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2018-07-19 17:07:59 UTC

hell, nano-technology to cure cancer was promised to us 5 years ago

2018-07-19 17:08:03 UTC

You'd have to remake the bone structure

2018-07-19 17:08:07 UTC

i read an article that maybe a good argument for defunding NASA in favor of the private sector.

2018-07-19 17:08:12 UTC


2018-07-19 17:08:25 UTC

Space X has accomplished incredible things

2018-07-19 17:08:50 UTC

the issue with private sector is that it needs to be profitable

And until we can mine asteroids etc, theres not much profit in it ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-07-19 17:08:52 UTC

and the whole point is because space projects take forever, and are expensive. so good luck getting and keeping them funded by like the 2-3 different administrations.

2018-07-19 17:09:07 UTC

like Bush approved Constellation, then Obama canned it

2018-07-19 17:09:16 UTC

FFS the ISRO is given to the privafe sector in India

2018-07-19 17:09:19 UTC

funny how the democrats were anti-science ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-19 17:09:33 UTC

good guy obama said "fuck that" to going back to the moon

2018-07-19 17:09:36 UTC

They sent a satellite to mars at less than 300 million dollars

2018-07-19 17:09:59 UTC

and apparently "completing" the ISS (the ISS has a complete state? tf?)

2018-07-19 17:10:03 UTC

and now Trump wants to build Space Marines

I for one welcome the Adeptus Astartes

2018-07-19 17:10:19 UTC

I personally don't see the point of going back to the moon

2018-07-19 17:10:35 UTC

Moonbase :^)

2018-07-19 17:10:39 UTC

you know, this really doesn't make sense. why are the republicans funding space flight and the dems not? tf? man, i should have stopped leaning left longer ago

2018-07-19 17:10:43 UTC

A rover would do anything we could, better

2018-07-19 17:10:46 UTC

wait, i know why

2018-07-19 17:10:48 UTC


2018-07-19 17:11:03 UTC

maybe we should move more space stuff under the military to get it funded

2018-07-19 17:11:03 UTC

The right supports space domination?

2018-07-19 17:11:13 UTC

By the US hegemony?

2018-07-19 17:11:14 UTC

the moon was a failed project ๐Ÿ˜ฆ they should've thought long term

Next to the american flag, the flag of Russia or China with a penis on it,

Force them to get a space program and remove the dick-flag ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-19 17:11:17 UTC

just play it off as "useful military RnD"

2018-07-19 17:11:19 UTC

Cos I'm on board

2018-07-19 17:11:29 UTC

and play a large game of capture the flag on the moon

2018-07-19 17:11:38 UTC

I'd prefer US on top than Russia or China

2018-07-19 17:11:43 UTC


2018-07-19 17:11:50 UTC

don't we all

2018-07-19 17:11:55 UTC

Mostly cos it's not much of a choice

2018-07-19 17:12:14 UTC

Russia will dominate the world, China will also do the sane

2018-07-19 17:12:21 UTC

Russia won't be on top anyway

2018-07-19 17:12:24 UTC

America will atleast not do that

2018-07-19 17:12:29 UTC

and america will just rule the world

2018-07-19 17:12:30 UTC

China maybe

2018-07-19 17:12:31 UTC

much better

2018-07-19 17:12:34 UTC

They'll just let people be

2018-07-19 17:12:35 UTC

America already just rules the world

2018-07-19 17:12:40 UTC


2018-07-19 17:12:41 UTC


2018-07-19 17:12:55 UTC

They're very dependent on international trade

2018-07-19 17:12:56 UTC

mostly because everyone goes "... better you than china and russia"

2018-07-19 17:13:06 UTC

nah, America lets people be, if they're on top

its the american way

"We don't care what happens to us, but YOU others don't get to enjoy it"

2018-07-19 17:13:09 UTC

They don't rule the world, they're just the most powerful

2018-07-19 17:13:22 UTC

And the most tolerant dominant power

2018-07-19 17:13:42 UTC

So far, atleast

2018-07-19 17:14:02 UTC

I don't want Putin on top

2018-07-19 17:14:10 UTC

Or Xi jinping

2018-07-19 17:14:17 UTC

i mean the cold war was literally a dick-wagging contest

"You got nukes? well we'll have MORE nukes"

"You got a space program? well, we'll land on the moon!"

