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2018-09-15 02:02:03 UTC

fuck the police was some powerful shit in the 90s man

2018-09-15 02:02:33 UTC

i stopped disliking police when i started watching Donut Operator ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-09-15 02:03:19 UTC

i never really felt like fuck tha police. i have always appreciated their function in society

2018-09-15 02:03:21 UTC

Bad Religion had good shit in the 80s and 90s

2018-09-15 02:03:24 UTC

but i liked the song

2018-09-15 02:03:26 UTC


2018-09-15 02:03:36 UTC

ya BR was pretty good

2018-09-15 02:04:02 UTC

all my mind can think of at the moment from the 90s are the grung bands but that was not pol at all

2018-09-15 02:04:34 UTC

im still waiting for someone to explain to me what an aqua seafoam shame is

2018-09-15 02:04:36 UTC


2018-09-15 02:04:37 UTC

Well the people behind them were

2018-09-15 02:04:54 UTC

The music itself was more socially/culturally oriented though

2018-09-15 02:05:07 UTC

ya i loved it, still do

2018-09-15 02:05:35 UTC

im probably the last person riding around blasting 80s and 90s music at ear busting levels like its still the 90s

2018-09-15 02:06:08 UTC

Man sometimes I think about whether Kurt Cobain would go all in on SJW nonsense or just mock the fuck out of it.

2018-09-15 02:06:27 UTC

ya i have often wondered about some of the ones that are gone now

2018-09-15 02:06:32 UTC

i believe

2018-09-15 02:06:52 UTC

that some of the 60s and 70s children would roll in their graves if they saw what their generation has become now

2018-09-15 02:07:00 UTC

2018-09-15 02:07:00 UTC

Oh absolutely

2018-09-15 02:07:22 UTC

Wut song

2018-09-15 02:07:40 UTC

so uh

2018-09-15 02:07:42 UTC

woha woah

2018-09-15 02:07:44 UTC

molesting boys is now art

2018-09-15 02:07:45 UTC

wait man

2018-09-15 02:07:45 UTC


2018-09-15 02:07:52 UTC

why is that in my eyeballs

2018-09-15 02:08:00 UTC


2018-09-15 02:08:01 UTC

Vice = pedo apologists. Nothing new

2018-09-15 02:08:02 UTC

because it's Vice and it should be nuked from orbit

2018-09-15 02:08:02 UTC

this is cp

2018-09-15 02:08:07 UTC


2018-09-15 02:08:07 UTC

im not tryin to go to jail over a chatroom lol

2018-09-15 02:08:17 UTC

not cool vice

2018-09-15 02:08:27 UTC

whoever made that article is a pedophile

2018-09-15 02:08:30 UTC

well.... ANYWAY yall should check out that song if you can handle a little screaming

2018-09-15 02:08:51 UTC

i love me some metal

2018-09-15 02:08:55 UTC


2018-09-15 02:09:04 UTC

I love watching Tim's headlines slowly slide to warpath mode

2018-09-15 02:09:15 UTC


2018-09-15 02:09:27 UTC

someone get this article to Tim's attention

2018-09-15 02:09:31 UTC

I want him to see it

2018-09-15 02:09:43 UTC

everyone needs to see this

2018-09-15 02:10:07 UTC

im digging it so far @Vesdii

2018-09-15 02:11:33 UTC

i really dont even like invoking that word online if i can avoid it lol

2018-09-15 02:11:52 UTC

here's the whole newer EP that's mostly lyrically political

2018-09-15 02:11:55 UTC

like a metoo moment waiting to happen

2018-09-15 02:13:08 UTC

We're not talking about rumors though. Actual verified pedos

2018-09-15 02:14:14 UTC

Like Vice wrote an article about a pedo prison gang. Convicted child predators

2018-09-15 02:14:17 UTC

yet thats allowed?

2018-09-15 02:14:27 UTC

i just told my brother this and i didnt link the article

2018-09-15 02:14:33 UTC

i feel that is too far

2018-09-15 02:14:38 UTC

And there were two articles about that Nickerson guy

2018-09-15 02:14:56 UTC

And there were other articles around the same time iirc

2018-09-15 02:14:57 UTC

like that is against discord's tos

2018-09-15 02:15:07 UTC

Trying to normalize pedoshit

2018-09-15 02:15:11 UTC

you know, vice took that photo and made it seem a whole lot worse for no reason just by cutting out the fact he is wearing shorts

2018-09-15 02:16:01 UTC

Is the pedo stuff connected to the chemicals in the water that are turning the frogs gay?

2018-09-15 02:16:11 UTC


2018-09-15 02:16:26 UTC

ok that made me laugh my ass off

2018-09-15 02:16:43 UTC

No, seriously. Like, if you turn sexually active when you're 13 aren't you going to still be attracted to 13-year-olds when you're 40?

2018-09-15 02:16:50 UTC

its a mental illness that you cant fix

2018-09-15 02:18:44 UTC

isnt there a drug for everything these days?

2018-09-15 02:18:53 UTC


2018-09-15 02:19:00 UTC


2018-09-15 02:19:03 UTC

mmmm placebo

2018-09-15 02:19:09 UTC


2018-09-15 02:20:32 UTC

well by all accounts according to the news i should float away here in another few hours

2018-09-15 02:21:19 UTC

the rain finally kicked in a few hours ago, but i still feel like they over hyped the hell out of this hurricane

2018-09-15 02:22:07 UTC

but i guess time will tell if they are right or not

2018-09-15 02:22:09 UTC

Didn't the hurricane get downgraded to tropical storm?

2018-09-15 02:22:15 UTC

oh ya

2018-09-15 02:22:23 UTC

went to bed it was a cat 4 still

2018-09-15 02:22:28 UTC

woke up with a cat 1

2018-09-15 02:22:34 UTC

I hope you didn't stock up on ammo to stop looters.

2018-09-15 02:22:42 UTC

i mean, that is a hell of a drop in cats in such a short time

2018-09-15 02:22:45 UTC

nah im not that bad off yet

2018-09-15 02:23:03 UTC

talk to me next year, i might be in full on loon town

2018-09-15 02:23:27 UTC

people really were being stupid as hell around here this week though

2018-09-15 02:23:44 UTC

all the people they evaced off the coast ended up here in durham

2018-09-15 02:23:55 UTC

so we had our own people freaking out

2018-09-15 02:24:03 UTC

and a ton of people from the coast freaking out

2018-09-15 02:24:38 UTC

i shit you not, i had people on monday asking me if we were gonna die

2018-09-15 02:25:05 UTC

(me being one of the longer running nc residents my friends tend to know)

2018-09-15 02:25:21 UTC

Did you say yes?

2018-09-15 02:25:35 UTC

man i wanted to just to see their faced melt

2018-09-15 02:25:44 UTC

but nah i really didnt think there was too much to this thing

2018-09-15 02:25:53 UTC

the hype almost got me

2018-09-15 02:25:54 UTC

You could have said, "No, you're going to live forever. Just like everyone else."

2018-09-15 02:26:00 UTC

and i did loose some sleep this week, i wont lie

2018-09-15 02:26:19 UTC

but im far enough inland that only a few of the ones that hit nc really make it this far in

2018-09-15 02:26:41 UTC

damn you are right hitman, that was a missed opportunity

2018-09-15 02:27:55 UTC

those cooky coastal bastards that always refuse to evac trip me out

2018-09-15 02:28:02 UTC

every storm its the same shit with those guys

2018-09-15 02:28:21 UTC

everyone tells them to evac, someone has to go get them before too long

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