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2018-08-15 22:53:35 UTC

so you concede that your point is purely anecdotal.

2018-08-15 22:53:41 UTC

... Sure?

2018-08-15 22:54:33 UTC

the right doesn't hate art, rich people love art /s

2018-08-15 22:54:42 UTC


2018-08-15 22:54:48 UTC

Rich people buy modern art as a means to stow money.

2018-08-15 22:54:50 UTC

It's a tax thing.

2018-08-15 22:54:56 UTC

hence the /s

2018-08-15 22:55:00 UTC

Any time you've seen art and wondered why it's worth so much, THAT'S WHY

2018-08-15 22:55:50 UTC

Given the composition of some of the more expensive pieces, it'd be hard to see any other explanation

2018-08-15 22:55:56 UTC

What I think is FAR more likely the case (and I accept that my point is speculation at best) is that people who work physical labor, people who are more likely to be conservatives, are also more likely to dislike people making as much or more than them for less strenuous work.

2018-08-15 22:56:06 UTC


2018-08-15 22:56:07 UTC

Not necessarily in a marxist way, but in a jealous way.

2018-08-15 22:56:14 UTC

That's what I was saying in not so many words.

2018-08-15 22:56:18 UTC

Complete frat bros about it

2018-08-15 22:56:41 UTC

Alright. But to say that's a trait of conservatives is a misfire.

2018-08-15 22:56:52 UTC

Taken as a whole, that's what you can expect.

2018-08-15 22:56:56 UTC

artists usually don't make any money

2018-08-15 22:57:04 UTC

Sure they do.

2018-08-15 22:57:10 UTC

like high school athletes

2018-08-15 22:57:14 UTC

Look, guys.

2018-08-15 22:57:21 UTC

the idea of the starving artist came from somewhere

2018-08-15 22:57:22 UTC

It just depends on the jobs they manage to land with it.

2018-08-15 22:57:26 UTC

Earlier at least one of you was mocking me for being unemployed with my art.

2018-08-15 22:57:31 UTC

I don't remember which of you it was.

2018-08-15 22:57:38 UTC

But it was EXACTLY the same.

2018-08-15 22:57:47 UTC

If you drive down the busiest street in your city, I guarantee you'll see things that a visual artist was paid quite well to make.

2018-08-15 22:57:47 UTC

You resent me for even *trying*

2018-08-15 22:57:48 UTC

even famous artists didn't make most of their money until after death

2018-08-15 22:58:16 UTC

Hell, just look at people's shirts.

2018-08-15 22:58:29 UTC

and for every one of those artists, there is hundreds who didn't make it

2018-08-15 22:58:36 UTC


2018-08-15 22:58:41 UTC

and have no skill set to get any good job

2018-08-15 22:58:57 UTC

I work with independent musicians.

2018-08-15 22:59:08 UTC

It IS a thing that happens.

2018-08-15 22:59:16 UTC

far more frequently than you might expect

2018-08-15 22:59:26 UTC

Art is one of the only skills you can keep training and training and training for free.

2018-08-15 22:59:38 UTC

In a teeny tiny room.

2018-08-15 22:59:43 UTC

The cruel fact of it all is that talent doesn't necessarily beget millions and millions in the artistic endeavours

2018-08-15 22:59:50 UTC

It's all I have.

2018-08-15 22:59:58 UTC

I've been doing it since I was a kid.

2018-08-15 23:00:06 UTC

Any divergence from this, will be temporary.

2018-08-15 23:00:13 UTC

The point I'd make, Scribb, is that you're doing it wrong.

2018-08-15 23:00:16 UTC

It will always be geared at making ART the main thing.

2018-08-15 23:00:28 UTC

If I have to permanently do something else, it will end in suicide.

2018-08-15 23:00:34 UTC

That's not me pretending to be better than people.

2018-08-15 23:00:40 UTC

The days of comissioned masterpieces, what brought about the great art of history, that's gone.

2018-08-15 23:00:45 UTC

That's me being broken without what I've loved since I was a kid.

2018-08-15 23:00:58 UTC

@RyeNorth its moved into furry porn

2018-08-15 23:01:14 UTC

Not being able to do something for a living =! Being without it

2018-08-15 23:01:31 UTC

Okay, well.

