Discord ID: 749525495539957771

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I need help making a video

Iโ€™d post what I got, but I canโ€™t uh so itโ€™s like a song collage

Conspiracy type compilation

But I need help finding good images

Voter fraud and pedo ring mostly

Also the downfall of America through manipulation

China Iran all that good stuff

Itโ€™s to the sound of Underground by Tom Waits

I didnโ€™t leave

He was executed

Also photo wise I want a more serious tone not too much on the meme side of things

Alrighty thanks

I put it on there, but itโ€™s Tom Waits

Iโ€™m just gunna ask nicely to not take it down

It has a good beat and it fits with the video

It was in a movie called Robots with Robin Williams

Bing time


Look at this propaganda they released

No just if theyโ€™re gay or black

Monark thatโ€™s one of the most retarded things Iโ€™ve heard

Many blacks have contributed greatly, and Latimer contributed but he certainly wasnโ€™t necessary

Who do you attribute with the cure for polio Jonas Salk or his lab assistant

Edison also has hundreds upon hundred of inventions

That he actually did solely invent only in his old age did he enlist new inventors for his inventions

I mean phonograph is cool

Movie camera

First viable projector

Man was pretty awesome too bad he fucked over others in his spare time

Honestly government needs to get out of education in the way they are

Since the education departments founding in 1979 we dropped significantly in education

I believe privatized schooling with limited government interference is also one of the best ways to handle it

Colleges only became as bad as they are now due to privatized business being able to take advantage of the government

I think states should regulate curriculum, but I also think that private schooling is important

I mean Iโ€™m becoming a realtor for the soul reason schools suck and they donโ€™t allow me freedom

Financially or career wise

Our education system is fucked


This is the truth

Trannies donโ€™t deserve to be in normal society

I think there was more than that

Maybe they should be in the disabled olympics

I love that science hasnโ€™t even reached the point of changing peoples genders but, โ€œif I cross dress and say Iโ€™m something it means Iโ€™m that thingโ€

What time zone you in


Whoโ€™s ready for another go at constant war and higher and higher taxes

I hate what our once beautiful nation has become, a bunch of idiots who think because Biden says he wonโ€™t tax the middle class or lower class means he wonโ€™t.

I blame the faulty education system which teaches false ideals to impressionable children

That breed our modern form of stupidity

Iโ€™m truly worried weโ€™re down our darkest path, one of a career politician bending the United States over to be fucked by the world

Trump gave hope, Biden gives fear and treachery

Someoneโ€™s a traitor

And an idiot

Let me guess Democrat

You support the subjugation of the American people by corporations and foreign nations.

You support the democrats and that says enough

Whyโ€™s that?

1.Same plan as Trump 2.Will cost Americans far more than what they pay now, and his plan includes restricting the market to the point where small companies canโ€™t compete.
3.Doesnโ€™t give a shit about science just whatever his superiors tell him 4.Doesnโ€™t give a damn about either, minorities donโ€™t need any attention and fuck the lgbtq dumbasses

What we need to do is get rid of welfare and prevent dependence on the state, offer chances for success if you donโ€™t take them you deserve to starve.

If they canโ€™t maintain themselves yes

Shouldnโ€™t fuck like rabbits

If you canโ€™t sustain yourself, but have children you donโ€™t deserve the children

Also if you know anything youโ€™d know you canโ€™t just use taxes like that, trickle down economics only work in the reverse

I donโ€™t feel like talking details specifically and this article sums up what will happen fairly well

Well man Iโ€™ll say Iโ€™m sorry, normally I listen to others opinion before going at their throat. This year just made my blood boil that most who voted Biden did it to spite Trump, and have no idea the ramifications of a Biden presidency

How I see it is the American people are being traded away to foreign states. Biden wants leniency on China which will once again force away many US jobs, and allow for further Chinese supremacy in our markets. I donโ€™t think the United States should be focused on something as trivial as the respect of foreign nations who have taken advantage of us for 40 years. Trumps deregulation of certain sectors has allowed further diversity within the market and has lowered the power of major corporations over said sectors. While he offers tax breaks often times said tax breaks encourage growth in stagnant areas. Our medical costs have only been as expensive as they are due to the limiting of the medical market allowing companies to raise the price far past the actual value. Democrats have almost every major corporation backing them as well as the entertainment industry and the media behind them. These companies only support the dems due to the regulations they propose which will allow the further growth of said major companies.

I donโ€™t like how crass Trump is and he can certainly be a jackass, but as far as Iโ€™m concerned heโ€™s the best option because he has moved to prevent monopolies and foreign control over the nation.

A friend of mine just killed himself a few days ago due to not being able to support himself, the lockdown kills

Dems think of the simplest solution and then act like itโ€™s the best, Trump informed all the states who would be impacted and left the decision up to them. If he had used his power to shut down the nation the economy wouldโ€™ve crumbled faster and they would brand him as a tyrant. Thereโ€™s no winning with the left

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