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2018-08-23 01:24:08 UTC

there is a lot of 99cents mexican pizza places thise suck balls

2018-08-23 01:24:27 UTC

@Dusty Morgan You live in OK? I live near Tulsa.

2018-08-23 01:24:56 UTC

Well, not really anymore. I'm currently in Tulsa though for a family visit.

2018-08-23 01:25:01 UTC

These restraunts in Stillwater pretty much... chase out these fast food places. Thus we get pretty much amazing tasting food here.

2018-08-23 01:25:05 UTC

I live in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

2018-08-23 01:25:10 UTC

@RanStairs and @Dusty Morgan didnt you guys have your OK reunion this morning ?

2018-08-23 01:25:27 UTC

I don't know Creep.

2018-08-23 01:25:45 UTC

Now. Us sooners don't have a family relationship like the Texans do

2018-08-23 01:25:51 UTC

then there are a couple people here from ok

2018-08-23 01:25:52 UTC

Oh great, Democrats are trying once again to impeach Trump.

2018-08-23 01:26:00 UTC

These people seem to can't get a clue.

2018-08-23 01:26:06 UTC

Will they do it this time?

2018-08-23 01:26:19 UTC

I doubt it Creep.

2018-08-23 01:26:35 UTC

Where's Vancouver again?

2018-08-23 01:26:50 UTC

I bet you can die... by playing drinking game called, "Is Democrats trying to impeach again!?" You will get alcohol poisoning.

2018-08-23 01:26:59 UTC

There's a lot of places out in Vancouver and the surrounding region. We've got a lot of Thai, Indian, Chinese etc. Starting to get more Mexican as well

2018-08-23 01:27:05 UTC

British Columbia

2018-08-23 01:27:19 UTC

Take a shot every time a Democrat talks about impeachment attempts impeachment.

2018-08-23 01:27:26 UTC

There's also one in WA

2018-08-23 01:27:38 UTC

But I don't know the situation there

2018-08-23 01:28:10 UTC

No, I play "Russian colluding". I butt chug vodka while watching a session of CNN

2018-08-23 01:29:02 UTC

Seattle is pretty calm really. Other then the faggots at 'Emerald City Antifa'

2018-08-23 01:29:14 UTC

Go on twitter and take a shot any time you see "Nazi". If you have an account, take 2 shots every time you see an account that has blocked you but that you've never interacted with

2018-08-23 01:29:38 UTC

I hear Antifa is fighting with the homeless in Olympia

2018-08-23 01:30:14 UTC

@Beemann No. I just get a bottle of coconut rum and read through Disqus

2018-08-23 01:30:24 UTC

Fucking Disqus

2018-08-23 01:30:36 UTC


2018-08-23 01:30:37 UTC

I was on there for a few months and just said fuck it

2018-08-23 01:30:50 UTC

nothingmusic42 ยกSanta Y Que! 11 hours ago
banning gay people from getting married in the name of your religion is the opposite of evolving social jurisprudence, but hey, as long as you can tell yourself that your religious laws are somehow better than the exact same religious laws in the name of a different god, you do you.

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nothingmusic42 clbrown 11 hours ago
lol, hello again sunshine. sorry i haven't been on in 2 weeks, its called "having a real life". i don't sit here and troll Disqus every single day. only reason i'm responding now is because i'm having a great time, what with Trump's campaign manager being convicted of 8 felonies and his layer pleading guilty to 8 felonies and implicating Trump in massive campaign finance fraud.
but hey, i'm sure Hillary Clinton is going to get arrested for Seth Rich's murder any day now, right? you have a random post on reddit that knows more about the murder than his parents, who obviously aren't in contact with the detectives in charge of the case or anything, right? you totally know more than they ever would.
i know you'll immediately respond, since this is the only thing you have to do all day, every day. but i probably won't respond for a while. work tonight, concert out of town tomorrow, friend coming to town for two weeks. so i'll be back in a week or two, when Trump is being indicted for pulling a John Edwards.

2018-08-23 01:31:08 UTC

Serious question: Is there any reason these campaign finance charges are worse than the ones that made Obama pay $375k and would justify impeachment?

2018-08-23 01:31:14 UTC

This dude is my favorite so far

2018-08-23 01:31:55 UTC

I keep sending him emails of reedits of his posts

2018-08-23 01:32:00 UTC

The lefty groups arbitrarily decide you're a racist, the righty groups consider anything that isn't Bush era admin dick sucking to be libtardism

2018-08-23 01:32:07 UTC

And everyone's so fucking smug

2018-08-23 01:32:44 UTC

I watched basic bitch disagreement turn into a roaring circlejerk in seconds in one group

2018-08-23 01:32:57 UTC

I haven't looked at the charges but i doubt it

2018-08-23 01:33:06 UTC

Funny thing really. This dude is such a moron, I was able to find his facebook, instagram, email, and other accounts in like 5 minutes

2018-08-23 01:33:21 UTC

Not hard for a lot of people tbh

2018-08-23 01:33:39 UTC

Oh man... looks like the FBI found a scapegoat to sacrifice to the alter of law enforcements to please the masses.

2018-08-23 01:33:45 UTC

If there was any chance of that then the man would be all over it

2018-08-23 01:33:53 UTC

Most people put a lot of info on their accounts and use the same name in many places.

