
Discord ID: 778908768015482890

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2020-11-23 02:33:27 UTC
2020-11-23 03:29:00 UTC

Was 2 months ago, but Trump โค https://youtu.be/uBQIQ9Q14VQ

2020-11-23 15:46:24 UTC

Yes because we put blacks in concentration camps

2020-11-30 12:20:25 UTC

Anyone wanna debate any non american politics

2020-11-30 12:20:40 UTC

Or ideological and economic stuff.

2020-11-30 15:20:00 UTC

right wing ideology and rhetoric is rubbish

2020-11-30 15:21:01 UTC

it's predicated on fairytale economic concepts and theories that hold no weight in the real world

2020-11-30 15:21:15 UTC

I would know speaking as a former 'classical liberal'

2020-11-30 15:22:15 UTC

it sure was simpler back then, but unfortunately it doesn't address a slew of issues and assumes the free market (which is guaranteed by the government by the way) will fix everything

2020-12-01 01:34:28 UTC

is everyone on here republican or ?

2020-12-01 01:34:35 UTC


2020-12-01 01:34:38 UTC

Nah. We got people of all views

2020-12-01 01:34:53 UTC

ah alr just wanted to see the point of view of a republican

2020-12-03 00:50:46 UTC

nah im a dirty centrist

2020-12-03 04:26:32 UTC

"Dirty" ๐Ÿ‘€

2020-12-08 05:38:46 UTC

yo anyone want to debate trans rights in here wif me

2020-12-08 05:38:51 UTC

and some other stuff

2020-12-08 05:38:59 UTC

involving lgbtqia+ community

2020-12-08 08:15:31 UTC


2020-12-08 08:15:47 UTC

Look at this propaganda they released

2020-12-08 08:15:52 UTC



2020-12-08 08:21:30 UTC

Lol so anyone who improves on an invention becomes the inventor.

2020-12-08 08:21:31 UTC


2020-12-08 08:22:17 UTC

No just if theyโ€™re gay or black

2020-12-08 08:23:38 UTC

yeah because screw minorities

2020-12-08 08:23:46 UTC

if they did a good, no theyn didnt

2020-12-08 08:25:31 UTC

No, it's a totally different thing to say "this person can be attributed to this invention" when all they did was improve on it. He patented the carbon filament ***not*** the lightbulb. To try and say thomas edison didn't invent the lightbulb is an absolute piss take.

2020-12-08 08:28:43 UTC

You could argue and say it was Joseph Swan or even Humphry Davy who really invented the light bulb yet these are men who actually made something akin to the incandescent lightbulb but to say the man who patented the carbon filament, an improvement for a pre-existing invention, is the one who invented it?

2020-12-08 08:29:30 UTC

That's like saying the man who invented grease or oil for playground slides invented the slide because he improved upon them.

2020-12-08 08:31:19 UTC

Monark thatโ€™s one of the most retarded things Iโ€™ve heard

2020-12-08 08:32:18 UTC

Many blacks have contributed greatly, and Latimer contributed but he certainly wasnโ€™t necessary

2020-12-08 08:33:55 UTC

Who do you attribute with the cure for polio Jonas Salk or his lab assistant

2020-12-08 08:35:28 UTC

The reason you don't learn about Lewis Latimer in school is because, in the grand scheme of things, he is a tiny blip on the history radar. Thomas Edison is taught because the light bulb was a life changing invention, regardless of who improved on it.

2020-12-08 08:35:52 UTC

Edison also has hundreds upon hundred of inventions

2020-12-08 08:36:20 UTC

Many of which arent even mentioned in schools because they're irrelevant in the grand scheme of history.

2020-12-08 08:36:22 UTC

That he actually did solely invent only in his old age did he enlist new inventors for his inventions

2020-12-08 08:36:54 UTC

I mean phonograph is cool

2020-12-08 08:37:05 UTC

Movie camera

2020-12-08 08:37:23 UTC

First viable projector

2020-12-08 08:37:49 UTC

Man was pretty awesome too bad he fucked over others in his spare time

2020-12-08 08:37:57 UTC

It's why you really only learn about Bell's telephone invention despite him also inventing plenty of things. Schools touch on other inventions but it's the major, life altering inventions that get the most attention in education.

2020-12-08 08:38:33 UTC

If educators had to mention every single invention and improvement to said inventions, you would probably grow old and die on school.

