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2017-10-31 05:51:42 UTC


2017-10-31 05:57:10 UTC

Lol i just got doxxed. Again

2017-10-31 05:57:39 UTC

Amazingly i havnt, my face is every fucking where.

2017-10-31 06:09:37 UTC

what in the goddam

2017-10-31 06:10:54 UTC

Their leader did stick a butt plug up his ass on camera, and kissed another guy.

2017-10-31 06:10:59 UTC


2017-10-31 06:30:53 UTC

Hey be careful tho. When Kleve released the screen shot, he didn't pull his friends list off the tab

2017-10-31 06:32:00 UTC

2017-10-31 06:35:38 UTC

Thats not good

2017-10-31 06:36:15 UTC

Nope. Couple of the twp guys are on it

2017-10-31 06:36:22 UTC

2017-10-31 06:37:00 UTC

Well that was a dumb move

2017-10-31 06:37:07 UTC


2017-10-31 06:44:37 UTC

2017-10-31 06:44:45 UTC


2017-10-31 06:45:00 UTC

>People that literally add anyone that fucking adds them.

2017-10-31 06:45:51 UTC

Is nebraska antifa also even real

2017-10-31 06:47:19 UTC


2017-10-31 06:54:50 UTC

Yeah they are lol. Lots of shit heads in Omaha and lincoln

2017-10-31 06:55:31 UTC

REDACTED. May very well be an administrator on [REDACTED].
Literal Faggot/proud person of (((color)))

Maiden name: [REDACTED]
DOB: [REDACTED] - (also lived in [REDACTED] for a while)
Instagram: [REDACTED]

Phone: [REDACTED] -
Instagram: [REDACTED]

2017-10-31 06:55:44 UTC

Fucking here is something to start off with

2017-10-31 06:56:55 UTC

Good job comrade

2017-10-31 07:11:26 UTC

@Rhino1488 got the video of chod in the basketcart in the motel?

2017-10-31 07:11:32 UTC

lmfao that sounds wrong as shit

2017-10-31 07:11:42 UTC

But when we acted like kikes and threw him in the cart

2017-10-31 07:12:06 UTC


2017-10-31 07:12:16 UTC

I have it, it is fucking prime

2017-10-31 07:12:32 UTC

Duuude send it

2017-10-31 07:12:35 UTC

Not over here

2017-10-31 07:12:48 UTC

Shit was hilarous

2017-10-31 07:13:03 UTC

His name is choate, i call him chode because it bugs him ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-10-31 07:13:16 UTC

I figured that much lol

2017-10-31 07:13:20 UTC

Want me to PM you?

2017-10-31 07:13:29 UTC


2017-10-31 07:22:19 UTC

Not to butt in but Dan Kleve has gotten a lot of people doxxed including females and has been told and told about it to the point of being removed from groups for being a liability

2017-10-31 07:22:30 UTC

Just warning you guys it's a pattern with him

2017-10-31 07:23:12 UTC

And who are you?

2017-10-31 07:24:08 UTC

You look familiar, but i dont believe we met, did you go to the rally?

2017-10-31 07:24:50 UTC

Not Shelbyville

2017-10-31 07:25:06 UTC

Was in cville

2017-10-31 07:25:15 UTC


2017-10-31 08:15:16 UTC


2017-10-31 08:15:25 UTC

God damn it im such a boomer

2017-10-31 08:15:41 UTC

Can you source these claims about Kleve please?

2017-10-31 08:15:56 UTC

Pm would be preferable

2017-10-31 08:42:55 UTC

Have fun with this shit

2017-10-31 08:45:08 UTC

Listen to it before you post it.

2017-10-31 08:55:53 UTC

He's coming from a place of ignorance but at least it doesn't seem like he's malicious

2017-10-31 09:01:11 UTC

>Find youtube videos and spam it all with redpills

2017-10-31 09:02:27 UTC

Also, November 4th.

EMP Drill what's the deal?

2017-10-31 09:03:25 UTC

November 4th is supposed to have a nation wide solar storm power outage drill.

