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2018-10-06 23:51:55 UTC

I miss internet animation

2018-10-06 23:52:00 UTC

My friend can quote this entire video from his memory

2018-10-06 23:52:03 UTC

I fear his power.

2018-10-06 23:52:27 UTC

i can do the first one

2018-10-06 23:53:56 UTC

imagine making a fuckton of money by ripping off DBZ

2018-10-06 23:54:22 UTC

Basically every Shonen

2018-10-06 23:54:24 UTC

It's true - he is super sand lesbian.

2018-10-06 23:54:44 UTC

no but you rip off almost everything

2018-10-06 23:54:53 UTC

characters, backstory, narrative

2018-10-06 23:55:05 UTC

and then inject a political narrative into it

2018-10-06 23:55:12 UTC

Have some Gaellic chanting

2018-10-06 23:55:14 UTC

this is HIGH IQ

2018-10-07 00:00:39 UTC

:shirt: Check out **Tim Pool's TeeSpring Merch**:

2018-10-07 00:00:40 UTC

:dollar: Support **Tim Pool** on Patreon (exclusive rewards available):

2018-10-07 00:03:06 UTC

search "from: xorgy#3253 NPC" on this discord, you will see that I predicted NPC being considered "dehumanizing" ;- )

2018-10-07 00:03:40 UTC


2018-10-07 00:03:46 UTC

I'm really surprised these guys made this.

2018-10-07 00:04:28 UTC

Cunt is word perfection to describe that.

2018-10-07 00:05:26 UTC

I bet she got called Dumbass trough her school years

2018-10-07 00:05:53 UTC

Thanks for the bright side.

2018-10-07 00:06:07 UTC

Look at what feminism has done to women.

2018-10-07 00:06:13 UTC

Look at **that creature.**

2018-10-07 00:06:20 UTC

Proud to speak and look that way.

2018-10-07 00:11:59 UTC

Gotta say, this version Lindsay Graham has a pep in his step that was not previously there.

2018-10-07 00:12:23 UTC

I mean, look at this guy, positively beaming with self worth, confidence, and love

2018-10-07 00:12:33 UTC

Not the same guy.

2018-10-07 00:13:05 UTC

Maybe more senators can get some pep in their step, and feel good about what they've said for once.

2018-10-07 00:16:07 UTC

@Abel I am shocked, SHOCKED that she would drop the case after the vote, almost as if it were purely political.

2018-10-07 00:16:20 UTC


2018-10-07 00:18:01 UTC

Did she actually? lol

2018-10-07 00:18:13 UTC

oh amy schumer got arrested?

2018-10-07 00:18:17 UTC

I mean seriously, they're not even gonna put on a show to make it seem like they were legit?

2018-10-07 00:18:21 UTC

at a protest?

2018-10-07 00:18:24 UTC


2018-10-07 00:18:31 UTC

But don't get your hopes up.

2018-10-07 00:18:33 UTC

@wacka She asked to be arrested

2018-10-07 00:19:11 UTC

thats silly.. she shouldnt be arrested

2018-10-07 00:19:34 UTC

got a $50 fine and let go

2018-10-07 00:19:40 UTC

stunning and brave

2018-10-07 00:19:43 UTC

for what?

2018-10-07 00:20:00 UTC

have to look it back up sec

2018-10-07 00:20:17 UTC

apparently "gender traitor" is a thing

2018-10-07 00:20:32 UTC

unlawful demonstration activities

2018-10-07 00:21:58 UTC


2018-10-07 00:22:02 UTC

Tim is rubbing the salt in

2018-10-07 00:23:08 UTC

thats silly... she shouldnt be arrested for saying she doesnt like someone in a group

2018-10-07 00:23:20 UTC

I disagree with her.. but dont think she should have been arrested

2018-10-07 00:23:39 UTC

it also plays into the lefts hand as "the right is authoritarian"

2018-10-07 00:25:37 UTC


2018-10-07 00:25:43 UTC


2018-10-07 00:25:45 UTC

i dont get it

2018-10-07 00:25:51 UTC

why am I a stable liberal?

2018-10-07 00:25:57 UTC

how hard is it to be like

2018-10-07 00:26:05 UTC

"well, Im not a fan of Kavanaugh so we need a better plan"

2018-10-07 00:26:07 UTC


2018-10-07 00:26:08 UTC

they are like

2018-10-07 00:26:18 UTC


2018-10-07 00:26:22 UTC


2018-10-07 00:26:37 UTC

what are they going to campaign on?

2018-10-07 00:26:38 UTC

i don't get them either

2018-10-07 00:26:38 UTC

i think its because I grew up in the hood

2018-10-07 00:26:53 UTC

these ppl freaking out are the bourgeois

2018-10-07 00:26:57 UTC

some of these people need to visit 3rd world countrys or something

2018-10-07 00:27:04 UTC

Tim, you've also never attended university and had to actually struggle. I think it's a difference in maturity.

2018-10-07 00:27:05 UTC


2018-10-07 00:27:06 UTC

can't campaign on the economy because it's doing phenomenal. can't campaign on foreign policy because trump is ending wars.

2018-10-07 00:27:20 UTC

can't campaign on trade because trump just got better deals everywhere.

2018-10-07 00:27:22 UTC

i went in not liking the kavanaugh nomination and came out agreeing with his confirmation. and i still don't like the guy...

2018-10-07 00:27:25 UTC

I grew up in a mixed race poor neighborhood

2018-10-07 00:27:26 UTC

anyone noticed sargon seems a lot more ... er.. how do I say... "tribal"? .. lately?

2018-10-07 00:27:27 UTC

so im like

2018-10-07 00:27:32 UTC

@Timcast Yeah, I just wish they would attack him just slightly more fairly.

2018-10-07 00:27:34 UTC

can't campaign on jobs because unemployment is lowest in 50 years

2018-10-07 00:27:35 UTC

struggle isnt unique to race

2018-10-07 00:27:40 UTC

So that I could actually make arguments.

2018-10-07 00:27:43 UTC

For most people who're rich kids with liberal arts degrees, becoming mature wasn't needed

2018-10-07 00:27:48 UTC

the democrats have nowhere to campaign except social issues, and the social issues aren't that bad.

2018-10-07 00:27:53 UTC

i've seen people in Malaysia who were so poor they didn't even have a poll to prop there tarp house up

2018-10-07 00:27:55 UTC

They're literally dying, Tim. Show some respect.

2018-10-07 00:28:00 UTC

Who would exaggerate about that

2018-10-07 00:28:04 UTC

so they have to exaggerate and pretend the social issues are the WORST EVER

2018-10-07 00:28:05 UTC

Tim... I dare you to make a youtube video called "my struggle"

2018-10-07 00:28:11 UTC


2018-10-07 00:28:15 UTC

like "I feel his jurisprudence illustrates a lack of respect for civil liberties, particularly around unreasonable search."

2018-10-07 00:28:26 UTC

if they are literally dying... why is no one calling 911?

2018-10-07 00:28:46 UTC

Our Struggle is My Struggle

2018-10-07 00:28:48 UTC

@Timcast You are a stable liberal because you missed Kool Aid night at the Liberal get together.

2018-10-07 00:28:49 UTC

hufflepuff post

2018-10-07 00:29:06 UTC

the left isnt liberal anymore

2018-10-07 00:29:08 UTC

its weird

2018-10-07 00:29:11 UTC

Unser Kampf ist mein Kampf.

2018-10-07 00:29:12 UTC

Mein feminist kampf

2018-10-07 00:29:14 UTC

hasn't been for a long time

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