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2018-07-26 06:43:23 UTC

They havent even proven that much

2018-07-26 06:43:31 UTC

And Africa is still a bunch of shitholes

2018-07-26 06:43:41 UTC

Well, they prove the alt right right...

2018-07-26 06:44:46 UTC

Black Panther was an altright movie

2018-07-26 06:45:01 UTC

Replace everything with white, and people will yell racist.

2018-07-26 06:45:16 UTC

Ethnostate that refuses refugees or helping other nations with their advanced tech

2018-07-26 06:45:37 UTC

They see nothing but skin color

2018-07-26 06:45:40 UTC

And that annoysme

2018-07-26 06:45:50 UTC

@Deleted User Exactly. That's postmodernism mixed with postcolonialism (the academic field). Postmodernism or more specifically poststructuralism is, as the name suggests, about deconstructing everything. ie. Tearing everything down (because it's all racist and sexist). Postcolonialism is a branch of critical theory coming up with babble about how and why the western world and everything emanating from it is racist.

That "science must fall" case was your perfect example.

2018-07-26 06:46:27 UTC

Its weird, because in the comics wakanda was like saudi arabia

2018-07-26 06:46:38 UTC

Except instead of oil, it's Vibranium

2018-07-26 06:47:37 UTC

You know, sometimes it's like it's the academics that are more retarded than the general public

2018-07-26 06:48:28 UTC


"Through the black magic, you are able to send the lightning to strike someone. Can you explain that scientifically?"
-interrupts- "it's not true"
-some time later- "see and that response is why I'm not on the science faculty...western modernity is need to de-colonize your mind"

2018-07-26 06:48:48 UTC

Wakanda is a fascist state! Really. Autocratic rule. Militarized population. Strong emphasis on "the nation". Isolationism. No foreign trading or immigration. And Wakanda will've had to have colonised land to have created itself.

2018-07-26 06:48:55 UTC

'fallist' lmfao

2018-07-26 06:49:24 UTC

@Sarah Jessica Farter wakanda isn't fascist, it's a constitutional monarchy

2018-07-26 06:49:28 UTC

IIRC the guy who interrupted was thrown out shortly thereafter after challenging the speaker to 'use your voodoo to strike me down"

2018-07-26 06:49:36 UTC

They have a book of rules

2018-07-26 06:49:42 UTC

Proto-fascist then

2018-07-26 06:49:46 UTC

And there's the king and smaller leaders

2018-07-26 06:49:56 UTC

It's more like the UK

2018-07-26 06:50:13 UTC

In the comics, that is

2018-07-26 06:50:30 UTC

UK isnt fascist, fingers crossed we'll get there though ๐Ÿ˜

2018-07-26 06:50:35 UTC

In the comics they're fine with white people

2018-07-26 06:50:40 UTC

And all races

2018-07-26 06:50:52 UTC

They never even know about slavery and stuff

2018-07-26 06:50:56 UTC

@Deleted User "I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University." -- William F. Buckley

2018-07-26 06:51:06 UTC


2018-07-26 06:51:10 UTC


2018-07-26 06:51:42 UTC

Ah ok. I havent read the comics. I'll take your word for it, thanks for the correction. I think what we still could say though is that the SJW love for Wakanda makes them hypocrites.

2018-07-26 06:52:00 UTC

Lol sjws would hate normal wakanda

2018-07-26 06:52:26 UTC

They co operate with other countries, trading vibranium for tech

2018-07-26 06:52:41 UTC

Free trade, full on capitalist

2018-07-26 06:53:06 UTC

What makes it special is that it's like Wonka's factory

2018-07-26 06:53:11 UTC

But vibranium

2018-07-26 06:53:25 UTC

Literally everything in vibranium

2018-07-26 06:53:32 UTC

From insects to the grass

2018-07-26 06:53:55 UTC

Oh really? Shit, I'd only read reviews of the Black Panther film (I didnt even see it) and I got quite a misinforned view of Wakanda then.

2018-07-26 06:54:17 UTC

Dude, black panther is one of the only series I like

2018-07-26 06:54:24 UTC

In marvel

2018-07-26 06:56:04 UTC

Cool. Wish I was into comics and stuff but it passed me by growing up. I have friends who talk about their love for Marvel and I have nothing to contribute to the conversation sadly.

2018-07-26 06:56:28 UTC

I got into marvel cos that's how I started learning to read

2018-07-26 06:56:38 UTC

Daredevil and punisher comics lol

2018-07-26 06:56:42 UTC

Ha! Nice ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-26 06:57:12 UTC

If you're interested, I highly recommend reading Civil war. It's a masterpiece

2018-07-26 06:57:46 UTC

Nothing like the movie

2018-07-26 06:57:50 UTC

Cool, is it online or something you got to buy?

