 13:14:15 UTC

nah more like the great nazi germany plan of world domination under no nation (one nazi researcher created a plan like that)

2018-12-27 13:14:27 UTC

And left winger is easier to mobilize for destabilisation at this current age

2018-12-27 13:14:53 UTC

they are just incompetent whiny people

2018-12-27 13:15:07 UTC

I think just people with nothing to do

2018-12-27 13:15:09 UTC

the far left activist

2018-12-27 13:15:35 UTC

I used to do those activist stuff when I was in high school

2018-12-27 13:15:38 UTC

They take tons of time

2018-12-27 13:15:49 UTC

You ahve to either be jobless or not have a meaningful life

2018-12-27 13:15:56 UTC

the dont have proper jobs there are a lot of far left activist teachers which is crazy to even think about

2018-12-27 13:16:16 UTC

I think there's a fair share of all

2018-12-27 13:16:22 UTC

Just the lefties are louder

2018-12-27 13:16:48 UTC

thats why mostly students do things like that but now everone is going the activist route

2018-12-27 13:16:50 UTC

You know in 2004-2010 ish range

2018-12-27 13:16:58 UTC

Hating your country being a liberal was the cool

2018-12-27 13:17:00 UTC

it is like modern day crusades

2018-12-27 13:17:05 UTC

Now loving your country is the cool

2018-12-27 13:17:23 UTC

yeah the mood changes over time

2018-12-27 13:20:20 UTC

Love the nation, not the state.

2018-12-27 13:23:03 UTC

well lets just sum it up as countries thats probably the most proper word if you want to say everyone is like that

2018-12-27 13:46:23 UTC

Nationalism used to be considered patriotism but extreme.

2018-12-27 13:46:33 UTC

Now Nationalism is considered racial patriotism.

2018-12-27 13:46:41 UTC

Patriotism itself is also now considered extreme.

2018-12-27 13:52:06 UTC

`Patriotism itself is also now considered extreme.`
In extreme countries, maybe

2018-12-27 13:54:40 UTC

yeah, like Merkelland

2018-12-27 13:55:28 UTC

There's a reason why I say I was born a Nazi

2018-12-27 13:55:43 UTC

O o f
Well, at least they have a good excuse for that line of thought

2018-12-27 13:57:31 UTC

Because of all the guilt that gets shoveled into you in school and so on

2018-12-27 13:58:32 UTC

well school is at fault here it looks like

2018-12-27 13:59:02 UTC

not just them but all are

2018-12-27 13:59:14 UTC

you must not be proud to be a german

2018-12-27 13:59:23 UTC

or prefer german products over american shit

2018-12-27 14:00:08 UTC

yeah :/ that must suck

2018-12-27 14:01:02 UTC

can we basically conclude that the group that is in power overdoes it to the point of making the other side stronger?

2018-12-27 14:01:56 UTC

in 20, 50 years this might become obvious and they might find other ways to be authoritarian but without growing the other side <:ichithink:449614911924994080>

2018-12-27 14:09:07 UTC

Wait, what does local produce have to do with it?

2018-12-27 14:09:22 UTC

You can't justify that with Hitler ๐Ÿค”

2018-12-27 14:11:25 UTC

well if you think about it ot does because world doesnt want Germany to get back up ever again and if they try then (random Merkel apears) and they just destroy the country

2018-12-27 14:12:09 UTC

Germany is now bullied by whole world because it was acting up and startimg a fight

2018-12-27 14:13:53 UTC


2018-12-27 14:14:10 UTC

I don't believe africa or south america gives a single shit

2018-12-27 14:14:27 UTC

Neither does most of Asia, maybe with an exception for the Chinese and Koreans

2018-12-27 15:44:36 UTC

only west and EU carey

2018-12-27 15:56:44 UTC

Jordan Peterson admits to rewriting the UN's "agenda 21" to make it seem ideologically neutral @ 1:09

2018-12-28 03:43:40 UTC


2018-12-28 03:44:47 UTC


2018-12-28 03:46:25 UTC

Well, it appears even a broken clock is still right twice a day.

2018-12-28 06:23:44 UTC

Hm, maybe Ask Ian La Spina (or so) about some nice memable videos of him in Armor

2018-12-28 06:40:51 UTC

Suspicious, but worth an inquiry

2018-12-28 06:47:58 UTC

What is suspicious about that? Fits with what they've been up to lately.

2018-12-28 10:47:19 UTC


2018-12-28 21:31:46 UTC

finally some ancap-hop

2018-12-29 03:14:40 UTC

As it should be. He was reprimanded for stalking and is not contesting that fact. He just wants to make a racial identity case of it which will get its day in court but sounds regressive left to me.

