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2020-09-03 00:58:09 UTC

> @Jaeffsyan There isn't a single "I" "Me" or "My" in that campaign. Just "Us" "Our" "We" and "Together". That speaks so much volume.
@Psychotics So Trump is a socialist? <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>

2020-09-03 01:08:47 UTC

@KumquatLord shit, I Just posted that in <#730972014877081660>

2020-09-03 01:08:51 UTC


2020-09-03 01:08:54 UTC


2020-09-03 01:08:58 UTC

Still relevant?

2020-09-03 01:09:10 UTC

Yeah. I posted it here because it involved the president

2020-09-03 01:09:38 UTC

> @Psychotics So Trump is a socialist? <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>
@mathgrant "We the people." unlike Biden "Me th..the..th..the ponysoldier future. I mean yea, reelect Trump."

2020-09-03 01:09:43 UTC

And I posted it in <#730972014877081660> because it was relevant to them.

2020-09-03 01:56:33 UTC

And they say it is completely safe

2020-09-03 02:06:53 UTC

LOL @ the people thinking "Houston, we have a problem" is a reference to the Texas city and feeling smug for "fact-checking" where the ballot's from

2020-09-03 02:14:29 UTC

Also, what's with Dems thinking "voter fraud is almost non-existent" is a valid argument for leaving the door wide open for voter fraud?

2020-09-03 02:15:50 UTC

If you leave the door wide open for voter fraud, then it won't *be* nearly non-existent anymore.

2020-09-03 02:21:53 UTC

I love how the Dems on Twitter are saying the *Republicans* are the ones who will tamper with all the mail-in ballots to cheat. If Republicans were interested in tampering with mail-in ballots, why are they fighting *against* mail-in ballots and encouraging people to vote in person (because they obviously can protest in person)? <:Idiots:720119404020367390>

2020-09-03 02:22:36 UTC

The only way these Dems can be right is if it's like how the Dems fought against black people's right to vote, and then decided, "Eff it, we'll make 'em vote for *us*, if they're gonna vote".

2020-09-03 03:34:04 UTC

I wonder if the dems realize that when the mail in votes come back to be counted they turn into "mail in covid" for the people that will have to physically handle and tally the envelopes? ๐Ÿค”

2020-09-03 19:17:10 UTC

Biden just got ratio'd again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFGV08L02jg

2020-09-03 20:34:38 UTC

I'm sitting here watching Judge Judy - EVERY FREAKIN COMMERCIAL break they are airing a Biden ad. - and get this, he is talking about violence and riots and one of the images are a jeep with a Trump flag. I cannot believe he gets away with this s**t.

2020-09-03 20:54:37 UTC

Language warning, New Yorker says F word a few times (imagine that)


2020-09-03 21:14:29 UTC

The C word ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

2020-09-04 03:43:15 UTC
2020-09-04 03:49:22 UTC

if antifa/blm protestors are anti trump, why aren't they supporting joe biden by showing up to wave support?

2020-09-04 04:59:13 UTC

Um he didnโ€™t actually say that right? ๐Ÿ˜…

2020-09-04 05:06:22 UTC

It's the Atlantic.... I mean, if you have half a brain you can watch any one of his speeches and realize through context clues that he always brings up how he loves our military and everyone who serves and the sacrifices they've made....

2020-09-04 05:07:09 UTC

Also if you have a little less than half a brain you can realize that the Atlantic constantly blue about this dude... so...

2020-09-04 13:03:02 UTC

It's odd that this happened so long ago that the Atlantic just comes out with this right before elections...(without naming sources)

2020-09-04 13:04:07 UTC

And adds the McCain info to prop up story

2020-09-04 13:05:38 UTC

Words are empty unless backed with action. He has made so much positive change for the military...

2020-09-04 13:07:24 UTC

and if u knew any of mccain's actual military record, u'd take him out and have him shot

2020-09-04 13:08:08 UTC

his own dad...an admiral at the time, pulled some strings to get him off a ship and away from court martial and military execution

2020-09-04 13:15:06 UTC

and thats not including his pow period

2020-09-04 13:18:47 UTC

he sold out during pow period for 'special treatment'

2020-09-04 13:19:12 UTC

Yep the article I posted is from people that served with him and were in POW camp with him

2020-09-04 13:19:15 UTC

pow - prisoner of war

2020-09-04 16:25:39 UTC

@Deleted User Is it better to resist and then "sell-out" or try 2-3 times to escape on your own, causing mass suffering of other POW's? I'm legitimately asking. I was just turning 18 in 2007 so I was not political at all.

Seeing people flip though, from defending McCain to dancing on his grave, or vice versa is really strange.