"You start influencing the middle east? well, we'll start funding dictators militarily"

2018-07-19 17:14:17 UTC

how do we not control the world if all we have to say is "we'll just pull out our military strength in the area and leave you to your neighbors" to get what we want

2018-07-19 17:14:37 UTC

Well, it's mostly just the EU

2018-07-19 17:14:43 UTC

The west is not the world

2018-07-19 17:15:11 UTC

true, just half of it. the other half being under the influence of china and russia

2018-07-19 17:15:16 UTC

i mean, Americas motto might aswell be "We shall not Envy"

2018-07-19 17:15:21 UTC

@Grenade123lol what

2018-07-19 17:15:26 UTC

who probably say the same thing... well, more the reverse actually

2018-07-19 17:15:33 UTC

Russia controls what, Ukraine?

2018-07-19 17:15:39 UTC

"well, you could do what we want.... or we just invade"

2018-07-19 17:15:42 UTC

China has the empty wasteland of Tibet

2018-07-19 17:15:56 UTC

Russia doesn't have the economy to invade, russia only has nukes to destroy

2018-07-19 17:15:59 UTC

and they are very proud of that empty wasteland

2018-07-19 17:16:05 UTC

Yep lol

2018-07-19 17:16:11 UTC

Tibet? you mean China? ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-19 17:16:21 UTC

the chineese word for Tibet is china btw

2018-07-19 17:16:23 UTC

The indian army could fuck em over at any point

2018-07-19 17:16:34 UTC

don't underestimate a country without an economy. remember what happened with Germany.

2018-07-19 17:16:40 UTC


2018-07-19 17:16:42 UTC

They tried to encroach indian borders

2018-07-19 17:16:47 UTC

Didn't work so well

2018-07-19 17:16:50 UTC

get everyone focused in one direction can fix things in a hurry

2018-07-19 17:17:03 UTC

I'd agree with you grenade, but you need the neighboring countries to be rich,

So you can just take their wealth

2018-07-19 17:17:04 UTC

Germany had the capacity, they were just in a slump

2018-07-19 17:17:12 UTC

currently, everything around EU is poor cuz the EU is failing ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-19 17:17:16 UTC

Russia has some deep issues preventing it from growing

2018-07-19 17:17:28 UTC

yeah, like russian winters to start

2018-07-19 17:17:29 UTC


2018-07-19 17:17:31 UTC

I feel China's population will revolt soon

2018-07-19 17:17:38 UTC


2018-07-19 17:17:41 UTC

China civil war?

2018-07-19 17:17:47 UTC

or well

2018-07-19 17:17:50 UTC

Civil Wal? ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-19 17:17:57 UTC

There's only a certain extent until the public get tires of not having free will

2018-07-19 17:17:57 UTC

Social media is undermining the state

2018-07-19 17:18:10 UTC

I've heard bookstores popping up

2018-07-19 17:18:17 UTC

Giving away Orwell books for free

2018-07-19 17:18:26 UTC

People have been openly criticizing the government

2018-07-19 17:18:28 UTC

Which have all been banned

2018-07-19 17:18:30 UTC

In newspapers even

2018-07-19 17:18:32 UTC

idk, i think China's population has a habit of just ignoring their government to start with, just staying clear of it enough so they are not on any corrupt politicians radar

2018-07-19 17:18:46 UTC

They do

2018-07-19 17:18:48 UTC

They've ignored it cos it didn't intrude so far

2018-07-19 17:18:56 UTC

But eventually it gets too restrictive

2018-07-19 17:18:59 UTC

Chinese people don't give a shit about the govt

2018-07-19 17:19:17 UTC

Until now

2018-07-19 17:19:22 UTC

exactly, and i'm sure their government pulls back every time they get bit.

2018-07-19 17:19:25 UTC

but we'll see

2018-07-19 17:19:28 UTC

Now, they effectively have a dictator

2018-07-19 17:19:33 UTC

didn't China ban bot systems that refused to promote communism? ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-19 17:19:35 UTC

Who is trying to censor speech

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