Discord ID: 363760951549231116
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Anyone been keeping up with Syria?
>tfw Iran has a better foreign policy than the US
My prediction is that when there is a new war, the K*rds will be involved
Besides the kangz meme, is Origins pretty good?
To play the devils advocate the main character does not look sub saharan @Deleted User
Fuck ACB
Fed much?
But Nigger
Not gonna post my hand and dox myself either
1. A DLive show run by Nick J Fuentes
2. Inevitable
3. Unstoppable
Here is my ss
And Calvin's view on double predestination
They cracked the Zodiac code btw
Speaking of 70s
Whats so bad
Tbased on Pey
I'm kinda glad the "notorious" ACB stans are put in their place
She was awful
Kavanagh is a major disappointment
I didnt think anything. They did
Goy story
I remember seeing that guy in the purple at the first one
Cigars are good. Not really addictive
Yo weren't you muted by Jake Lloyd on Dlive
Yeah I remember that
It was a couple days before his big show
What happened to Baked
Nick needs to disavow
Tbased is cancer too
America First has attracted really bad people. Now it is Pey
More like Based Alaska
How so
To Karma. I tend to avoid pol due to Biden shills
They have always been like that every time something doesn't go our way
Nick has some really bad optics when it comes to the people he hangs out with.
TRS became cancer too. Everything was about Jews to the point of comedy.
Yeah where is NJP
When b got rid of the ID
x had some good stuff i remember
I'm surprised how quickly they formed
Did they plan it AFTER the SCOTUS dismissal?
The Paul Brothers are Jewish
Check personal life on wiki
I wonder what percentage. Maybe just a mischling
That's a lot
I was expecting like 20%
Math may be wrong too
Because his ancestral countries may not be equal proportion
Say Nigger
And some have partnered with BLM
They do more than NJP or any wignat
I cant believe TRS/NJP still tout the coronavirus as real and dangerous.
National Justice Party
Mike Enoch and the rest of TRS made this political party
But they don't do anything
James Allsup got
I used to side with James
Just because the day I heard the drama Nick was the one freaking out
I remember when the pandemic first hit I said something like, "Yeah Chinese wet markets are disgusting and we shouldn't allow it."
They freak out about muh jews and based China and how im a neocon
AF describes it best as 3rd worldism
Chinese are disgusting people
Skinning animals alive. Boiling dogs. Selling bushmeat in the open air
I heard they piss off the Vietnamese and Filipinos when they come visit their country. They grab random animals out of the sea and eat them
I disagree. They have always been psycho. Million war deaths due to some China man thinking he is the cousin of Jesus.
They have spread shit since the beginning of time. Black Plague, Plague of Justinian, Spanish Flu, etc
They cut the fins of sharks then throw it back into the ocean
They fly to Australia and buy up all the baby formula
They use the strongest antibiotics on their livestock. Only for the superbugs to develop.
The baby formula stuff is never reported.
What happens is the Chinese baby formula is toxic, so the black market buys them all from Australia. For a huge markup back in China
This deprives the babies of food in Australia.
Yes but you gotta understand the bigger picture.
The same goes with housing in Australia, New Zealand and Canada
It's true
The Galactic Senate
Yes he also got banned from Jake Lloyd
Because of his name
Hopefully not to Pey like tbased
Tbased is kind of a loser
Someone who donates that much has some sort of issues. Especially with regards to attention
Trying to become a lobbyist and Nick was really lucky not to downplay his cringe
We have to be somewhat realistic
We have to prepare
Learn how to cipher
Like the Zodiac
You learn to cipher.
Like the zodiac
Z340 solved after 51 years
Traitors are worse than an enemy
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