
Discord ID: 785659511770972224

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2020-12-12 23:52:27 UTC

F in the chat for 'med'

2020-12-12 23:52:41 UTC

Or just deactivate the card

Based cigar dinner with the fellas

2020-12-12 23:53:39 UTC

Yeah it's a great time here

2020-12-12 23:56:09 UTC


2020-12-12 23:57:24 UTC

2020-12-12 23:58:49 UTC


2020-12-12 23:59:28 UTC

Was within a foot of Alex Jones

2020-12-13 00:03:18 UTC

He's real

2020-12-13 00:03:24 UTC

How much testosterone were you able get from him by being near him

2020-12-13 00:03:37 UTC

Yo weren't you muted by Jake Lloyd on Dlive

2020-12-13 00:03:38 UTC Tyrone is spittin' some truths

2020-12-13 00:03:41 UTC

His face is honestly schizo

2020-12-13 00:03:44 UTC


2020-12-13 00:04:03 UTC

Alex has upper eyes

2020-12-13 00:04:09 UTC

Eyes filled with stims

2020-12-13 00:04:35 UTC

MAGA Hulk talking in CA

2020-12-13 00:04:47 UTC

He speaks like a rapper lmao

2020-12-13 00:04:56 UTC

rosa parks ๐Ÿคฃ

2020-12-13 00:05:07 UTC


2020-12-13 00:05:08 UTC


2020-12-13 00:05:28 UTC

Saying nigger to own libs was definitely based of him

2020-12-13 00:05:34 UTC


2020-12-13 00:05:35 UTC

Yoo based?

2020-12-13 00:05:40 UTC

God bless maga hulk

2020-12-13 00:05:48 UTC

A true fighter

2020-12-13 00:05:50 UTC

How will libtards ever recover

2020-12-13 00:05:53 UTC

MAGA Hulk is an absolute unit

2020-12-13 00:05:58 UTC

Can you say lib to own the niggers?

2020-12-13 00:06:19 UTC

Ask him what he benches

2020-12-13 00:06:29 UTC

Did more 2day

2020-12-13 00:06:33 UTC

He just went full No step on snek

2020-12-13 00:07:00 UTC

The diversity we need but don't deserve

2020-12-13 00:07:11 UTC

Tren mode

2020-12-13 00:07:38 UTC

You can always tell a black guy's political ideology by how they pronounce their r's

2020-12-13 00:08:04 UTC

We have epic people on our side

2020-12-13 00:08:20 UTC

Lmao colby

2020-12-13 00:08:24 UTC


2020-12-13 00:08:26 UTC

Cringe mfer

2020-12-13 00:08:30 UTC


2020-12-13 00:08:39 UTC

Tony fighting tonight

2020-12-13 00:08:45 UTC


2020-12-13 00:09:29 UTC

God bless our favorite grifter is rotting in jail right now

2020-12-13 00:09:34 UTC


2020-12-13 00:09:34 UTC

yeah he was being a total fag - he read my diamonds before like what da

2020-12-13 00:09:35 UTC


2020-12-13 00:09:43 UTC

F for Big Nose Alaska

2020-12-13 00:09:48 UTC

literally the only dude to have a prob

2020-12-13 00:10:02 UTC

I like Beardson

2020-12-13 00:10:03 UTC

Yeah I remember that

2020-12-13 00:10:38 UTC

It was a couple days before his big show

2020-12-13 00:10:46 UTC

I really like the live streams with Beardson, eggy, Nick,and king of the incels

2020-12-13 00:11:09 UTC

Nick is king of the volcels

2020-12-13 00:11:20 UTC

idk man i donated when the one stream he had 1k

2020-12-13 00:11:27 UTC

Bro that's Crowder

2020-12-13 00:11:41 UTC

Over 30 and still no child

2020-12-13 00:11:43 UTC

Crowder is king of the faggots

2020-12-13 00:12:05 UTC

the chat was like "patrick would ban you too" so i donated ot pat twice and read my name in full both times no sweat

2020-12-13 00:13:00 UTC

2020-12-13 00:13:54 UTC

God bless

2020-12-13 00:13:58 UTC


2020-12-13 00:14:08 UTC

Baked alaska is in jail?

