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2018-05-17 17:31:27 UTC

At some point the central banking system is going to get taken down, and that system rules over countries. When they fall, their puppets fall to. Some leaders are being forced to do things against their will and just like with NK and Iran, they will be freed to lead their people the way they need to and intended to.

2018-05-17 17:31:54 UTC

the war is at the capital, looking at this battle to be the start of the push back.

2018-05-17 17:32:25 UTC

Lol the war is at DC now, ainโ€™t gonna stay there ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-05-17 17:34:24 UTC

You'll get justice. You will.

2018-05-17 17:35:00 UTC

I know ๐Ÿ˜‰ got a bigger fight ahead finally โค๏ธ Iโ€™m so exited!

2018-05-17 17:35:04 UTC

These rats won't have a single hidding spot.

2018-05-17 17:35:47 UTC

Nope, not on this planet ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-05-17 18:08:51 UTC

the hammer thumps

2018-05-17 18:10:08 UTC

And so it begins ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-05-17 18:14:49 UTC

is that the full IG Report we had been waiting on?

2018-05-17 18:17:52 UTC

Seems like it might be, or at least the public release that itโ€™s complete and cases are being seen

2018-05-17 18:27:13 UTC

Hey All! <#419210947866132500> has been updated

2018-05-17 18:32:20 UTC
2018-05-17 18:44:19 UTC

np, looks like we had a bit of an outage there for a moment

2018-05-17 18:50:16 UTC

INCOMMING, more <#419210947866132500> have been posted

2018-05-17 18:51:28 UTC

"We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.
As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.

2018-05-17 18:51:41 UTC

Lets hope for little turbulence

2018-05-17 18:52:27 UTC

Lol oh itโ€™s gonna be turbulent, take the banking fiat system down in this country? Itโ€™s gonna be insane

2018-05-17 18:52:59 UTC

hope you're all invested in gold.. im not... but i wish i was lol T-T

2018-05-17 18:54:38 UTC

Lol nah, Iโ€™m a mountain man ๐Ÿ˜‰ Iโ€™m good ๐Ÿค—

2018-05-17 19:08:12 UTC

now... if only there was a way to easily produce rare metals so i could build a SEG/IGV lol

2018-05-17 19:15:48 UTC

you know theres a way to do basic alchemy that turns lead into gold

2018-05-17 19:16:46 UTC

i want to build or attempt to build a Searl Effects Generator SO BAD

2018-05-17 19:17:05 UTC

any material scientists out there?

2018-05-17 19:19:29 UTC

buy Silver, its cheaper than gold by ALOT, and it will still be Incredibly valuable. When the Fiat system goes down, eventually it will be those with precious metals that are not going to suffer terribly.

2018-05-17 19:31:56 UTC

or have a lot of water cuz the guy with silver or gold will need that

2018-05-17 19:41:17 UTC

@creepyAnon agree. the ratio is historically low

2018-05-17 19:41:35 UTC

silver will outperform in the next years

2018-05-17 19:41:45 UTC

an if there is a currency reset it might multiply

2018-05-17 19:43:46 UTC

@D3M0_Anon yes you should make sure all of your emergency supplies are well stocked as well in the situation we were just talking about currency. But yes you need both.

2018-05-17 19:44:44 UTC

Where the financial system goes down our current fiat currency it's still going to be worth something but as hyperinflation hits then you're going to see it devalue more and more until eventually it's so ridiculous people will move on to barter and trade just like they are now doing in Venezuela.

2018-05-17 19:45:48 UTC

There's a fight right now between the way the cabal wants to bring down the financial system and the way the president and the white hats want to bring down the financial system. The white hats will try and soften the blow as much as possible for us but regardless it has to come down because there is no other way. But the ultimate false flag can be the cabal can easily bring down the stock market and crash everything at the flip of a switch.

2018-05-17 20:13:52 UTC

I'm confused...The indictment that was unsealed yesterday on Anthony Weiner...are the new charges, or is this original indictment on his child the pic that floating around of the official court has a date of 5/16/18....but if you keep's referencing the 2016 stuff....So I'm a little confused....can anyone help

2018-05-17 20:16:31 UTC

Iโ€™m not sure but I think itโ€™s all the other stuff they hid. The money laundering, hrc tape, pay to play. All the stuff they didnโ€™t want out before the election

2018-05-17 20:16:57 UTC

Weiner is already serving prison or did for the sexting the teen

2018-05-17 20:17:17 UTC

Rudolph Giuliani involved in car accident in Manhattan

2018-05-17 20:17:34 UTC

Oh no

2018-05-17 20:19:16 UTC

Well..the question this a new indictment and charge...or are they just now showing the old indictment...

2018-05-17 20:19:55 UTC

minor incident ??? more like a message ???

2018-05-17 20:20:00 UTC

If it's the old one...this doesn't help

2018-05-17 20:21:33 UTC

Good question but since he was arrested and tried for that charge doesnโ€™t it have to unsealed? Maybe not...

