
Discord ID: 463054787336732683

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2018-07-06 08:07:30 UTC

Like the recent Scarlett Johansson idiocy

2018-07-06 08:07:34 UTC

Why are you not

2018-07-06 08:07:47 UTC

I wonder if I'm bi

2018-07-06 08:07:49 UTC

>not being sucker for dick

2018-07-06 08:07:51 UTC

because my brain wants baby

2018-07-06 08:07:55 UTC

you don't know what's good in life famalam

2018-07-06 08:08:03 UTC


2018-07-06 08:08:08 UTC


2018-07-06 08:08:09 UTC

How do I check if I have the gay

2018-07-06 08:08:50 UTC

you either want to shag the same gender or you don't .. simple

2018-07-06 08:08:59 UTC

I like guys

2018-07-06 08:09:02 UTC

did you not get the gay vaccine?

2018-07-06 08:09:07 UTC


2018-07-06 08:09:07 UTC

But I kinda like girls

2018-07-06 08:09:20 UTC

i don't, but i would share a gril

2018-07-06 08:09:21 UTC

well, guess you have to experiment to find out

2018-07-06 08:09:23 UTC

I don't know if I *like* like them though

2018-07-06 08:16:22 UTC

Well whatever your sexuality is. I'm sure you'll make your partner very happy to be with you.

2018-07-06 08:18:13 UTC

Thank you!

2018-07-06 08:19:02 UTC

I love this discord, it has amazing people

2018-07-06 08:20:54 UTC

I heard from a verified checkmark that this discord is bad because itโ€™s about an alt right nazi journalist

2018-07-06 08:21:34 UTC

yea, Tim is a veritable nazi, didn't ya know

2018-07-06 08:27:25 UTC

yes, his actual name is "Timuth Poolbach von KraufenGasJew"

2018-07-06 08:29:08 UTC

Yes, Tim pool is a verified nazi journalist, totally

2018-07-06 08:30:03 UTC

i mean why do you think his brother is named nicknamed "Reactor" hmm?๐Ÿค”

Its clearly to irradiate jews and blacks with a secret nuclear reactor

2018-07-06 08:30:05 UTC

sad that we lost our resident neonazi tho

rip AussieAryan

2018-07-06 08:30:10 UTC

he died?

2018-07-06 08:30:16 UTC

no he bailed

2018-07-06 08:30:20 UTC


2018-07-06 08:30:33 UTC

i rather enjoyed his witty passion for anti-semitism

2018-07-06 08:30:48 UTC

misguided as it was

2018-07-06 08:30:55 UTC

me too. now I have all this mpreg and vore that I don't know what to do with

2018-07-06 08:31:34 UTC

I guess we still have martini_man but he seems kinda awkward

2018-07-06 08:32:09 UTC

I have seen another white supremacist in this discord yesterday though, he was talking about how the good ol' days were when we gave "niggers a purpose" by having them enslaved,

But i can't tell if its just trolling, cuz it would be too obvious

2018-07-06 08:32:27 UTC

Probably trolling

2018-07-06 08:32:46 UTC

Surely. No one can be that retarded

2018-07-06 08:32:48 UTC

I don't see why white supremacists would be on a rather obscure server

2018-07-06 08:33:02 UTC

you two haven't met AussieAryan then ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-06 08:33:16 UTC

he was all about such levels of anti-semitism, and adamantly defended it

2018-07-06 08:33:51 UTC

I've always wanted to talk to one of these people

2018-07-06 08:34:06 UTC

They're pretty....interesting

2018-07-06 08:34:33 UTC

Not too many on quora or twitter

2018-07-06 08:34:37 UTC

it was fun to an extent, it gave quite a perspective on the single minded hatred for a species,

To the point where half of what he said/linked was self contradicting

2018-07-06 08:35:08 UTC

"Gas the Jews", "I want high iq species"?