2020-12-13 00:14:15 UTC

He's still our guy no matter what

2020-12-13 00:14:47 UTC

I don't give a shit about the Israeli shills in this server trying to blackpilled me

2020-12-13 00:15:02 UTC

Yeah and he can stay there

2020-12-13 00:15:04 UTC

I don't care

2020-12-13 00:15:14 UTC

Fucking grifter

2020-12-13 00:15:25 UTC

Baked is pretty degenerate tbh

2020-12-13 00:15:28 UTC

Baked Alaska gone

2020-12-13 00:15:34 UTC


2020-12-13 00:17:05 UTC

lol yeah saw him macing people at a 711

2020-12-13 00:17:11 UTC

Not during any protest shit

2020-12-13 00:20:13 UTC

My response to Vaush

2020-12-13 00:22:23 UTC

I got block by vaush's gf for making fun of her

2020-12-13 00:22:44 UTC

I don't mean the goblina but shoe

2020-12-13 00:23:21 UTC

Lmao Shoe is almost 30 with no children

2020-12-13 00:23:48 UTC

Honorary wine aunt

2020-12-13 00:24:02 UTC

Shoeonhead needs to get robbed on the street one day so she knows about race realism and becomes based

2020-12-13 00:24:41 UTC

All these skeptics were a bunch of grifters

2020-12-13 00:26:03 UTC


2020-12-13 00:26:07 UTC

Is she still relevant

2020-12-13 00:26:41 UTC

She went off the deep end after his boyfriend armoured skeptic dump her

2020-12-13 00:26:47 UTC

A little she is like Bernies biggest supporter

2020-12-13 00:26:55 UTC

I think she also has a hate crush on nick

2020-12-13 00:27:02 UTC

2020-12-13 00:27:12 UTC

The skeptics are so outdated!

2020-12-13 00:27:16 UTC

isnt she a femcuck

2020-12-13 00:27:22 UTC

Nick's look grows more fasc every day

2020-12-13 00:27:38 UTC

@Dan-6'5-MED Do you mind if I use this as my pfp

2020-12-13 00:28:24 UTC

Yeah np lol

2020-12-13 00:28:29 UTC

It's great

2020-12-13 00:28:30 UTC

shoe is hot

2020-12-13 00:28:32 UTC

Probably better pics you can find online

2020-12-13 00:28:33 UTC


2020-12-13 00:28:36 UTC

But yeah use it

2020-12-13 00:28:51 UTC

2020-12-13 00:31:21 UTC

America first is inevitable

2020-12-13 00:32:00 UTC

Nick literally announced secession today

2020-12-13 00:32:08 UTC

Not even joking

2020-12-13 00:32:12 UTC

My favorite skeptic was Chris Ray Gun

2020-12-13 00:32:31 UTC

But he made excuses for his lack of content

2020-12-13 00:32:49 UTC

Didn't put effort into his videos like he use to

2020-12-13 00:32:59 UTC

Nicker nationalism is exactly the flavour of nationalism americans will want and need in the coming years

2020-12-13 00:33:59 UTC

The chants of destroying the GOP was such a white pill

2020-12-13 00:34:55 UTC

The GOP is dead

2020-12-13 00:34:55 UTC

Fuck Fox News too

2020-12-13 00:35:50 UTC

Also fuck Tucker Carlson

2020-12-13 00:36:01 UTC

His political aspirations are dead

2020-12-13 00:36:17 UTC

He will never win the primary

2020-12-13 00:37:53 UTC

Is that why he's changed?

2020-12-13 00:38:17 UTC

He took his foot off the gas a long time ago

2020-12-13 00:38:26 UTC

He turned to shit after his writer got fired

2020-12-13 00:38:38 UTC

Even before that he was kind of whack

2020-12-13 00:39:38 UTC

We never liked Tucker

2020-12-13 00:39:43 UTC

We liked his racist writer

2020-12-13 00:39:48 UTC


2020-12-13 00:40:32 UTC

Name of his writer

2020-12-13 00:40:52 UTC


2020-12-13 00:40:53 UTC

the name was polish American groyper

2020-12-13 00:41:00 UTC


2020-12-13 00:41:02 UTC

Blake Neff

2020-12-13 00:41:29 UTC

Nick should hire him and have him write articles for DailyGroyper

2020-12-13 00:41:37 UTC


2020-12-13 00:41:53 UTC

I think I remember reading what he said and thinking it was pretty tame

2020-12-13 00:42:04 UTC

I've definitely said worse

2020-12-13 00:42:24 UTC

Good bless this man for being based

2020-12-13 00:42:43 UTC

Redpill version of Nate silver

2020-12-13 00:43:51 UTC

His hairline is too gone

2020-12-13 00:44:01 UTC

"Black doods staying inside playing Call of Duty is probably one of the biggest factors keeping crime down" and "Honestly given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep."

