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2018-05-01 07:26:02 UTC

It certainly might be!

2018-05-01 07:26:04 UTC

Now you're catching on

2018-05-01 07:26:12 UTC

this shit sounds gay

2018-05-01 07:26:19 UTC

^thats cognitive dissonance

2018-05-01 07:26:23 UTC

classic tell

2018-05-01 07:26:46 UTC

if you encounter a study that violates your worldview you should assess it

2018-05-01 07:26:49 UTC

It normally is triggered when you encounter a worldview that violates your own

2018-05-01 07:27:01 UTC

and see if it uses proper methodology

2018-05-01 07:27:14 UTC

and is repeatable

2018-05-01 07:27:19 UTC

(if applicable)

2018-05-01 07:27:25 UTC

And how do you know the information you're getting is accurate?

2018-05-01 07:27:34 UTC

by what I just said

2018-05-01 07:27:38 UTC

are you this retared

2018-05-01 07:27:42 UTC


2018-05-01 07:27:45 UTC

we have methodology

2018-05-01 07:27:53 UTC

repeatable studies

2018-05-01 07:27:56 UTC

Unless you are an expert in the can't use a study for anything because you don't have the context to be able to know whats going on

2018-05-01 07:28:15 UTC

This isn't about the scientific method

2018-05-01 07:28:19 UTC

are you just trying to make a post structuralism argument

2018-05-01 07:28:23 UTC

This about things that matter to your day to day

2018-05-01 07:28:35 UTC

like "Who are you voting for for president" and "where am I going to live at"

2018-05-01 07:28:40 UTC

All of that is decided irrationally

2018-05-01 07:28:41 UTC

Every time

2018-05-01 07:28:55 UTC

not necessarily

2018-05-01 07:28:56 UTC

Humans aren't rational beings. Our minds didn't evolve to see truth, they evolved to keep us alive

2018-05-01 07:29:14 UTC

This is why you can have a Muslim who believes Muhammed went to heaven going to the grocery store with an atheist who doesn't believe any of that

2018-05-01 07:29:16 UTC

rational can mean doing things that we feel are in our best interest

2018-05-01 07:29:16 UTC

Who's right?

2018-05-01 07:29:23 UTC

so ill vote obama because he will make me feel good

2018-05-01 07:29:25 UTC

Things that you *feel*

2018-05-01 07:29:30 UTC

thats rational

2018-05-01 07:29:32 UTC

And that's where the irrationally kicks in

2018-05-01 07:29:35 UTC


2018-05-01 07:29:37 UTC

It never is

2018-05-01 07:29:50 UTC

You only think it is because of things like confirmatiuon bias and cognitive dissonance

2018-05-01 07:30:03 UTC

Oh wait i misread

2018-05-01 07:30:05 UTC

But yeah

2018-05-01 07:30:06 UTC

go back to your human studies class kid.

2018-05-01 07:30:08 UTC

We're agreeing essentially

2018-05-01 07:30:14 UTC

Shane how old are you

2018-05-01 07:30:21 UTC

shane watches ben shapiro rekt videos

2018-05-01 07:30:26 UTC

thats where he gets his political commentary

2018-05-01 07:30:39 UTC

Shane is what's known as the "Lone Penguin" in my field

2018-05-01 07:30:48 UTC

Theyre the people who don't have anything of value to add to the conversation

2018-05-01 07:30:50 UTC

what major are you

2018-05-01 07:30:58 UTC

I've been out of college for a while

2018-05-01 07:31:13 UTC

what do you mean by your field

2018-05-01 07:31:20 UTC

But the lone penguin is someone who comes in like "LOL btw dont listen to this guy he doesn't know what hes talking about"