2018-07-06 08:35:18 UTC

but he wasn't like "gas them, murder them, kill them"

he just wanted jews to be shipped to Israel and have all jews removed from power structures in the western white world

2018-07-06 08:35:32 UTC

Lol wtf

2018-07-06 08:35:49 UTC

he was quite kind as far as his rethoric would lead you to believe

2018-07-06 08:36:14 UTC

Well, he was a socialist too, then

2018-07-06 08:36:18 UTC

he was also pretty polite

most of the time

2018-07-06 08:36:41 UTC

Well, Richard Spencer and David Duke are mostly polite

2018-07-06 08:36:43 UTC

he was a "Nationalist socialist", the nazi-german kind

He rejected Marxist socialism, because Marx was a jew

2018-07-06 08:36:52 UTC


2018-07-06 08:36:57 UTC

I hope USA annex Israel in the future. With the amount of money we giving them, they're might as well be a US territory

2018-07-06 08:37:08 UTC

yet he advocates for 97% of what marx did because why not

2018-07-06 08:37:14 UTC

you guys are pretty woke for being anti-nazi

2018-07-06 08:37:17 UTC

Well, gotta give him props because at least national socialism kinda worked

2018-07-06 08:37:40 UTC

Karl Marx was a fucking leech who moochers off his friends and family

2018-07-06 08:37:44 UTC

Except in Zimbabwe...

2018-07-06 08:37:48 UTC

Hegel is cool tho

2018-07-06 08:37:49 UTC

i agree, annex israel

2018-07-06 08:37:55 UTC

National Socialism is just a more honest version of attempted communism

2018-07-06 08:38:20 UTC

well like i said, he would have a lot of self-contradicting points

Like how the Jews are using globalism to destabilize the west,

Whilst the West is the biggest supporter of Israel (and probably the reason it still exists)

2018-07-06 08:38:21 UTC

not really

2018-07-06 08:39:36 UTC

And jews were part of the Jew race,

Even though in a discussion i had with him he claimed races couldn't be created unless they are more than 10,000 years appart (Judiism being like 4000 years old i believe?)

2018-07-06 08:39:36 UTC

Israel is like middle eastern america

2018-07-06 08:40:04 UTC

"the only democracy in the middle east"

2018-07-06 08:40:09 UTC

Lmfao what kind of distinction is that

2018-07-06 08:40:23 UTC

Why 10000 years?

2018-07-06 08:40:30 UTC

cuz genetics takes a long time

2018-07-06 08:40:42 UTC

Honestly the cold war really did a hell of a job ducking up the middle east

2018-07-06 08:40:52 UTC

israelis have more european ancestry than semitic tho

2018-07-06 08:41:30 UTC

We only started helping Israel because all the other states in the area sided with the Soviets

2018-07-06 08:41:31 UTC

I dunno danger, 1980's Iran seemed pretty sweet,

Then the Shah fel out of favor with the Americans, and they stopped protecting him from the Islamites

2018-07-06 08:41:50 UTC

i wonder why.... churchill was a zionist

2018-07-06 08:42:12 UTC

Churchill was kind of a cunt

2018-07-06 08:42:50 UTC

he had a good time with the dutch prime minister during WW2 though

2018-07-06 08:42:51 UTC

The world needed a cunt like churchill to stopped an asshole like Hitler

2018-07-06 08:43:25 UTC

but Hitler was a zionist too

2018-07-06 08:43:38 UTC

200 IQ conspiracy right here

2018-07-06 08:43:45 UTC

Boi I hope you have sources for that claim

2018-07-06 08:43:46 UTC

no srsly

2018-07-06 08:43:56 UTC

the haavara agreement

2018-07-06 08:43:57 UTC

well, hitler DID want jews out of Europe ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-06 08:44:29 UTC

Didn't Churchill say he killed the wrong people after beating the nazis?

2018-07-06 08:44:44 UTC

no, Patton said that

2018-07-06 08:44:55 UTC

churchill was proud of it

2018-07-06 08:45:07 UTC

Patton hated the commies

2018-07-06 08:45:07 UTC

Oh Ok!

2018-07-06 08:45:18 UTC

Patton was a woke lad

2018-07-06 08:45:31 UTC

He still a shit commander

2018-07-06 08:46:05 UTC

He was brave but arrogant

2018-07-06 08:46:33 UTC

well nobody's perfect dude

2018-07-06 08:46:43 UTC


2018-07-06 08:46:56 UTC

Rommel best boy

2018-07-06 08:46:57 UTC

how about Rommel?

2018-07-06 08:47:00 UTC


2018-07-06 08:47:22 UTC

gee, wonder if there are any neo-nazi chat bots coming thru here too .... just catching up on this thread

2018-07-06 08:47:38 UTC

I'm planning to get a pair of cats. Naming them Guderian and Rommel

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