2018-12-29 05:17:32 UTC

he must have been legit following her everywhere to stalk someone on a college campus. either that or they are considering "being on the same campus" or "being in the same class" as stalking. while i don't doubt someone has made a case using the latter i assume they used the former

2018-12-29 05:30:52 UTC

Soy is murder.

2018-12-29 05:49:58 UTC

Dont post from the guy who didnt originally post

2018-12-29 05:50:03 UTC

That's someone stealing the vid

2018-12-29 06:20:02 UTC

Intellectual property rights are postitive rights and therefore theft.

2018-12-29 07:53:15 UTC
2018-12-29 09:07:52 UTC

I too like listening to men who arent me

2018-12-29 09:07:55 UTC


2018-12-29 10:07:13 UTC

the stalking laws are retarded af btw

2018-12-29 12:53:50 UTC

```"In those countries, it is actually capital that rules; that is, nothing more than a clique of a few hundred men who possess untold wealth and, as a consequence of the peculiar structure of their national life, are more or less independent and free. They say: 'Here we have liberty.' By this they mean, above all, an uncontrolled economy, and by an uncontrolled economy, the freedom not only to acquire capital but to make absolutely free use of it. That means freedom from national control or control by the people both in the acquisition of capital and in its employment. This is really what they mean when they speak of liberty. These capitalists create their own press and then speak of the 'freedom of the press.' In reality, every one of the newspapers has a master, and in every case this master is the capitalist, the owner. This master, not the editor, is the one who directs the policy of the paper. If the editor tries to write other than what suits the master, he is ousted the next day. This press, which is the absolutely submissive and characterless slave of the owners, molds public opinion."
-Adolf Hitler.```

2018-12-29 12:56:15 UTC

we can kind of see that right now ...

2018-12-29 13:00:13 UTC

The buyers are as much the masters as the sellers.

2018-12-29 13:01:33 UTC

People will only believe what they want to believe.

2018-12-29 13:03:35 UTC

People will only believe in truth and reason to the extent that the knowledge that can be aquried can be used to satisfy their own values and achieve their own ends.

2018-12-29 13:03:59 UTC

Reason is only a means, never an end in itself.

2018-12-29 13:04:42 UTC

```"No thinking and no acting would be possible to man if the universe were chaotic, i.e., if there were no regularity whatever in the succession and concatenation of events. In such a world of unlimited contingency nothing could be perceived but ceaseless kaleidoscopic change. There would be no possibility for man to expect anything. All experience would be merely historical, the record of what has happened in the past. No inference from past events to what might happen in the future would be permissible. Therefore man could not act. He could at best be a passive spectator and would not be able to make any arrangements for the future, be it only for the future of the impending instant. The first and basic achievement of thinking is the awareness of constant relations among the external phenomena that affect our senses. A bundle of events that are regularly related in a definite way to other events is called a specific thing and as such distinguished from other specific thingsโ€ฆ. Whatever philosophers may say about causality, the fact remains that no action could be performed by men not guided by it. Neither can we imagine a mind not aware of the nexus of cause and effect. In this sense we may speak of causality as a category or an a priori of thinking and acting."
-Ludwig von Mises.```

2018-12-29 13:07:16 UTC

so the universe is far right pro-order nazi fash bigot and other stuff

2018-12-29 13:07:59 UTC

I think you are misinterpreting what I meant.

2018-12-29 13:08:11 UTC

kind of

2018-12-29 13:08:17 UTC


2018-12-29 13:08:47 UTC

but when universe is so orderly why do people want to create chaos

2018-12-29 13:08:56 UTC

I'm as anti-nazi as i am anti-commie.

2018-12-29 13:09:24 UTC

Feelings never trump reality. Feeling that water isn't wet and you don't need to hold your breath doesn't mean you will be dry and not drown.

2018-12-29 13:10:09 UTC

i think far right and far left are similiar in a way they are both extremes of an idea and it foes into chaos when it is implemented

2018-12-29 13:10:20 UTC


2018-12-29 13:10:35 UTC

Nazis are far left.

2018-12-29 13:10:49 UTC

Far right is ancapistan.

2018-12-29 13:11:35 UTC

but wasn hitler on the right wing of politics? and he created nazis the nazi germany

2018-12-29 13:11:50 UTC

commies are far left, nazi is far right

2018-12-29 13:12:02 UTC


2018-12-29 13:12:12 UTC

I'm center right myself

2018-12-29 13:12:17 UTC

Hitler was a Marxist.

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