2018-08-23 01:34:12 UTC

Lol, his life is over

2018-08-23 01:34:13 UTC

I separate usernames by the amount of fucks I give

2018-08-23 01:34:46 UTC

I don't give a fuck who finds my information.

2018-08-23 01:34:49 UTC

Generally I have separate usernames for hobbies and work

2018-08-23 01:34:51 UTC

To be honest I am consistent in my views.

2018-08-23 01:34:55 UTC

I never changed.

2018-08-23 01:34:57 UTC

And you can find out a *lot* of people's personal info with just a very small amount of given info. I've found several people I know in real life's accounts on other places based on the info they give like simple anecdotes

2018-08-23 01:35:00 UTC

And I don't do anything bad to be honest.

2018-08-23 01:35:06 UTC

I am mostly a gamer who got into politics.

2018-08-23 01:35:20 UTC

Aren't we all?

2018-08-23 01:35:27 UTC

Yeah I keep telling online acquaintances that they shouldn't share so many details

2018-08-23 01:35:28 UTC

Eh, I'm very secret of my info

2018-08-23 01:35:29 UTC

I have no reason to lie or hide anything to be honest.

2018-08-23 01:35:56 UTC

Me neither, but I just like my privacy, and the ability to act like an idiot without it affecting my real life

2018-08-23 01:35:56 UTC

If I done something bad, I just apologize and take responsibility.

2018-08-23 01:36:00 UTC

That is how you suppose to do things.

2018-08-23 01:36:02 UTC

My Facebook doesn't even have my real name location or birthday on it

2018-08-23 01:36:22 UTC

My Facebook was about a week of participation when I was 15

2018-08-23 01:36:39 UTC

@Dusty Morgan That type of person will still get screwed over in the future we're getting into

2018-08-23 01:36:55 UTC

Still lists my old black and yellow political leanings, never been an issue

2018-08-23 01:37:10 UTC

I tried using facebook on and off through high school and I'd always use it for like a couple weeks then quit for half a year. I just don't get how people can use it the way the do

2018-08-23 01:37:21 UTC

So me trying to be a good person, responsible person, and never lying type of person will get screwed over?

2018-08-23 01:37:29 UTC

Tbh probably

2018-08-23 01:37:33 UTC


2018-08-23 01:37:41 UTC

Could happen. Doesn't have to be very likely to be worth avoiding

2018-08-23 01:37:46 UTC

I wish a civil war happens, so I can try to be a militia leader in Spokane

2018-08-23 01:37:52 UTC

I was that way and it happened to me before college was over

2018-08-23 01:38:07 UTC

So in other words, what creep says...

2018-08-23 01:38:16 UTC

The good people will be squashed and the bad people will thrive?

2018-08-23 01:38:22 UTC


2018-08-23 01:38:26 UTC

That's the trend right now

2018-08-23 01:38:28 UTC


2018-08-23 01:38:34 UTC

But it won't always be

2018-08-23 01:38:35 UTC

That's a pretty one dimensional way of looking at things

2018-08-23 01:38:46 UTC

Though that depends on how you define good

2018-08-23 01:38:58 UTC

That's been true for centuries. With only few people good making it on top with good prospects

2018-08-23 01:38:59 UTC

This article doesn't surprise me.

2018-08-23 01:39:02 UTC

Just know that people will try to take advantage of you and be prepared for it

2018-08-23 01:39:09 UTC

Like Huey Long!

2018-08-23 01:39:13 UTC

It's important to not be naive or overly agreeable

2018-08-23 01:39:14 UTC

They are not screening refugees for any diseases.

2018-08-23 01:39:39 UTC

I am stubborn when it comes to things, so I don' t easily agree.

2018-08-23 01:39:49 UTC

I like to research topics to learn the truth, so I am not naive.

2018-08-23 01:39:54 UTC

Best dictator hands down. Screwed over corporations so he can give the money to schools.

2018-08-23 01:40:26 UTC

I know people take advantage of me and I do prepare for it Black.

2018-08-23 01:40:41 UTC

I don't mean ignorant, that's a research thing

2018-08-23 01:40:45 UTC

Reason I don't take more than 50 dollars with me at all times.

2018-08-23 01:40:47 UTC

Naรฏvetรฉ is social

2018-08-23 01:40:47 UTC

There was an outbreak of measelesbin the us. It was found to be centered around a community of recent immigrants from the middle east

2018-08-23 01:40:55 UTC

When I run out, I can say, I'm broke.

2018-08-23 01:41:07 UTC

I won't be lying and I won't be giving away all my money.

2018-08-23 01:41:33 UTC

I set a limit on how much I should take depending on my budget for the month.

2018-08-23 01:41:45 UTC

@Dusty Morgan Best thing I can tell you, become a hero of a few, when you can handle a few, handle more, keeping going until you die a matyr. Maybe someone will take your place.

2018-08-23 01:42:10 UTC

I always wanted to be someone's hero, but not at the expensive of someone else.

2018-08-23 01:42:21 UTC

So I always try to find ways to help others in ways that doesn't harm anyone.

2018-08-23 01:42:56 UTC

Like sit down with an homeless person to talk to them, treat them like a human being, buy them a meal and say it is on me. Act like they are not homeless.

2018-08-23 01:42:56 UTC

Mark, can you even handle your own life? Ask yourself that question.

2018-08-23 01:43:08 UTC

Yeah I can. No problem.

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