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2017-05-04 22:34:17 UTC

@Kombat-Unit I've heard a few talks he's given but I didn't know he had any books

2017-05-04 22:34:28 UTC

I got to see Marduk in 2010 with Danzig

2017-05-04 22:34:40 UTC

But there wasnt such a hot climate then

2017-05-04 22:35:07 UTC

Really enjoyed the talks though obviously

2017-05-04 22:35:12 UTC

Yeah I don't imagine how that works. "Wow just wow, I was down with raping angels and drinking their blood but when you brought the jews into this, you crossed the line."

2017-05-04 22:35:16 UTC

In fact all black metal Ive seen have been bands Danzig brought on his tours

2017-05-04 22:35:19 UTC

Black metal against hate ๐Ÿค”

2017-05-04 22:35:36 UTC

Yea. Such as Goatwhore

2017-05-04 22:35:44 UTC

@My Name Is Hate You heard national revolution in England? A bit longer one, but 5/5

2017-05-04 22:35:51 UTC


2017-05-04 22:36:00 UTC


2017-05-04 22:36:11 UTC

I guess we're 20/20 next week. Looks like this week is about the retard teacher from my state who ran away with a 15 year old.

2017-05-04 22:36:36 UTC

Death to that fuck

2017-05-04 22:36:39 UTC

@AltCelt(IL), I love Danzig, but there is so much awesome black metal that he would never align himself with. I'll send you some links later.

2017-05-04 22:37:18 UTC

Hes pretty right wing so Ill give him credit for promoting any of it I guess haha

2017-05-04 22:37:29 UTC

It's funny how he predicted a lot of tactics and shit that would go down

2017-05-04 22:37:38 UTC

And really great guy IRL

2017-05-04 22:38:15 UTC

His grandpa was in he SS. Redpill is in his blood

2017-05-04 22:38:43 UTC

Pumps red pills in the vein you say...

2017-05-04 22:38:57 UTC

Sounds about right.

2017-05-04 22:39:54 UTC

โ€œThe change must be brought from the outside and it must be brought by force. For this historic task an entirely new type of shock troops should be created: the nationalist Khmer Noir commandos, raised from the ranks of the working class. Clad in black hoodies, covering their faces with black and white chequered scarves, the young fanatics of the movement will storm the universities, break into classrooms and tear the academics down from their podiums.

โ€œThe red academics will be forced to admit their crimes against the English people in mass rallies. They will publicly confess how they have always conspired against the English people, how they have always hated the English people, and how they have always fantasised about hurting the English people. After this the red academics will be forced to face the wrath of the masses."

2017-05-04 22:40:16 UTC


2017-05-04 22:40:44 UTC

These guys also rule, for Russians:

2017-05-04 22:42:50 UTC

2017-05-04 22:42:52 UTC

Speaking of Russians @Kombat-Unit

2017-05-04 22:43:09 UTC


2017-05-04 22:43:21 UTC

What the fuck

2017-05-04 22:44:02 UTC

No shit. I've been to the WWII museum in Helsinki.

2017-05-04 22:44:57 UTC


2017-05-04 22:44:59 UTC

I will have to do something about this judeo-bolshevism.

2017-05-04 22:46:15 UTC

I hope you do. ๐Ÿ’€

2017-05-04 22:46:36 UTC

Fuck (((Communism)))! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

2017-05-04 22:47:06 UTC

May the legacy of The (((Jew-SSR))) end!

2017-05-04 22:47:10 UTC

When is victory day? We incidentally don't celebrate it.

2017-05-04 22:47:25 UTC

Don't yankees have something like that as well?

2017-05-04 22:47:39 UTC

4th of July

2017-05-04 22:48:02 UTC

^ Well that's "Independence From Britain" day.

2017-05-04 22:48:23 UTC

Talking about WWII victory? Yeah, not sure we really celebrate that in the US tbh

2017-05-04 22:48:28 UTC


2017-05-04 22:48:32 UTC


2017-05-04 22:48:43 UTC

As far as I am concerned we were duped in both WWI and II.

2017-05-04 22:48:55 UTC

That's not what I'm asking, of course you were

2017-05-04 22:48:59 UTC

Everyone makes such a big stink about D-Day (6 June) and Pearl Harbor (7 Dec)

2017-05-04 22:49:02 UTC

Yep. The true decline started after WW1

2017-05-04 22:49:18 UTC

I'll give 'em Pearl Harbor though, I guess, even though MI fucked up and should have known we were facing attack

2017-05-04 22:49:29 UTC

Fuck (((Pearl Harbor)))! And (((D Day)))...

2017-05-04 22:49:40 UTC

Yea. Pearl Harbor... Another crisis that was just allowed to happen

2017-05-04 22:50:01 UTC

(((FDR))) messed w/ Japan so he could be absolved for his criminal actions! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

2017-05-04 22:50:11 UTC

Incidentally, Israel is HUGE on celebrating (((((((((victory day))))))))

2017-05-04 22:50:19 UTC

Only RI celebrates VJ (victory over Japan) day. Can't remember when it is.

2017-05-04 22:50:22 UTC

All so FDR didnt have to enter the war as a direct ally of Stalin, but more as an enemy of Japan.. Then it just goes from there

2017-05-04 22:50:32 UTC

Fucker should've been in the slammer! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

2017-05-04 22:51:14 UTC

Even then though! (((FDR))) messed w/ Japan because of his Opium Interests in the region.

2017-05-04 22:51:54 UTC

Thanks for dying for us goyim

2017-05-04 22:52:04 UTC

Those fuckers would've faced the might of Japan had Japan pushed a little deeper into Indo-China and India!