2018-07-26 06:58:16 UTC

You can get it online if you know where to look

2018-07-26 06:58:25 UTC


2018-07-26 07:00:37 UTC

I know what you mean, I'll keep an eye out!

I was too fucking hyperactive as a kid so I spent all my time playing football and stuff like that. Wish I was more into more sort of artistic stuff, which I include comics under. Even video games I know nothing about. I'm too restless for them even! ๐Ÿ˜†

2018-07-26 07:01:30 UTC

Well, the only reason I learnt to read is because we shifted to another state, and my dad couldn't get a TV

2018-07-26 07:01:57 UTC

He bought me a bunch of books

2018-07-26 07:02:34 UTC

I think the first book I've read was Punisher edition 127 or something like that

2018-07-26 07:02:50 UTC

Lots of gore lol

2018-07-26 07:03:18 UTC

That's why you like your Serbian films then! You started young!

2018-07-26 07:03:26 UTC

But the first serious book I've read was The Complete Collection of Sherlock Holmes

2018-07-26 07:03:47 UTC

I read the Three Kingdoms I remember

2018-07-26 07:03:56 UTC

I dont know what phase I went through

2018-07-26 07:04:04 UTC

My friend (the one of Pakistani parents I keep mentioning) adores the Sherlock Holmes books.

2018-07-26 07:04:04 UTC

but Id read just... Really wierd books

2018-07-26 07:04:27 UTC

I despise the cumberbatch series so much dude

2018-07-26 07:04:40 UTC

Hahaha! Big Benedict!

2018-07-26 07:04:45 UTC

I literally hate every single thing about it

2018-07-26 07:04:47 UTC

Wakanda in the comics were dickbag who didnt help stop the slave trade. They dont like black plebs

2018-07-26 07:04:52 UTC

Except Watson

2018-07-26 07:04:59 UTC

Watson was great

2018-07-26 07:05:24 UTC

They fucked up moriarty

2018-07-26 07:05:30 UTC

Watson will always be best boi in any iteration of sherlock Holmes

2018-07-26 07:05:31 UTC

They fucked up Mycroft

2018-07-26 07:05:42 UTC

They fucked up Irene Adler

2018-07-26 07:05:55 UTC

They fucked up literally everything you could possibly fuck up

2018-07-26 07:06:26 UTC

I love the loyalty of sidekick characters like Watson. We all wish we had a Watson to rely on.

2018-07-26 07:06:44 UTC

Nah, that's not the thing

2018-07-26 07:06:50 UTC

Watson isn't complete loyal

2018-07-26 07:07:00 UTC

That's why I like him so much

2018-07-26 07:07:23 UTC

Sherlock keeps manipulating him

2018-07-26 07:07:45 UTC

Ah, well as usual, I haven't read anything. So Watson was more innocent then than Holmes?

2018-07-26 07:07:48 UTC

You know Wilson in House MD

2018-07-26 07:07:58 UTC

That's what Watson is like

2018-07-26 07:08:09 UTC

Ah ok, yeah.

2018-07-26 07:08:21 UTC

He's his own guy, but cares way too much about sherlock

2018-07-26 07:09:15 UTC

He betrays Sherlock sometimes cos he was too worried

2018-07-26 07:10:32 UTC

You know, make House a really well behaved guy, and well dressed, and a good fighter

2018-07-26 07:10:34 UTC

I like that dynamic in stories too, where a relationship is unequal. That's how pretty much every human relationship is. Then we realise our relationships aren't perfectly mutual which can cause insecurities and sometimes poor decisions from those insecurities.

2018-07-26 07:10:37 UTC

That's sherlock

2018-07-26 07:11:23 UTC

Yeah, I've no doubt the writer of House was inspired by Sherlock (among many other characters from literary history).

2018-07-26 07:11:55 UTC

Dude I just realised

2018-07-26 07:11:59 UTC


2018-07-26 07:12:01 UTC


2018-07-26 07:12:07 UTC


2018-07-26 07:12:09 UTC


2018-07-26 07:12:36 UTC

Hahaha! Shit, you could be right! That's probably not just a coincidence.

2018-07-26 07:12:45 UTC

Also Arthur Conan Doyle was a doctor...

2018-07-26 07:12:57 UTC

And house lives in 22B

2018-07-26 07:13:10 UTC

like 22 Baker Street

2018-07-26 07:13:14 UTC


2018-07-26 07:13:27 UTC

I cracked the code

2018-07-26 07:13:29 UTC


2018-07-26 07:14:56 UTC

He was from Edinburgh, Conan Doyle, same city I'm in right now. Apparently he based Sherlock on a real life doctor acquaintance.

2018-07-26 07:16:10 UTC

@Deleted User You're right, btw. I'd never noticed the connection before.

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