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2018-08-04 00:44:49 UTC

i heard about B and the beta but never had an urge to try and watch

2018-08-04 00:44:56 UTC

Absolutely worth it.

2018-08-04 00:44:58 UTC

I'm very much aligned with Matt but sometimes...Blonde has a point

2018-08-04 00:44:59 UTC

I actually do like when they test each other's position on something

2018-08-04 00:46:11 UTC

I like watching people in general test ideas.

2018-08-04 00:46:27 UTC

One of the reasons I'm rooting for a Donut Operator - Tim Pool crossover.

2018-08-04 00:47:36 UTC

Oh good lord Dankula's an asshole!

2018-08-04 00:48:20 UTC

Dankula is hilarious

2018-08-04 00:48:23 UTC

Please be patient, he has autism

2018-08-04 00:48:26 UTC

Jeremy's on the phone with the police, and Dankula says as loud as he can, 'Jeremy can you pass the cocaine, please?'

2018-08-04 00:48:33 UTC


2018-08-04 00:48:35 UTC


2018-08-04 00:50:52 UTC

Wikipedia describes UKIP as "having an ideological heritage stemming from the right-wing of theย Conservative Party". That means it's somewhat illiberal on social issues. UKIP are also populist in their rhetoric, claiming to represent "the people" and dismissing dissidents as de facto "enemies of the people". They're not very accepting of pluralism and have a slightly nasty, authoritarian streak in them.

I don't think they're compatible with Sargon's Liberalist principles but perhaps he aims to use his influence to liberalize UKIP.

2018-08-04 00:50:53 UTC

@RyeNorth yeah bearing and dankula are trolling the fuck out of him

2018-08-04 00:53:44 UTC

Please tell me why I'm wrong on UKIP, anyone who disagrees ๐Ÿ‘

2018-08-04 00:54:04 UTC

Only my subjective opinion.

2018-08-04 00:54:43 UTC

I mean, I would consider Wikipedia to be a poor source on contemporary issues, given their often blatant bias. That said, Sargon has said that he basically sees it as an opportunity to fight for specific issues

2018-08-04 00:54:49 UTC

Same way Dankula does

2018-08-04 00:55:29 UTC

lmao the coke shit

2018-08-04 00:55:38 UTC

they trolled jeremy good

2018-08-04 00:56:19 UTC

Yeah, so what they're doing is entryism in a way, which is normally frowned upon but I see it as a positive in this case. UKIP was on the decline, quite markedly so, and yet I trust Sargon and co. to put it on a much better path now.

2018-08-04 00:58:01 UTC

UKIP's direction was up for grabs anyway since Brexit, the longstanding single driver, had been achieved.

2018-08-04 00:58:14 UTC

Isnt farange coming back?

2018-08-04 00:58:38 UTC

Wouldnt that be a huge plus?

2018-08-04 00:58:45 UTC

A political party is the product of it's members.

2018-08-04 00:58:59 UTC

first point.

2018-08-04 00:59:19 UTC

No idea what his qualities are

2018-08-04 00:59:29 UTC

Farage has quite harshly criticised the current UKIP leader publically so I think it's unlikely for now.

2018-08-04 00:59:41 UTC

Whats the currentvleader?

2018-08-04 01:00:00 UTC

Second point, that is a very poorly cited Wikipedia article.

2018-08-04 01:00:08 UTC

I guess probably why you are seeing the intellectual dark trio join in

2018-08-04 01:00:26 UTC

He's called Gerard Batten. Farage spoke out against Batten criticising Islam.

2018-08-04 01:00:31 UTC

He did say subjective. Wikipedias camped on by people with political agendas

2018-08-04 01:00:44 UTC

Why shouldn't it be criticized?

2018-08-04 01:00:49 UTC

Better be some damn horrible. Criticism

2018-08-04 01:01:10 UTC

Farage never came of as a leftist to me

2018-08-04 01:01:16 UTC

Why shouldn't Christianity be criticized?

2018-08-04 01:01:25 UTC

Why shouldn't Atheism be criticized?

2018-08-04 01:01:41 UTC

Nothing is sacred

2018-08-04 01:01:49 UTC

Everything is mocked

2018-08-04 01:01:52 UTC

even if it, by definition, is.

2018-08-04 01:02:07 UTC

โ€œI think this gets to the heart of not just the positioning of a political party, but of judgment too. And judgment really, really matters. Tommy Robinson is seen to be a hero by many. But actually, what the bloody hell was he doing outside the court?โ€

โ€œThese are the people we spent years trying to keep out of the party, and so this isnโ€™t making a lot of people happy. Itโ€™s really upset what you might call the more old-school party members.โ€

- Farage.

2018-08-04 01:03:15 UTC

Is it because he hates division? Tommys good, but his actions divided the nation on one issue. Is he expecting everyone to get along?

2018-08-04 01:03:39 UTC

So he's annoyed at Batten's association with Tommy Robinson too. All considered, he's unlikely to return to the party with Batten there.

2018-08-04 01:03:50 UTC

It's a guilt by association fallacy that it creates.

2018-08-04 01:04:00 UTC

Tim is a Lefty, let's not forget.

