
Discord ID: 413932180926889986

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2018-02-24 02:01:15 UTC

2018-02-24 02:01:22 UTC

@lmbd thanks, been looking at past posts and could not find will try search

2018-02-24 02:01:27 UTC

2018-02-24 02:01:58 UTC

2018-02-24 02:02:49 UTC

Steemit doesn't continue for me when setting up a User Name

2018-02-24 02:02:54 UTC

@narrow_arrow Did you find it?

2018-02-24 02:03:19 UTC

2018-02-24 02:08:10 UTC

@lmbd not sure, I'm mostly trying to find out why in one part is says DREAL instead of DREAM...i do not think it's typo...i need more time to look and study

2018-02-24 02:11:36 UTC

@lmbd thanks for your guidance to a newbie on this type of site, little different, i have tried to stay away from social media at all costs yet there is a time for all things...this is a war that needs warriors...although i will have to pick it up later as i have other responsibilities at the moment...THANKS AGAIN

2018-02-24 02:12:55 UTC

I knew I should have done the cryptic crosswords as a kid .....

2018-02-24 02:13:29 UTC

@Dustin Nemos You can go to there is no censorship there. Anti School is there making videos

2018-02-24 02:13:50 UTC

2018-02-24 02:14:48 UTC

and bitchute was joined by a number of truthers months ago

2018-02-24 02:15:19 UTC

so there are alternate platforms but the beauty of youtube is that you had only the one entry point all centralised

2018-02-24 02:15:34 UTC

the morale here is beware centralisation

2018-02-24 02:15:49 UTC

look what happens with it, in many cases and places

2018-02-24 02:21:33 UTC

2018-02-24 02:22:20 UTC

Gemstone Try no caps, it worked for me and a friend

2018-02-24 02:22:58 UTC

2018-02-24 02:25:49 UTC

Why am I blocked from messaging in on other threads - like Rudyland ?

2018-02-24 02:25:49 UTC

Lawsuit Victory Over YouTube's Abuse of Fair Use Laws

2018-02-24 02:27:45 UTC

I found this article that touches base on the Travon Martin death - there were secret new legal agreements between agencies about School to Prison pipeline .... //// Only then a Parkland school shooting happened. For Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel this had to be an โ€œoh shitโ€ moment; but not for the reasons the media initially thought. If people start digging, theyโ€™ll discover the shooter was one of those previously excused students. The same sentiment applies for Sheriff Scottโ€™s partner, School Superintendent Robert Runcie (previously from Chicago),โ€ฆ. things are very risky if people start digging.

2018-02-24 02:28:35 UTC

Thanks for Discord invite, @Dustin Nemos @Skycatcher

2018-02-24 02:31:44 UTC

2018-02-24 02:31:48 UTC

Anyone get a clear screen shot of the Q on the snake paper POTUS held up today?

2018-02-24 02:35:00 UTC

Breaking at 4:43pm: Mueller filing NEW charges against Paul Manafort, connected to secret payments to former European politicians.

2018-02-24 02:35:36 UTC

Just heard about ban. Would love to help. Don't know crypto, any alternative?

2018-02-24 02:37:23 UTC!/v/nemosnews/03pwqks9

2018-02-24 02:38:02 UTC

I will go there.

2018-02-24 02:39:59 UTC

Gemstone , make sure no capitalization, it does not like them.

2018-02-24 02:45:24 UTC

Not as pretty as original post, hopefully the links work.

2018-02-24 02:46:06 UTC

New charges relate to Uranium 1 - past proves present

2018-02-24 02:48:27 UTC

^ will prob get removed

2018-02-24 02:51:07 UTC

2018-02-24 02:56:41 UTC

I am sorry! I am not computer savvy. I can't find any funding links? Can someone help me?

2018-02-24 02:59:28 UTC

2018-02-24 03:00:34 UTC

I donโ€™t think there are any funding links here on discord. Perhaps Dustin can come up with an interim option for the crypto-challenged(myself included.)

2018-02-24 03:03:02 UTC

Thanks. I don't even use Facebook or Twitter. Maybe he will come up with something. I would love to help!

2018-02-24 03:08:55 UTC

I tried to watch the video above and YouTube froze. LOL! They really don't like truth.

2018-02-24 03:11:07 UTC

2018-02-24 03:11:14 UTC - for help getting Steem setup folks

2018-02-24 03:11:16 UTC

please spread it

2018-02-24 03:11:19 UTC

2018-02-24 03:16:35 UTC

How long did it take for your steem accounts to get verified? I'm waiting third day already.

2018-02-24 03:20:08 UTC

Many are still waiting for steem accts. Apparently here is a huge backlog.