2018-05-17 20:24:55 UTC

that is not good news about the accident... hopefully he is okay

2018-05-17 20:49:10 UTC

2018-05-17 20:49:18 UTC

I think he said it well

2018-05-17 20:49:26 UTC


2018-05-17 20:49:32 UTC

js is gs

2018-05-17 20:49:36 UTC

Clowns everywhere

2018-05-17 20:50:07 UTC

And clown patsy

2018-05-17 20:56:20 UTC

@13FOXTROT.FISTER this indictment is related to sealed information that was relating to the original case where Weiner was sentenced in Sept 2017. However this sealed information will reveal further information regarding that case which will lead to other things such as more evidence on the laptop etc.

2018-05-17 20:56:33 UTC

My โ€œNewestโ€ โ€œQโ€ Post Apple โ€œNumbersโ€ format spreadsheet with All pics, All publicly available โ€œAnswersโ€ and All posts through Post 1403 is available at mega(dot)nz (With no website pop-up restrictions) (This archive contains a FULL reference to the "Numbers" file, with Exports from it to EXCEL, CSV, PDF, and a Base Picture Directory derived from the "Numbers File", along with notes for the EXCEL and CSV exports.) (If using the EXCEL or CSV Exports, Please read the Notes file first!!!) (Since โ€œQโ€ Post 1287, I have added some โ€˜answersโ€™ from my own thoughts.) The files are Here:!SuJhHBxK!kJHBzLDSyHJxajxlJrMj7g

(โ€œWe have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.
As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.

2018-05-17 20:57:06 UTC

Thank you @sQueezy for all that work you do. Well done Patriot.

2018-05-17 20:58:30 UTC

@Desimated yes sir. I find Jordan is a REAL truther and REAL patriot .there is only a handful of those and he is in that group.

2018-05-17 21:02:48 UTC

@creepyAnon ... As always Patriot! You are Most Welcome! ... (Have a wonderful day and spread this โ€œEverywhereโ€!!! ) ...

2018-05-17 21:08:25 UTC

@creepyAnon And... โ€œThank you so much, but, Iโ€™m only a Patriot just like All of You... God Bless!...โ€ ...

2018-05-17 21:17:33 UTC

not Q trip...

2018-05-17 21:20:46 UTC

Idk is that the bugged one? I have been preoccupied with first getting crashed into by someone with a car and Iโ€™m at work

2018-05-17 21:23:09 UTC

yah, not confident in that one.

2018-05-17 21:23:25 UTC

the #64 callout was prob in context of the latest post by a diff anon...

2018-05-17 21:23:38 UTC

2018-05-17 21:25:10 UTC

That one is the correct. Q confirmed

2018-05-17 21:25:34 UTC

@Deleted User you were in a car crash?

2018-05-17 21:31:05 UTC

Someone sideswiped me, lol been laughing with my group on what if it was an attempted cabal take down

2018-05-17 21:32:20 UTC

Lol hey you never know.

2018-05-17 21:33:11 UTC

There been people killed for alot less.

2018-05-17 21:33:34 UTC

now i have more people trying to get me to come on their shows... nope nope nope

2018-05-17 21:33:54 UTC

Tell them you only do Jerry Springer

2018-05-17 21:33:58 UTC


2018-05-17 21:34:07 UTC

well thats their shows basically

2018-05-17 21:34:40 UTC


2018-05-17 22:10:44 UTC

Iโ€™m important yay! Lol

2018-05-17 22:26:38 UTC


2018-05-17 22:26:47 UTC

we dont want them here! Send them somewhere else!

2018-05-17 22:30:39 UTC


2018-05-17 22:30:41 UTC

2018-05-17 22:30:46 UTC

img isnt showing...

2018-05-17 22:30:57 UTC

what could it be!

2018-05-17 22:31:41 UTC

plz spread my links in various places (like fb groups) if you're interested in helping fight this censorship push (especially as we get near mid-terms, it will get worse!)

And how bout that UNSEALED INDICTMENT!?

2018-05-17 22:36:51 UTC

is that an encryption key?

2018-05-17 22:36:59 UTC


2018-05-17 22:37:51 UTC

sorry deleted post, parody account

2018-05-17 22:38:14 UTC

i know where that 40,000 feet altitude comment no longer a conspiracy. Also the D5 has a second meaning, but I ain't telling yet. You will learn about it when you become more spiritually awakened.

2018-05-17 22:39:24 UTC

uh huh

2018-05-17 22:49:16 UTC

Right... Thank you for determining our spiritual state..

2018-05-17 22:49:46 UTC

well, out of respect for dustin, who doesn't like this sort of stuff

2018-05-17 22:53:29 UTC

@Desimated new Q bro

2018-05-17 22:55:39 UTC


2018-05-17 22:57:42 UTC

Thanks for the heads up @creepyAnon

2018-05-17 22:58:08 UTC

Hey all! <#419210947866132500> has been updated, we have location images

2018-05-17 22:58:25 UTC

Seems the team may have been on a plane ;)

2018-05-17 23:01:00 UTC

He said not the time of year. Ppl are wearing coats.

2018-05-17 23:01:23 UTC

Is this in relation to the op hurricane?

2018-05-17 23:05:00 UTC

Is that the Ecuadorian embassy? Where assange is?

2018-05-17 23:06:36 UTC

No that's def England

2018-05-17 23:07:12 UTC

Isnโ€™t the Ecuadorian assange at in London?

2018-05-17 23:07:14 UTC

Hey creepy, perhaps during the rain front that hit just after the hurricane season? England got hit hard

2018-05-17 23:08:00 UTC

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