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2018-12-19 09:50:54 UTC

They will kill that bill

2018-12-19 09:51:48 UTC

Now retard they aren't just being released into the while they are still going to be under IPS and supervised release

2018-12-19 09:52:34 UTC

And they still have to get approved by the board

2018-12-19 09:55:54 UTC

Also remember that a lot of people aren't hardcore criminals and they are just in jail for violent offenses. The hardcore guys probably have enough points for life without or will never build enough gain time to get out

2018-12-19 09:57:15 UTC

His bit on "drug traffickers" is a fucking joke. He means fucking mules who didn't have the info to flip on their bosses or accessories to

2018-12-19 09:58:13 UTC

Letting the mules off early isn't hurting anyone and the mandatory mins for them are already pretty shit and make it hard as shit for them not to reoffend

2018-12-19 09:59:57 UTC

This bill is about actual reform and getting our absolutely atrocious recidivism rate down and meaningful reform to the criminal justice system, this is the best chance at it since we dropped smoke and mirrors and went over to the points system for sentencing

2018-12-19 16:23:15 UTC

Also saving money because modern prison's are fucking expensive to run

2018-12-19 18:02:52 UTC

Swamp and Urzu both making good points

2018-12-19 18:03:10 UTC

Benis, my dude, you gotta stop drinking the retard juice.

2018-12-19 18:04:48 UTC

It's a shame, with some work, the prison system could turn minor offenders off crime and focus on producing productive members of society

2018-12-19 18:05:19 UTC

Via education, trades education, hobbies, etc

2018-12-19 18:05:26 UTC

But bloodthirsty faggots want everything to be PUNISHMENT

2018-12-19 18:05:36 UTC

They're not wrong

2018-12-19 18:05:49 UTC

Rather than rehabilitation and providing opportunity to not be a criminal

2018-12-19 18:06:01 UTC

Henious crimes such as murder, sexual assault, and child molestation do not get a pass

2018-12-19 18:06:14 UTC


2018-12-19 18:06:38 UTC

And crimes of a massive nature, such as financial fraud

2018-12-19 18:06:43 UTC

Ie Exxon

2018-12-19 18:24:06 UTC

Financial fraud is basically punishing a business man for embracing capitalism

2018-12-19 18:39:22 UTC

Capitalism is the pursuit of wealth at the cost of all else, your nation included. The pursuit of wealth has it's place, but as the dominant motivator for action in society it has proven a failure. Financial fraud is the logical conclusion of the pursuit of shekels.

2018-12-19 18:41:57 UTC

Private prisons were also a mistake

2018-12-19 18:42:19 UTC

Anyone who tries to argue this with me is an absolute smooth brain

2018-12-19 18:48:26 UTC

pfft, what? Your telling me its a bad idea to give prisons an incentive to make people into worse members of society so they have more inmates? Whaaaaaaat?

2018-12-19 18:48:47 UTC

private prisons are the big retard

2018-12-19 18:49:56 UTC

I wouldnโ€™t blame prisons. Blame the inmates

2018-12-19 18:50:10 UTC

No prisons are to blame here

2018-12-19 18:50:14 UTC

Private prisons are shit

2018-12-19 18:50:27 UTC

They have consistently lower standards and quality of life

2018-12-19 18:50:37 UTC

They offer fuck all for rehabilitation

2018-12-19 18:52:10 UTC

Donโ€™t break the law and you donโ€™t have to worry about private prisons

2018-12-19 18:55:02 UTC

"JUsT dOnt BrEAk tHe lAw"

2018-12-19 18:56:41 UTC

>Just dont break the law

2018-12-19 18:56:59 UTC

>goverment regularly makes things illigal at a whim

2018-12-19 18:57:40 UTC

Like how I was a non-criminal until yesterday with my bump stock

2018-12-19 18:57:43 UTC
2018-12-19 18:57:51 UTC

Guess I'ma just drill out this sear hole now

2018-12-19 18:57:55 UTC


2018-12-19 18:58:00 UTC


2018-12-19 18:59:37 UTC

Of course the Hoosier is a smooth brain

2018-12-19 19:00:42 UTC

I like how I got no reply

2018-12-19 19:00:45 UTC

"Don't be a criminal"

2018-12-19 19:00:51 UTC

>New laws pass

2018-12-19 19:00:56 UTC

>They are now a criminal

2018-12-19 19:01:09 UTC

"This isn't right!11?!"

2018-12-19 19:02:36 UTC

Oh government can get fucked with the bump stock ban

2018-12-19 19:03:12 UTC

Or how since I am American center, here in Sweden I am alt right

2018-12-19 19:03:15 UTC

And thus could be deported if I say too much too fast publicly before I get citizenship

2018-12-19 19:03:20 UTC

"don't be a criminal you nigger"

2018-12-19 19:04:40 UTC

what about the people who deserve to do time because they did something, get fucked in the prison system, and then become recidivists?

2018-12-19 19:04:57 UTC

I mean, right now it's for profit which is anti-recovery

2018-12-19 19:05:10 UTC

They say rehabilitation is the solution, I partially believe that.