2018-02-24 03:26:39 UTC

2018-02-24 03:27:11 UTC

2018-02-24 03:28:24 UTC

2018-02-24 03:30:00 UTC

2018-02-24 03:39:38 UTC

Talking about another shooting. Big Rodeo will be going in Texas in the begining of March. And someone posted that on craigslist crisis actors are being called for Houston

2018-02-24 03:42:33 UTC

2018-02-24 03:44:28 UTC

2018-02-24 03:45:12 UTC

2018-02-24 03:46:00 UTC

2018-02-24 04:02:51 UTC


2018-02-24 04:02:55 UTC

look everybody

2018-02-24 04:03:40 UTC

it's a troll. Let's be so nice he runs crying upstairs to his mommy's room.

2018-02-24 04:04:00 UTC

Don't forget that snowflakes melt

2018-02-24 04:05:11 UTC

Well now that would be the Democrats at this point wouldn't it?

2018-02-24 04:05:49 UTC

Cookie badge what?

2018-02-24 04:07:21 UTC

hes trying so hard to sound BA too

2018-02-24 04:07:34 UTC


2018-02-24 04:08:10 UTC

ya, shame

2018-02-24 04:08:40 UTC

Why would you do that?

2018-02-24 04:09:31 UTC

cause he has a very closed mind and can't handle oposing opinions. thats my guess

2018-02-24 04:09:54 UTC

I thought he was begging for attention

2018-02-24 04:11:35 UTC

could be, he could just ask don't you think?

2018-02-24 04:12:41 UTC

You would think but again wouldn't get attention. Wonder if he realizes that there's a Freedom of Information Act and those records can be subpoenaed with an IP address?

2018-02-24 04:13:41 UTC

idk, he could have just researched and found out some things like the rest of us

2018-02-24 04:14:19 UTC

No I'm saying that Dustin can do that to YouTube and GoFundMe

2018-02-24 04:15:02 UTC

oh, ya i know. he can back dial the IP and itll tell him exactly who it is. this guy probably doesnt even hide it

2018-02-24 04:15:28 UTC

2018-02-24 04:15:31 UTC

2018-02-24 04:16:22 UTC

wow he even gave you his name

2018-02-24 04:16:44 UTC

That's hilarious that he stopped your money, apparently he underestimates Patriots.

2018-02-24 04:16:55 UTC

why does this guy get so much fulfillment from shitting on people

2018-02-24 04:17:03 UTC

I doubt a moral defunct like this was honest about his name

2018-02-24 04:17:07 UTC

but I've seen him posting on my channel b efore

2018-02-24 04:17:10 UTC

UNDER that name

2018-02-24 04:17:18 UTC

Because the truth scares him

2018-02-24 04:17:34 UTC

Or he is one of THEM.

2018-02-24 04:17:35 UTC

He isn't the cold-calculated type that knowingly censors enemy narrative/truth

2018-02-24 04:17:58 UTC

The veracity of people never seems to amaze me.

2018-02-24 04:18:03 UTC

He's the emotional temper tantrum (low hanging fruit on the left) that gets inflamed and shoots up republicans because he was told they are all nazi's on the news

2018-02-24 04:18:16 UTC

The victims of this tragedy are freshman Alyssa Alhadeff, geography teacher Scott Beigel, freshman Martin Duque Anguiano, senior Nicholas Dworet, Coach Aaron Feis, freshman Jaime Guttenberg, Coach Chris Hixon, freshman Cara Loughran, freshman Gina Montalto, senior Joaquin Oliver, senior Carmen Schentrup, freshman Alaina Petty, senior Meadow Pollack, junior Helena Ramsay, freshman Alex Schachter, freshman Peter Wang and freshman Luke Hoyer.

2018-02-24 04:18:16 UTC

nope, i can always count on crazy people

2018-02-24 04:18:25 UTC

he spammed me for moments before i finally blocked him

2018-02-24 04:18:32 UTC

all caps, haha i got your account terminated etc etc

2018-02-24 04:18:50 UTC

He was in this chat as well

2018-02-24 04:18:53 UTC

I've got an email you can use to set up a new channel

2018-02-24 04:19:00 UTC

What room are we supposed to be in to express dislike for david hogg?

2018-02-24 04:19:10 UTC

here is free speech

2018-02-24 04:19:13 UTC is free speech

2018-02-24 04:19:17 UTC

i keep digging and i keep finding more stuff

2018-02-24 04:19:21 UTC

I won't be posting about florida on youtube anymore, its a ban

2018-02-24 04:19:26 UTC

I'll just keep it on

2018-02-24 04:19:45 UTC

is anybody still talking about Florida and this kid David?

154,533 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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