2020-12-13 00:44:02 UTC

He needs to shave all his hair and then grow a beard

2020-12-13 00:49:25 UTC

2020-12-13 00:50:05 UTC

What exactly did Baked do to get arrested?

2020-12-13 00:51:14 UTC

Sperged out in some restaurant I think then pepper sprayed the guy for kicking him out

2020-12-13 00:51:27 UTC

His last name is gionet

2020-12-13 00:51:39 UTC

Excellent move

2020-12-13 00:52:09 UTC

What happened to Baked

2020-12-13 00:53:01 UTC


2020-12-13 00:53:08 UTC

Sperged out and got into a fight with a security guard

2020-12-13 00:53:25 UTC

Fuck Baked

2020-12-13 00:53:33 UTC

He can die in prison

2020-12-13 00:53:44 UTC

He's a grfter he does not give a shit about the movement

2020-12-13 00:54:07 UTC

He makes the movement look bad cuz heโ€™s unable to behave <:angrylaugh:786143233344143360>

2020-12-13 00:54:30 UTC

He is not unable, he does it deliberately to get clips

2020-12-13 00:54:43 UTC

And his audience tells him to do it

2020-12-13 00:56:07 UTC

Lmao this dude and pepper spray

2020-12-13 00:56:16 UTC

Goin around america macing people

2020-12-13 00:57:15 UTC


2020-12-13 00:57:34 UTC

Nick needs to disavow

2020-12-13 00:57:38 UTC

nick must disavow

2020-12-13 00:57:39 UTC
2020-12-13 00:57:46 UTC

Bruh heโ€™s 33 <:angrylaugh:786143233344143360>

2020-12-13 00:57:53 UTC


2020-12-13 00:58:00 UTC

Ashamed to be white

2020-12-13 00:58:02 UTC

Is this on video??

2020-12-13 00:58:08 UTC


2020-12-13 00:58:10 UTC

charlie pride died

2020-12-13 00:58:11 UTC


2020-12-13 00:58:20 UTC
2020-12-13 00:58:25 UTC


2020-12-13 00:58:33 UTC

Tbased is cancer too

2020-12-13 00:58:38 UTC

covid has taken joe diffie and charlie pride from us

2020-12-13 00:58:44 UTC

very saddening

2020-12-13 00:58:50 UTC

Bro caught baked committing a crime on 4k

2020-12-13 00:58:50 UTC


2020-12-13 00:58:57 UTC

If you die in 2020 it's covid

2020-12-13 00:58:59 UTC

what did baked do

2020-12-13 00:59:28 UTC

I died because of covid

2020-12-13 00:59:29 UTC

Maced a bouncer from the sounds of it

2020-12-13 00:59:35 UTC

baked is a rude grifter and all superchatters are retard sycophants

2020-12-13 00:59:37 UTC


2020-12-13 00:59:42 UTC

baked is so bad for this movement

2020-12-13 00:59:47 UTC


2020-12-13 00:59:48 UTC

nick needs to get the fuck away from him

2020-12-13 00:59:54 UTC

he literally wears Pit Vipers

2020-12-13 01:00:18 UTC

It is in Nick's best interest to get closer to that Chinese E girl<:nice:786143233720713229>

2020-12-13 01:00:35 UTC

Yeah he's just an internet weirdo like not really political

2020-12-13 01:00:46 UTC

baked is a grifter

2020-12-13 01:00:46 UTC

2020-12-13 01:00:58 UTC

i drove a really wierd forklift yesterday

2020-12-13 01:01:06 UTC


2020-12-13 01:01:24 UTC

there was no transmission select it was just what part of the accelerator pedal you pushed

2020-12-13 01:01:25 UTC

America First has attracted really bad people. Now it is Pey

2020-12-13 01:01:26 UTC

lmao crackstream; I can't believe that jewfro looking guy won the last match

2020-12-13 01:02:01 UTC

what a fucking retard lmao

2020-12-13 01:02:04 UTC

go to 1:30

2020-12-13 01:02:16 UTC

Baked is a waste

2020-12-13 01:02:20 UTC

Image perms

2020-12-13 01:02:26 UTC


2020-12-13 01:02:36 UTC

No lol

2020-12-13 01:02:53 UTC

didn't you have them at one point?