2017-10-31 09:03:41 UTC

In a comedic way

2017-10-31 09:03:53 UTC


2017-10-31 09:04:07 UTC


2017-10-31 09:04:22 UTC

>Start a revolt.
>Your power gets shut off

2017-10-31 09:04:56 UTC

>No cameras
>Not shit working
>Thousands of 3 percenter preppers wishing a commie revolution happened since they were 10 years fucking old

2017-10-31 09:04:58 UTC

@Hand Banana What claims?

2017-10-31 09:06:32 UTC

@Dr.Cocopuff | KY fucking prime

2017-10-31 09:07:03 UTC

Ah. doxxing. He was removed from Vanguard discord for this sort of thing. contact @Vice Commander Hunt for the deets on that I guess

2017-10-31 09:08:03 UTC


2017-10-31 09:08:41 UTC

Hell Yes

2017-10-31 09:09:15 UTC


2017-10-31 09:10:37 UTC

Can they do it like december? I need to get some gear or im gonna end up running up on those douchebags naked.

2017-10-31 09:11:59 UTC


2017-10-31 09:12:01 UTC

fortunately for me, I'm a bit of a prepper. In a state with active militia everywhere

2017-10-31 09:12:06 UTC


2017-10-31 09:12:07 UTC


2017-10-31 09:12:07 UTC


2017-10-31 09:12:08 UTC


2017-10-31 09:13:01 UTC

Its true though, id kill a commie butt ass naked if it meant doing it legally. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-10-31 09:13:41 UTC

Well in the case that they are attempting a revolution that involves attempts of murder on people that involves self defense.

2017-10-31 09:14:06 UTC

I do not advocate cannabalism, rape, disemberment, abuse of a dead body or anything of that illegal sort.

2017-10-31 09:14:11 UTC

That is pure comedy

2017-10-31 09:14:25 UTC

But seriously if they try to harm you, your family and so forth.

2017-10-31 09:14:36 UTC

By all fucking means defend yourself.

2017-10-31 09:14:48 UTC

can you say that last bit into my mic? i didnt quite catch it

2017-10-31 09:15:20 UTC

I cant find the document because my archive is a damn mess, but under the law, communists technically have no rights in the united states

2017-10-31 09:15:35 UTC

Well in this country they are attempting a multi race fuck box that involves brain washing people that involves hating and arresting white supremacists for no reason.

2017-10-31 09:15:51 UTC

My first part was "Fuck redneck revolt, fuck john brown gun club"

2017-10-31 09:17:22 UTC

2017-10-31 09:45:08 UTC

Also, they might be saying a false day.
>Announce riots for a date.
>Do them for another date.

2017-10-31 10:37:34 UTC

Based NorK's.

2017-10-31 10:38:25 UTC

I just want you all to know that I bobbed and weaved around all those reporters trying to avoid being pictured. Even had 2 hardcore looking fellows bully a reporter that refused to delete my picture. Got home, checked the interwebz to see if I had been doxed. Turns out I was pictured within 5 minutes of being there beside the racist dog in the stroller, and it isn't even a good picture.

2017-10-31 10:38:45 UTC

I just knew I had done an awesome job evading every camera there.

2017-10-31 10:39:07 UTC

The media are pigs, parasites but mostly Jews.

2017-10-31 10:39:26 UTC

I had a bad feeling about that dog. I knew to stay away from it.

2017-10-31 10:41:28 UTC

My husband on the other hand is all over the place looking like a right proper Aryan. My one picture has me standing there chewing on my lip with my feet turned outwards.

2017-10-31 10:44:07 UTC

If you let the media know you don't want a pic, they'll take one and release it.

2017-10-31 10:44:55 UTC

This event is not blown up, and you got a husband who I am very sure is willing to defend you.

2017-10-31 10:46:48 UTC

My mistake was not bringing my mask since they said no masks. From now on, I bring one with me no matter what. Worse case I'll leave it in the car if we can't have them. This was my first rally, and I'm hooked now.

2017-10-31 10:47:10 UTC

Welcome to the cool kids crew!

2017-10-31 11:27:37 UTC

The Kool Kids Krew

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