2020-09-04 16:26:38 UTC

well standard policy for americans that are currently pow's ..is to resist, selling out just means u signed ur own death certificate with ur own military

2020-09-04 16:29:27 UTC

because it's treason

2020-09-04 16:31:31 UTC

So, I am Navy, and being such we were required to learn our obligations/expectations towards becoming a POW. They are contradictory though:

"To try and escape" but to "help prisoners stay alive"

Do you do one but not the other?

2020-09-04 16:32:41 UTC

What if one causes the other? It honestly, to me, depends on what info was given up. Not everything I know, if given to the enemy, means that America would be doomed. I can give away some things, while keeping others.

2020-09-04 16:33:50 UTC

It's neither exclusively treason nor prudent to assume that telling North Korea that we know 2+2=4 in the absence of large values of 2 means the US way of life is gone.

2020-09-04 16:34:25 UTC

it's every soldiers responsibility to escape and help other american/allied pow's stay safe from harm

2020-09-04 16:34:47 UTC

The attempt to escape caused more harm, and potentially a death.

2020-09-04 16:35:19 UTC

well i was never in that situation yet

2020-09-04 16:35:58 UTC

well original war effort in north korea was successful ...til the military was ordered to pull back

2020-09-04 16:36:22 UTC

apparently the us military saw something it wasn't supposed to know about

2020-09-04 16:36:40 UTC

I pray nobody ever is, but you have to weigh the bad with the good. Every situation is going to be different. Obviously giving away positions and plans would be far more detrimental overall so if it's just me versus another then I'm taking my own life, in that situation.

2020-09-04 16:37:17 UTC

the cia hoped it would be bombed out of creation but apparently it survived

2020-09-04 16:38:03 UTC

they redecorated it over the decades since ...so now it looks more modernly built

2020-09-04 16:38:45 UTC

but the same structure and design still exists...just has nicer looking windows and a city around it

2020-09-04 16:39:04 UTC


2020-09-04 16:39:39 UTC

when the military was there, it didn't have a city around it ...it was standing alone on a mountain of dirt

2020-09-04 16:39:52 UTC

For the record, I dont have a timeline for what McCain did or did not do, I dont care either because it's irrelevant. Im just arguing the phikosophy.

2020-09-04 16:40:02 UTC

a wtc sized skyscraper

2020-09-04 16:40:26 UTC

in early 1950's korea

2020-09-04 16:41:18 UTC

most wars are to cover up something...either those nations that defied the banking cartels ...or nations that had something from before time

2020-09-04 21:57:25 UTC

Another Biden gaffe!!!!!

2020-09-04 21:57:34 UTC


2020-09-04 22:48:05 UTC

Biden said what? Besides dementia, I guess he also has a chronic inability to tell the truth.


2020-09-04 23:54:48 UTC

Who will win in november: Trump or Biden?

2020-09-04 23:59:27 UTC

With all the shit the media puts out about Trump and the democrats most likely going to cheat hard

2020-09-05 10:30:51 UTC
2020-09-05 13:56:38 UTC

Bit late to the convo about Mccain's conduct on Being a POW, US Army code of conduct says that you are only to give your name rank and serial number (course that was when we had serial numbers)

2020-09-05 13:56:46 UTC


2020-09-05 14:10:33 UTC


2020-09-05 14:10:37 UTC


2020-09-05 21:05:35 UTC

I heard about the critical race theory. Wish it applied to the schools as well

2020-09-05 21:10:59 UTC


2020-09-05 21:56:24 UTC

well technically, any place that receives federal funding would be effected

2020-09-05 21:56:43 UTC

including schools ..even uni's and colleges

2020-09-05 21:57:20 UTC

or risk losing that access to federal funding

2020-09-05 21:58:05 UTC

remember the last time trump was going to cut off federal funding to uni's and colleges

2020-09-05 22:53:35 UTC

So colleges are included?

2020-09-05 22:56:56 UTC

@Deleted User apparently there are contracts in place in regards to critical race theory so the federal govt can only do so much legally speaking.

2020-09-05 22:58:33 UTC

Yeah. I know federal agencies are well within his power, but I don't think schools/colleges are, at a legal standpoint

2020-09-05 23:00:40 UTC

well i'm sure theres legal bypasses

2020-09-05 23:45:27 UTC

Yes, there is department of education, but I don't know how much control they have over all schools in the country.

2020-09-05 23:45:54 UTC


2020-09-05 23:46:14 UTC

considering they screwed with history and presented the youth with 'core math'

2020-09-05 23:46:50 UTC

then u got all those sexuality classes

2020-09-05 23:53:40 UTC

Yep, those sexuality classes have got to go. I don't even know why parents thought it would be a good idea to allow their kids to learn that.

2020-09-06 00:10:19 UTC

shit...sex ed for me was 12th grade

2020-09-06 00:10:41 UTC

now i understand it at puberty but ....pre kindergarden?

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