2018-05-01 07:31:24 UTC

And then they leave

2018-05-01 07:31:27 UTC

The Lone Penguin

2018-05-01 07:31:35 UTC


2018-05-01 07:31:46 UTC

human beings arent entirely irrational

2018-05-01 07:31:49 UTC

I use persuasion on a professional level. There's like 4 different levels

2018-05-01 07:32:02 UTC

Amateur, Professional, Commerical, and Master PErsuader

2018-05-01 07:32:06 UTC

feelings are sure but dealing with them isn't necessarily

2018-05-01 07:32:07 UTC


2018-05-01 07:32:28 UTC

We like to think humans are rational about 90 percent of the time and like 10 percent of the time we get irrational

2018-05-01 07:32:34 UTC

The truth is it's the opposite

2018-05-01 07:32:57 UTC

We're irrational 90 percent of the time, and we're rational about 10 percent about things that don't really matter or have no emotional baggage to them

2018-05-01 07:33:05 UTC

Like, you'll be rational about doing your taxes

2018-05-01 07:33:25 UTC

ill rationally vote for someone based off of my irrational normative values

2018-05-01 07:33:26 UTC

But you won't be rational about picking your favorite player or picking your career or your wife or literally anything that will matter to you

2018-05-01 07:33:31 UTC

for example if they support socialism

2018-05-01 07:33:32 UTC

i vote them

2018-05-01 07:33:45 UTC

its rational but its rooted in feelings

2018-05-01 07:33:48 UTC

or normative systems

2018-05-01 07:34:00 UTC

And that's fine.

2018-05-01 07:34:21 UTC

But the trap is thinking you're the only logical person....and it's every one else whos irrational

2018-05-01 07:34:44 UTC

Which is really what causes so much division. We think the other side is full of idiots and our side is generally pretty okay

2018-05-01 07:34:47 UTC

very few people think that

2018-05-01 07:34:56 UTC

The Red Team Blue Team phenomenah is one of the most powerful

2018-05-01 07:34:57 UTC

most people are aware that they are irrational to a degree

2018-05-01 07:35:04 UTC

Once you belong to a tribe.....oof. forget about it

2018-05-01 07:35:28 UTC

I wish that were true man. I really o

2018-05-01 07:35:29 UTC


2018-05-01 07:36:16 UTC

I mean obviously not many people think they're infallible

2018-05-01 07:36:20 UTC

I agree with that

2018-05-01 07:36:40 UTC

it's that they think they're rational 90 percent of the time and irrational 10 percent of the time

2018-05-01 07:36:50 UTC

Unless you realize that the opposite is true....

2018-05-01 07:36:55 UTC

Here's the really crazy part, ready?

2018-05-01 07:37:09 UTC

Unless you realize that humans are irrational almost all of the'll never ever be persuasive

2018-05-01 07:37:18 UTC

That's like....step one

2018-05-01 07:37:41 UTC

fair enough, but in the end it depends on the context

2018-05-01 07:38:33 UTC

you can be persuasive on the merit of how logical you are such as constructing an argument that is sound

2018-05-01 07:38:50 UTC

maybe not in face to face interactions

2018-05-01 07:38:52 UTC

Nope, facts never persuade anyone

2018-05-01 07:38:56 UTC

Because everyone has their own facts

2018-05-01 07:39:22 UTC

If you convince someone though a debate or something like's because you did something else to convicne them

2018-05-01 07:39:35 UTC

Like, you were more well spoken, or your tie was red and your opponent had a bowtie

2018-05-01 07:39:40 UTC


2018-05-01 07:39:41 UTC

I disagree

2018-05-01 07:39:45 UTC

those things are important

2018-05-01 07:39:47 UTC

I know you do lol

2018-05-01 07:39:58 UTC

but if your statements dont follow logical order then people will point it out

2018-05-01 07:40:02 UTC

and make you look like a retard

2018-05-01 07:40:29 UTC

You would think right?

2018-05-01 07:40:37 UTC

One time I was watching a debate

2018-05-01 07:41:01 UTC

And it was against two people...I forget who. But it was two really smart people, and it was a smart know, smart people doing smart things

2018-05-01 07:41:21 UTC

kek you sound like trump

2018-05-01 07:41:25 UTC

The first debater came really well prepared. Like, he was a smart guy who knew his stuff and was comfortable with logic and debate

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