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2018-10-27 00:42:59 UTC

it's all online now

2018-10-27 00:43:04 UTC

it's ... weird

2018-10-27 00:43:06 UTC

SC to what?

2018-10-27 00:43:08 UTC

2018-10-27 00:43:11 UTC

some parts really genius, some like duct tape

2018-10-27 00:43:14 UTC

the SC of the internets

2018-10-27 00:43:18 UTC

all of them

2018-10-27 00:43:26 UTC

both of them

2018-10-27 00:43:28 UTC

What is SC?

2018-10-27 00:43:33 UTC

source code

2018-10-27 00:43:36 UTC


2018-10-27 00:43:37 UTC

Memes like this I think no longer really reflect things

2018-10-27 00:43:38 UTC

Aha. Internet source code is odd

2018-10-27 00:43:40 UTC

very cool stuff

2018-10-27 00:43:48 UTC

neo thinks so too

2018-10-27 00:43:54 UTC


2018-10-27 00:43:55 UTC

id software and John Carmack specifically released the full source for Quake.

2018-10-27 00:44:05 UTC

I always wanted to know how it works.

2018-10-27 00:44:19 UTC

Now, being a software engineer, I can actually understand it. But it took me decades.

2018-10-27 00:44:20 UTC

Id Software is a good company

2018-10-27 00:44:21 UTC

i remember when tribes hit

2018-10-27 00:44:27 UTC

holy shit that was crazy

2018-10-27 00:44:36 UTC

30 man death matches on dialup

2018-10-27 00:44:43 UTC

Wait, which one was tribes again?

2018-10-27 00:44:44 UTC

Every game engine is an accumulation of the smartest stuff ever and the stupidest stuff ever

2018-10-27 00:44:44 UTC

worked pretty damed well too

2018-10-27 00:44:54 UTC

Open up Unreal some time

2018-10-27 00:44:57 UTC

tribes was late 90s

2018-10-27 00:45:12 UTC

I am the distorted.

2018-10-27 00:45:16 UTC

fps that was only online

2018-10-27 00:45:19 UTC

The render team clearly knows what they're doing

2018-10-27 00:45:21 UTC


2018-10-27 00:45:22 UTC

no single player at all

2018-10-27 00:45:26 UTC

Everyone else has lost it

2018-10-27 00:45:40 UTC

hell the cd basically told you to pirate it

2018-10-27 00:45:48 UTC

i think i still have that thing in a box somewhere too

2018-10-27 00:46:04 UTC

always loved that it told you to copy it to a friends pc too

2018-10-27 00:46:35 UTC

whys it calld โ€œSubverse

2018-10-27 00:46:59 UTC

dunno gotta ask tim

2018-10-27 00:47:29 UTC


2018-10-27 00:47:32 UTC

now it comes back

2018-10-27 00:47:45 UTC

I didn't play Tribes very much, but it was later based on the Torque engine.

2018-10-27 00:47:47 UTC

had the jetpack booster jumps

2018-10-27 00:47:56 UTC

was fun stuff

2018-10-27 00:48:07 UTC

There was another FPS by Bungee

2018-10-27 00:48:08 UTC

man i spent so much time flying aroudn with those jetpacks back in the day

2018-10-27 00:48:11 UTC

Not Halo

2018-10-27 00:48:13 UTC

the levels were HUGE

2018-10-27 00:48:19 UTC

It was one that was kind of weird, also SCIFI

2018-10-27 00:48:21 UTC

on mac

2018-10-27 00:48:36 UTC

not sure, i never touched a mac i didnt want to hit with a hammer

2018-10-27 00:48:36 UTC

Very early

2018-10-27 00:48:52 UTC

bungie, sorry

2018-10-27 00:49:13 UTC


2018-10-27 00:49:26 UTC

starcraft was the shit back then

2018-10-27 00:49:33 UTC

still is in korea

2018-10-27 00:49:35 UTC


2018-10-27 00:49:35 UTC

spent so many hours playing that game at one point

2018-10-27 00:49:37 UTC

ya it is

2018-10-27 00:49:44 UTC

craziness how long that game lasted

2018-10-27 00:49:56 UTC

not sure there is another game that has survived that long

2018-10-27 00:53:53 UTC

Starcraft was great.

2018-10-27 00:54:05 UTC

Also, it feels like Marathon was the precursor to Halo.

2018-10-27 00:54:23 UTC

dont think i ever played that one

2018-10-27 00:54:41 UTC

Most people have not.

2018-10-27 00:54:43 UTC

i was always pretty limited on how many games i had

2018-10-27 00:54:52 UTC

But look it up on YouTube and you will see the similarites right away.

2018-10-27 00:55:05 UTC

usually only managed to have one or so games at a time

2018-10-27 00:55:17 UTC

Yah, I can't even play now.

2018-10-27 00:55:18 UTC

No time.

2018-10-27 00:55:31 UTC

I can do Discord because I can have it side by side with my work.

2018-10-27 00:55:39 UTC

but no games

2018-10-27 00:55:45 UTC

Thank you to whoever it was above who linked to Gamergate Life. I love this one. I find it funny I look much more like Vivian but I was Lillium when the moment happened. Good times.

2018-10-27 00:55:49 UTC

ya i dont play much anymore either

2018-10-27 00:56:00 UTC

Video games back then... had a lot of care put into them.

2018-10-27 00:56:06 UTC

@DrYuriMom That was Sam Hyde.

2018-10-27 00:56:14 UTC

too true dusty

2018-10-27 00:56:22 UTC

they dont make games with as much story as they used too

2018-10-27 00:56:42 UTC

There was always things you discovered...

2018-10-27 00:56:49 UTC

For those who said red hair, green eyes, and freckles are hawt. Thank you. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-10-27 00:56:50 UTC

Even to this day, not everything was discovered in those games.

2018-10-27 00:57:11 UTC

It's sad the media never had to retract any of their shit.

2018-10-27 00:57:15 UTC

Well it is true 10th.

2018-10-27 00:57:22 UTC

I fucking hate the MSM.

2018-10-27 00:57:27 UTC


2018-10-27 00:57:35 UTC

They are so clueless about anything that goes on on the net.

2018-10-27 00:57:50 UTC

I miss the days where they put so much care into their games, to the point we are still discovering new things.

2018-10-27 00:58:18 UTC

games were hard

2018-10-27 00:58:20 UTC

Definitely miss the fact they built in cheat codes that fundimentally change the game.

2018-10-27 00:58:33 UTC

some, yeah

2018-10-27 00:58:40 UTC

some got fired for their easter eggs

2018-10-27 00:58:43 UTC


2018-10-27 00:58:54 UTC

So it was like a new fucking video game within a video game.

2018-10-27 00:59:17 UTC

It was also before copy write....

2018-10-27 00:59:28 UTC

So it wasn't uncommon seen a blend of media.

2018-10-27 00:59:32 UTC

nah, copyright had been around forever

2018-10-27 00:59:47 UTC

atari st games had a sticker saying it was illegal to copy them

2018-10-27 00:59:55 UTC

That was just warnings.

2018-10-27 00:59:58 UTC

but most didn't even have copy protection

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