2020-12-08 08:38:37 UTC

Honestly government needs to get out of education in the way they are

2020-12-08 08:39:19 UTC

Since the education departments founding in 1979 we dropped significantly in education

2020-12-08 08:39:36 UTC

Plus the addition of common core in recent years

2020-12-08 08:39:41 UTC

What a shit show that is

2020-12-08 08:40:45 UTC

I don't think education should be privatized but at least let local or state governments handle it

2020-12-08 08:41:22 UTC

I believe privatized schooling with limited government interference is also one of the best ways to handle it

2020-12-08 08:41:48 UTC

Colleges only became as bad as they are now due to privatized business being able to take advantage of the government

2020-12-08 08:41:55 UTC

I'm opposed to privatized schooling for the sole reason that it's the easiest way to push an agenda

2020-12-08 08:42:11 UTC

Colleges being a fantastic example

2020-12-08 08:42:44 UTC

I think states should regulate curriculum, but I also think that private schooling is important

2020-12-08 08:44:05 UTC

I mean Iโ€™m becoming a realtor for the soul reason schools suck and they donโ€™t allow me freedom

2020-12-08 08:44:15 UTC

Financially or career wise

2020-12-08 08:44:54 UTC

Our education system is fucked

2020-12-08 18:09:13 UTC

sorry i say very dumbass stuff when im tired af and barely concious

2020-12-08 20:56:15 UTC


2020-12-09 04:13:12 UTC

I don't like the idea of regulating curriculum

2020-12-09 04:13:31 UTC

Less regulations. More freedoms

2020-12-09 04:33:32 UTC

^It winds up in teachers teaching to the tests. I know Iโ€™m going to catch hell for saying this cause this opinion is unpopular asf....
The best way to ensure public education is of quality is having its employees more accountable for their work. After teachers get tenure they are nearly impossible to fire. This drives down competition and allows them to coast rather than put in maximum effort. Yes I get students may not all learn at equal rates and that could reflect poorly on a teacher... but why not just accept this for new teachers and hold a record of longer history accountable? History meaning taking into account the location and performance of other educators in that environment. Also public education is not underfunded but mis-allocated. Superintendents make like 10 salaries worth of a teacher, yet are incredibly less impactful on the quality of learning of the actual student. Overfunded school bureaucracy leads to top down fund allocation that doesnt help learning. If that funding for a superintendent was distributed to the teachers, there would be much more incentive to be a teacher and perform well while less need for anti-productive incentives like tenure.

2020-12-09 10:12:40 UTC


2020-12-12 02:12:36 UTC

oops posted in wrong channel, im in voice chat if anyone wants to talk about the scotus ruling

2020-12-17 14:53:03 UTC

Whoโ€™s ready for another go at constant war and higher and higher taxes

2020-12-17 14:54:07 UTC

I hate what our once beautiful nation has become, a bunch of idiots who think because Biden says he wonโ€™t tax the middle class or lower class means he wonโ€™t.

2020-12-17 14:54:41 UTC

I blame the faulty education system which teaches false ideals to impressionable children

2020-12-17 14:54:57 UTC

That breed our modern form of stupidity

2020-12-17 14:56:18 UTC

Iโ€™m truly worried weโ€™re down our darkest path, one of a career politician bending the United States over to be fucked by the world

2020-12-17 14:57:06 UTC

Trump gave hope, Biden gives fear and treachery

2020-12-19 19:53:00 UTC

There aren't many free thinkers left in our world

2020-12-19 20:00:41 UTC

Too many people just repeat the same shit they hear on tv or see on facebook/twitter

2020-12-20 01:39:43 UTC

bro? lmfaoooo

2020-12-20 01:55:48 UTC

Someoneโ€™s a traitor

2020-12-20 01:55:57 UTC

And an idiot

2020-12-20 04:43:52 UTC
2020-12-20 04:45:30 UTC

Let me guess Democrat

2020-12-20 04:46:47 UTC


2020-12-20 04:47:07 UTC


2020-12-20 04:47:21 UTC


2020-12-20 04:47:45 UTC

You support the subjugation of the American people by corporations and foreign nations.

2020-12-20 04:48:07 UTC

you don't even know the specifications of my beliefs and you are already making accusations

2020-12-20 04:48:10 UTC

thats tuff bro

2020-12-20 04:48:35 UTC

You support the democrats and that says enough

2020-12-20 04:48:43 UTC


2020-12-20 04:48:47 UTC

biden is much better than trump

2020-12-20 04:48:57 UTC

Whyโ€™s that?

2020-12-20 04:49:55 UTC

1. covid plan
2. tax plan
3. believes in science
4. pays attention to minorities and lgbtq

2020-12-20 04:50:05 UTC

for me its mainly #3 tho

2020-12-20 04:52:14 UTC

1.Same plan as Trump 2.Will cost Americans far more than what they pay now, and his plan includes restricting the market to the point where small companies canโ€™t compete.
3.Doesnโ€™t give a shit about science just whatever his superiors tell him 4.Doesnโ€™t give a damn about either, minorities donโ€™t need any attention and fuck the lgbtq dumbasses

2020-12-20 04:53:09 UTC

What we need to do is get rid of welfare and prevent dependence on the state, offer chances for success if you donโ€™t take them you deserve to starve.

2020-12-20 04:53:53 UTC

1. trump doesnt even have a covid plan have you seen his rallies
2. no he is only raising taxes on people making $400k+
3. LMAO quote from donald "science doesnt know" Biden already said he will have scientists leading the covid team and focus on climate change which trump doesnt even believe in
4. fuck the lgbtq dumbasses? wow thats a bit harsh sir

2020-12-20 04:54:10 UTC

what about the people that are working 3 jobs that cant provide for their family

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