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2018-07-06 19:14:07 UTC

like i've been saying

2018-07-06 19:14:25 UTC

the joys of admining

2018-07-06 19:14:36 UTC

You signed up for this bs

2018-07-06 19:14:38 UTC

did you add me as a friend?

2018-07-06 19:14:40 UTC

banned a fucking begger last night lil shit... tried to sell his sister to ppl in myfucking discord

2018-07-06 19:14:41 UTC

what a cunt

2018-07-06 19:14:57 UTC

nigerian of course

2018-07-06 19:15:02 UTC


2018-07-06 19:15:04 UTC


2018-07-06 19:15:17 UTC

those damn niger........ians

2018-07-06 19:15:30 UTC

Whoa... Stahp

2018-07-06 19:15:31 UTC

yea fuck that. begggers = banned

2018-07-06 19:15:38 UTC

Vitcim mentality = banned

2018-07-06 19:15:45 UTC

fuck off outta my shit

2018-07-06 19:15:58 UTC

lol actual human trafficking on discord

2018-07-06 19:16:04 UTC


2018-07-06 19:16:27 UTC

Niger is not the same place as Nigeria

2018-07-06 19:16:35 UTC


2018-07-06 19:16:39 UTC

what are people from Niger called then

2018-07-06 19:16:49 UTC

altho... what do you call someone from Niger?

2018-07-06 19:16:56 UTC


2018-07-06 19:16:56 UTC

maybe it's best if we don't know

2018-07-06 19:16:58 UTC


2018-07-06 19:16:59 UTC

nigers ofc ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-06 19:17:02 UTC

This seems obvious

2018-07-06 19:17:06 UTC


2018-07-06 19:17:17 UTC


2018-07-06 19:17:27 UTC

"I got an email from a Niger Prince"

2018-07-06 19:17:31 UTC


2018-07-06 19:17:54 UTC


2018-07-06 19:17:56 UTC

you call 'em black ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

2018-07-06 19:18:25 UTC

Therapists recommend the cog of just ice

2018-07-06 19:18:32 UTC

eeehhh apparently Nigerians are from Nigeria and NigeriEns are from Niger

2018-07-06 19:19:06 UTC

that is the most confusing shit

2018-07-06 19:19:11 UTC

yay an actual answer

2018-07-06 19:19:15 UTC

the more you know

2018-07-06 19:19:17 UTC

'Though โ€œNigerienโ€ is the standard for a resident of Niger, as used by the BBC and Associated Press (I believe), The New York Times chooses to say โ€œNigeroisโ€ instead, to create a clearer difference.' whot

2018-07-06 19:19:28 UTC

let's just conquer niger and rename it so i don't have to deal with this confusion

2018-07-06 19:19:48 UTC

I had a professor from Nigeria and he used to wear his tie too long so it like hung over his dick

2018-07-06 19:20:06 UTC

he was great

2018-07-06 19:20:08 UTC

was he not wearing trousers?

2018-07-06 19:20:19 UTC

i had a substitute teacher that idk where he was from but he was SO african

2018-07-06 19:20:23 UTC

thickest african accent

2018-07-06 19:20:37 UTC

he was a fun substitute

2018-07-06 19:20:47 UTC

can't people just compromise and call them all... well you know

2018-07-06 19:20:53 UTC

sounds like you and him really clicked

2018-07-06 19:20:59 UTC

And this is when I slide back into obscurity

2018-07-06 19:21:47 UTC

what do you guys think of Lauren Southern getting banned from the UK

2018-07-06 19:22:00 UTC

i don't think

2018-07-06 19:22:06 UTC

it would have been nice to see the other leaflet

2018-07-06 19:22:20 UTC

Well, a nation holds the right to uphold it's borders

2018-07-06 19:22:23 UTC

the one that Vice used, thats said jesus is gay

2018-07-06 19:22:46 UTC

Whether or not their decisions are fucking stupid

2018-07-06 19:23:10 UTC

and you have a right to have an opinion on it

2018-07-06 19:24:00 UTC
2018-07-06 19:24:10 UTC

i think looking for any excuse to get rid of someone is very different from having legitimate reason to suspect them of something

2018-07-06 19:24:43 UTC

and i definitely think the UK did the former, in the case of Lauren

2018-07-06 19:24:48 UTC

i thought the whole idea was that it was supposed to be an identical leaflet, only jesus replaced with Allah

2018-07-06 19:25:05 UTC

not quite, she was definitely being a shit disturber

2018-07-06 19:25:15 UTC

she was just saying Allah is gay, Allah is trans, etc

2018-07-06 19:25:30 UTC

Allah is all of us

2018-07-06 19:25:45 UTC

allaaaaaaaan's snackbar

2018-07-06 19:25:47 UTC

and the boys in blue said she was disturbing the peace

2018-07-06 19:26:39 UTC

so the moral of the story is that if you exercise free speech and Muslims become violent, you're to blame not them

2018-07-06 19:28:34 UTC

talkative people ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-06 19:28:50 UTC


2018-07-06 19:29:48 UTC

sargon of atalker

2018-07-06 19:30:01 UTC

i just wanna meeeme

2018-07-06 19:30:06 UTC

how do we check rank

2018-07-06 19:30:09 UTC

let the meme flow through you

2018-07-06 19:30:19 UTC


2018-07-06 19:30:22 UTC


2018-07-06 19:30:22 UTC

you can check rank on that rank site, or by color of person, im slightly brighter ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-06 19:30:23 UTC

cuz im rank 1

2018-07-06 19:30:25 UTC

mother fucker

2018-07-06 19:30:42 UTC

16 notifications

2018-07-06 19:30:44 UTC


2018-07-06 19:31:05 UTC

you're level 5.9 Graylan

2018-07-06 19:31:08 UTC

soon you're 6

2018-07-06 19:31:22 UTC

Arch-fiend is the nr.1 talker

2018-07-06 19:31:23 UTC

i wanna be rank 69

2018-07-06 19:31:39 UTC

followed by Zutt, then RyeNorth

2018-07-06 19:31:39 UTC

why was there 16 notifications?

2018-07-06 19:31:41 UTC

and then me

2018-07-06 19:31:45 UTC

@angeryer you on tatsu?

2018-07-06 19:31:50 UTC

Someone started spamming and tagging everyone

2018-07-06 19:31:51 UTC

oh anyone watch that jerry banfield video

2018-07-06 19:31:57 UTC

then Tim banhammered him

2018-07-06 19:31:57 UTC

if yall want some good content to meme

2018-07-06 19:32:00 UTC

are they dead now?

2018-07-06 19:32:03 UTC


2018-07-06 19:32:07 UTC

this guy says he sucks his own dick in a vid

2018-07-06 19:32:11 UTC

good meme content

2018-07-06 19:32:12 UTC


2018-07-06 19:32:27 UTC

i have a friend who sucked their own dick

2018-07-06 19:32:33 UTC

they are gay though so its ok

2018-07-06 19:32:41 UTC

lol arch

2018-07-06 19:32:48 UTC

this guy bought bot followers on steem

2018-07-06 19:33:01 UTC

has 220k youtube subs right

2018-07-06 19:33:03 UTC

gets 100 views

845,392 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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