2018-12-19 19:05:15 UTC

The current issue is, there is too much fence riding

2018-12-19 19:05:20 UTC

to way for profit prisons are run, they have every incentive to make offenders worse people

2018-12-19 19:05:31 UTC

You get fucking cons who kill families and get out early due to good behavior, and do it again

2018-12-19 19:05:36 UTC

And then meth heads who just need a little rehab

2018-12-19 19:05:46 UTC

Right now, we're between recovery and full on penal life.

2018-12-19 19:05:58 UTC

If they locked up killers for life, the relapses would stop technically.

2018-12-19 19:06:08 UTC

many offenders can be rehabilitated, and they need to be, there are those who cannot be, and they should be removed from society

2018-12-19 19:06:10 UTC

If they did recovery, there would be less relapsing too.

2018-12-19 19:06:14 UTC

Right now we're just in a shitty place. This is due to Americans being eternal fence riders, especially if there is a profit to be had from it.

2018-12-19 19:06:49 UTC

Agreed fully Nic

2018-12-19 19:36:04 UTC

The prisons themselves need a lot of reform, but making it easier for felons to get out of prison is retarded. Anyone involved in the drug trade, especially for shit like heroin should be killed by the state. Massive finical fraud should also be punished in a similar manner. Having these people back on the street at all looks terrible for the 'law and order' candidate. I don't have any sympathy for violent offenders or anyone involved in trafficking drugs except the addicts themselves.

2018-12-19 19:37:59 UTC

Shit like weed or LSD isn't as bad so you could have less punishments for that, but anyone who traffics, deals, or produces opioids should be killed.

2018-12-19 19:38:10 UTC

Including those at Purdue

2018-12-19 19:44:50 UTC

I think opioids do have a legitimate medical use, they are being given to patients in a way thats irresponsible

2018-12-19 19:51:34 UTC

I think they only really have a use for immediate trauma care. The Sackler brothers completely manipulated medical journals in order to focus on long term treatment of pain with them.

2018-12-19 19:51:53 UTC

They own the name brand, the generic, and the treatment.

2018-12-19 19:52:05 UTC

Every time you open your mouth I slap my forehead

2018-12-19 19:52:35 UTC

I'll keep typing then

2018-12-19 19:53:23 UTC

I got OxyContin when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. That shit was wild

2018-12-19 19:53:35 UTC

I can see exactly how people get addicted to it

2018-12-19 19:54:05 UTC

Addiction is more than the drugs

2018-12-19 19:54:21 UTC

Just like anything else, there is more to it than drug X

2018-12-19 19:56:54 UTC

Opioids are pretty addictive by themselves, really more so than any other drug. In addition, a lot of the pill mills were placed in poor areas, precisely because low agency people would become addicted to them.

2018-12-19 19:58:28 UTC

Purdue is very predatory with their selling of opioids.

2018-12-19 19:59:02 UTC

Yes, thatโ€™s part of it. There are a lot of people at different levels that made a lot of money off of pushing pain meds.

2018-12-19 20:00:30 UTC

They did similar stuff with Valium in the 70's-80's too.

2018-12-19 20:00:50 UTC

And cocaine in the 30s

2018-12-19 20:00:55 UTC

And heroin before that

2018-12-19 20:01:16 UTC

It changes decade to decade but there is always some substance

2018-12-19 20:05:28 UTC

I don't think those are really comparable, the opioid crisis is now so bad that the US has a decreasing live expectancy. There's tens of thousands of deaths every year because of it.

2018-12-19 20:07:54 UTC

Think of it this way

2018-12-19 20:08:00 UTC

When they die off, our expectancy goes up

2018-12-19 20:08:03 UTC


2018-12-19 23:59:12 UTC

The problem isn't a drug company conspiracy

2018-12-19 23:59:49 UTC

It's the fact that, pound for pound, there is no pain medication as effective as opiates yet available for human consumption.

2018-12-20 00:00:44 UTC

Sure, a lot of pain can be managed by therapy, but stretching and exercise aren't going to deal with the pain of say, burns or surgery.

2018-12-20 00:01:30 UTC

There are a few new pain killer methods being researched, an a sodium channel blocker based off the mechanism that causes certain people to feel literally no pain at all ever.

2018-12-20 00:02:11 UTC

But the same tardmongers that call for strict testing and eval are the same tardmongers that bitch it now takes decades and hundreds of millions of dollars to get a med through to human trials.

2018-12-20 00:02:43 UTC

Not counting the hundreds of billions that go in to R&D, production, and distribution that have to be recoupped at the minimum

2018-12-20 00:03:37 UTC

Half the reason the medical field still pushes opiates is because there's nothing better that's legally allowed yet.

2018-12-20 00:04:21 UTC

And believe me, the first company to get an effective non-opiate painkiller on the market is going to DOMINATE it for the next several decades at least.

2018-12-20 00:04:53 UTC


2018-12-20 00:05:05 UTC

Surgery pain is awful

2018-12-20 00:05:19 UTC

I recall the Va trying to drown my ass in opiates

2018-12-20 00:05:36 UTC

I had to fight for physical therapy

2018-12-20 00:05:40 UTC

The VA is a whole 'nother can of bullshit

2018-12-20 00:05:48 UTC

And it still sucked

2018-12-20 00:05:56 UTC

Because I had turned down said opiates

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