2017-05-04 22:52:30 UTC

Shit we wouldnt even have (((Ho Chi Minh)))...

2017-05-04 22:53:32 UTC

Of whom was trained by... The US (specifically The OSS which would later go on to become The US Green Berets or USA-SF).

2017-05-04 22:55:13 UTC

๐Ÿ‘ฟ Fuck the (((Reds)))! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

2017-05-04 22:59:46 UTC

Going through all the war time photo archives is funny as shit with the old descriptions attached. There was this picture of a scrawny hook nosed kike working on railways.

2017-05-04 23:00:15 UTC

Image description: "Bolsheviki commissar of the jewish type. At physical labor for once."

2017-05-04 23:00:17 UTC

Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-05-04 23:04:05 UTC


2017-05-04 23:24:45 UTC


2017-05-04 23:28:24 UTC

I flew out of Huntington W.Va. on my way back. Another predominantly white town that could use some outreach. NS DS rounding up mexican heroin dealers? Providing outreach to our ppl? Just a few ideas...

2017-05-04 23:29:37 UTC

Can't think of a better way to fund the white revolution than with redirected cartel funds...

2017-05-04 23:43:30 UTC

I can't get into Black Metal. Satanism is the worship of the self and vices. When i think about the spiritual core of a people, I think about things that uplift the eyes to God/gods. While hate for the enemy is a healthy response to an invader in the body, love for beauty and truth is what makes us 'sapient' and above the beasts.

2017-05-04 23:44:24 UTC

Well... Im able to enjoy music without letting the ideas behind them influence me at all.

2017-05-04 23:44:35 UTC

Otherwise Id be left with nothing

2017-05-04 23:44:59 UTC

As Ive said. Most of my favorite bands are super liberal

2017-05-04 23:46:34 UTC

It is a personal choice, and not an attack. I just believe that spiritual influence can occur subconsciously, and that our environment is charged spiritually by what we produce in thought, word, and deed.

2017-05-04 23:48:23 UTC

I understand your view. I came out of old thrash and punk scenes. I have to be more selective now, especially w/ children.

2017-05-04 23:50:16 UTC

Yea thats really true. I guess I just constantly subject myself to opposing ideals on music or various other things just to further reinforce where I stand

2017-05-04 23:52:24 UTC

@JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.) most of today's black metal is based on Gnosticism, if not blatantly NS. That variety of "Satanism" is anti-Semitic at its core, but also largely in line with the hyperborean mythos and esoteric Hitlerism. Just saying, I wouldn't write it off based on something Anton LaVey wrote fifty years ago. The spiritual aspect has evolved. Still, totally respectable if you don't like it. There are also a lot of bands that have little to do with spirituality at all.

2017-05-04 23:54:16 UTC

I was a huge Slayer fan in the 80's. Now I can only listen to afew of their songs. Why would I let some Jew (King) , and a halfbreed, produced by (((Rubin))) tell me to glorify Satan and death.
I hear you on the gnosticim. BM in general just doesn't move me aesthetically.

2017-05-04 23:54:40 UTC

Peste Noire, for instance. Really wonderful music based on French Nationalism.

2017-05-04 23:55:05 UTC

Totally cool if you don't like it. It's why I considered maybe another threat for BM fans.

2017-05-04 23:55:15 UTC

Thread, not threat.

2017-05-04 23:56:28 UTC

Peste Noire uses the WAR logo outright, haha.

2017-05-04 23:57:47 UTC

That was OK. Not technical enough for me as far as heavier metal. Never been into the more atmospheric. Honestly I am still searching for a really good WN metal band. I like Edelweiss.

2017-05-05 00:00:19 UTC

Honestly the best NS type music has proly been narrowed down to more folkish stuff.

2017-05-05 00:00:43 UTC

NSBM is redpilled and white and brings a lot of guys in the movement, and a ton of NSBM guys are very ideological and put out great articles.

2017-05-05 00:01:22 UTC

I think the problem is--really good musicians don't want to get labeled as NS. It narrows their ability to play and record.

2017-05-05 00:01:23 UTC

2017-05-05 00:01:29 UTC

"It's just satanism"

2017-05-05 00:01:46 UTC

Misanthropic Division published some great ideological articles concerning Eastern Europe as well

2017-05-05 00:07:32 UTC

There are a lot of "war metal" bands that aren't about Satan at all. Maybe also not NS, like Infernal War and Kommamdant.

2017-05-05 00:09:06 UTC

I often just stick w/ hearing old Fascist Songs in their native tongue.

2017-05-05 00:09:41 UTC

My particular favorites are the songs from The Ustase and The SS.

2017-05-05 00:10:03 UTC

I will check out some of the articles.

2017-05-05 00:11:07 UTC

Well, a lot of Viking Metal is really solid, also, and while it may not make you want to slay Semites will still make you proud to be white. Amon Amarth, for instance. @B1488 ever hear Charlie and His Orchestra? I recommend "Lets go Bombing".

2017-05-05 00:11:41 UTC

And the funny part is that there are (((Jew-goslav))) faggots who call patriotic Croatians "Ustase" in the negative or "dick suckers". @ddโœณ555 I will have a look.

2017-05-05 00:11:42 UTC

Also.. Say what you will about Rammstein, but it helps people get interested in the German language and culture. Theres alot of degeneracy but theyre a big favorite of mine and helped me a little to get to this point. And Im actually not German.

2017-05-05 00:11:43 UTC

This is the album I have by Warlord. They were selling it at the conference.

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