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2018-10-14 02:27:15 UTC

Illegal immigrants on census basically gives more congressional seats to Democrats.

2018-10-14 02:27:16 UTC

Yes it does, but the dems are going to keep doing it no matter what. This is why I like my idea. If you force the super-rich ultra-leftie dems to actually face the consequences of their actions, they'll kneejerk react to being opposed to illegal immigration.

2018-10-14 02:27:34 UTC

You are giving them more power that way Justtom.

2018-10-14 02:27:43 UTC

They want that.

2018-10-14 02:27:58 UTC

I did some diggin into guatemalas situation, some say is ran by a dictator others say criminals and corruptions are eveeywhere and the president is trying to fix it.

2018-10-14 02:28:05 UTC

Who knows

2018-10-14 02:28:10 UTC

A temporary thing. I would give them a few thousand extra votes for a bit, only to have them come to hate illegals and a large portion of them to go redpilled

2018-10-14 02:28:20 UTC

I haven't ever had any Republican explain to me fully why some people coming here seeking refugee claim's to escape 3rd world dictator's are "illegal" yet mostly white cuban's coming here to do the same thing are "doing thing's the right way"

2018-10-14 02:28:25 UTC

I'd do it in california where they're going to win the vote anyhow.

2018-10-14 02:29:03 UTC

What if napalm Mexico

2018-10-14 02:29:06 UTC

Itnhas to donthat cuba eas a puppet set by russia

2018-10-14 02:29:18 UTC

Roman... they are coming here for economic reasons while Cubans are coming here for safety.

2018-10-14 02:29:19 UTC


2018-10-14 02:29:30 UTC

Turn on autocorrect Baaaaaahhhll

2018-10-14 02:29:32 UTC

They are economic migrants like what happen in EU.

2018-10-14 02:29:41 UTC

They basically would do the same thing to United States what happen in EU.

2018-10-14 02:30:02 UTC

@R9b1t it correcta with the wrong words more often than not

2018-10-14 02:30:08 UTC

He does look like Tim though

2018-10-14 02:30:12 UTC

Plain in simple. Instead of running from Prosecution, death, and inhumane treatment. They are running from a poor economy.

2018-10-14 02:30:14 UTC

Itโ€™s interesting

2018-10-14 02:30:16 UTC

\*It WAS that they were coming here for safety, that hasn't been the reason for a long time and is why many floridians disliked the policy and constantly urge the coast guard to go catch them and turn them back.

2018-10-14 02:30:37 UTC

Tim has been spreading his seed!

2018-10-14 02:30:42 UTC

Guess the policy needs to be removed then...

2018-10-14 02:30:44 UTC

Heโ€™s not a virgin after all

2018-10-14 02:30:47 UTC

Good job Tim

2018-10-14 02:30:59 UTC

Dusty no most people are leaving central america just so their family can live in safety away from cartels to avoid drug wars partially caused by us policy. It's no poverty persay they want to escape but the fear of violence

2018-10-14 02:31:19 UTC

Confuzzles me how much money theyโ€™re caught with

2018-10-14 02:31:20 UTC

If there is no more legitimate claim for Cubans to come here anymore, then the policy needs to be rescinded aka removed.

2018-10-14 02:31:33 UTC

Like a plane ticket canโ€™t be that expensive

2018-10-14 02:31:44 UTC

And theyโ€™re going up with hundreds geese

2018-10-14 02:31:45 UTC

Then they should seek asylum the legal way.

2018-10-14 02:31:56 UTC

Instead of illegally crossing border and then seeking ayslum.

2018-10-14 02:31:58 UTC

It's the same thing as middle east migrants in the EU right now.
Originally, it was good. The very first ones were actually arriving because they were actually in danger and fleeing a bad situation, where their lives were at risk.
But then everyone else nearby saw "oh free money. LET'S GO!" and now... well you've seen what the EU is like now.

2018-10-14 02:32:21 UTC

โ€œHello future โ€˜americanโ€™ for 3000 American dollars we will take you to America!โ€

2018-10-14 02:32:30 UTC

โ€œOkay, here you go.โ€

2018-10-14 02:32:31 UTC

Besides United States isn't obligated to take in illegal immigrants or legal immigrants for that matter.

2018-10-14 02:32:37 UTC

We are doing it out of the kindness of our hearts.

2018-10-14 02:32:44 UTC

At least respect us since we are taking in people.

2018-10-14 02:32:50 UTC

Dusty it will never happen cause Florida becames a light blue state instead of purple/light red state if the cuban vote is removed. It's entirely political why Cuban get refuse pref over every other country in central america and carribean

2018-10-14 02:32:54 UTC

Of course no one thinks about respecting us, only what they can get out of us.

2018-10-14 02:33:26 UTC

Gotta blast kiddos

2018-10-14 02:33:41 UTC

Basically abide by our rules and laws, come here legally and seek asylum legally.

2018-10-14 02:33:48 UTC

That is all we ask from immigrants.

