
Discord ID: 274535531927568384

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2017-11-24 17:32:03 UTC

Kill your local drug dealer, purge your neighbourhood

2017-11-24 17:32:36 UTC

Fix healthcare first, then kill the street dealers. Ive heard legit cases.

2017-11-24 17:32:36 UTC

Cool song, cool music video

2017-11-24 17:32:52 UTC

Kill the dealers that aren't on the streets.

2017-11-24 17:33:05 UTC

Big pharma is disgusting

2017-11-24 17:33:10 UTC

Big pharma

2017-11-24 17:33:14 UTC


2017-11-24 17:33:23 UTC

Biggest drug thugs of them all

2017-11-24 17:33:32 UTC

We haveeeee to fix healthcare

2017-11-24 17:33:39 UTC

Otherwise drug problems worsen

2017-11-24 17:34:25 UTC

If you want to fix it, just do things Duterte style imo

2017-11-24 17:34:39 UTC

Cruelty commands respect, if not, fear.

2017-11-24 17:40:11 UTC

@ArmaVirumqueCano that fucking Soyboy really pisses me off. Spread that shit like wildfire.

2017-11-24 17:42:01 UTC

Or just embrace european traditionalism....

2017-11-24 18:06:47 UTC

Did you see all of that shit the other day @K Martin ?

2017-11-24 18:07:15 UTC

I had some guy defending him, saying "he's a good activist"

2017-11-24 18:07:17 UTC

Lol ok

2017-11-24 18:07:26 UTC

I wouldn't associate with him

2017-11-24 18:07:40 UTC

Oh yeah. I was there on the orginal photo he first went autist on as "Mark Semus"

2017-11-24 18:07:48 UTC

"methadone Nationalism"

2017-11-24 18:08:04 UTC

Ok, I'm on FB as Dominic Fascetti

2017-11-24 18:08:48 UTC

He was saying Dan Kleve is antifa lol

2017-11-24 18:08:54 UTC

Well Mark Semus is perma-zucc'd now and my main Kam Musser still has 19 days on a 30 day ban.

2017-11-24 18:09:00 UTC

Yeah I know lol he's delusional

2017-11-24 18:09:28 UTC

I have no idea how someone can become so delusional in fact

2017-11-24 18:09:36 UTC

I asked someone from TX that actually does a bunch of activism, and nobody has ever heard of that guy

2017-11-24 18:09:37 UTC

he thinks lifting is a jewish trick

2017-11-24 18:10:11 UTC

He also thinks it's cool to be on metadone

2017-11-24 18:10:20 UTC

He's probably antifa himself. We told him we'd "shove hime in a locker" and he threatened to shoot us.

2017-11-24 18:10:28 UTC

And it's 1488 to be into anime

2017-11-24 18:10:35 UTC

Lol I saw that

2017-11-24 18:10:58 UTC

He also claims to be a Fascist, but also promotes capitalism

2017-11-24 18:11:26 UTC

Like, dude. At least read about an ideology before you talk about it

2017-11-24 18:11:34 UTC

National Capitalism is best ideology, goyim

2017-11-24 18:12:10 UTC

Of course goy, stomp upon your kinsmen who need a helping hand

2017-11-24 18:12:21 UTC

Embrace materialism

2017-11-24 18:12:28 UTC

NatCap is authentically American in the worst possible way

2017-11-24 18:12:31 UTC

Based individualism

2017-11-24 18:13:08 UTC

It would probably be ok if the population was still 30k

2017-11-24 18:13:24 UTC

Then everyone could take advantage of the abundance of resources

2017-11-24 18:13:41 UTC

But that's just not reality anymore

2017-11-24 18:13:58 UTC

I'm sure the Jews would still fuck it up somehow

2017-11-24 18:14:21 UTC

Oh yeah

2017-11-24 18:14:22 UTC

I'm not really an expert on economic matters, I'm more culturally minded

2017-11-24 18:14:24 UTC


2017-11-24 18:14:41 UTC


2017-11-24 18:14:53 UTC

I think culture influences economics

2017-11-24 18:14:57 UTC

This is a topic I've been trying to wrap my head around. How does Socialism operate within Natural Law?

2017-11-24 18:15:25 UTC

I'm asking sincerely, I've left Capitalism and am trying to sort out my economic philosophy

2017-11-24 18:16:04 UTC

Well, for starters, we have this image of Socialism as an exclusively Marxist thing

2017-11-24 18:16:50 UTC

I think if we had an ethnically homogeneous state, Socialism would come naturally

2017-11-24 18:16:59 UTC

I've been indoctrinated to view the world through a social darwinist lense, viewing everything as a struggle and competition, and I see a free market system as the economic manifestation of this natural struggle. Of course, the JEws have destroyed it via usury and monopolies, so I don't really know how to approach it.

