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Lamers ^
hello folks
So this is for academic support?
I need help with academics
you've arrived at the right place
What in particular?
Guys... what happened to the server? Where did everything go?
server got reset. discord sent a semi-threat to tyler
😦 Is this the first time this server got reset? So much for free speech... did they give a reason? Was it something specific someone said?
Free speech ha, that's only for democrats as sad as it is to say
i don't believe so, but i wasn't around for long either, so
google translate <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Lol u right
as in you're not able to type in the letters with the macrons?
install an app that allows you to do so. for vietnamese, i installed unikey you can try and see if there is equivalent apps like that
This semester I have everything Chemistry. I am taking Analytical Chemistry and a Chem elective on Nanotech on chemistry. It' gonna be epic and based.
Can anyone help me to give a brief summary of why Big Tech censorship is unconstitutional?
The unconstitutionality lies more in the theory that they should be defined as a public forum. Removing politicians or users removes their ability to redress their grievances with their government officials.
<:Nervous_Pepe:797578774531014677> <:Flooshed:797578663083769916>
Maybe more simpler 😅?
I'm trying to explain the Big Tech censorship to my crush😐
oh you've a crush? 👀
If he needs an explanation dump him and find a better one
anyway, from what i understand of froski's words: big tech are supposed to be "public space" where people can communicate, talk and demand attentions from government official or each other. they are not created with the intention of spreading a specific idea, they are created for the voiceless people to be heard.
by removing the ability to speak freely (ie. censoring), big tech is no longer a public space, but rather: a restricted club where people are vetted to be in
I ain't lgbtq <:Flooshed:797578663083769916>
^^^ is that more understandable, chair?
I guess
Sorry I aSsUmEd your gender- I'm a woman and I forgot there are people that aren't (running on 2 hours of sleep bear with me)
lol is ok 😅
I ain't a leftie<:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>
Thank you brother✌️good to hear
No problem<:salut:730846445732888630>
On Monday last week. My History class had a class discussion about the Capitol Riots.
I was the only one who openly shared a conservative viewpoint
That was fun
It really be like that.
oof im pretty sure everyone in my class likes Trump and I defiantly know two of my teachers do because they always complain about democrats. Im pretty sure my science teacher is republican too because her husband works in the oil field. My band teacher might be slightly left but he never talks about politics and voted for the green party. My ELA teacher is independent because she voted for Kanye West.
I think it's annoying for either side to push politics in class honestly.
I guess there's no choice though.
based ELA teacher
It aint really a problem where I live because almost everyone is republican but I could see how it could be a problem in bigger towns and cities.
Everyone in my school is a liberal<:Ben_Cringe:752572527120875520>
I think if you also think about how platforms and publishers are defined under section 230, big tech is exercising the privileges of a platform while acting as a publisher.
I don't think that's as much on the constitutional side, but it's scummy how they get away with it.
Does anyone know of any MLK documentaries that aren’t biased? I don’t want some leftist BLM re-writing of history bs
I’m gonna guess everything produced before 1990
I got a prompt that I need help writing if anyone's alive.
shoot for it
There's a sinking ship right.
And I have to give a 3 minute speech in chinese on why I should be alive.
Now the problem isn't the language but that I got no idea what to write.
I have to give it from this perspective: "He is a Canadian television host, comedian, producer and actor. He is considered as one of the top 100 comedians of all time. He has hosted NBC’s game show. Carries a box of Mars bars."
lol learning chinese again. very smart
What do you mean again?
It's not hard it's just that I don't have the patience to actually study everyday.
But yes I need some ideas as to what to write.
sinking ship?
i'd go with: 1) i've a box of mars bars = future food for others. 2) since the "game show" could be anything, i'd pick a 'show' that is educational (kinda like jeopardy). if those are educational, that means your character would be likely to know certain tricks to survive, and therefore can be helpful. 3) he seems to be a creative person. lean into that and say a creative person can come up with innovative/more efficient ways of living if you're stuck in the wild. 4) funniness may come into play (if you can make a joke or manage a witty tone for the speech)
oh, it's just that "again" as in relearning your mother's language
Well I'm not relearning anything.
I know how to speak cantonese but I'm actually learning mandarin and how to write chinese.
If that makes any sense.
Oh wait I should specify.
It's a comedian.
try to make your speech extremely entertaining
Anybody have tips for learning french?
Im doing it for school but i genuinely want to be able to have full conversations
In general, don't slack on practicing and making sure what you're practicing is correct.
I Don't speak french but my advice is start learning small talk and then grow your vocabulary @Metapod
Otherwise you'll end up like me lol.
Finally a place with no timer lol
Find the volume of both pieces and add it.
Ok thank
the solution would be to find the volume of rectangular prism and the triangular prism. THe rectangular prisim is BxHxL. the traingular one would be (bxhxw)1/2. The height is different in this case but the width and length is the same
Ahhhhh Clever.com
the portal to torture tools for the school
just calculate the area of everything out bud lol
they gave you the diagram already. start with the square and calculate your way across the diagram
that is kinda hard lol
help pls
@isoboto can u halp
why you tag me lmao
hang on
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