2018-10-14 02:34:19 UTC

Florida is boned because of the laws that let them stay.
Every other state that is mostly dealing with mexican illegals and such, still has a chance. But the only way to succeed is to redpill the insane lefties and the people who support them.

2018-10-14 02:34:21 UTC

dusty but no one is breaking a law if they come here and seek asylum until they see their day in court

2018-10-14 02:34:38 UTC

No.... they break the law if they cross our borders illegally.

2018-10-14 02:34:46 UTC

Hell they are breaking mexico's laws as well.

2018-10-14 02:35:00 UTC

I am starting to love the npc meme already ahahah

2018-10-14 02:35:08 UTC

What does that tell us the first action you do when setting foot on our land is to break a law?

2018-10-14 02:35:12 UTC

dusty even non citizens under the constitution are given due process

2018-10-14 02:35:19 UTC

the NPC meme was dead on arrival, but the lefties made it funny again.

2018-10-14 02:35:21 UTC


2018-10-14 02:35:38 UTC

Yes they get due process, but that doesn't mean you get away with breaking the law.

2018-10-14 02:35:43 UTC

That means you will be in court for breaking the law.

2018-10-14 02:35:50 UTC

Due Process =/= break the law and get away free.

2018-10-14 02:35:56 UTC

And then deported back to your nation of origin.

2018-10-14 02:36:07 UTC

Due process means they go to court Just Tom.

2018-10-14 02:36:20 UTC

@Blue Gale The best part is this unironic supportive reply

2018-10-14 02:36:36 UTC

Trust me... you will not get asylum if you break the law.

2018-10-14 02:36:51 UTC

That means you get fast tracked to deport regardless of your situation.

2018-10-14 02:37:00 UTC

if you come here seeking asylum and are granted asylum in court then according to you they are criminal since they broke the law the second they stepped on us soil

2018-10-14 02:37:12 UTC

Besides the constitution doesn't apply to foreigners or illegal immigrants.

2018-10-14 02:37:20 UTC

It only applies to legal immigrants and the citizens of this nation.

2018-10-14 02:37:28 UTC

Only thing that applies to foreigners and illegal immigrants is the bill of rights.

2018-10-14 02:37:35 UTC

And that is basic human rights period.

2018-10-14 02:37:36 UTC

I mean, they are unironically supporting a message from a literal meme about their hugbox.

2018-10-14 02:37:45 UTC

2018-10-14 02:38:02 UTC


2018-10-14 02:38:16 UTC

You break the law the moment you step on United States without going through legal channels of entry.

2018-10-14 02:38:22 UTC

There is a reason we have a immigration system.

2018-10-14 02:39:00 UTC

To protect this nation from diseases, crime, and invasions.

2018-10-14 02:39:01 UTC

I think you're mistaken there. The Consititution actually applies to everyone.

2018-10-14 02:39:11 UTC

No it only applies to the citizens.

2018-10-14 02:39:19 UTC

It is in the first fucking sentence damn it.

2018-10-14 02:39:39 UTC

One situation I'd support illegals entering the country.

2018-10-14 02:40:35 UTC

We the People of the United States

2018-10-14 02:40:44 UTC

The people of the United States.

2018-10-14 02:40:57 UTC

Meaning the citizens of this nation and only this nation.

2018-10-14 02:41:04 UTC

It doesn't say We the people of the world.

2018-10-14 02:41:09 UTC

Use the revenues of this show to pay for their right to become a citizen if they win.

2018-10-14 02:42:27 UTC

The Constitution is the law of the land. God's land. So it applies to the entire Universe. The rest of humanity just hasn't accepted that yet.

2018-10-14 02:42:30 UTC

We, the Sovereign Citizens of the Earth.

2018-10-14 02:42:38 UTC

2018-10-14 02:42:56 UTC

No Malt... law of this land, specifically United States.

2018-10-14 02:43:04 UTC

Stop trying to twist our constitution.

2018-10-14 02:43:10 UTC

Under Article 12 of these obsolete laws that were superseded by the constitution.

2018-10-14 02:43:44 UTC


2018-10-14 02:44:20 UTC

I do not go to your nation and change your laws, I do not go to your nation and demand things...

2018-10-14 02:44:31 UTC

Donโ€™t taze me, bro.

2018-10-14 02:44:32 UTC


2018-10-14 02:44:56 UTC

If he's going to do it to you then you might as well do it to him.

2018-10-14 02:45:01 UTC

This is the first preamble.

2018-10-14 02:45:02 UTC

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

2018-10-14 02:45:03 UTC

Just go to his nation and demand things.

2018-10-14 02:45:32 UTC

It uses We the People, Our, Ourselves.

2018-10-14 02:46:05 UTC

How about visitors to the United States.

2018-10-14 02:46:07 UTC

Basically the founding fathers made the constitution only for this nation only.

2018-10-14 02:46:17 UTC

Visits are protected under the Bill of Rights.

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