2017-11-24 18:17:06 UTC

Someone find that article on Prussian Socialism/Socialism of Duty, I gotta run for a bit

2017-11-24 18:17:26 UTC

As the concept of helping to uplift your people who are in need

2017-11-24 18:17:34 UTC

Not necessarily gibs

2017-11-24 18:17:53 UTC

But skills and the like, helping people to help themselves

2017-11-24 18:17:56 UTC

I've heard some talk about that, like how in Scandinavian countries socialist policies are naturally chosen.

2017-11-24 18:18:22 UTC

And also taking care of your elderly, sick, and veterans

2017-11-24 18:19:23 UTC

Socialism as an economic policy is not terrible. As a social policy, it is

2017-11-24 18:19:52 UTC

Here's my thing, are welfare programs really 'helping out our people'? If i'm making 14$ an hour flipping hamburgers why would I go to college? I don't want to diminish the incentive for self-improvement. I agree that some policies for the elderly or children make since, but again it seems to handicap the weak in what I view our reality to be: a struggle for survival.

2017-11-24 18:20:20 UTC

I guess we are in the same area, @Michael ?

2017-11-24 18:20:48 UTC

I suppose I'm mixing ideas with the last post, what you guys are talking about is entirely different than the BernieBros, I'm not being specific enough.

2017-11-24 18:21:00 UTC

I see you in the other regional server

2017-11-24 18:21:17 UTC

Yes, I'm in New England.

2017-11-24 18:21:47 UTC

I am too, but pretty far north lol

2017-11-24 18:21:51 UTC

Welfare programs are for the disabled, elderly, etc who are actually unable to work or to make ends meet. Any parasites who can work but don't get physically removed

2017-11-24 18:22:00 UTC

Wait, there's a New England server?

2017-11-24 18:22:10 UTC

Not for TWP

2017-11-24 18:22:15 UTC

Not for two

2017-11-24 18:22:20 UTC


2017-11-24 18:22:28 UTC


2017-11-24 18:22:30 UTC


2017-11-24 18:23:57 UTC

I'm fine with that, @Hadrian . I can remember as an AnCap talking about how those types deserved to die; social darwinism. I suppose the fundamental paradigm shift that I am still sorting out is the trading an individualist philosophy to a folkish one with concerns beyond the economic.

2017-11-24 18:24:41 UTC

Didn't Hitler write something about this?

2017-11-24 18:24:46 UTC


2017-11-24 18:24:53 UTC

National Socialism vs Marxism

2017-11-24 18:25:00 UTC

I am working my way through Mein Kampf slowly.

2017-11-24 18:25:03 UTC

Right. That's what a lot of people don't understand: It isn't meant for the society we have now. There would need to be massive cultural reforms to enable this sort of thing

2017-11-24 18:25:55 UTC

yo is there any nebraska/great plains servers out there

2017-11-24 18:27:03 UTC

I'm concerned that we would lose the whole 'make your own way' mentality. I highly value self-reliance and I'm not attracted to reliance upon the community. It seems the only welfare programs NatSocs advocate for are for those who actually need it, which makes sense. Entirely different than Communism.

2017-11-24 18:27:20 UTC

Yeah, we aren't Ayn rand freaks

2017-11-24 18:27:47 UTC

Thanks @Eulogy , I'll give that a read

2017-11-24 18:28:20 UTC


2017-11-24 19:22:48 UTC

Interdasting article speculating why the System is resisting Roy Moore so hard

2017-11-24 19:28:38 UTC

@Jossur Surtrson thank you, that will help by incompetence on Bitcoin.

2017-11-24 19:29:09 UTC

The paying by card, so i can just use my bank account.

2017-11-24 21:32:56 UTC

Tfw you assassinate Kimball with a poisoned throwing spear but your game freezes

2017-11-24 21:41:04 UTC

wrong server?

2017-11-24 21:42:04 UTC

No we were talking about New Vegas last night

2017-11-24 21:43:57 UTC

oh, thought you meant to post this in ours

2017-11-24 21:44:45 UTC

I figured it'd be more fitting here

2017-11-24 22:16:31 UTC


2017-11-24 22:20:45 UTC

2017-11-24 23:02:41 UTC


2017-11-24 23:11:03 UTC

2017-11-24 23:37:35 UTC


2017-11-24 23:37:47 UTC

the inventor of Sea Monkeys was a Natzee who funded the Aryan Nations

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