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2018-03-08 08:11:22 UTC

@Day of June May be he did mean it literally - heโ€™s being watched, filmed, and will be exposed soon.

2018-03-08 10:00:26 UTC

Screen shot of my laptop. I use DuckDuckGo and firefox. Youtube dont like it

2018-03-08 15:46:30 UTC

WHY WHY OH WHY do FB, Google, Twitter take orders from the EU?????

2018-03-08 16:19:44 UTC

I haven't been on in days so I know I'm way behind the rest of you... Did we figure out what Q meant by watch the waters?

2018-03-08 16:44:54 UTC

Where does Snowden get the money to live around the world? Who is supporting him?

2018-03-08 17:51:19 UTC

I was questioning the CERN explosion yesterday because I felt the story seemed... odd. The doctors name was not found on any web searches. Now this.

2018-03-08 18:33:57 UTC

@MawMawJean777 who performs at the circus?

2018-03-08 18:38:51 UTC

clowns in america perform at the circus

2018-03-08 18:44:12 UTC

@Cajun we all know the Cabal is tied to satanism. I believe CERN is more than a mere'lets find out where the universe came from' venture. Tie that along with the opening ceremony, which was laden with pagan and occult themes. I am hoping if there was an "explosion" that it is a simple as that. If not we may have a big problem.

2018-03-08 18:44:29 UTC

@MarcusKoch Yes! That is how he can move around like he is now and has in the past.

2018-03-08 19:45:34 UTC


2018-03-08 20:08:23 UTC

I hope the Video from Mateo is true!

2018-03-08 20:19:23 UTC

good video

2018-03-08 21:10:26 UTC

Anyone here read about how the video Q is talking about might be Hillary video conference with Lynch during the Clinton Tarmac meeting

2018-03-08 21:12:19 UTC
2018-03-08 21:12:20 UTC

SA-->US-->Asia-->EU-->?? BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM???

2018-03-08 21:39:59 UTC

2018-03-08 21:40:41 UTC

Dilly says 8 videos??!

2018-03-08 21:41:16 UTC

Arkanicide (death by clinton) Leaker (His name is Seth Rich) Supreme Court (AS)

2018-03-08 21:41:18 UTC

Who is Dilly??

2018-03-08 21:41:27 UTC

He is supposedly in the loop

2018-03-08 21:41:35 UTC

Another Q type

2018-03-08 21:42:27 UTC

And after it all comes out. Millions will still not wake up...

2018-03-08 21:42:56 UTC

LOLZ.... I bet MI intercepted the call.

2018-03-08 21:44:29 UTC

For the newbies, Here is my latest, itโ€™s basically a cheerleader piece. Food for though on how to view certain pictures that Q has posted. Mirror.

2018-03-08 21:44:55 UTC

@Mystery Lady look up Dilley on twitter or reddit

2018-03-08 21:45:02 UTC

He has some good posts like Q

2018-03-08 21:45:26 UTC

Thank you! I will! I've never heard of him

2018-03-08 21:45:43 UTC

2018-03-08 21:45:45 UTC

Thank you! I will! I've never heard of him

2018-03-08 21:46:10 UTC

2018-03-08 21:46:10 UTC

Trumps victories against deep state

2018-03-08 21:46:32 UTC

Basically the rumor is THEY killed Scalia for lynch

2018-03-08 21:47:11 UTC

Keep in mind the timeline. AS was killed before the meeting.

2018-03-08 21:47:17 UTC

I believe that @Malikstotle

2018-03-08 21:47:42 UTC

Does not mean LL was not in on it. Or maybe it was a bit of a present.

2018-03-08 21:47:45 UTC

2018-03-08 21:48:27 UTC

Thank you for your hard work and for sharing!!

2018-03-08 21:49:51 UTC

New Q drop

2018-03-08 21:50:03 UTC
2018-03-08 21:52:33 UTC

All the worlds indeed a stage.

2018-03-08 21:52:43 UTC

Thanks Lemonyfresh

2018-03-08 21:52:43 UTC

@Malikstotle did you hear that the pilot mysteriously died sometime later. I have not verified.