2018-08-15 23:01:34 UTC

Who gives a shit.

2018-08-15 23:01:57 UTC

I'll do it until I die of hunger. Happy?

2018-08-15 23:03:36 UTC

Continuing to wait for society to change to one where Artists are able to thrive is reckless, though. That day's gone. You need a new strategy.

2018-08-15 23:03:39 UTC

I don't think most people realize how draining something like retail is for an artist.

2018-08-15 23:04:08 UTC

Coming home, having your own personality beaten out of you for the entire day. Limp arms and legs.

2018-08-15 23:04:14 UTC

But 8 hours until you sleep.

2018-08-15 23:04:21 UTC

No intention to spend that on art all of a sudden.

2018-08-15 23:04:27 UTC

It happens.

2018-08-15 23:04:50 UTC

And outsiders consider this trial to be completely imaginary.

2018-08-15 23:04:56 UTC

And all you can do is insist it isn't.

2018-08-15 23:05:11 UTC

That steep cost, for something that doesn't even pay a living wage.

2018-08-15 23:05:14 UTC

Are you fucking kidding.

2018-08-15 23:05:27 UTC

Scrib, you checked out the furry space for your art? Don't need to do the porn but you can get some shekels from fursona's if your anthro work is any good.

2018-08-15 23:05:29 UTC

I'm sorry, that isn't an artist problem, that's a YOU problem.

2018-08-15 23:05:58 UTC

Wow, speak of the devil and he appears.

2018-08-15 23:06:04 UTC

```And outsiders consider this trial to be completely imaginary.
And all you can do is insist it isn't.```

2018-08-15 23:06:10 UTC

Well I have to insist.

2018-08-15 23:06:19 UTC


2018-08-15 23:06:25 UTC

He's not *entirely* wrong, though.

2018-08-15 23:06:41 UTC

You keep cornering it off to retail work.

2018-08-15 23:06:42 UTC

Okay let's say it's purely a me problem.

2018-08-15 23:06:54 UTC

There are other options at play.

2018-08-15 23:07:02 UTC

Like yours, which you won't disclose?

2018-08-15 23:07:06 UTC

You may think that's rare.

2018-08-15 23:07:17 UTC

I worked door to door and still worked on my art. I had a much shittier job and still kept up with my art.

2018-08-15 23:07:18 UTC

But no one gets into the particulars about a better option

2018-08-15 23:07:24 UTC

Everyone keeps their shit super secret for some reason.

2018-08-15 23:07:49 UTC

Because they don't want to dox themselves

2018-08-15 23:07:57 UTC

That's so stupid.

2018-08-15 23:08:03 UTC


2018-08-15 23:08:10 UTC

Doxing is disclosing location and identity.

2018-08-15 23:08:22 UTC

Do you know how easy it is to find people?

2018-08-15 23:08:22 UTC

How is it impossible to get into the specifics of how a job works.

2018-08-15 23:08:30 UTC

Just avoid proper nouns.

2018-08-15 23:08:32 UTC

Jesus christ.

2018-08-15 23:08:37 UTC

This isn't difficult.

2018-08-15 23:08:43 UTC

Using some *cough* privileged information *uncough* I actually found jobs in your state listing for graphic artists.

2018-08-15 23:09:03 UTC

They exist.

2018-08-15 23:09:17 UTC

I don't actually believe you, but whatever you do say, don't say it in chat because I don't want these people knowing my state.

2018-08-15 23:10:47 UTC

Good call. This is actually Axe Murderers Anonymous

2018-08-15 23:10:50 UTC

Associates degree required.

2018-08-15 23:10:55 UTC

I don't have one of those.

2018-08-15 23:11:00 UTC

It's not actually required

2018-08-15 23:11:03 UTC

Apply anyway

2018-08-15 23:11:05 UTC


2018-08-15 23:11:47 UTC

Again, I've talked to people in charge of hiring. These are standard practices. You lose nothing by sending in an application

2018-08-15 23:11:54 UTC

motto batte

2018-08-15 23:11:55 UTC

graphic arts? you don't need a degree, you need a portfolio

2018-08-15 23:12:02 UTC

It's listed as requirement. bachelor's degree is PREFERRED below.

2018-08-15 23:12:21 UTC

Literally doesn't matter. Apply anyway if you're serious about this

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