2020-12-13 01:03:34 UTC

@RJ I'm in europe, not paying money to watch on my own at 1am. Yeah was a good fight

2020-12-13 01:03:38 UTC

what did baked do this time

2020-12-13 01:03:46 UTC

And no I don't think so did I

2020-12-13 01:04:15 UTC

baked pepper sprayed him lmao

2020-12-13 01:04:29 UTC

is he stupid

2020-12-13 01:04:34 UTC

Check it

2020-12-13 01:04:37 UTC

i thought he was at least gonna throw some hands

2020-12-13 01:04:43 UTC

Thank you bro @RJ

2020-12-13 01:05:26 UTC

Where did baked get arrested?

2020-12-13 01:05:30 UTC

What city is that?

2020-12-13 01:05:31 UTC

Total coward, should have walked away; truly embarrassing

2020-12-13 01:05:37 UTC

Is that in DC?

2020-12-13 01:05:38 UTC

Phoenix I think

2020-12-13 01:05:41 UTC

Pretty sure it's Scottsdale AZ

2020-12-13 01:05:50 UTC

What exactly did he do?

2020-12-13 01:05:58 UTC

at least he wasn't around the AF guys

2020-12-13 01:06:07 UTC

@Robo go to 1:30 in the video I linked

2020-12-13 01:06:09 UTC

Baked is gon be blanked if he goes to portland

2020-12-13 01:06:31 UTC

Maced a bouncer

2020-12-13 01:06:33 UTC

And heโ€™s not even in good shape either

2020-12-13 01:06:45 UTC

Heโ€™s kinda fat

2020-12-13 01:08:14 UTC

So Iโ€™m guessing he tried to pepper spray the guard but missed?

2020-12-13 01:08:16 UTC

And degenerate as fuck

2020-12-13 01:08:31 UTC

No he got him but he had no right to

2020-12-13 01:08:50 UTC

Cuz they said get off their private property

2020-12-13 01:09:03 UTC


2020-12-13 01:09:03 UTC

baked makes us look terrible

2020-12-13 01:09:08 UTC


2020-12-13 01:09:09 UTC

No it sounds like he's upgraded to little capsules full of pepperspray ๐Ÿ˜‚ @Robo

2020-12-13 01:09:23 UTC


2020-12-13 01:09:24 UTC

Baked is gon get domestic terrorist charges

2020-12-13 01:09:24 UTC

Assault, disorderly conduct, and trespassing charges

2020-12-13 01:09:26 UTC

So cringe

2020-12-13 01:09:48 UTC

>born in the 80s

2020-12-13 01:09:50 UTC

This is the second time, he had one of his buddies pepper spray some random guy another time

2020-12-13 01:09:51 UTC


2020-12-13 01:10:02 UTC

Heโ€™s 33 and acts like a child

2020-12-13 01:10:06 UTC

imagine macing someone as a male

2020-12-13 01:10:07 UTC

Is he still maga

2020-12-13 01:10:15 UTC

He needs to leave the movement

2020-12-13 01:10:17 UTC

Or associated

2020-12-13 01:10:19 UTC

We donโ€™t want him

2020-12-13 01:10:37 UTC

he's very childish

2020-12-13 01:10:45 UTC

Heโ€™s making us look bad

2020-12-13 01:10:48 UTC

Nick has to disassociate himself with baked

2020-12-13 01:10:54 UTC

thats so fucking retarded

2020-12-13 01:11:07 UTC

he and his friends getting wasted and starting shit

2020-12-13 01:11:17 UTC

The guy at the end is worse, total beydas

2020-12-13 01:11:25 UTC

"ay don't touch my brO dude!"

2020-12-13 01:11:28 UTC

Instigating a fight, then using mace

2020-12-13 01:11:38 UTC

ridiculously cringy

2020-12-13 01:11:44 UTC

All he had to do was leave, he was in the guys face

2020-12-13 01:11:52 UTC

โ€I think he got sprayed too *coughs*โ€

2020-12-13 01:11:53 UTC

lmao literally sounds like something a nigger would say

2020-12-13 01:11:56 UTC

yeah security guard was justified

2020-12-13 01:12:03 UTC

he tried to mace him bc the other guy was a foot taller, bitch move

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