2018-08-04 01:04:12 UTC

Does that mean he's associated with the farthest left groups?

2018-08-04 01:04:24 UTC

Cant do nothing if he does not get himself elected head again

2018-08-04 01:04:39 UTC

Tim interviews some of the most despicable people out there.

2018-08-04 01:04:46 UTC

Does not make him a supporter

2018-08-04 01:05:15 UTC

I recall that racist nyt called tim out. Saw that on kia

2018-08-04 01:05:32 UTC

The trick about the UKIP party, as I understand it, is that it's based around a principle. Basically, around a specific policy. It's not based around a full platform.

2018-08-04 01:05:45 UTC

I agree btw. I was just quoting Farage, I think he's wrong though.

2018-08-04 01:06:41 UTC

the problem i have with sargon is he's a fucking follower not a leader

2018-08-04 01:06:54 UTC

In regards to Ukip?

2018-08-04 01:07:05 UTC

Sargon isnt one to lead something, but he can help garner a crowd

2018-08-04 01:07:09 UTC

i know he has a family and shit but why did he have to wait for dankula to say hes joining ukip

2018-08-04 01:07:20 UTC

Or pjw?

2018-08-04 01:07:29 UTC

he was all like when tommy got arrested and the media blackout

2018-08-04 01:07:35 UTC

now is not the time

2018-08-04 01:07:39 UTC

etdc etc

2018-08-04 01:07:47 UTC

That doesn't bother me one bit.

2018-08-04 01:08:03 UTC

i still like sargon but he waited for someone else

2018-08-04 01:08:11 UTC

Also, wouldn't UKIP be in opposition to Tommy Robinson?

2018-08-04 01:08:22 UTC

Is it possible the way they joined UKIP was a pre-meditated stunt rather than the spontaneous action it was presented to be? Perhaps I'm being cynical.

2018-08-04 01:08:25 UTC

Are they pro free speech?

2018-08-04 01:08:36 UTC

Pretty sure it's in their bylaws that no members, current or former, of the EDL are allowed.

2018-08-04 01:08:39 UTC

@RyeNorth not anymore they made an announcement for tommy when he got released

2018-08-04 01:09:02 UTC

Well, I am being cynical.

2018-08-04 01:09:21 UTC

if you ask me , I feel dankula is pretty smart

2018-08-04 01:09:27 UTC

he's just lazy

2018-08-04 01:09:34 UTC

like i think he should run for PM

2018-08-04 01:09:47 UTC

and sargon could be his steve bannon

2018-08-04 01:09:49 UTC

He's more clever than he acts

2018-08-04 01:09:57 UTC

@Real Spicy 100 agree

2018-08-04 01:10:11 UTC

Ping ๐Ÿ˜”

2018-08-04 01:10:12 UTC

๐Ÿ˜ Sargon as Bannon!

2018-08-04 01:10:13 UTC

dankula seems like he's really cunning and smart

2018-08-04 01:10:26 UTC

@Sarah Jessica Farter sargon matches the weight class

2018-08-04 01:10:32 UTC

Sargon plotting away in the background.

2018-08-04 01:10:36 UTC


2018-08-04 01:10:37 UTC

Aside from the inherent problems with the organization mentioned, it'd be like joining the ADL while standing up for a hypothetical Ben Shapiro being arrested.

2018-08-04 01:10:53 UTC

Bad example, actually, but kind of not...?

2018-08-04 01:11:33 UTC

there is one more thing that concerns me is that they joined to late .... like if they joined earlier we'd see someone from there be a pm but hey idk

2018-08-04 01:11:47 UTC

ADL dont you mean the EDL ?

2018-08-04 01:12:25 UTC

No, Anti Defamation League

2018-08-04 01:12:36 UTC

Unless there's another ADL

2018-08-04 01:13:43 UTC

Naah, I meant the Anti Defamation league.

2018-08-04 01:13:48 UTC

Speaking of other orgs actually, when are you guys getting a replacement ACLU. You know, now that the current one gives 0 fucks about civil liberties

2018-08-04 01:14:08 UTC

Unions suck.

2018-08-04 01:14:31 UTC

They're too damn prone to going off on their own and doing shit for their own explicit benefit.

2018-08-04 01:15:01 UTC

>we have to defend the KKK on principle
>we'd rather not defend this gay Jewish troll

2018-08-04 01:15:08 UTC

You couldn't ever get an UKIP PM. In their history they've only ever had one elected member of parliament. Farage was never elected once despite multiple attempts. UKIP at their strongest are about trying to infuence the big parties by threatening to steal some voters from them with certain policies. The big parties then often look to adopt those policies to try and shore up the voters being tempted by UKIP.

2018-08-04 01:15:53 UTC

Parties change.

2018-08-04 01:16:08 UTC

So UKIP's role is to try and maneuvre the big parties in certain directions.

2018-08-04 01:16:10 UTC

It wasn't always Republican and Democrat.

2018-08-04 01:16:22 UTC

Reminder that nobody fucking likes May or Corbyn

2018-08-04 01:16:35 UTC


2018-08-04 01:16:36 UTC

^ ^ ^

2018-08-04 01:16:42 UTC

The Brexit referendum was only called by the Conservatives due to UKIP pressure, for example.

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