2018-03-08 21:52:45 UTC

And we are merely players

2018-03-08 21:53:47 UTC

I think I remember reading that

2018-03-08 21:54:00 UTC

When things go sideways, we will be able to talk sense to our friends and family.

2018-03-08 21:55:00 UTC

Yes, we can def connect the dots. Make sense of the chaos.

2018-03-08 21:55:13 UTC

I would drop nuggets that I believe will prove us not Qheads like the JP will be arrested soon.

2018-03-08 21:55:32 UTC


2018-03-08 21:56:25 UTC

I believe most give 0 craps. As long a food is in fridge and football is on TV. Most are content. Puddin about to get stirred.

2018-03-08 21:57:40 UTC

It will ramp up out of control quickly. IMO

2018-03-08 21:58:48 UTC

Example, my left wing friends will think he is hitler if he addresses us with EBS regardless of what he says.

2018-03-08 22:00:47 UTC

So, we will need to calm them w/o being all โ€œtold you soโ€

2018-03-08 22:01:33 UTC

This is something no one has ever done.

2018-03-08 22:01:43 UTC

2018-03-08 22:01:56 UTC

Qs posts today

2018-03-08 22:02:06 UTC

When I see that I think of buckle up buttercup

2018-03-08 22:02:51 UTC

Sadly people will only care when sports are cancelled due to something very bad

2018-03-08 22:02:54 UTC

War terror etc

2018-03-08 22:02:56 UTC

Some use distractions as anaesthetics... they are in survival mode and /or victim mode and feel powerless to make major changes., whether in their own lives or in a bigger sense. We are subject to the beliefs systems we have in our head until we can identify them and change them.

2018-03-08 22:03:57 UTC

When there is a major war or terror on US soil only then will Americans wake up... sadly it will be too late

2018-03-08 22:04:33 UTC

The distractions keep people asleep

2018-03-08 22:05:01 UTC

I mean I like watching sports too don't get me wrong but I don't get invested into it

2018-03-08 22:05:18 UTC

I know people who get DEPRESSED and ANGRY when their team loses

2018-03-08 22:05:29 UTC

I'm like wtf

2018-03-08 22:05:41 UTC

Iโ€™m afk for a bit

2018-03-08 22:05:43 UTC

There are BIGGER issues in the world then your stupid sports team

2018-03-08 22:05:57 UTC


2018-03-08 22:06:04 UTC

Sheep being led to the slaughter

2018-03-08 22:07:17 UTC

I know how you feel but not really Roll Tide!!!

2018-03-08 22:07:24 UTC

what is losing?

2018-03-08 22:08:02 UTC


2018-03-08 22:08:17 UTC

In my opinion all sports could be fixed

2018-03-08 22:08:22 UTC


2018-03-08 22:08:29 UTC

fixed by a badass coach

2018-03-08 22:08:40 UTC

Yeah I'm a Patriots Fan

2018-03-08 22:08:40 UTC

sorry not for research room...

2018-03-08 22:08:47 UTC

That superbowl was rigged

2018-03-08 22:08:57 UTC

The world's a stage right

2018-03-08 22:09:04 UTC

Sports are part of the stage

2018-03-08 22:09:19 UTC

Goes all the way back to the time of the gladiators

2018-03-08 22:09:23 UTC


2018-03-08 22:09:59 UTC

I don't drink or smoke either or party or do drugs

2018-03-08 22:10:01 UTC

All distractions

2018-03-08 22:10:13 UTC

Sadly most people work for the weekend

2018-03-08 22:10:35 UTC

Work 9-5 get exhausted mentally and physically

2018-03-08 22:10:45 UTC

All controlled

2018-03-08 22:11:29 UTC

you know how to do steg stuff?

2018-03-08 22:11:39 UTC
2018-03-08 22:11:55 UTC

How are people supposed to rise up when they are mentally and physically drained being a slave to the system

2018-03-08 22:11:57 UTC

No I don't

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